

I don't like to ride the Ferris wheel. It's scary. I don't like "Viking" either.


On the other hand, "roller coasters," "water rides," "free falls," and "spinning swings" are fine.


The difference between the two types is that the former is caused by a failure of the drive system or the electrical system, which may cause the vehicle to stop in an intermediate state, making it difficult to rescue, and the state may last for a long time.


In comparison, the latter, even if these failures occur, may basically stop or return to its initial state due to the effects of gravitational fall, or may be able to return to its state by walking on its own.


In short,

―― 駆動系や電気系の『脆さ』をよく知っているから、心底から『怖い』

"I know very well the 'fragility' of the drive and electrical systems, and I am deeply 'afraid' of them"



In fact, ski lifts are the "worst".


If a direct earthquake strikes while I am riding the lift, and the power supply stops, the lift will not move at all.


Maybe there is a massive avalanche on the ski slopes and many skiers are buried alive.


The rescue team cannot even know where the people are buried, and the night is coming.

氷点下の夜の中で、リフトの上で、私も凍死死体となっている ―― そんなオチになっていると思います。

In the middle of the night, in the sub-zero temperatures, on the lift, I'm also a frozen corpse -- I think that's the end of the story.



"The easiest way to escape from fear is to do nothing.


Don't ride amusement rides, don't go skiing. This is the best solution.


"It's fun," or, "You're overthinking it," which, frankly, is none of my business.


You will 'enjoy' yourselves and 'die' at your own risk.

―― 私を巻き込むな

"Don't drag me into your side."



Now I am thinking of various use cases like the above to approach the psychology of people who keep refusing to be vaccinated against new coronas.

「無責任である」とか、「科学的な理解が乏しい」とか批難するのではなく、あるいは、ワクチンの安全性や有用性を理解してもらいたいわけでもなく ――

I'm not trying to criticize them for being "irresponsible" or "lacking in scientific understanding," or I don't want them to understand the safety and usefulness of vaccines,


I want to know what goes through the minds of those who continue to refuse to be vaccinated against the new coronas. I want to feel relieved. I want to find peace of mind.


Because what I don't know is terribly scary.


(The above is a pastiche of episode 8 of the second season of the anime "my youth romance comedy is wrong as I expected" )



Now, it's the weekend.


Weekend engineer & researcher & writer will be activated.



In 2018, there was an incident called the "South Korean Navy Radar Irradiation Issue".(Note: however, that this is the name as seen from the Japanese government's perspective.)


This issue between the Japanese and South Korean governments stemmed from the Japanese government's protest that a South Korean Navy destroyer irradiated a Maritime Self-Defense Force patrol plane with a fire control radar (a radar used in the fire command system).


The term "radar irradiation" is synonymous with "missile lock-on," and is considered a de facto military action.


The governments of the two countries are in direct conflict with each other.


The fact that this issue has not been revisited now suggests that the two governments have either found a suitable "compromise" or have decided to "let it go", or something along those lines.


As a private citizen, I have no way of knowing the facts about this issue.


Well, I also have a lot of new problems that keep coming up, and each time they do, my mind overwrites them and I forget more and more of the old cases.

世の中には、ウヤムヤにした方が良いこともあります ―― というか、『世の中は、ウヤムヤだけででている』といってもいいくらいです。

There are some things in the world that are better left undone -- or rather, you could say that the world is made up of nothing but undone things.



Today, I found a content that well explains what the Japanese government calls "the South Korean Navy radar irradiation problem" (jump to Youtube).


This "radar irradiation" means as same the following


The citizens of Machida City


In Tama City, which is the exclusive economic zone of Machida City,


by the citizen of Yokohama City


is going to be grabbed the chest with be said "I'm going to hit you now"



―― なるほど。この問題、絶対にウヤムヤにしてはならない

"I see. We must not let this issue go unanswered."


I realized once again the seriousness of this problem.


衆院選が、今月19日公示 31日投開票となるようです。

The House of Representatives election is scheduled to be announced on the 19th of this month and the vote will be held on the 31st.


I've introduced this video clip a few times, but I liked it so much that I dictated it this time (jump to YouTube).

===== ここから =====

===== from here =====


Many people say that my story doesn't make sense, but it is Junichiro Koizumi.

今日は何の集まりかは知りませんが ―― おめでとう! がんばって!

I don't know what kind of gathering you're having today, but-- Congratulations! Good luck!


No, I'm glad we won. Yes, the LDP won handily.


I was wondering if it would be an overwhelming victory, and it was an overwhelming victory.


Well, I'd like to ask you guys... Which is better, a cab that doesn't know the way and wanders around and doesn't go to its destination, or a cab that speeds but goes to its destination?


Well, we'd rather have a cab that speeds.


Well, I guess that's the people's answer.

「迷走する民主」より「暴走する自民」の方がいい、というねえ ―― それが選挙の結果だったんだんだよね。

The LDP that run out of control, is better than the Democrat that takes a weaving course. That was the result of the election, right?


Abe, you can do anything you want, from now on.


But last year's general election was a little different, and I couldn't predict what would happen.


There were a lot of people who didn't know where to vote.


"I'm sick of the LDP"


"I'm disappointed with the Democrats"


"The other parties are also fishy."


To put it another way, it was an election, like which is better, "robbery", "fraud" or "pickpocketing".


The election was not about "where is better," but about "where would cause less damage."

===== ここまで =====

===== to here =====


I think this election is also an election to think about where the damage (from Corona) will be less.


It may not be possible to say that the current government and ruling party have always taken the best measures, but it is true that they have a "track record" of almost two years of measures against new coronas.


In contrast, the opposition parties, at this stage, have not even produced a draft of the "Basic Strategic Plan for Counter-New Coronas.


If they're going to insist on calling this a draft, I'm going to be pissed.

あと、野党の名称 + "コロナ対策"で、ググってみたのですが、これまでの政府の政策の丸パクリとしか思えません。

Also, I googled the name of the opposition party + "corona measures," and all I got was a copy and paste of the current government policies so far.


They only strengthened my mindset that "I don't need to change the government if this is the case".


It takes a lot of courage for me to entrust the task of dealing with the new corona to opposition parties that have done nothing but criticize the current government from behind for the past two years.



This time, I'm taking it more seriously than I did in 2013 (when the above content was released).

―― 「どこがいい」ではなくて、「どこだと被害が少ないか」を考える選挙

The election will not about "where is better," but about "where would cause less damage."


I believe that.


After all, my life is at stake.



The awarding of the Nobel Prize in Physics to Dr. Yoshiro Manabe came as a bit of a shock to me.

―― 数理モデル + シミュレーション でのノーベル"物理学"賞が来たーーーー!!

"The Nobel Prize in Physics for mathematical modeling and simulation is here!"


『ふっ、ようやく、私の時代が来たか・・・』 と、しみじみと感にいっています。

"Finally, my time has come..."。I'm really impressed.


Well, I might be wrong about two things.

1つ目は、"数理モデル + シミュレーション"のよる"ノーベル賞"は、過去にあったかもしれません。私の無知を笑って頂いた上で、ご教示頂けましたら幸いです。

The first is that there may have been a "Nobel Prize" in the past for "mathematical modeling + simulation". I hope you will laugh at my ignorance and let me know.


The second point is, "The mathematical model that Ebata has been working on is this story about 'overtime work' and 'dieting'? You may be taken aback.


Aside from that.



My own understanding of the significance of Dr. Yoshiro Manabe's Nobel Prize in Physics is as follows.


A complete analysis of global warming is logically possible if you have a computer that can perform infinite calculations at very high speed.


It's called Laplace's Demon.


Global warming does not need to be considered at the level of quantum mechanics, so it is not impossible to achieve Laplace's Demon by force.


However, if we were to do this seriously, it would take a supercomputer 100 years to complete the analysis of atmospheric changes in 1 second (this 100 years could be 1 million years or 10 billion years).


Therefore, in order to perform realistic calculations on a computer, "modeling" is inevitably necessary.


For example, if the modeling can be this simple, it can be calculated in Excel.


However, this modeling is 'deadly difficult'.


First of all, the modeling must not be inconsistent logically (or mathematically) , and it must not deviate from real world phenomena.


And the object is the Earth, the largest object in the world.


So, the significance of this "modeling" is huge for humanity.


Without Dr. Manabe's model, the IPCC would not have moved even a millimeter.


これまで、ノーベル物理学賞といえば、大型ハドロン衝突型加速器のような粒子加速器とか、青色発光ダイオードとか、スーパーカミオカンデによる宇宙ニュートリノの検出、のような ――

Up until now, the Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded for particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider, blue light-emitting diodes, the detection of cosmic neutrinos by the Super-Kamiokande, and so on.


My image was "they need a big piece of hardware".

ですから、「モデル化 + シミュレーション」での受賞というのが、我が事のように嬉しいのです。

Therefore, I am very happy to receive the award for "Modeling + Simulation" as if it were my own.



I am, however, an engineer who "tried and failed to model the IPCC on my home PC.


The above story is about "Ebata who thinks he knows what he's talking about. I will ask that you please take these into consideration.



SELECT seq, edge, b.the_geom AS "the_geom" FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM ways', 5, 11) a INNER JOIN ways b ON (a.edge = b.gid) ORDER BY seq;



SELECT seq, edge, b.the_geom AS "the_geom" FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id, source, target, cost FROM ways', 5, 11) a INNER JOIN ways b ON (a.edge = b.gid) ORDER BY seq;








When I read the free version of the manga "Blue Period," I thought to myself, 'I haven't read anything that good in a long time.

高校で美術部部長をしていた次女に、『「ブルーピリオド」って知っているか』と尋ねたら、『フッ』という顔をされました ――

When I asked my daughter, who was the head of the art club in high school, "Do you know "Blue period?", she gave me a disappointed look.


She had a look on her face that said, "Who are you asking?"


We are not supposed to pre-record anime in our house, but I did pre-order "Blue Period".


After watching the first episode, my whole family (including my wife) unanimously decided to continue watching.



I am also manufacturing (x-creating) my own illustrations, using computers and "engineering methods".

ですので、自分の頭の中のイメージを、2次元空間に展開する難しさは ―― まあ、絵画で生きている人の1/100~1/1000くらいは、共感できると信じています。

So I believe I can relate to the difficulty of developing the image in my mind into a two-dimensional space -- well, at least 1/100 to 1/1000 of those who live by painting.



When I finish an illustration, I send it to my family on LINE, they said,


"Your skills have improved"


However, they have never said to me,


"You're getting better at drawing.






Make sure to keep friendships where you can greet each other in the morning.


Otherwise, the cause of the missing emails could be


(1) Is the failure of the (e-mail) system the cause?


(2) Is it because of my friendships?


you can't isolate the cause of the problem.

『コールセンタまでもが、私(江端)の電話の着信拒否をしているのではないか』と、被害妄想が拡大すること ―― 受け合います。

The paranoia of "Isn't even the call center blocking my (Ebata's) calls? is growing.



Mr. Takao Saito, the author of "Golgo 13", has passed away.


My deepest condolences to him and his family.


By the way, I have heard that Golgo 13 was not well received in the U.S.


I think the reason was that he was 'not a hero of justice'.


"What a good-natured...and righteous...people the American people are.


I thought it.


Or rather...

―― その正義とは、誰の正義だ?

"Whose justice is that?"


I wanted to ask it them.



Golgo 13 gave me


"Justice is a relative concept, there is no such thing as 'absolute justice'"


I think this is a philosophy book that has taught me since I was a teenager that


So, in my case, one more turn,


"I don't care about other people's justice. I can live my life thinking only of my own (convenient) justice."


This is the opposite of cosmopolitanism, and it is my world view that I have perfected to this day.



I heard that Golgo 13 will continue to be serialized in the future.

つまり、ゴルゴ13の精神 ―― 普遍的正義の絶対的な否定 ―― を受け継ぐ後継者(の創作者)がいる、ということです。

In other words, there is a successor (creator) who inherits the spirit of Golgo 13 -- the absolute denial of universal justice.


I hope that Golgo 13 will continue to live forever as a "lone terrorist" as he has always been.



"If Golgo 13 belongs to an organization (such as the United Nations or Japan's Self-Defense Forces) and pledges allegiance to that organization..."


I mean, if he turns into a character like that...


I'm prepared to say, "I'm going to launch a suicide bombing attack on that publishing company.