

I'm wondering idly if some publisher will plan a remake of Jun Mihara's "Hamidashidakko" to suit the current environment and historical background.

―― 江端家のトイレライブラリの書架にある「はみだしっ子」が、娘たちに貸出された形跡がない

"There is no evidence my daughters have read "Hamidashikko" on the shelf in the Ebata family's restroom library"


I was very disappointed with that.


The pictures and dialogue may be a bit harsh for my daughter's generation today.



I believe Graham was partly responsible for my interest for the legal field (although it is special civil law (IP law)).


Without Graham, I would not have purchased the book on the Nuremberg Trials or the DVD on the Tokyo Trials.




Currently, there is a trend toward easing up on the wearing of masks.


The recent weakening of the coronavirus is the reason for this, but it was mass vaccination that led to the weakening.


(1) Vaccination.


(2) Virus escapes by mutant strains


(3) Drive in the next vaccination.


(4) The virus escapes as changing another variant.


This is the reason why the virus has reached a level where it can coexist with humans (to the extent that humans are willing to take off their masks) by repeating the same process over and over again.


The reason why we have had and must continue to have a series of vaccinations is to continue to weaken the virus and coexist with it.

―― という説明は、あまりされていないような気がします。

I don't think this has been explained very well.

だから、『一体、何回接種すればいいんだ!』とキレている人が散見されますが、その答えは、最初から明快です ―― 「エンドレス」です。

So, I see a lot of people snapping, "How many inoculations do I have to get?!" ' but the answer is clear from the start -- 'endless.


This endless vaccination may further weaken the virus and eventually drive them (the virus) to the point where they only need to be given once a year, similar to the flu vaccine.


After all, we humans cannot "win" the virus (*). The limit is "not completely defeated.


(*) Smallpox is the only infectious disease that humans have been able to eradicate.



By the way, I hear that "not taking off the mask" is now a problem.


Today, I would like to discuss this a bit.


It is already clear at this point that masks are effective in preventing infection, isn't it?


The reason for this is very clear.


The virus is small and passes through the mask lightly.


However, the majority of viruses are carried by droplets (spit).


And masks can prevent "droplets".


And the virus must be carried in a "certain amount" to be successfully transmitted.


In other words, when you are wearing a mask, you are safer and more secure in conversation than when you are not wearing a mask.


So it is only natural that 'wearing a mask during face-to-face conversations' is recommended.



It is reasonable that there was 'mandatory/enforced mask wearing' when the coronavirus was at its initial scary level of mortality.


However, even with the current virus, which has decreased the mortality rate, wearing a mask is not "meaningless.


Therefore, I do not understand the logic of condemning, if not thanking, "people wearing masks".



First, I will write down the usefulness of wearing a mask as it pertains to me personally.


(1) Although weakened, it is still preventing corona infection.


(2) It is also true that seasonal influenza infection is prevented


(3) I don't have to directly inhale the recently cooled air.


(4) I don't have to worry (to some extent) about bad breath on the train after eating Ramen with garlic.


For me, they are all good.


To begin with, I am a hay fever sufferer and cannot do without a mask from January to April.


Regardless of Corona virus, I have always lived with the mask for 1/3 of the year.


I naturally remove them when I feel a lack of oxygen, such as when I am walking up a long hill, and I also remove them when I am immersed in computer work. When I am alone in my room, I naturally remove them.


My putting on/taking off the mask is in consideration of my benefits, and also should be a benefit to society (or at least not a disadvantage).



On the other hand, it also seems certain that there are disadvantages to continuous mask wearing.


In that sense, "unthinking 'mask faith'" is not good.


My recommendation is to "operate mask use according to your situation".


Its operation, though, requires a somewhat cumbersome process of "judging it in your own mind from a scientific point of view," after listening to government recommendations and the opinions of various people.



I am sorry if you were offended by Ebata's "uncomfortable and righteous argument" again.


However, I also have been sufficiently offended by the "need for masks" and "no masks" arguments without logic, so I think it is almost "even".


The target audiences of this primer are researchers and practitioners in the interdisciplinary fields of
transportation, who are specialized or interested in social science models, behavioral models, activitybased
travel demand models, lane use models, route choice models, human factors, and artificial
intelligence with applications in transportation.


  ← (見えないけど)半角のスペースが入っている。これで行末に" "'(半角スペース)が入る


M-x replace-string C-q C-j (改行) (改行)


The target audiences of this primer are researchers and practitioners in the interdisciplinary fields of transportation, who are specialized or interested in social science models, behavioral models, activitybased travel demand models, lane use models, route choice models, human factors, and artificial intelligence with applications in transportation.

タブ C-q C-i
改行 C-q C-j




Suddenly, I remembered a story from when my oldest daughter was in high school.



Eldest: "All boys like mature girls with long hair, don't they?"


Me: "I think short hair is supreme for girls, and I've always liked girls who were running around at all hours of the day!"


Eldest: "Boys want a girl with a cute little chuckle, don't they?"


Me: "It was even 'painful' to be with a girl who couldn't even come up with her own conversation topics."


Eldest: "Maybe you are just special."


Me: "I don't deny it, but I think there's a little more diversity in men's preferences for the opposite sex."



There is one of the girls' assumptions that some boys laugh at each other after a fistfight on a riverbank.

―― 締切を守らないマンガ家は、いずれ捨てられます。


Such a guy doesn't exist, and if existed, he is a sorry person who has damaged part or all of his brain.



Recently, there have been articles that discuss the superiority of programming languages, but every time I see an article like this, I think

―― 本当にバカバカしい

"Really Ridiculous"



There was a German philosopher (I forget his name) who said, "If you want to discuss philosophy, you must speak German," and he was ridiculed around the world.


It is similar to that feeling.



If you are in a country, it is a civilized manner to speak in the language of that country.


A person who rejects a language because it is inefficient or difficult to use is a "barbarian". At the very least, he is not a civilized person.


Likewise, if you are in that company, organization, or team, it is good manners to use the programming language used there.


This is because the languages used there have a vast amount of assets (libraries, environment, etc.) that have been accumulated there.




Programming language is a kind of religion.


If you have a language you believe in, you should do proper missionary work.

改宗した場合のメリットを、ちゃんと定量的に評価して、客観的に示して、時々は社内工作もして ―― たまに「殉教」する覚悟も必要です。

You need to properly and objectively evaluate and show the benefits of conversion, quantitatively, and sometimes internal maneuvering -- and be prepared to be a "martyr" from time to time.

そうして、自分の都合の良い開発環境に持ち込むのが筋です ―― ラクをしてはなりません。

It makes sense to do so and bring it into a development environment that is convenient for you -- don't be easy.



When I read "articles discussing the superiority or inferiority of programming languages," I am dismayed at the shallowness of the author's perspective and insight.


New features called "advantages" of a programming language are accompanied by "disadvantages" of the same magnitude as the advantages.


I can say this with confidence, having tried more than 20 languages.


I would be able to respond to both 'disingenuous, with the disadvantages of this language' and 'write a column with the advantages of this language'.



But if I can make "money", I'm willing to go that way, too.

―― 自分の推しのプログラム言語のコラムをご希望の方。いつでもお仕事お引き受けします。

"If you would like a column in a programming language of your own guess. I am always happy to accept your requests"


I will also provide an appendix titled, "Defeating Programming Languages You Want to Disrespect".



It seems that a minister was recently removed from office after making some rather unremarkable comments about the death penalty.


I once heard the Minister of Justice say, 'I want you to consider the automation (algorithm) of executions'.


I was thinking about the weight of the responsibility of the Minister of Justice, but after hearing these comments, I am not sure.

―― どっちが正解?(またはマジョリティ?)

"Which is correct? (or Majority?)"





「行政と法律と裁判と三権分立を前提に、正義と人権を守るヒーロー戦隊 『インテリゲンチャー』」


If the Minister of Justice is not too distressed, I feel like an idiot for having given this a lot of thought.



I believe that the death penalty is the greatest torture of all, because 'the date of its execution has not been fixed', more than the penalty.


In other words, the essence is in the daily fear that 'tomorrow, I might be killed,'

死刑が執行されるまで毎日続く精神的拷問です ―― 私なら、その恐怖で発狂する、と確信できます。

It is a mental torture that continues every day until the death penalty is carried out -- If I were, I would go insane from the fear,


After all, I am such a weaker that even homework due dates and program deadlines make me lose my weight.


The mere thought of "my life's delivery date" is enough to drive me crazy.


I do not know if this fear is even with the amount of punishment.


However, it is important to remember that the death penalty is not only a "death penalty" but also a set of "daily horrors leading up to the death penalty".



My recent interest is in the mental health of those on death row.


They are likely to be very serious mental conditions, and they have no method to remove the reason(final death sentence) except for an appeal for retrial.


I am very interested in how to do mental support for people in these situations.


If anyone knows anything about this, please let me know.



I do not broadcast information on social networking sites, nor do I post on message boards.

―― お前の食う飯なんぞ、知ったことか


I only write my opinions on my blog and in my serial columns.

ですので、私と同性同名で、掲示板の書き込みがあったとしたら、それは、同性同名の別人です ―― かなりレアケースだと思いますが。

So, if there is a post on the board with the same name as mine, it is a different person with the same name -- which I think is a pretty rare case.


To begin with, "Ebata" as a last name, is not so many, therefore I had been involved in such an accident.



There are some methods to distinguish me with the person with the same name.


(1)My comments are long.


If you find a comment with one word or one phrase, it is not mine.


(2)My comments are argumentative.


I have an obsession with 'if I can't argue logically, I will lose'.


(3)My counter-comments are twisted.


I never use dirty words directly.


I have an (useless) paranoia with 'I will be thought to be stupid(igrorand)'.

―― というような、(無駄に冗長な)書き方をしている"江端智一"なら、それは「私」です。

Like the above, if you find the comments in a (useless and redundant) way, they are mine.



Believe it or not, there were no TV program recording devices in the past.


In other words, TV broadcasts were only available for real-time, one-shot viewing, and moreover, "one TV per family" was the norm.


So what happened was,

―― チャンネル争いで殺人事件が起こりました

"Channel disputes led to murders"


Many were within families (especially among teenages).



With video recorders, HDD recorders, and smartphones, the concept of "channel disputes" has disappeared, but at the same time, the culture of "sharing content with family members" has also disappeared.


In my case, watching the NHK news every morning or evening and watching NHK's historical dramas are habits I inherited from my father and mother.


Unfortunately, however, this custom is likely to disappear in my generation.


Well, to begin with, family meals disappeared after our second daughter graduated from high school.


Now I don't know what my children are doing or where they are doing it.



I believe that a family is a loosely autonomous decentralized system that can rally for one purpose or disperse for another, so "this" is fine.


Children must jump on the current family as a springboard to create another new autonomous decentralized system (family).


And I, as a component of the present last system, must live and die in solitude, alone, after separating from my partner.


I believe that only those who are prepared to do so are qualified to be called "parents".




家族を絶対的な価値と考える「統一教会」とか、家族至上主義を唱えていた「故元首相」とか、現在の家族の態様と乖離している「サザエさん」などは ――

The "Unification Church," which considers the family as an absolute value, the "late former prime minister," who advocated family supremacy, and "Sazae-san," which is out of touch with the current family style


are not accepted by me ABSOLUTELY.


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var s []int

	// append works on nil slices.
	s = append(s, 0)

	// The slice grows as needed.
	s = append(s, 1)

	// We can add more than one element at a time.
	s = append(s, 2, 3, 4)

func printSlice(s []int) {
	fmt.Printf("len=%d cap=%d %v\n", len(s), cap(s), s)


// 後半部の処理
					sliceX1 = sliceZ[0]
					base_a = sliceZ[0][i]

					sliceX2 = append(sliceX1[:i], sliceX1[i+1:]...) // i番目の要素を削除

					//fmt.Println("A:sliceX2:", sliceX2[0:10], sliceX2[10:20], sliceX2[20:30], sliceX2[30:90])

					sliceX2 = append(sliceX2[:31], sliceX2[30:]...) // i番目の要素を先頭に挿入
					//fmt.Println("B:sliceX2:", sliceX2[0:10], sliceX2[10:20], sliceX2[20:30], sliceX2[30:90])

					sliceX2[30] = base_a
					//fmt.Println("C:sliceX2:", sliceX2[0:10], sliceX2[10:20], sliceX2[20:30], sliceX2[30:90])

					sliceZ[0] = sliceX2

					//fmt.Println("D:", sliceZ[0][0:10], sliceZ[0][10:20], sliceZ[0][20:30], sliceZ[0][30:90])



I continue to the yesterday's diary of

『NHKのドキュメンタリー 『エラー 失敗の法則 「人災 ハリケーン カトリーナ」』を見ました』

I watched the NHK documentary "Error: The Law of Failure - Man-made Disaster Hurricane Katrina".





What I found interesting about this program was the room of the five talk guests who participated remotely.

# ちなみに、『リモート参加されている方がパソコンに向かっている映像が映し出されている』ということは、

# Incidentally, I was thinking that the fact that "the images of the remote participants are being projected on a computer" means that

# その5人の方の部屋のそれぞれに、『最低1人、カメラを携えた番組スタッフが、録画の為にオフィスや研究室や御自宅に訪問している』ということだよなぁ、

# "at least one staff member with a camera is visiting the office, laboratory, or home of each of the five participants to record the program"

# てなことを考えていたのですが ―― まあ、それはさておき。

# -- well, let's leave that aside.



In the room for those five guest talkers,


(1) Surrounded by beautiful and stylish interior design.


(2) Only one laptop computer is being used.


(3) A large number of books are neatly categorized and displayed on the shelves.


I thought that "the above (1), (2), and (3) are, impossible and extraordinary".

―― 研究者の居所って、"こう"じゃない

These are not the researchers' places of residence.




For example, in my room,


(A) the bed couch is leaning against a bookcase,


(B) On the couch, a pile of nightgowns curled up like cow dung,


(c) Various documents are piled up in a mess on the desk.


(D) USB cables are coming out of the electrical outlets in a mess, and there are five or six devices or tablets connected to the end of the cables.


(e) Numerous notes are pasted on the wall in a messy manner.



This is the truth of the researcher's place and I am proud to be one of them.



But if I invite the film crew into my room now, I also think


"My enraged wife could kill me"
