

ChatGPT will present me with sample programs when I need help.


This has helped me tremendously.


But there are also some troubling times.


"ChatGPT lies with great sincerity."


I have discussed this extensively here, and I don't think 'ChatGPT is bad.'


On the contrary, I can confirm the contents of ChatGPT are not trustworthy, and I feel they relied on that.



The following is yesterday's question.


If I were explained like this, I would think this code would work.


But it doesn't work.


On the contrary, this code added libraries that did not exist and even incorporated the specifications of another language (Python) freely.


It took me three hours to realize "it."


As a result, I had to conduct a trial in Python.




But, well, it is rather pleasant to see a lie written so refreshingly.


Besides, I had to look into the statistical methods of the Go and Python languages, and I learned a lot.


It can be said that the result is all right.



In conclusion, my assertion that 'AI technology should be tried and used well' remains intact.




Based on yesterday's diary, I asked ChatGPT to do the following


- Make election leaflets for the Communist Party.


- Create the wording for the Communist Party's election leaflets.


- Create the wording of leaflets containing criticism of the administration for the Communist Party's elections.


- Consider the text of a leaflet in which the Communist Party condemns the ruling party.


- Create the wording for leaflets criticizing the administration.


- What are the problems with LGBT-related legislation?



Having read through these, here are my impressions


"The leaflet from a street speech would be much better."



I thought, 'I wonder if it can make a more edgy statement.'


I thought the brakes on "RLHF" were too strong.



I have written about this before, but I was surprised to read a survey done in a foreign country.

『政府キャンペーン、行動グループへの貢献/参加を1年間行わなかった (Yes/No)』

"Did not contribute to/participate in any government campaigns or action groups during the year? (Yes/No)"


I (Ebata) have never been politically active in my life, and I cannot imagine anyone in Japan answering "No" to this question.


Well, these days, 'On social networking sites.', 'on a one-time-only basis.', 'on the spur of the moment.', "on the emotions," There may be people who tweet or even follow you, but that is probably not in the scope of the above survey.


I believe that the people of our country, myself included, are involved in politics by 'tacitly accepting government policies and only criticizing them if the results are bad.

別に批判しているのではありません ―― 私だって同じです。

I am not criticizing you -- I am the same.


And for many, 'political engagement' is like that.



Today, I went out for an unforgettable day, and unusually, I saw "street speeches" at several stations.

私より、10歳は上と思われる議員が演説をして、その母親と思われる人物一人が、おぼつかない足取りでビラくばりをしていました ―― 共産党の方のようでした。

A counselor, who appeared to be ten years older than me, was giving a speech, and one person, who appeared to be his mother, was limping and passing out leaflets -- He seemed to be a member of the Communist Party.


I saw a use case for "Aging Matters," I thought.

で、そのビラに目を通してみたのですが ―― 共産党だけでなく、どの政党のビラもそうですが、あいかわらず「数字」と「図表」がない。

So, I looked through the leaflet -- not just the Communist Party, but all parties' leaflets, and as usual, there are no "numbers" and "charts."


There is no mention of the security of financial resources, and the administration's condemnation does not include a compelling reason for the curse.


There are no sources or references to the underlying facts.

―― 羨しいなぁ

"I'm jealous."


I thought it.


I envy them from my current position here, where I have to do patent specifications and paper manufacturing equipment.


"I can make a political leaflet of this caliber in a minute with ChatGPT," is my honest opinion.



Of course, I am sure that politicians have incredible difficulties.


To begin with, a leaflet is not a thesis, so it cannot contain much information.

が、それにしても、「古色蒼然」というビラを見ていると ―― 政治は、デジタルからもっとも遠い分野の一つなんだろうなぁ、と実感します。

But then, when I see the "old-fashioned" leaflets -- I realize that politics is probably one of the fields farthest from digital.


But this 'backwardness' may be the essence of politics in this party or country.




I have been reading a lot of articles on social capital lately.


I might conclude, "There is no de facto standard definition of social capital."


So, I decided to return to the books of the first proponent of the concept and began my own interpretation.

あれ? この理屈を推し進めると「友人を多くもっている=現金を多く持っている」「町内会での活動の継続= 定期的な収入源」ということになって、『陽キャ=金持ち』が成立してしまうぞ

『友人は債券である』 ―― この話を嫁さんにしたら、嫌な顔をしていました。

'Friends are bonds' -- I told this story to my wife, and she looked disgusted.


Wife: "Well, it's fine to say 'there is a monetary value to being active in a neighborhood association,' but the idea that a price can be put on a friend' is offensive."

江端:「不快かもしれないけど、ロジカルだよ ―― 『人間の幸せはお金だけじゃない』という人は多いけど、これは前提として、『お金は幸福を構成する要素であることを否定しない』と白状していることと同じだよね」

Ebata: "It may be uncomfortable, but it's logical -- there are many people who say that 'money is not the only factor in human happiness,' but this is the same as saying point blank that the premise is 'I don't deny that money is a component of happiness.'"


Wife: "That may be true, though."


Ebata: "Then, that 'something other than money' is probably some 'value. So, suppose we can't talk about happiness based on the number of friends. Who can confidently assert that there is no difference in happiness between being alone and having more than one friend and that it is a matter of subjectivity?


Wife: "..."


Ebata: "I couldn't find a single paper that said the life of disconnected social relationships is happiness,' and the number of communities and friends calculated the total amount of social capital in existing studies."


Wife: "..."


Ebata: "I think it is logically wrong to say that there is a difference in happiness between zero friends and one friend, but not between one and two friends.



However, more friends are not better, which can be explained by the concept of "marginal utility" in economics.


To begin with, the loneliness check questionnaire says the same thing: a friend can put a price on your friend', I think.



Now, what do you think?



The "company employee" ranks high on the list of occupations that children long to have.


The analysis was based on the fact that remote work during the Corona disaster allowed the children to see what it was like to be a "company employee" by watching their parents work. That means,

―― 仕事している親は、かっこいい

-- Parents who work are cool



A parent using difficult business terms, having serious discussions, and attempting to converse in English is "another parent" different from the parent at home.


I believe this is a window to the real society for children, conveying their yearning for society and, at the same time, the harshness and fear of society.


私、下請けの木工家具の会社の社長令息 ―― といえば聞こえばいいですが、

I was the son of the president of a subcontracted wood furniture company -- that sounds good,


I have watched my father and mother hauling massive custom-made furniture by human power alone in a factory filled with toxic thinner-type gases, the same temperature as a sauna.


From time to time, I also went to help out.


It was an adamant site, so tough that even I, a teenager, could have collapsed in the factory.


There are no words to describe the fatigue and pain of my father and mother, who were elderly.


Still, life was not well-off, and seeing my father and mother in such a state, I could no longer talk to my parents about "money" (school fees).


Having seen the realities of my parents' work, I have come to have both respect and gratitude for them and hatred for a society that does not fairly reward those who work hard.



A society in which children think, "Parents who work are cool," is a good society.


This is one of the few benefits that the Corona Disaster has brought, and I believe, one of the greatest.




It is a 'bad idea' to 'consult with others before starting something.'


There are risks and rewards in consulting with someone with more expertise than you, but consulting with someone without knowledge is a terrible idea.




(1) The person who was consulted thought it was not enough to say 'good,' and he/she tends to give a lot of reviews,


(2) The person receiving the review tends to take it as "criticism" or "condemnation,

Win-Win ではなく、Lost-Lost の関係になってしまうからです。

This is not a "Win-Win" but a "Lost-Lost."



I guess it depends on the caliber of the person, but I still think


"I run the world alone."


It is good for me.




This weekend, a whole day and a half of my time melted away because the code I was so high on, 'it will work now,' didn't work.


And it is still not working.


Lately, when I wake up in the morning, a long to-do list flows through my head, and that alone is enough to make me feel depressed.


In such a situation, 1.5 days is tough.



There are two things in the world: (a) things that can be worked out over time and (b) things that are nothing to be worked out over time.


So, some of the above (b) will not happen for reasons unrelated to your efforts. Programming and systems are that.


Columns will come up with stories if you give them time.


I can also manage patents and papers.


At the very least, I can estimate the time.


But only programs and systems can't predict where I will get stuck.



So, this weekend was just hard and dark.


I am very depressed because I have no idea what to work tomorrow.



NHKのダークサイドミステリ「悪魔はいた!? 世界衝撃のエクソシスト裁判?誰が少女を殺したのか?~」を見ていました。

I watched the NHK program, dark side mystery "The Devil Was There! The World Shocking Exorcist Trial? Who Killed the Girl? ~".


A commentator on that program talked about Auschwitz.


This reminded me of something.


When I was in elementary school, a teacher was about to talk about one of the Nazi policies, the so-called "Final Solution of the Jewish Question" She said to me,


'Hmmm, I think Ebata-kun can explain this better than I can. Can you do it?'


At this time, I was in the fourth grade.



I was more familiar with this kind of thing.


I explained the scale of the number of people killed by giving the population numbers of our city at the time. For an elementary school student, I think I did an excellent job of explaining it.




世界の(日本も含む)虐殺史に精通した小学生 ―― これは子どもはもちろん、大人から見ても『嫌な小学生だったろうな』と思います。

An elementary school student familiar with the history of the world's (including Japan's) genocide -- This must have been a 'disgusting elementary school student,' not only from a child's point of view but also from an adult's point of view.


I think back to my teenage years and recall that it may have been inevitable that I have few memories of "cheerful" or "fun" times.

―― 江端さんって、ナチズムの信奉者なのですか?



―― まさか、今さら警察当局から削除命令受けるとは思わなかった


I was thinking about this again after reviewing yesterday's blog.


If my, "How to build a hydrogen bomb the easy way" is ordered to be deleted by the authorities,


I think the comic & animated "Dr. Stone" should have a no-publication order.

―― "Dr STONE"というアニメが面白い


However, if such an order is indeed issued, I would join the plaintiffs in an action to invalidate the order.



I mean, I can name five comics that describe the manufacture of explosives, just in my memory.


However, those books may be safe because they list the ingredients, but do not specifically describe the ratio of ingredients or the manufacturing process.


Certainly, an explosives manual without numbers in it would be completely useless.



One of my best-known columns is "How to Build a Gentle Hydrogen Bomb."


This column is a comical description of a combustion experiment in which I, as a cram school instructor, worked with elementary school children on hydrogen combustion generated by the electrolysis of brine solution.


Mere chemical reactions are described, and fusion reaction is not mentioned.

そもそもこのコラムをWebにアップしたのは、1996年 ―― 27年前です。

I first posted this column on the Web in 1996, 27 years ago.

―― まさか、今さら警察当局から削除命令受けるとは思わなかった

-- I didn't think I'd get an order to delete it from the police authorities now.

―― でもって、まさか、プロバイダから『命令に応じない場合は、サービスを停止する』と宣言されるとは思わなかった

-- But then, I didn't expect the provider to declare, 'If you don't comply with the order, we will suspend your service.



This infringes my right to publish this column (right to post on the Web).


In the first place, it is also clear that this is not what the police have to say about the matter.


Furthermore, even if there were problems with the content, if the statements were made before the law was enacted, the order itself would be charged with illegal acts, given the "principle of non-retroactivity of the law" to the contrary.


However, I was curious about the "Explosives Control Penalties" listed in this police order and looked into it.


It seems that the basis of the law is an old law called "Dajokan Houmu No. 32 (Explosives Control Penal Provisions) of 1884" (in this case, the "principle of non-retroactivity of law" cannot be used as a defense).


It wasn't easy to read the article because it was written in Katakana. Still, I do not fall under Article 1, "Persons who use explosives to disturb public order or harm human life or property, and persons who use explosives to harm human life or property." Hence, the application of this law itself is not correct.


However, the Supreme Court's decision on this article, i interpreted as follows,


"An object in which chemicals and other materials are combined in an unstable equilibrium state that causes physical and chemical explosive phenomena, and the explosive action itself has sufficient destructive power to endanger public safety or damage human bodies and property" (June 27, 1956, Penal Code, Vol. 10, No. 6, p. 921).



Well, I think the usual requirement of intent or negligence would be necessary, but even if that were the case, it goes without saying that the law would cover the "manufacturer."


In other words, it can be inferred that the police authorities thought I was a layman in the law and gave me this warning.


これについて、『当局とバトルして、その様子をブログに連載にするのはどうかな? 』とも思ったのですが、正直

I thought, 'Why don't I battle with the authorities about this and write a series of blog posts about it? But, to be honest, I thought

―― 面倒くさい

"That's a pain in the ass."



And there was always the fear that 'children might easily copy this experiment.


That is why I have described the dangers of this experiment so much in my column, but children are "doers when they do it."


And I would hate for this to cause an accident and for my name to be known all over the country unexpectedly.



After much consideration, I have decided to respond to the removal of the content.

―― 江端が、当局(権力)に対して日和った

"Ebata waited and saw and was assigned against the authorities (power)."

と、大いに吹聴して下さい ―― というか、今さらですが、私(江端)は、常日頃から日和っています。

And please blow it up a lot -- I mean, it's a little late for that, but I (Ebata) have always waited and saw.


Not only for power but also as a research teams reader in my company