The other day, I don't know if it was a lightning strike or what, but I had a power outage for about a minute.
Of course, my PCs were also instantly blacked out.
当然、作成途中のファイル等は全滅でしたが、それでも全システムの再起動を確認できた時は ――
Of course, all the files being created, etc., were wiped out, but still, when I could confirm that the entire system had rebooted.
I folded my hands and muttered 'Thank you, God' to the sky.
I am not running a server or DB, so purchasing a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) seems like a bit much.
Well, one server has been working continuously for the last ten years.
The "Ebata Family Monitoring System" was also supposed to have been damaged.

When I shut it down, it would not usually restart, so I repaired things manually.
Welcome to emergency mode!
This monitoring server had one Wifi port available, so we also created an access point for experimental use.
Ubuntu16.04 でのアクセスポイント化
Around 1990, a theory was that programmers retire at age 30 (true).
これは、プログラマーという仕事が過酷で ―― 残業、徹夜、荷重労働、薄給、過労死 ―― という感じの世界観で、そして、実際そんな感じでした。
This theory was a worldview in which a programmer's job was grueling -- overtime, all-nighters, load work, thin pay, and overwork -- and, indeed, it was like that.
If you ask whether the situation has changed now, it has not.
プログラムというのは、プログラマの能力と関係なく、開発環境やマシンスペック、その他のパッケージソフトの影響などを受け、『動かない時には、何をしても動かない』という、実に嫌なやつなのです ―― 土下座でなんとかなる人間関係や、お金や人材の投入で解決できるモノの方がマシと思えるくらいです。
A program is a real pain in the ass because it is affected by the development environment, machine specs, and other software packages, regardless of the programmer's ability, and "when it doesn't work, it doesn't work no matter what you do. It is better to solve the problem by getting down on our knees and investing money and human resources.
Nevertheless, using OSS and better development environments has become much more manageable compared to the past.
And with generative AI as a partner, I feel that 'the retirement age for programmers has virtually disappeared.
生成AIに日本語で頼めば、最初のコードは作ってくれますから ―― あとは、生成AIが作ってくれたコードを、私が理解すれば、その後の改造は自由自在です。
If I ask the AI to create the first code in Japanese, it will generate the code for me. Once I understand the code created by the AI, I can modify it as I wish.
Recently, I have been using it in a rather odd way.
For example, when I ask ChatGPT, "What is a multinomial logit model?
『統計学や機械学習の分野で使用される.... ロジスティック回帰の拡張..... ロジスティック回帰の拡張....』
"Used in statistics and machine learning," "Extensions to logistic regression," "Extensions of logistic regression..."
However, this message doesn't make sense to me.
But when I ask ChatGPT to "try to make a simple program in the Go language for the multinomial logit model,
package main
import (
// softmax関数
func softmax(logits []float64) []float64 {
var sum float64
probabilities := make([]float64, len(logits))
// ソフトマックス関数の計算
for _, logit := range logits {
sum += math.Exp(logit)
for i, logit := range logits {
probabilities[i] = math.Exp(logit) / sum
return probabilities
func main() {
// クラスごとのロジット(入力値)
logits := []float64{1.2, 0.8, 1.5}
// ソフトマックス関数を使用してクラスごとの確率を計算
probabilities := softmax(logits)
// 結果の出力
fmt.Println("Logits:", logits)
fmt.Println("Probabilities:", probabilities)
It can make the codes like that.
I can get a quick overview of the "multinomial logit model" by reading this program (no need to run the program).
It is as if the time required to understand the mathematical model is accelerated by about 10.
Technical books are too dull to read.
まあ、このような使い方をする人間は少ないとは思いますが、私の場合、「生成AI + プログラム言語」の助けを得て、リタイア後も当面はなんとかなるんじゃないかな、と、期待しています。
Well, I know that not many people use it this way. Still, in my case, with the help of "Generative AI + Programming Language," I hope to manage for the foreseeable future, even after I retire.
Though I still work in programming, I'm unsure if enough young people have programming skills.
There is a time limit until dementia sets in, but "hope" is "hope.