

I have written comments on various world conflicts in a glib manner, but I am not a student of world conflicts.


To be clear, anyone who has read "Golgo 13" can speak to the extent of my comments.



Of course, "Golgo 13" does not write everything right.


There is a great deal of misunderstanding about telecommunications and AI technologies, and many recent IT trends are "nonsense" in their content.


For example, I sometimes feel like saying, "Nowadays, people don't make international calls (using the call function of social networking services is normal)," but I guess that would be a bit of a senseless



Numerous Israeli military and intelligence agencies appear in "Golgo 13" (and many in Kaoru Shintani's manga (e.g., Area 88)).


The Israeli military and intelligence agencies in Golgo 13 are "cool," to say the least.


With meticulous operational planning, daring execution, and intelligent on-the-spot judgment, they destroy and kill their targets with pinpoint accuracy, then disappear without a trace.



For example, "Mossad" continues to be portrayed as the world's most excellent spy organization, which fascinated Golgo 13 fans like us.



Ebata: "This invasion of the Gaza Strip, there is not a shred of intelligence."


Wife: "To reopen the killing of unarmed civilians as 'unavoidable' is beyond unseemly."


However, it was Hamas that first launched this invasion. It is Israel's right to retaliate against Hamas.


But I think it is also a matter of degree.


I think 'if 1,000 civilians in your country are killed, 1,000 civilians on the enemy side will be collateral damage' is one possible pitfall, regardless of the pros and cons.

しかし、20倍もの非戦闘員を殺害し、今なお殺害を継続している ―― 『本当に、どうかしているんじゃないか』と思う。

But they have killed 20 times as many noncombatants and continue to do so -- 'Really, I think they're out of their minds.



The "cool" Israeli military and intelligence agencies of Golgo 13 became an illusion in my mind.


Or perhaps they were 'fictions that existed only in Golgo 13 from the beginning.



The main character in "My Youth Romantic Comedy is Wrong as I Expected" is consistently portrayed as a character who hates math.


However, I feel uncomfortable with this characterization.


This protagonist can make precise relationships and even accurate predictions about the subsequent ramifications of the events he generates.


He uses a multivariate optimal solution method for human relationships, and for time variation, he uses an exponential function to imagine the human forgetting function, etc.


In other words, he hates math, even though he uses it all over his daily life.


This is a detrimental effect of the false assumption that the purpose of mathematics is to find the only solution.


I regret the design of these characters because I believe that the essence of mathematics is "Falmi Estimation."



I mean, in most animations, the character of the guy who "likes math" is a jerk or an enemy.


It is as if people who "love math" are portrayed as 'inferior/distorted in personality.'


I feel the world's ill will toward mathematics.



Earlier, I wrote the folloiwng in my journal,


―― 子供の『一体何の為に勉強するの?』に対して、大人にはそれに応える義務がある

"Against the child's "What on earth do I study for?" Adults must respond to this question."



One of the solutions to this, I think one of the answers to this question is that


"Studying mathematics can reduce the fear of new AI technologies."



I have been saying for a long time that the mathematics used in AI technology can be understood within the scope of high school mathematics.


I have not changed my opinion on this, even with the advent of generative AI.


In truth, there would be nothing to say if you could 'build your own simple AI core engine,' but that might be a bit too much.


However, it is more reassuring to think that you are governed by something you can understand (to a point) than to believe that you are governed by something you don't understand.



Perhaps you are caught up in the word 'domination'?


But humans are already controlled by machines, you know. You could even say that it's 'done'.


Already, we are dancing in the palms of our computers, from traffic lights to traffic jam information, vaccinations, to bullet train ticketing systems.


The only difference is that we humans are the ones who make and run the computers.


Studying mathematics reduces the phobia (fear) of these systems.


I wonder if the same could be said about AI technology, in my opinion.




I am now a college student while working. I am back to being a struggling student again.


Well, this time, it is not "financial" but "physical" and "ability" struggling students.


Research activities are hard, but so are lectures.


Classes in which the official language is "English" are naturally hard, but the content of the lectures is even harder.



Nevertheless, the lectures are interesting.


Here are the teaching materials for the first half of this school year.


I have written a column before on game theory, and the idea of Dr. Garrett Hardin's "Tragedy of the Commons" appears in conjunction with that game theory.


When learning about the "Tragedy of the Commons," many people easily despair (as I did) that 'humanity can't share resources.'



However, Dr. Elinor Ostrom, the 2009 Nobel Prize winner in economics, boldly challenged the "tragedy of the commons.


After critiquing the fundamentals of policy analysis as applied to natural resources, she provided unique empirical data to explore the conditions under which common-pool resource problems have been resolved satisfactorily. She used many examples to show the factors that prevent "tragedies of the commons."


I was honestly moved by the words, "This is what 'scales from the eyes' means.



The Prisoner's Dilemma or Tragedy of the Commons are easy examples.


However, the book is full of the wisdom of humanity that has overcome these obstacles (although, by the way, it is also full of examples that could not be overcome).


"Don't fuck with humanity."


She seemed to make me feel like that and fun.

Review of "GOVERNING the COMMONS" the Chapter 1st

Review of "GOVERNING the COMMONS" the Chapter 4th



Yesterday, I was working while playing the anime "Youjo Senki."


Episode 8, "Trial by Fire," depicts a campaign of extermination (massacre) against an entire city, using as its legal basis the construction of a legal logic that allows ground warfare in the city, including non-combatant civilians, to eliminate the resistance (militia) that has hidden in the city.


(Don't be cheated by the name "Youjo Senki." That is highly sophisticated political fiction, written about war strategy and tactics, politics, economics, law, and technology.)


Incidentally, I had noticed that the story was based on the "bombing of Dresden" by the U.S. and British Allied forces.


The "Bombing of Dresden" refers to the massive air raid on the German city of Dresden (commonly known as the "Pearl of the Elbe").


The raid devastated the city of Dresden, killing many of its citizens and making the event a controversial war crime.

ちなみにこの話(「火の試練」)は、イスラエル軍の、ガザ地区侵攻の話ではありません ―― が、同じ話です。

Incidentally, this story ("Trial by Fire") is not about the Israeli army's invasion of the Gaza Strip -- but it is the same story.



'Is there such a legal loophole (combat that allows civilians to be killed as collateral damage)?' I asked ChatGPT.




And thus, I was scolded by ChatGPT.


As a follow-up, ChatGPT gave me a lot of information when I asked for specific examples of laws prohibiting the killing of non-combatants (civilians) as collateral damage in urban warfare.


This will be developed at a later date.



Still, to think that at least that and that country are engaged in an ongoing battle/war that (1) is prohibited by numerous international laws and (2) would be scolded by the generating AI (ChatGPT),

―― AIによる世界支配の方が、まだマシじゃね?

"Wouldn't world domination by AI still be better?"


I think it is a good idea.



「情報統制を行い、自由な言論を弾圧し、平和を唱えながら、他国を侵略する国家元首」 ―― っていうのは、あまり珍しくないのです。

It is not unusual for a head of state to "control information, suppress free speech, and invade other countries while advocating peace.


However, I feel that a former head of state who has a 'stop non-Nazi (Nazism)' policy is a "novelty."


I've been doing some research on what exactly Russian President Vladimir Putin's advocacy of "de-Nazification" is referring to in Ukraine, and I'm not sure I understand it.


I know that this was motivated by the Russian cause of 'protecting the Russian population concerning the conflict in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of eastern Ukraine and defending them from attacks by the Ukrainian government.' Still, I am not sure why this is 'Nazism.'


What I know about the characteristics of Nazism is,


(1) Racism and Superiority


(2) Dictatorship and tyranny


(3) Territorial expansion and invasion


(4) Anti-Semitism


(5) National Socialism


(6) Forced Labor and Concentration Camps


around here, however, this looks like something "Russia" is doing, not "Ukraine."


If the head of state himself, who is holding up "Non-Nazi (Nazism)," is practicing Nazism, this is not only "novel" but also "progressive," I think.

―― 自国の安全保障の為であれは、他国の利益など躊躇なく踏み躙る



It is the season for year-end parties.


When alcohol is involved, people sometimes say things they do not usually speak.


- You must enjoy your work (even if your boss forces you to do work you don't need to).


- 'It's only a job if you can finish it on time' (even if your boss pushes you to do your boss's work).


- 'You don't have enough imagination' (even if your boss has never come up with an invention story on his own, even if he criticizes your proposal in one way or another).


Don't get drunk and say to your boss, "You say it?"



I was surprised to hear that next year's Taiga Drama will be "To Hikaru Kimi."


I wondered if NHK would finally abandon the "historical drama" route.


The Tale of Genji is a creation, not a historical tale.


The Tale of Genji is a parade of immorality if applied to current social conventions.

「寝とり/寝とられ」「ロリコン」「ジェントロフィア」「浮気」「不同意性交(強姦)」―― 権力者による性加害(性暴力)の物語です。

The story is about "cuckold/ cuckolded," "pedophile," "gerontophilia," "cheating," and "forced sexual intercourse (rape)" -- stories of sexual assault (sexual violence) by those in power.


However, the original author (Murasaki Shikibu) must be furious if Hikaru Genji is misinterpreted as a sex offender like "former Johnny Kitagawa of Johnny's Johnny" (by the way, all of Hikaru Genji's victims were women).


The above is an exaggerated (with extreme malice) account of one aspect of the Tale of Genji, so if you are interested, please read on. It is an exciting story in its own way.


I recommend the movie or novel "The Devil Wears Twelve Clothes" (but if you don't know the original story, it may not be interesting).


―― 多分、この話(源氏物語のドラマ化)は、私の勘違いだろう

"Maybe I'm wrong about this story (the dramatization of The Tale of Genji)."


I looked it up and found that the main character was "Fujiwara no Michinaga."


I have heard that "Fujiwara no Michinaga" was the model for Hikaru Genji.



At least "Nobunaga," "Hideyoshi," and "Ieyasu" are full of them, so that is not a problem.


But the Heian period, huh? And if they are talking about this area, it must be a story about power struggles. And it's a very insidious one at that.


As for the Heian period, I have a considerable prejudice and dislike for it.



Excerpted from "The Day a Researcher Who Hates Twitter Decided to

(エピソードその1)「逢ひみての 後の心にくらぶれば 昔はものを 思はざりけり ~権中納言敦忠~(あなたとお会いした後に比べると、昔は、なーんにも考えていなかったんだなーと思います--江端意訳」。

(Episode #1) "If I compare it to after meeting you, in the past, I didn't think about things - Gon Chunagon Atsutada - (Compared to after meeting you, in the past I didn't think about anything - Ebata's interpretation).


This is a famous waka poem from the Hyakunin Isshu, a Japanese anthology of 100 poems. When I first heard this waka poem, I thought, "Do you think you are fooling the people? When I thought of such a terrible person serving as a minister of our country, I felt the anger that the people who must have been suffering from poverty and heavy taxation must have felt.



Incidentally, Gon Chunagon Atsutada (Minamoto Atsutada) was born in 964 and died in 1039.


And Fujiwara no Michinaga was born in 966 and died in 1028.


As I said, there is an overlap between the background periods.


This is a taiga drama from an era when people who sang songs like this were in power.


(I mean, the primary method of politics in those days was to "sing songs and pray to God," which was the primary method of statecraft (which makes me angry)).


I do not know whether I can accept or reject this great drama.


I don't have to watch it if I don't like it.


Aside from that.



The wife also expressed another concern.


The problem is the poor production of "Chushingura."


In the old days, during the year-end and New Year's holidays, some terrestrial TV channels used to show "Chushingura," but for the past ten years or so, "Chushingura" has been a poor production.

―― このままでは、日本人から"忠臣蔵"が忘れ去られてしまう

"If nothing is done, the Japanese people will forget " Chushingura "."


And my wife is concerned.


This time, I did not comment on anything.


Since I once had a 'slip of the tongue' on this subject.

参考文献:「え! 『忠臣蔵』ってテロリズムじゃないの!?」



I am currently reading this book at the recommendation of my college professor.


In this book, a "switcher" appears.


Bullying is said to be a process of "verbalizing" one's dissatisfaction with a target, which builds up and cumulatively transforms into anger and hatred, which are then "justified" and "materialized."


It starts from the opinion that "He/She is getting carried away."

ところが、ここに一人、「空気が読めない奴 = スイッチャー」が「空気の読めない発言をする」ことで、その機能を停止させることができる、らしいのです。

However, one of the "airheads=switchers" here can stop that function by "making an airhead remark."



In college, I had difficulty getting into good conversations with my friends.


There were many times when I lost all confidence in myself because I was in situations where 'my comments made the place stop (or go blank).


However, I feel a little better today, knowing that there may have been occasions when my "lack of reading the air." was compelling.

少なくとも、自分自身が恐しいリスクを理解していながら、『仲間内でマスクを外して楽しげに会話する』などということを、やらずにすんでいられる ―― という幸せをかみしめています。



But, if I think about it, I have mass-produced many "columns that don't read the air.


Still, I know I am not a "switcher" or something cool like they call me.



Since yesterday, there have been news reports that "the whole country of Japan is panicking because of snow damage," so I panicked and changed my tires at noon today.


Fortunately, the weather was good in my area.

『DIYのタイヤ交換で、5000円くらいの節約になっている』という気持ちで、これまでは盛り上っていたのですが ――


Not only for money but also for the peace of mind of knowing I can change a tire whenever I think of it.



I do not drive my automobile when it is snowing or still snowing.


I have a lot of trauma going in the snow.

- スキー場から帰宅の途中の衝突事故

- Collision on the way home from ski resort

- 高速道路のど真ん中でスリップ反転停止し、目の前に迫ってくるトラックに直撃されそうになったた事件

- An incident in which a truck almost hit a car coming right in front of the driver after he had a slip-flip stop in the middle of the highway.

- 長女をひとり残した車が、滑走して、自宅前で衝突して止った事件

- An incident in which a car that left the eldest daughter alone skidded, crashed, and stopped in front of a home.


I can't tell you how often I have almost died driving in the snow.



I will not take the car out if it is snowing, even if my wife or daughter asks me to.


I tell my family, 'Walk while russelling,' 'Call when you leave the station,' and 'Activate your GPS service.


If a rescue call comes in, I will carry my winter gear, food, and drinking water in my backpack and go to my family's rescue.


These things are sometimes no joke in a place called the Minamitama area of Tokyo.




I don't mean to say things like "engineers don't slack off," but I think "many engineers are serious people."


I may be able to bluff people, make them dance with pretty words, or smoke them out with a good-looking presentation or poster, but I am not very good at it.


Because engineers have to live in a world where "moving things around is a must.


Engineers who say, "I can't do it on time," should be able to rationalize why.


And if you are an engineer, you should understand why they do it.



I thought, "Well, the executives must be economics or law school graduates who only calculate money and time (120% more prejudice)," and did some research.


The president of Daihatsu was a man with a strong engineering background.


"If you change your position, you see a different landscape."


It may be that way, or it may be misguided.


Today, I will not assert anything or criticize anyone.

―― 殺したくなっても、その実行は1週間後にする



By the way, I am quick, whether it is a program, a patent specification, an article, or a column.


Mass production is my forte.

ご要望の通りに、なんぼでも作ってみせます ―― 品質(安全、安心、利便性)を無視していいのであれば、そんなもんは軽いもんです。

I will make whatever you request -- if quality (safety, security, convenience) can be ignored, such things are light.



A few years into this century, there was a time when people said, 'IT is over.


I was doing network research then and thought, 'There is nothing more to do in IT.


The reason is that the network, which was little more than a garden watering hose, has been replaced by a network that looks like a giant tunnel. And not only at work but also at home.


Until then, I had been struggling to "mediate water disputes" (QoS control of the network); however, I felt foolish.


I will never forget the feeling of emptiness I had at that time.


I had a vague idea that bio- and clean energy would become the mainstream in the future.


Well, I was one of the few wizards who could handle the control system spell language (C/C++), so I thought I could make a living for the time being by doing maintenance work on the remaining equipment from the previous generation.


で、今、IT全然終っていません ―― というか、再起動しています。

And now, it's not finished at all -- or rather, it's being rebooted.


Thinking about where the conversion point was, I guess it would be the "cloud."


Then came the DX, and other things like "Raspy" appeared on the edge side.

決め手は『生成AI』です ―― この衝撃は計り知れないものでした。

The deciding factor was the "Generative AI" -- the impact was immense.

「まだChatGPTを使ってない人は『人生を悔い改めた方がいい』」 ―― と言った、ソフトバンクの孫社長に申し上げます。『いらんこと言うな』と。



At a recent meeting, I was asked what I did for a living, to which I replied, "I'm an IT engineer," he replied, "Wow, that's great."


At that moment, I felt a little dizzy.


It was like being forced back in time to "a time when people were unjustly respected just for using computers."
