

It's been a while since I've had a craving for pancakes, so I baked some for my wife and myself.


Ebata: "The calorie content of flour is a little hard to ignore, but dieting is easy because all I have to do is not eat it.

と、ポソっと呟いたら ――

When I muttered that, my wife and second daughter heard in the living room , and,


that seemed to make them mad.



Ebata: "No, unlike English, if you don't eat, you will definitely lose weight. Dieting is easier than English."


Wife: "If you study English hard, you will definitely be able to do it, but with dieting, no matter how much we endure, the effects don't show up".


It was just the usual parallel argument.


After that,

「私は、単に『英語を勉強していないだけ』だけだ」と、―― 嫁さんが言い訳をしていました。

"I just don't 'study English,'" -- my wife made excuses.



When I watch TV, I think that many people confess that they hate themselves.


People in this country are very tolerant of saying "I hate myself" while saying "I hate that guy" is avoided.


If people who "hate themselves" are the majority in our country, it may be easier to empathize with them.

で、「自分が嫌い」を、Googleで調べてみたら、"約 13,300,000 件 (0.42 秒)" と出ました。

So, I looked up "I hate myself" on Google and found "about 13,300,000 results (0.42 seconds).


I just looked it up on Twitter and found 29 in an hour.


Now, I am trying to figure out how to judge these results.



Anyway, what you "hate" is what you "hate," and that's not a theory, so I don't blame you.

それでも ――



I think it is better to refrain from confessing in public, no matter how much it is about you, that "words that deny yourself".


Because that's "bullying".

公の場で「いじめ」を見せつけられるのは、気分の良いものではありません ―― 少なくとも私には。

It's not pleasant to be shown "bullying" in public -- at least not by me.



Me: "If I were you, I'd say 'the world is bad'... Actually, 'the world is bad'."


I whispered, and my wife responded it to me,


Wife: "I think there are only a handful of people in the world who can think like that."


―― 私が、休日を返上してたった一人で作った文化祭の展示物の前で、集合写真を取ったクラスの連中




Once, when my daughter was not mentally stable.


"Write down bad words about the other person on a piece of A4 paper and burn it in the dark"


I have taught her how to do this and had her implement it.


At that time. I advised her the following,


(1) Bad words should be written with emotion and not logically.


(2) Write, write, write, using the most awful, vulgar, and disgusting language possible.


(3) You may use color pens, or you may make the same word appear several times. You may use both sides of the paper. You may use more sheets of paper.



By the way, my wife, who was listening to this story, was blue cold.



In my case, I also make a folder called "Email to him in a week" and write all kinds of hate text in it, using the worst language humanity can think of.

一週間後に、そのメールを出すのに躊躇がなかったら、出すつもりなのですが ―― 現在のところ、まだ出さないで、すんでいます。

If I don't have any hesitation in sending out that email in a week, I will do so -- but as of now, I haven't sent it out yet.


Because after a week, I will be able to calmly calculate the cost of the subsequent response (war) in light of the cost.


Incidentally, as for the person who "criticized" my column, I have made contents,


(1) To conduct a thorough textual analysis of the person's past tweets, and


(2) To use the most horrible swear words imaginable, and


(3) To ruthlessly criticize, condemn, belittle, or abuse a person.




The emotion of anger is intangibility.


The bad thing is that the intangibility grows inexorably (in my case, it definitely 'grows').


On the other hand, verbalization is the process of materializing the intangible "anger" into something tangible, into an object.


So, the above actions make us get the followint effects (sometimes),


(1) Being able to "visualize" the content of our anger in our own words.


(2) Being able to see what to do next (sometimes), by becoming our own words



Of course, "complaining to friends" is one approach to verbalization, but it is difficult to use terrible, vulgar, and disgusting words, and one of the drawbacks is that it is impossible to tell a proper story.


In any case, it is a common belief in psychology that "verbalizing emotions" is effective for mental health.


「燃やし」ても、「一週間経って」も、あなたの怒りが納まらないのであれば ―― それは『本物』です。

If your anger doesn't subside after "burning" or "a week," it's "real".


At that time, 'Let's start the war'.




There is a heavy snowfall warning for the entire Kanto area.


Recently, there have been frequent warnings of typhoons, heavy rains, and guerrilla torrential rains.

しかも、かなり正確です ―― 年々精度が向上しているように思います。

And it's pretty accurate -- it seems to be getting more accurate every year.


I remember that I once did some research on how to forecast the weather, and I had the impression that 'this is difficult.


I'm not sure what kind of forecasting method they are using now, but I think they are basically using information from weather sensors set up all over the country and running supercomputers in real time.


However, miss predictions happen.


The JMA's excuse ... or explanation ... can be found here.



Nevertheless, weather forecasting can be done by using information from each base (temperature, pressure, and other current weather information) to calculate the equations of physics by force.


Then I wondered how they did "air raid warnings" during the Pacific War.

頭上から、爆弾が投下されるという危機 ―― これは、雪や台風などとは比較にならない、生命に直結する情報です。

The danger of a bomb being dropped from overhead. This information is much more life-threatening than that of snow or typhoons.


I don't have to tell you how important this is.


(You will hear an air raid alarm.)

調べてみたとろ、(1)レーダー、(2)目視(at 監視哨)、(3)音(by 聴音機) の3つを使っていたようです。

I found out that they were using (1) radar, (2) visual (at watchtowers), and (3) sound (by listening devices).


Radar, which "emits microwaves and observes the reflected waves," was able to detect bombers up to 100 kilometers away even back then.


However, it was only just before the end of the war (1944) that experiments for practical use were successful, and the accuracy was poor, making mass production difficult.


Also, it seems that the Japanese military (especially the navy) was reluctant to develop radar because it would 'only let the enemy know their position.


More than that, it seems that the people of our country had little awareness of "air raids".


In the first place, the period of air raids was quite short compared to the entire duration of the war (about four years).


Based on Japan lost the war on August 15, 1945, I calculated that one year is 1.0.

一番最初の那覇空襲が1944年10月10日で"-0.85", 鹿児島空襲が、"-0.41",倉敷空襲が"-0.32"で、その後、"-0.12"(50日前)からは、ほぼ、毎日、日本各地で爆撃が続けれらていました。

The first air raid on Naha was on October 10, 1944, with a -0.85, the first air raid on Kagoshima was -0.41, the first air raid on Kurashiki was -0.32, and after that, from -0.12 (50 days ago), bombings continued almost every day all over Japan.


There were only a handful of radars installed in Japan (probably only in the imperial capital (Tokyo)) to counter enemy attacks that could appear anywhere.


"Air raid alerts" that rely only on our eyes and ears.


If there was a 15-meter high watchtower, the logical visibility distance was 15 kilometers.


In addition, let's assume that they had human eyesight plus binoculars, and that they were blessed with extremely good weather, and that half of this distance, about 7 km, was the distance at which they could detect enemy aircraft.

戦闘機の巡航速度が200kmとして ―― 敵機発見は、126秒前です。

Assuming the fighter's cruising speed is 200 kilometers -- the enemy plane was spotted 126 seconds ago.


Even if they estimated that the alert procedure took one minute, and the arrival time at the destination was three times that time.

―― 空襲警報から爆撃までの時間は、もっとも楽観的な数値で"5.3分" (by フェルミ推定)

"The most optimistic figure for the time between air raid warning and bombing is 5.3 minutes(by Fermi)."


Including preparation, the distance a person can escape in "five minutes" is probably less than one kilometer.


Of course, this is much longer than the "few seconds" of the current Earthquake Early Warning System.


They might have been able to buy enough time to escape to the air-raid shelter, but if a bomb hit us, they would have no chance of survival.


Even so, when the "air raid alarm" was issued, actions such as "turn off the lights" and "escape to an air-raid shelter" were well known to all.


Nowadays, there is a system called the National Instantaneous Warning System (J-Alert), but frankly speaking, I didn't know what action to take, so I did some research.


I will keep this in mind as it was mentioned here.



In any case, I am grateful for the "alert".


gain, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone involved in the design, construction, and operation of "alarm system".



It seems that some of you are reading my blog and choosing books.


So, recently, I have been a little nervous about writing book reviews.


Aside from that.



Today, I would like to recommend "Resurrection Day," another blockbuster science fiction novel by the late Sakyo Komatsu.


(I've repeated this story before, but I'll do it again.)


This is the basic form of my view of the world in which the new coronavirus vaccine could not be developed.


COVID-19 (unlike MM-88) does not have a 100% fatality rate, nor is it airborne (it is highly contagious, but only by contact/droplet transmission).

しかし「医療崩壊の最終形態」は、この小説や映画で描かれているものと同じだと思っています ―― というか、医療崩壊は現在進行形です。

However, I believe that the "final form of medical collapse" is the same as the one depicted in this novel and movie -- or rather, medical collapse is ongoing.


"A patient was unable to be admitted to the hospital due to full occupancy, was forced to return home, and died after receiving treatment at home".


If we don't call this situation "medical collapse," what do we call it?


これまで、この映画は何回見たか分からないくらいなのですが、今回、Amazon Primeに出ていたので、映画を流しながらデータ計算を行っていました(データ計算は、"脳"を必要としませんので)。

I can't tell you how many times I've seen this movie, but this time it was on Amazon Prime, so I was doing data calculations while the movie was playing (data calculations don't require my "brain").


And I noticed it for the first time during this viewing.

―― 日本人の役者の皆さんの、英語の発音が『もの凄く良い』

"The English pronunciations of the Japanese actors is 'excellent'"


It's not so-called "katakana English pronunciation", but it's not "native pronunciation" either.


It's hard to put into words, but it's the kind of pronunciation that makes me think, "If a Japanese person were working in a foreign country, this is the kind of English they would speak".


The actors probably practiced their lines over and over again.


It was amazing, and I was deeply impressed.



Now, again, I'm stuck with the "Which comes first, the novel or the movie?


My recommendation is basically 'novel first', but it comes with the annoying problem of 'getting angry after watching the movie' if you like the novel.


In addition, Sakyo Komatsu's novels can be a bit "tough" if you don't have a certain level of advanced knowledge (in the case of "Resurrection Day", knowledge about viruses and vaccines).


Still, I think that even Sakyo Komatsu could not have come up with the idea of "designing vaccines by computer" in 1964.


Well, at that time, "computer" was synonymous with "magic box," and it was terribly expensive.

例えば、当時、ただの電卓(×コンピュータ)は、その重量が13kg、価格は36万円(大学初任給 1.7万円(1969年)/23.5万円(2020年)から換算すると、今の価格で497万円)でした。

For example, at the time, a mere calculator (computer) weighed 13 kg and cost 360,000 yen (49.7 million yen at today's prices, based on the starting university salary of 17,000 yen (1964)/235,000 yen (2020)).



The "mRNA vaccine" for new coronaviruses is the first human vaccine (for full-scale use in humans) created using the latest vaccine technology and computerized digital technology.

―― ぶっちゃけ、ITエンジニアの私が、"mRNAワクチン"の製造プロセスを知って、腰を抜かすほど驚いたくらいですから

"To be honest, I was so surprised to learn about the manufacturing process of the mRNA vaccine that I was even shaken out of my skin as an IT engineer."



However, as I wrote here, 'there is a hell of a lot of steady empirical experiments hidden to fill in the gaps between theory and practice'.


After all, vaccine production is not something that can be done by a computer.


It is inevitable that there will be a huge process of empirical/clinical testing to verify the safety of the product.



I won't write about it because it would be a spoiler, but the one thing in "Resurrection Day" that completely eliminates MM-88, a virus with a 100% fatality rate, is a surprising object.

そうですね ・・・ うん、やっぱり私は、「小説ファースト」をお勧めしたいと思います。

Well... Yeah, I would still recommend "Novel First".



My father died before the outbreak of the Corona disaster.

母はコロナ禍が収束の兆しを見せて、ようやく面会が可能になってきた ―― 今となっては、猛威を奮っているオミクロン株でそれどころではありませんが ―― という時に死去しました。

My mother died just as the outbreak was coming under control and she was finally able to visit --- Now, under the raging Omicron stock, it is not reality.


I just happened to find this note a few minutes ago.


As I was looking at it, I noticed that this kind of slap in the face of corona disaster about my mother had suddenly disappeared.



I did not feel any emotion or sentiment during or after my mother's funeral.


I was even thinking, "Maybe I'm broken somehow".


In fact, that's what I've been told by many people in my life.


But as I was reading these notes, I felt that I could finally talk to the deceased without feeling 'sad' or 'nostalgic'.


―― 一所懸命で、真剣で、全力疾走だったけど、1mmだって1秒だって「辛い」とか「嫌だ」とは思わなかった

"It was hard work, seriousness, and running as fast as I could, but I didn't think for one millimeter or one second that it was hard or that I didn't like it."

―― あの日々は、悪くなかった

"They days were not bad at all"


I was able to mutter to my mother.



Recently, I've been mediating between Ms. K, who asked me about my column, and Dr. Shibata as a co-author of my column, through the Ebata Firewall.



The original issue is here.


(Maybe I can let you know about this exchange, soon)


Today, I would like to share with you a part of the email I just sent to Dr. Shibata.

===== ここから =====

===== From here =====


Thanks for your reply.

シバタ先生 > 強いストレスが決断力を鈍らせることは、うつや自殺について一家言ある江端さんには釈迦に説法と思います。

Dr. Shibata > I think Mr. Ebata, who has a lot to say about depression and suicide, would be able to explain how strong stress can blunt their ability to make decisions.

シバタ先生 > Kさんが決断を下すために必要なのは、医学的な情報よりも、第6波の収束、飲食業界の状況の改善と新型コロナ後遺症の緩解、そして安眠、なのかも知れません。

Dr. Shibata > What Ms. K needs to make a decision may be more than medical information, but the convergence of the 6th wave, the improvement of the situation in the food and beverage industry, the alleviation of the aftereffects of the new corona, and a good night's sleep.


When I received the above phrase, I felt as if my switch had 'clicked'.


I come to want to think about the decision-making process under the Corona disaster.

加えて、国外政府と国民の対応の違い ―― フランスの接種証明提示義務の法制化、イギリスの野心的社会実験の気風、そして、カナダでの大規模な反ワクチンデモ(からの緊急事態宣言)等々 ―― 『これほどまでに、国家と国民のキャラクターって違うんだ』と、正直かなり驚いていています。そして、これも分析してみたくなりました。

In addition, the difference in the response of foreign governments and the public -- the legislative requirement to show proof of vaccination in France, the ambitious spirit of social experimentation in the UK, the massive anti-vaccine demonstrations (and then the declaration of a state of emergency) in Canada, etc. -- To be honest, I'm quite surprised at how different the characters of the nation and its people are. And I wanted to analyze these as well.


I also want to incorporate the endless conspiracy theories about the new coronary vaccine (hereafter referred to as "conspiracy theories"), whether they are right or wrong, and that "the conspiracy theorists never lose".


This is a lesson learned from ancient and modern warfare that 'regular armies lose if they do not win, but guerrillas win if they do not lose'.


From Hannibal's battle against the Roman Empire, to Che Guevara's revolution in Cuba, to Vietnam, Afghanistan, and the Islamic State, the fact that these countries have basically defeated the major powers is proof of this.


Conspiracy theorists can create any number of conspiracy theories they want, anytime, anywhere.


In contrast, the people who destroy them (us) can only finally destroy one conspiracy theory with the right logic and evidence (numbers, etc.) at a cost of 10 to 100 times that amount.


Well, seriously, the opposite side (conspiracy theory production and PR) seems to be easy, and I really envy them.

===== ここまで =====

===== To here =====


I'm thinking, "If I were on that side, I might have had a more enjoyable and easier time writing.


I have to admit that writing with an engineering approach is hard because of the strict numbers, statistics, logic, and fact-checking.




Today, I was building an iron bar in my room.

ぶら下がってみたのですが ―― 腕がもげそうになりました。

I tried to hang on -- I felt like I was going to rip my arm off.


And the moment I let go of my hand and landed, disturbing sounds (like body parts breaking down) came from every knot in my body, echoing in my inner ear.

―― いらんものを作ってしまったかもしれないなぁ

"I may have made something meaningless"


I thought.


Currently, I can only hang on for less than 10 seconds.


My goal is to improve this record to 60 seconds by the end of March, and to achieve "one pull-up" by the end of the year.



It occurred to me...

―― もし、首つり自殺をするなら、これはなかなか理想的な装置だな

"If I were to hang myself, this would be quite an ideal device"



If you are currently considering hanging yourself, try to find a place at home where you can do it.


Maybe you won't find it.


This is because ordinary houses are not equipped with equipment that can withstand a weight (50kg-100kg) load -- or rather

というか ―― もしかしたら、意図的に、そういう風に設計されているのかもしれません。

Maybe it was intentionally designed that way.



I was once researching lessons for my children.


I was also interviewing family members, and their unanimous opinion was


"The best lesson I ever learned was the 'abacus'"


こちらでも書いていますが、そろばん教室の目的は「頭の中に電卓を作る」ことだからです ―― しかも入力は「目視」のみです。

As I wrote here, the purpose of an abacus class is to "create a calculator in your mind" -- and the only input is "visual".


Just by looking at the numbers, the results of the calculations come to mind, so it's easy.


In other words, you can use your brain only for "how to solve the problem".


As I was writing, I realized,

―― 文部科学省が推進していいる『プログラミングを行わない、プログラミング的教育』と同じことをやってるんじゃないか?

"Isn't this the same thing that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is promoting, 'programming-free, programming-oriented education'?"



Needless to say, the purpose of mathematics is not to calculate, nor is it to memorize formulas.


It is "mathematical/mathematical thinking"(*).


(*) A typical example of this is "Fermi Estimation".

その思考を行う場合、その前提となる「計算」プロセスの『手抜き』『チート』『ズル』を実現するものが「そろばん」なのですが ――

When you think about it, the abacus allows you to "slip through the cracks" and "cheat" in the "calculation" process


I think it's a shame that people don't know much about that.



For a while, a boy claimed "I can use Google to know the meaning of kanji", "I'll use a calculator", and "There is no need to study at school". Then the boy's post/video went viral.



I have not researched this, so I will not comment on it.


However, I think this is a social experiment with himself as the subject, so I would like to wait and see the results.


However, the problem is how to estimate this hypothesis: "I can use Google to know the meaning of kanji", "I'll use a calculator", and "There is no need to study at school".





(1) Socially successful (businessman, politician?)


(2) Financially successful (Wealthier than others)


(3) Although not as good as (1) and (2) above, possibility to lead a social life similar to that of so-called school-educated people (even).


(4) Other than (1) to (3) above


I think they can be classified into these four categories.



I believe that the above (1) to (3) will continue to be reported in the media so that we can know the results of the verification easily.


On the other hand, in the case of (4) above, the hypothesis test would be rejected, or in other words, "failed," but I am afraid that there are very few people who would report the results of failure themselves.


So, if that content of his opinions is no longer in the public eye, and enough time has passed, I will result

―― 『漢字はググればいい。計算は電卓使う。学校で勉強する必要がない』の仮説は棄却された("失敗した")

"His hypothesis of "I can use Google to know the meaning of kanji", "I'll use a calculator", and "There is no need to study at school" was rejected ("failed")"




Based on my above "Abacus is the strongest", his hypothesis that "you can use a calculator for calculation" should not be valid.


Therefore, his hypothesis and my hypothesis are in conflict.


But as for me, I don't care what the outcome is.


"His hypothesis of "I can use Google to know the meaning of kanji", "I'll use a calculator", and "There is no need to study at school" will be successful, this should be a major event that will shake the very foundations of the current school education system.


And the more children who participate in this experiment, the more data there will be and the more objective it will be.


By all means, please do your best to prove the "no school necessary" theory.



Incidentally, the two children of the Ebata family have already enrolled (and graduated) from college and are not scheduled to participate as test subjects.


In other words, whether this social experiment succeeds or fails, I will not be disadvantaged.


In short, it is


"Watching from on high."



To be honest, it really doesn't matter to me which way this hypothesis turns out.


最近、異世界転生のコンテンツが多いように感じます ―― 少々うっとうしいくらいに。

There seems to be a lot of cross-world reincarnation content lately -- a bit annoying.

―― なんだ、これなら、「幸せな来世の為に、現世で功徳を尽くせ」と主張している宗教(カルトを含む)の方が、まだマシじゃねーか


Among them,


(1) A person who have always disliked their current positions and duties and have always wanted to step down or retire, however,


(2) She or he who has outstanding abilities and is unable to do so, and


(3) They who has to devote themselves more and more to their work.


This story seems to be well received by readers.



From Yang Wenli in "Legend of the Galactic Heroes" to Prince Wayne in the recent "So Let's Sell Our Country - The Genius Prince's Deficit Nation Revival Technique", there is no shortage of content.



―― 異世界転生の話は、読者の願望の言語化である

"The story of reincarnation is a verbalization of the reader's desires"


It is the same in the above.


However, while the above(1)(3) are the same, most of us do not have the "outstanding ability" of the (2), and the only difference is that. We live only to eat our daily bread.

それでも、『この世界が、私の"傑出した能力"を見い出せていなだけ』 ―― と置換できれば、この(2)の条件も満たせることになります。

Still, if we can replace the above (2) with "this world just doesn't see my 'outstanding ability'", then we can satisfy the above (2).


Well, I don't need to do such trivial analysis, just "interesting content is interesting" is enough.



I used to post the column of


"'Youth' is 'falsification of history'."


This is one of the columns I like myself.


What I still remember two issues,


- I was the president of a junior high school.


- At a junior high school festival, I did a "manzai" performance in front of the whole school and it was a big hit.



It's like a fleeting glimmer of light when I was only 14 or 15 years old, and it's not a big deal to others or even to me.


By continuing to maintain this memory, the process of turning it into a beautiful story for your own convenience can be called "falsification of history.

ただ、その程度の瑣末な思い出が『人生の(相当に)苦しい時に、自分を助けてくれる』というは事実だと思います ―― 少なくとも私は「そう」です。

However, I think it is true that such trivial memories can 'help me in the (very) difficult times of my life' -- at least I 'think'.


So, I think it is very important to have "hard work", "flashy failures" and "brilliant successes" while you are young.



If you don't have "outstanding ability," you can replace it with "past glory. Because it's pretty hard to achieve "glory" when you're an adult.

『過去の栄光』を思い出すことで『今の苦しい日々を凌ぐ』 ―― というヘタレ大人は、結構な数いると思います。

I think there are a lot of loser adults who "get through the present hard days." with remembering "past glories".


So I would say to young people, 'If you have the opportunity to shine, shine while you can.


Because the chances of "it" coming to you as an adult are next to nil.