

I can't help but if you think the code I am disclosing is "offensive."

―― 人のプログラムを読むことは、他人の人体を切り開いて、脳味噌や内蔵を覗きこむような不快感がある


I believe "code is good as long as it works," and I dare not clean up after code.


The most important thing is 'what I can remember later.'





Still, it is rare, but some people have been trying for weeks to understand my code and get it to work.


I try to answer questions from such people as much as possible.

私のコードを、ご自分の環境で無事動かした方には、『おめでとう & ありがとうメール』や、直接電話をして、祝辞を贈っています。

I congratulate those who have successfully run my code in their environment with a "Congratulations & Thank You Email" or by calling them directly.


However, there have only been about two of us in the last two years or so (by the way, this number does not include everyone at the software outsourcing company).


比して ――

Compared to the above,


You who said "offended" to me about the code I disclosed

私は、奴を絶対に許さない ―― 絶対に

I will never forgive you -- absolutely.



Whenever a crime occurs, the news broadcasts an interview about the suspect to the neighbors.


I would never respond to this interview and have told my family not to do it.


We don't know how the images will be used afterward.

もし、被疑者にネガティブなコメントをした挙句、その事件が『20年後に再審で冤罪が確定判決』になろうものなら ―― そのインタビューに応じた人は『冤罪を誘発した人物』として、視聴者に記憶されることになります。

If a negative comment is made about a suspect and the case is "retried 20 years later, and the defendant is falsely convicted," - viewers will remember the interviewee as "the person who provoked the false conviction.


最近、近所で『良い人』とされている人間による重大犯罪が報道されることが多いように思えますが ―― これ、恣意的な報道(偏向報道)の一例です。

Lately, there seem to be many reports of serious crimes committed by people considered 'good people' in the neighborhood -- this is an example of arbitrary reporting (biased reporting).


Why 'biased reporting'?

―― ご近所で、礼儀正しくて、大人しくて、目立たない人物による凶悪犯罪の方が、圧倒的に面白いから

"Because it is by far more interesting to make it a violent crime committed by a polite, quiet, inconspicuous person in your neighborhood."



The more interesting it is, the more ratings it will earn.


Hence, it is 'biased reporting.



Me: "What would my neighbors say in an interview if I committed a murder?"


Wife: "'I knew it...', 'I knew he was going to do it someday,' 'He never greeted me and had a bad eye,' 'He was always a troublemaker in the neighborhood association'..."


Me: "Enough."

―― 「遠山の金さん "冤罪"捕物帳」



Suppose a national project took ten years and cost 10 billion yen, and 80% of the development had been completed.

―― その時、突如として、0.5億円(5000万円)程度の予算で、開発1ヶ月間で、現在のプロジェクトの3倍の効果が得られる新技術が登場する

Then, suddenly, a new technology appears that can triple the effectiveness of the current project with a budget of about 0.5 billion yen (50 million yen) and within one month of development


This happens quite often in the world of technology.

『100億円、10年の日時と人材が、一瞬にゴミとなる』 ―― ここに、イノベーションの怖さがあります。

Ten billion yen, ten years, and human resources can be turned into garbage instantly" -- herein lies the fear of innovation.


(This is different from the "innovation dilemma.)


Moreover, such innovations cannot be predicted to emerge.


Yeah, I can't predict it at all anymore.


For example, no one, as far as I know, predicted the 'emergence of generative AI and its impact on society' this time last year.



Something similar happens to me, although the scale and subject matter differ.

一週間、昼夜ぶっつづけで、ありとあらゆる方法をやりつくして『もうダメだ』という結論を纏めた報告書を書き終えた直後 ――

Just after I had finished writing a report that concluded that I had exhausted all possible methods, working day and night, and had come to the conclusion that "it was hopeless,"


I am confronted with a situation where "a method I tried on a whim solved the problem instantly.


This is, of course, a "happy story" for an engineer but an "unhappy story" for a businessman.



It is no wonder that society is at the mercy of innovation.


But more than that, the engineers on the front lines of the invention cannot say, "It cannot be helped."


Honesty, I want to shout

―― 冗談じゃない!

"No kidding!"


―― うるさい!『イノベーションの作り方』なんぞどうでもいいから、お前の考えた『イノベーションそのもの』を教えろ!




https://download.gnome.org/sources/aravis/ から、https://download.gnome.org/sources/aravis/0.8/ の LATEST-IS-0.8.10(最新であれば良い)から、aravis-0.8.10.tar.xz をダウンロードして、解凍。(私は、:~/download/にダウンロード)

(Step.2) cam@cam-desktop:~/download/aravis-0.8.10$ で、

$ meson setup build
$ cd build
$ ninja
$ ninja install
$ sudo ldconfig

$ sudo apt install libxml2-dev libglib2.0-dev cmake libusb-1.0-0-dev gobject-introspection \
libgtk-3-dev gtk-doc-tools xsltproc libgstreamer1.0-dev \
libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-good1.0-dev \
libgirepository1.0-dev gettext

cam@cam-desktop:~/download/aravis-0.8.10/build$ ninja test

[0/1] Running all tests.
1/6 aravis:main / evaluator OK 0.07s
2/6 aravis:main / buffer OK 0.06s
3/6 aravis:main / misc OK 0.08s
4/6 aravis:main / genicam OK 0.20s
5/6 aravis:main / fake FAIL 1.60s killed by signal 6 SIGABRT
>>> MALLOC_PERTURB_=127 /home/cam/download/aravis-0.8.10/build/tests/fake
―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ✀ ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――
# random seed: R02S5b8ac58722df24f3d23b19ba049cf5e1
# Start of fake tests
ok 1 /fake/trigger-registers
ok 2 /fake/registers
ok 3 /fake/fake-device
ok 4 /fake/fake-device-error
ok 5 /fake/fake-stream
ok 6 /fake/camera-api
ok 7 /fake/camera-device
Bail out! ERROR:../tests/fake.c:592:set_features_from_string_test: assertion failed: (success)
ERROR:../tests/fake.c:592:set_features_from_string_test: assertion failed: (success)

6/6 aravis:network / fakegv OK 8.68s

Summary of Failures:

5/6 aravis:main / fake FAIL 1.60s killed by signal 6 SIGABRT

Ok: 5
Expected Fail: 0
Fail: 1
Unexpected Pass: 0
Skipped: 0
Timeout: 0

Full log written to /home/cam/download/aravis-0.8.10/build/meson-logs/testlog.txt
FAILED: meson-test
/usr/bin/meson test --no-rebuild --print-errorlogs
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.


cam@cam-desktop:~/download/aravis-0.8.10/build/gst$ に移動して、


cam@cam-desktop:~/download/aravis-0.8.10/build/gst$ ./gst-aravis-launch aravissrc  ! "video/x-raw, format=GRAY8,width=640,height=480,framerate=4/1" ! videoconvert ! ximagesink






cam@cam-desktop:~/download/aravis-0.8.10/build/gst$ ./gst-aravis-launch aravissrc ! "video/x-raw, format=GRAY8,width=640,height=480,framerate=4/1" ! videoconvert ! x264enc tune=zerolatency key-int-max=30 ! mpegtsmux ! srtserversink uri="srt://:12345" latency=500


cam@cam-desktop:~/download/aravis-0.8.10/build/gst$ ./gst-aravis-launch aravissrc ! "video/x-raw, format=RGB ,width=640,height=480,framerate=30/1" ! videoconvert ! x264enc tune=zerolatency key-int-max=30 ! mpegtsmux ! srtserversink uri="srt://:12345" latency=500



I am the type of person who uses up things I like to the fullest, and I have purchased three identical watches and other items.

一つは、(亡き)父にプレゼントしましたが、 ―― そうだとしても、3つは数が合いません(2つなら分かるのですが)。

One was a gift to my (late) father, but -- even if so, three doesn't count (although two would make sense).


This clock is radio-controlled, has large letters, and, most importantly, is inexpensive (less than 4,000 yen).


However, replacing the battery costs more than 2,000 yen, and replacing the band costs about the same, so considering this, I think "disposable" is the correct use.



Back to the story, the difference between the "two" and the "three" above, I thought it might be around "I bought another watch because the battery of the first watch ran out, but it worked after I changed the battery of the first by myself," so I checked my past diaries.


It was a hit.

で、今回 ―― 「自分で電池交換してみようかな」と思いました。


And I have already mentioned why I am replacing batteries and bands alone.

―― 空腹で、気を失っている



One recently ran out of battery, and the other ran out of band, so I replaced the battery and band.


The rubber bands would break after about a year, so I tried fabric bands this time.


When I saw what was sent to me, I thought, 'I ordered the wrong belt,' but as I read the customer reviews, I understood how this belt works.


I was convinced that "this is how the band works," and I completed the band replacement successfully.



They are my precious watches that are battered, missing LCDs and have been reinforced with superglue in various places.


Even If someone says, 'Trade me a million yen for a brand-name watch,' I can say, 'But I refuse.'


私の寿命と、この時計たちの寿命 ―― どっちが長いか? 勝負です。

My lifespan or the lifespan of these watches -- which is longer? It's a game.

私が死ぬ時に、この時計がまだ動いていたら ―― 私の勝ちです。

If this clock is still running when I die -- It is my win.



When I explained the Gmail system to my family about ten years ago, the explanation that 'the body of the email is located in the cloud' did not get through.


So I changed the explanation to this.


(1) "Your email is in a computer in San Jose (Silicon Valley, California), not in this home computer."


(2) "This computer is just a copy of the contents inside the computer in the U.S."


(3) "So, I can see the same email on this computer, on a computer in Nagoya, on a computer in Kagoshima, and on my smartphone."



In other words, if someone asks you, "What is the cloud?" you can answer, "It's a computer in a foreign country," without saying anything unnecessary.


The trick is not to "say" Tokyo Region, Osaka Region, virtualization, containers, etc.


My daughters now use the term "cloud" daily, but I am unsure if they understand it as a reality.


By verbalizing it, we inevitably feel like we know it.


But we need to think things through from time to time.



Similar to this "cloud" is "AI.


It is inevitable to think of "AI" as a great thing that can do everything, but it is still necessary to think about it properly occasionally.


I used to write a series of articles on AI technology.


I also recently contributed a column on ChatGPT.


And what I found out as a result of this,

―― AI技術は、先生(人間)の言うことをきちんと聞いて、もの凄い時間(数億~数兆回の反復学習)をかけて『ガリ勉』をすることで、完成している

-- AI technology is perfected by listening to the teacher (human) and spending a tremendous amount of time (hundreds of millions to trillions of iterations) "studying hard."



In recent years, AI technology is no longer considered the effect of "good logic" or "smart algorithms."


On the contrary, they argue that only a 'sincere attitude toward instruction' and 'skinny-dipping' are the foundation of the most powerful AI technology.


こういう人生訓めいたことを、教えられるのは、正直愉快ではありませんが ――

I have to admit that I don't enjoy being taught this kind of life lesson, however,


"To do something, I have to keep learning repeatedly."


I learned that from AI technology.




"Fools learn from experience, and wises learn from history" was Bismarck's maxim, however,

―― もはや、賢者も歴史から学ぶことはできないんじゃないかなぁ

"I wonder if the wise can no longer learn from history."


I come to think so.


The two that immediately come to mind are "Corona" and "Ukraine."


Unpredictable events that are not within the scope of prediction of even so-called experts, let alone laypeople like myself, have occurred and continue to happen.

例えば ―― 『我が国は、とっとと白旗を上げて降参していれば良かった』という、太平洋戦争における米国との戦争についての私の歴史認識は、今、現在進行形で『本当にそうだったのかな?』と思わせるに至っています。

For example -- "My historical perception of the war with the United States in the Pacific War, that 'Our country should have just raised the white flag and surrendered,' is now ongoing, leading me to wonder, 'Was that the case?'"


If I were to learn from history, such questions would not arise.


(The military superpower doesn't always win, as evidenced by the U.S. in Vietnam and Afghanistan.)


The situation in Ukraine today is too different from that in Japan. Still, including that situation, I think 'the right answer cannot be derived from experience or history.


Or rather, 'Is there a right answer to begin with?'


来年あたり、この日記を読み直して、『なんで、私は、こんな抽象的かつ哲学的な語りをしてりるんだ?』 と、頭の中に疑問符が浮んぶあるだろうと思い、一応、キーワードを残しておきます。

I'll leave you with a few keywords in case you reread this diary next year and wonder, "Why am I talking in such an abstract and philosophical way?" so I will leave some keywords here in case there will be a question mark in your mind.


"The Wagner Rebellion."


"Does International Law Apply to Civil War?" (*1)


どうやら、『現時点では、国家主権を超越する主体は存在しない(*2)』―― らしいです。

"At present, no entity transcends national sovereignty" (*2).



「世界中を敵に回しても」・・・? 世界中って、米軍も?

「世界中を敵に回しても」・・・? 世界中って、みたいに?


私が、社会人大学院で、必死に調査研究をしているきっかけの一つが、『マージナル・オペレーション』である、と言ったら驚かれるかもしれませんが ―― これは事実です。

You may be surprised to hear me say that one of the reasons I am working so hard to research in a working graduate school is because of "Marginal Operations" -- this is true.


However, my concern is not conflict or politics but the one-operation of telecommunication devices.


I have not included a citation or acknowledgment of the book in my paper (reviewers would be surprised if I did that).


However, if I can graduate properly, I would like to send a letter of thanks to Mr. Yuri Shibamura.




The "Marginal Operations" series is held by the civic library where I live, and I have been borrowing it from there.


I don't buy books, not because I am sparing money, but because I am sparing space (in my home).


Still, I am holding off purchasing an e-book because I want a good paper book someday.


Anyway, the library where I live is good.


We are proud of our city's library, which has the gall to engage in a head-to-head battle with NHK.



It would be arrogant of me to expect this library to have the entire "Marginal Operations" series.


This time, I purchased two books from Amazon.com that had not been in the library's collection for some time.

『喰い散らかすように読んではダメだぞ』と自分に言い聞かせていたのですが ―― 大学への往復(1日)で、2冊を読み終えてしまいました。

I told myself, 'Don't read it like going to eat it all up' -- but I finished two books on my way to and from the university in a day.


―― こんな読み方はよくない

"Not a good manner to read this"

―― これからは、特許明細書、研究報告書、論文提出の後の「ご褒美」として、読むようにしよう

"From now on, I will read the series as a "reward" after submitting patent specifications, research reports, and papers."


I vowed once again to do so.



I have been struggling with the system for over 10 hours since 1:00 p.m. today in search of information to build a video system.


I have just gotten the system up and running based on just two lines of information written in Chinese.


(Incidentally, the Chinese were deciphered by a translation engine)


This is the case after using various tools in addition to ChaGPT.

『10時間あれば、一体どれだけのことができただろうか』 ―― などと考えたら、この仕事は『負け』です。

"How much could I have done with 10 hours?" If you think like that, you will 'lose' this field.



Systems and programming are fun, but the more specialized and specific they become, the more and more time they consume.


It makes me wonder how it would be cost-effective.


I don't know what price we can put on "finding just two lines of information written in Chinese."



For our country, digitization and programmed education are the inevitable paths.


My number card, which has been causing many problems, seems to me to be an inevitable "bug out" period during the initial operation of the system.


Of course, the government and vendors must offer sincere apologies and reasonable compensation to those affected. Still, there will be no choice but to shut down the MyNumber card system altogether.

なんやかんやいって『マイナンバーカード = 国民監視システム』というのは事実です。

After all, it is a fact that "My Number Card = National Surveillance System."


But now its disadvantages are only as heavy as 'unrealized gains.'

これまでのような、ちんたらとした手動業務処理などと続けていたら、少子高齢化の巻き添えくらって、我が国は、明治維新レベルまで行政処理が退後するだろう ―― と、本気で私は思っています。

I seriously believe that if we continue with the slow and tedious manual processing of work as we have done up to now, the declining birthrate and aging population will drag our country down. Our administrative processes will be returned to the Meiji Restoration level.


Incidentally, our country is completed as a Big Brother surveillance society. It is too late to be jittery now.

―― 一体、裁判所も、立法(国会)も、『識別子の取扱い』ごときに、なんで、こんなにゴタゴタしていやがるんだ

それどころか、私個人としては、ビッグブラザーの側の人間として協力したことすらあります ―― いわゆる、『権力の犬』です。

On the contrary, I have collaborated on Big Brother's side -- as the so-called "dogs of power."




Through digitization and programmed education, I believe that


"digitization and programming education will move many people who complain about system failures to the side of those who are complained about system failures."



When I think of the hellish picture of so many people being put into the world of "10 hours of work and only two lines of renovation" and screaming,

―― 心底から楽しい

That makes me happy with all my heart.



Earlier, to a family member, I said that


"I have an idea for a series called 'How to learn Weaker's Strategies from North Korea.'"


However, I was stopped quite seriously by them.


Well, it can't be helped.


But I think we have a lot to learn from the way <<North>> does things.



Maybe, but I think the following series would be accepted.



ChatGPT's lesson on playing the "sincere me."


As a sequel to this column.



However, a serious concern is finding the time to write columns while maintaining good health.