

I made a big mistake in the recent House of Representatives election.


It is a preliminary investigation for the national review of Supreme Court judges.


Recently, I've been checking the content of the judgment and then putting an “X” on it.


As I've written here, I think the idea of “trust if nothing is stated” is still strange for a screening system.

―― 全員"×"をつける


The Cabinet appoints the judges of the Supreme Court.


To put it most maliciously, 'the judges of the Supreme Court are the government's dogs.'


However, I also understand that the Supreme Court judges need to be “dogs of the government.”


If the Supreme Court were to strike down every government policy, it would be impossible to run the country.


Also, if the government continues to ignore the Supreme Court's decision, the significance of the judiciary will be lost (it will simply become a dictatorship).



I looked up the “Supreme Court Judges National Review Law” to find out about this “x,” which is clearly stated there.


Article 14 (Preparation of Ballot Paper, etc.) The name of the judge who is to be notified shall be printed on the ballot paper in the order of notification under the provisions of Article 4-2, paragraph (1), and a column shall be provided for each judge who is to be examined and for each person whose name is printed. The prefectural election administration committee shall prepare the ballot paper in the form prescribed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Ordinance.


I've never seen an “X” written in the text before.


According to this article, no symbols other than “×” are allowed (Article 22 (Validity of Votes)).


If you write “?” or “!”, it seems likely to be a null vote, but it was not clearly stated.


"×"を打つ人間なんて、私くらいだろう ―― と思っていたので、この結果に驚いています。

I thought I was the only person who would type an “x,” so I was surprised by the result.


I was honestly surprised to find that one in ten people who voted had behaved the same way as I had.


I did a little research.

ー 夫婦別姓、LGBTQ(性的少数者)、原発避難者に関わる過去の訴訟の判断について、裁判官を名指しにしたSNSグループによる情宣

- A social networking group that named judges about past court decisions regarding married couples keeping separate surnames, LGBTQ (sexual minorities), and nuclear power plant evacuees

- 日本初の女性弁護士・裁判官が主人公のNHK連続テレビ小説「虎に翼」のヒット

- The hit NHK serial drama “Tora ni Tsubasa” (Tiger with Wings) features Japan's first female lawyer and judge as the main character.


The above were given as reasons.



I often think that the judicial system is “slow.” However, even so, I do not want the judicial system to become too avant-garde or antagonistic towards the government or the people.


However, I think the current situation, where all Supreme Court judges are unconditionally re-elected in the national review, is unhealthy.


So here's a suggestion.

―― まずは1人、最高裁判所の裁判官を罷免してみませんか?

Why don't we start by removing one of the Supreme Court judges?


I think it is significant for the judiciary in our country that the people can realize that they can dismiss the judges of the Supreme Court.


In this election, we reached 10%.


There is only 40% left.

ちなみに、第32条(罷免するには、通常選挙の1/100以上の票がないとダメ)とか、第36条(最高裁判所の裁判官が審査無効の申立ができる)とか、44条(組織票をしてはダメ)とか ――

Incidentally, Article 32 (you need more than 1/100 of the votes cast in a regular election to be removed), Article 36 (Supreme Court judges can file a petition for invalidation of an election), Article 44 (you can't vote as a block) -

結構"笑え"ます ―― これで小説1本書けるんじゃないか、と思えるほどです。

This law is quite funny—it's so amusing that I could write a whole novel about it.


If you are interested, please read it.



I have made negative comments about NHK's “New Project X” in the past.


久々に、「新プロジェクトX オウムVS.科捜研 地下鉄サリン事件 世紀の逮捕劇」を見始めたのですが、文字通り「食い入る様」に見てしまいました。

After a long time, I started watching “New Project X: Aum vs. the Crime Scene Investigation Team: The Subway Sarin Incident - The Arrest of the Century,” I devoured it.


It was the first time I had seen Aum Shinrikyo's sarin production factory, and I was amazed at the planning's scale and thoroughness.


The sight of hundreds of pipes crisscrossing in a complex pattern and huge facilities such as reaction tanks and refining tanks arranged secretively was indeed that of a 'giant chemical plant.'


The fact that such a facility was established in secret, hidden from the national authorities, and was able to mass-produce Sarin was simply overwhelming.


I discussed the amount of money invested in the Sarin gas project with ChatGPT. ChatGPT calculated it to be “just under 300 million yen” using the Fermi estimate.


However, I think it is one digit higher.

なるほど、オウム真理教が、『本気で国家転覆を計画していた』ことは、この工場プラントの写真だけでも確信できました ―― 100万人から1000万人オーダの人間を殺害するためであれば、当然に、この規模のプラントが必要になるはずです。

I see; the fact that Aum Shinrikyo was 'seriously planning to overthrow the state' can be confirmed just from these photos of the factory plant alone - if they were planning to kill 1 to 10 million people, then, of course, they would need a plant of this scale.


However, I don't understand the logic of 'seizing power through the mass murder of ordinary citizens.'


Maybe if I became the leader or a member of a religious cult or a member of the far left or far right, I would be able to understand, but it seems impossible for me now.


今回の「新プロジェクトX オウムVS.科捜研 地下鉄サリン事件 世紀の逮捕劇」で、私が息をこらして見入ったシーンは、警視庁科学捜査研究所(科捜研)の研究員が、オウム真理教の元幹部で化学者だった土屋公献(つちや ひろのり)死刑囚(執行済)の自白に至らしめるまでのシーンです。

The scene in the recent TV program “Shin Project X: Aum VS. Forensics: The Subway Sarin Gas Attack - The Arrest of the Century” had me holding my breath as I watched. It was the scene where the researchers at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's Forensic Science Laboratory (Kakoken) managed to get a confession out of Tsuchiya Hironori, a former Aum Shinrikyo executive and chemist who was later executed.


There was no conversation in the interrogation room.


A researcher at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's Forensic Science Laboratory quietly continues to write plant diagrams and chemical formulas on numerous sheets of paper and shows them to Tsuchiya.


And Tsuchiya's reaction when he is shown a formula for producing Sarin that has no precedent in the world.


It's a drama already!


I'd love to see it made into a movie (or maybe it already has been?).



The fantastic thing about Tsuchiya, a former Aum Shinrikyo executive, and chemist, is that he succeeded in synthesizing the deadly nerve agent Sarin using chemicals that are generally available.


Simply put, he made sarin using pesticides and detergents bought from a mass retailer.


Naturally, it's a world first.


Usually, the synthesis of Sarin requires specialized chemical knowledge and specific dangerous chemicals, so ordinary people can't make it.


However, Tsuchiya used his chemical knowledge to develop a method for producing Sarin using the chemicals and equipment available to Aum Shinrikyo, and he succeeded in producing it.


土屋は、筑波大学大学院を卒業するほどの秀才であったにも関わらず、世間はその能力を見い出すことができませんでした ―― しかし、オウム真理教教団だけが、それを見い出し、莫大な予算を投入して、サリン製造を成し遂げたのです。

Even though Tsuchiya was a genius who graduated from Tsukuba University's graduate school, the world failed to recognize his abilities—only the Aum Shinrikyo cult recognized them. They invested a huge budget to produce sarin.


Aum Shinrikyo was not just a crazy cult.


They were a terrorist group that could make decisions based on precise calculations, discovered the right people, invested a tremendous amount of money, and established a mass production system technology for the highly toxic Sarin gas using an approach that seemed almost impossible.


Watching this program made me realize for the first time that I am terrified of cults.



Many people have high intelligence but don't get the chance to use it.


I have seen many people like that in my life.


If someone told me, “Mr. Ebata's technology is necessary for our country right now,” I might even go to the <continent> or the <north>.


Money is not an issue. To begin with, engineers are not interested in money for 'luxury' or 'amusement.' Such petty cash is outside the scope of our interests.


Engineers want “research and development expenses,” two to three digits higher than “entertainment expenses.”


We will jump at any opportunity if you recognize our abilities and allow us to demonstrate our talents.


The scary thing about cults is that even if my abilities are suited to 'mass murder,' there are doctrines that make me believe that it is 'justice.'


There is no way to stop engineers who believe in “developing technology for justice” (it's true).



Our country (Japan) should stop treating us engineers so coldly (I think Japanese engineers are treated coldly).


Please remember that we engineers can always be a 'national threat.'



I remembered thinking, “So I can become a minister, too.”


In this election, there was a situation where an incumbent minister was not re-elected. Still, even if a member of parliament loses their seat, they do not lose their ministerial position.


Because ministerial appointments are the sole prerogative of the Prime Minister.


In other words, if you are on good terms with the Prime Minister, the path to becoming a minister is not 0%.



So I did a little research, and in Article 68, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution, it says,


'The Prime Minister and other Ministers of State must be civilians. Most prime ministers and other ministers of state must be chosen from among the Diet members.



I am not a current or former member of the Self-Defense Forces, so I meet the requirements for a civilian.


So far, my civil rights have not been revoked.


In other words, the Prime Minister should be able to get me (Ebata) into the Cabinet.


That is if the Prime Minister ignores the politics within the Cabinet and the power within the party and is eager for me to join the Cabinet.


過去の例を調べたら、竹中平蔵(たけなか へいぞう)さんは、まあ、覚えている人も多いと思います。

If I look up past examples, I think many people will remember Heizo Takenaka.

しかし、中曽根康弘(なかそね やすひろ)さん、後藤田正晴(ごとうだ まさはる)さん、浜口雄幸(はまぐち おさち)さん、などが出てきて、ビックリしました。

However, I was surprised when people like Yasuhiro Nakasone, Masaharu Gotoda, and Osachi Hamaguchi came out.


They became members of the Diet after becoming ministers.



Apart from other ministerial positions, it also seemed appropriate to appoint someone from the private sector, such as the Minister of the Digital Agency.


However, I think that the minister is also required to have political skills such as “belly art” and “intimidation,” it seems complicated for a civilian to have a good grasp of policies that are just on the edge of legality.


To begin with, it seems complicated to imagine a private-sector minister being able to rein in the quirky career bureaucrats.


Oh, and there's also the issue of conflict of interest.


It would be great if a minister from our company came out and brought in a lot of national project funding. However, that's completely out of the question.



That said, there have been many surprising things in the past.

・・・ おい政治家ども、お前ら、国民舐めとんのか?





By the way, I have no intention of engaging in “job-hunting activities.”


It's zero. Instead, I could say it's negative.


『小中高生の自殺者数500人超と高止まり 厚生労働省「危機的な状況」として対策を強化』というニュースが出ていました。

There was a news article titled “The number of suicides among elementary, junior high and high school students remains high at over 500, and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is strengthening measures as a ‘critical situation’”.


I asked ChatGPT to make a graph showing the change in the number of suicides over the past 20 years.

―― たしかに、これはヤバい

That's right, this is bad.


The number of suicides in Japan these days is roughly over 20,000. On the other hand, the number of suicides among teenagers is 1/40 of that, but the ratio is not the issue.


To begin with, the number of suicides among teenagers, who are a group that society is supposed to protect, should be zero.


But there's no point in talking about ideals here.



What I think is “dangerous” is this “linear increase”.


I asked ChatGPT to draw a graph for me, going back over the past 50 years, but it kept submitting strange graphs, so I asked it to “just make a graph using the information you know, even if it's random,” and it made the following diagram.


Even before 2000, there were a certain number of suicides among elementary and junior high school students, but the change was “not linear.” It was bumpy.


Looking back, there was room to attach various reasons to this “bumpy.” Frankly, “I don't understand what's wrong”.


However, the fact that this “beautiful linear increase” has continued since 2004 shows that


(1) the circumstances that are driving teens to their deaths continue to expand, and


(2) at present, there are no effective measures at all,



家庭問題、学校問題、メンタルヘルス、見えない進路や将来、そして、社会的孤立やSNSの影響 などが原因として上がっています。

The causes include family problems, school problems, mental health, invisible career paths and futures, social isolation, and the influence of social networking services.


I think the “influence of SNS” has been significant since the linear increase around 2004, but this is just my assumption.


At the moment, the only two things I can do are (1) share the “critical situation” that the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is aware of, and (2) give children hope for the future (the “Children's Hell, Adults' Paradise” theory).

―― 大人は自由だ。大人は楽しい。大人はパラダイスだ


I think it is necessary to brainwash teenagers with the lie that “all their problems will be solved when they grow up” (actually, it is a lie).


At least two adults (my wife and I) would never want to return to their childhood.




I walked down the “aisle” with her daughter (eldest daughter) last weekend.



There are quite a few complicated procedures (protocols).


If given the “Aisle Protocol Specifications” in advance, I would have read them dozens of times, memorized them completely, and had the confidence to carry them out properly according to the protocol.

なんで、当日に、その仕様を、担当者から「口伝」で伝えられなければならないのか ―― と尋ねたところ、「場(結婚式会場)に、緊張感を発生させるため」だそうです。

When I asked why the specifications had to be conveyed by word of mouth by the person in charge on the day, I was told it was “to create a sense of tension at the venue (wedding hall).”


In fact, I


kept stepping on the hem of the bride's (eldest daughter's) dress (it's impossible to walk without stepping on it),


and I handed my daughter over to the groom without bowing to him (she was almost like a 'package to be shipped').


I broke the protocol (broke the rules) like the above.


Aside from the tension, I fulfilled our goal of “not letting things go according to plan.”



When I was younger, I was often asked to officiate at weddings.


I was a wedding MC who could create a scenario, get the bride and groom's approval, and then proceed with the proceedings in a relaxed atmosphere, getting laughs from the crowd while speaking every word exactly as written (no ad-libbing).


So even if I had been given the “A Guide to the Protocol for the Aisle of the Virgin” in advance, I think I would have been able to operate it successfully on the day, in an amateur-like way.



After that, at the wedding reception, the groom asked the bride's mother(my wife) to give a speech without warning, but of course, my wife threw me this order.

もちろん、私は、そつなくスピーチを纒めました ―― そういうのは、私の十八番ですから。

Of course, I put together a polished speech - that's my specialty.



After the wedding reception, I received a message from my eldest daughter via LINE.


'Even though you were annoyed, there were many awe-inspiring scenes, and I can't help but admire you.


That's what she said.


I thought it was a good and to-the-point expression of gratitude.



Today, I attended my eldest daughter's wedding and reception.


I was initially pessimistic about the whole thing, thinking, “Do they have to have a wedding?” that feeling has not changed.


However, as parents, we must respond to our daughter's wishes, so we have been preparing.

- 髪を伸ばしたり(基本的に私はほぼ丸刈りに近いスポーツ刈り)
- 髪を染めたり(人生初の経験)
- オールバックにするためにジェルで髪を固めたり
- ダイエットしたり(これは人間ドック対策も兼ねていますが)

- Growing my hair out (basically, I have a close-cropped sports cut)
- Dyeing my hair (a first for me)
- Using gel to make my hair stand up in an 'all-back' style
- Dieting (this is also partly to prepare for a full medical check-up)

こうして、娘の希望に合わせて自分の見た目を変えてきましたが ―― まあ、それはいいんです。

This way, I have changed my appearance to suit my daughter's wishes, but that's okay.



The event that made me feel the most nervous was the “Aisle of Roses” event.


This event is called “escorting the bride” or “handing over the bride.”


However, I can't help but wonder, “Does this fit with modern values?”


After researching, I found that “the father escorting the bride down the aisle is a symbol of the father protecting and raising his daughter's life until now,” but I don't remember protecting and raising my daughter's life so much.


I believe that my daughter has lived her own life by her strength.


All I provided was a little bit of advice and some funding.


It is also said to include the meaning of “approving and blessing the bride by the family,” but I think that the will of the people involved should do marriage and that the approval of others is not necessary.


I also feel uncomfortable with the expression “handing over the bride on the aisle.”


I thought they were treating my daughter like luggage.


I don't think I'm the only father who thinks this.



However, since it was my daughter's wish, I fulfilled my duty whether I liked it or not.


It was like performing an “act” for the first time in decades.


I used to be a member of a theater club, so it's easy for me to play the role of a “normal father.”

エルカン文章第3弾 - 祝・江端智一君御成婚記念メール



The eldest daughter's event went smoothly, but the second daughter seems to be hoping for a “more grand wedding than today's.”


I'm amazed at the passion my daughters have for conservative events.


I'll have to do it all again: grow my hair, dye it, gel it, and escort my daughter.



Nowadays, when getting married is difficult, I'm aware that I'm being selfish by complaining about such a trivial matter.



I have been talking a lot about the “harm” and “curse” of what is called a “dream.”


I have said many times that we must evaluate the correctness of 'giving up on a dream' and consider it one of the many options available.



―― エジソン、バカ

―― 「夢を諦める」ことは、「夢を叶える」ことと同程度に有意義である

元高角三(げんこう かくぞう)という生き方



21世紀に残したくない曲 100選


However, “giving up on your dreams” is not a “failure,” but it is “excruciating pain.”


It is overwhelmingly easier and you feel less pain if you “don't give up on your dreams”.


After all, stopping what you have been doing and starting something new is frighteningly expensive and frightening.



Even so, I strongly recommend that you give up on your dreams because there are too many cases of people who become so obsessed with their dreams that they end up killing themselves.


After all, I am one of those who have experienced it.


(Click to go to the column)



However, what I have been saying for nearly 20 years is far from the persuasiveness of this book.

(↑ クリックするとAmazonに飛びます)

(Click to go to Amazon)

のんきに「夢は実現しなければ、意味がない」などと本気で考えていると ―― いずれ「自分で自分を殺すこと」になります。

If you naively think that “dreams are meaningless unless they come true,” you will eventually “kill yourself.”


I'm serious.

逆に、そこまで至っていない人の言う"夢"なんて ―― 所詮はポップミュージックで叫ばれているような、ふわふわした願望程度のもので―― そんなものは、"夢"とは呼びません。

On the other hand, the “dreams” of people who haven't gotten that far are just wishful thinking, like the kind you hear in pop music, and I don't call those “dreams.”



Yesterday, I wrote, “Seniors are slow to react to societal trends (such as compliance, etc.).”


However, even if I am a senior, I will keep up with the world without making any particular effort.


I have published a diary like this before.

「笑点」に笑えず、「サザエさん」に嫌悪感を感じる ――


Yesterday, in a conversation with my wife, Sadamasashi's “Kanpaku Sengen” came up, and she said that she had always found it unpleasant but that recently, it had become so offensive that she could no longer bear it.


The important thing here is that the scale of the unpleasantness of those days and the unpleasantness of today are entirely different.

―― "ギャグ"の一言では済まされない歌だ


What I want to say is that “seniors are slow to react to trends in society (such as compliance),” but that “it does not mean that they do not react” and that the values of seniors are “not completely fixed.”


Well, living your life in complete defiance of society requires a lot of energy, and the only thing you get in return is “hatred from society”. This is not worth it.



I keep saying, “Social values are being upgraded every two weeks.”


It's hard to keep up with this, but if we don't do it, we won't be able to survive.

―― そもそも、そういう下品なイベント以外に、自分たちが楽しめるイベントを自力で企画・運営できない


So, I wonder

―― 今の政権与党のバージョンアップは、どのくらいの時定数(期間)なんだろう?

"how long is the time constant (period) for the current ruling party's version upgrade?"



It doesn't seem to be at least “every two weeks.”


It's exciting to see them busily digging their graves before the election day (e.g., funding unofficial party candidates).



I am a staunch conservative (and I like to think so) who just wants to die peacefully and safely without changing the status quo even by 1mm, but I think it's a bit harsh.



The other day, I made a reservation at a hotel for a conference, but I made a mistake and booked a smoking room.


Or rather, I was strangely impressed that “smoking rooms” still exist.


I once mistakenly chose a smoking seat on the Shinkansen and got a headache after 10 minutes, so I had to stand for an hour and a half (or rather, there used to be smoking cars on the Shinkansen).


Believe it or not, there were very few “no smoking” areas in the Showa period, and the default was a smoking area.


Since around Heisei, the balance of power has gradually shifted, and now, “smoking areas” are few and far between or have almost become extinct.



I think it will be 10 to 20 years behind the United States.


When I was working in the US around the year 2000, my colleagues at the office would smoke outside in the minus 10-degree weather, fully equipped for the cold (I'm not exaggerating—it really does get minus 10 degrees in Colorado in winter).

江端さんのひとりごと 「ホワイトアウト」


'Even if it means that much, I want to smoke.' I understand.



The delay between Japan and the US, where smoking areas were shrinking, was 15 years, but the spread from the Kanto area to the local regions of Japan was, in my opinion, like “50 km per year”.


I think Nagoya was 6 to 10 years behind the Kanto area. The benchmark is “restaurants” (especially “Komeda”). I remember being surprised that there were no smoking areas (although that has completely changed now).


This is not a discussion of whether something is good or bad but of the general physical law that distance is related to the penetration rate of trends.

あと世代間距離、というのもありますね。これは、コンプライアンスに関して顕著です ―― 年寄(シニア)の世間との"ズレ"というのは、避けられません。私もあなたも。努力は怠ってはなりませんが、私たち(シニア)が時代についていけないことは、もう諦めましょう。

There is also the issue of intergenerational distance. This is particularly noticeable regarding compliance - there is no avoiding the gap between the older generation and the world around them. Neither you nor I can prevent this. We must not neglect our efforts, but we must also accept that.


西田敏之さんの代表作映画である「釣りバカ日記」が地上波で放映できないのは ―― まあ、いわゆる、放送できないんですよ。

Toshiyuki Nishida's masterpiece, “Tsuribaka Nikki,” can't be broadcast on terrestrial TV because it isn't available.


It's sure to be a huge hit (I won't say much, but it's about “compliance”).




My (Ebata's) civil rights had not yet been suspended.


It appears that the voting form was delivered to the postbox this morning.

―― そうか・・・、ついに私も公民権を停止されたのか・・・


I want everyone to experience the joy of receiving a ballot.


ちなみに、私は、自由民権運動発祥の地の居住民です ―― だから、どうだという訳でもありませんが。

Incidentally, I am a resident of the birthplace of the Freedom and People's Rights Movement - so it's not like it means anything.
