―― 私の過失、または、悪意で、地図を改竄(かいざん)してしてしまったらどうするんだ?

Open Street Map(以下OSMといいます)とは、「自由に利用でき、なおかつ編集機能のある世界地図を作る共同作業プロジェクト」のことです。

Open Street Map (OSM) is a collaborative project to create a freely available, yet editable, map of the world.


In general, it is often used to mean a map information file named "xxxxxx.osm" file.


These oms files are very helpful for researchers who are working on map-based traffic simulations.


However, OSM's maps are made with the cooperation of people from all over the world, and in the first place, maps are always expanding and changing.


There is no such thing as a "perfect map.


Especially when using oms files in my own research, I may want to modify the map information correctly if necessary.



That's why I've been trying to edit the OSM map since this morning.


The following is a map of the grounds of Yokohama National University, which I have just added to the map because it did not include a "car road".

なぜ、私が大学キャンパスの道を知っているのか ―― そりゃもう、このキャンパスの中を、何百回、自動車と足で走り回り、GPSロガーでデータを取りまくったことか、分かりません ―― 仕事(屋外実証実験)で。

How do I know my way around a university campus? Well, I can't tell you how many times I've driven around this campus by car and foot, taking data with my GPS logger for my work (field demonstration).



By the way, I was stunned to see that this correction of mine this morning was registered in the OSM Map Information with the click of a button.


After the revision, the map I described will be reflected all over the world.

―― 私の過失、または、悪意で、地図を改竄(かいざん)してしてしまったらどうするんだ?

"What if the map is tampered with due to my negligence or malicious intent?"


I came to feel quite uneasy.


After all, this is my first trial with this modification.

そのような場合でも、多分、『だれかが私の改竄を修正する』、そして、『私が間違いを続ければ、私をOSMメンバから除名する』と期待しているのですが ――

Even in that case, I'm hoping that maybe "someone will correct my falsification" and "if I continue to be wrong, they will expel me from OSM membership" -- but I'm not sure.


Anyway, I really feel that "a collaborative project to create a freely available, yet editable world map" is a great idea.



Step.1 https://www.openstreetmap.org/ から、「ユーザ登録」

Step.2 ユーザ登録します。


