

There is a lot of criticism of our Prime Minister.


As a result, the current prime minister has made it clear that he will not run for the next LDP presidential election.


It seems that the responsibility was placed on the party in power rather than on the prime minister.


I also have a “criticism of the governing party.”




To me, being a politician seems like a tough job.


At any rate, I cannot conceive of “a job in hand.


The only thing they have left is their “personal connections,” but this will all be wiped out if they are involved in a scandal and resign.



I've heard that there are quite a few failed politicians who are on welfare (at the rumor level, not yet corroborated), which makes sense.


I know of (only one) story of a former councilor who was forced to resign because of a scandal and then left his hometown to work part-time in a small store in a different part of the country.


The governor of some prefecture, currently in the middle of a scandal for allegedly harassing people and forcing them to donate money, continues to refuse to resign.


But I can understand his behavior.


If he resigns at this point, his illustrious career (including his high academic background, study abroad experience, and achievements as a bureaucrat) will all be blown away, so it is a natural strategy for him to say, “I will not resign even if I die.


In that sense, it is easy to see how difficult it is to act 'when there is a minor injury, withdraw early.'


This is my theory: “Withdraw is an art".


Now, let's return to the main subject



However, while the public is understandably angry about this incident, previous incidents (especially in the Showa period) were much larger and more horrific.


■Lockheed Martin Lockheed Affair (1976)


This is a case in which former Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka allegedly accepted a bribe from Lockheed Corp. This incident led to the arrest of former Prime Minister Tanaka and shook the LDP government.


■Recruitment case (1988)


This is the case of Recruit Co. providing private shares to politicians and bureaucrats. The ethics of politicians were questioned and caused the fall of the Takeshita Noboru cabinet.


■Kanemaru Shin case (1992)


This is the case of LDP Vice President Makoto Kanemaru, who allegedly received 500 million yen from Tokyo Sagawa Express. After Kanemaru's resignation, a power struggle within the LDP intensified.


In the cases of sex scandal,


■Kakuei Tanaka's “secretary scandal”


The scandal involved former Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka's alleged mistress with his secretary. The scandal attracted media attention and triggered a debate about the privacy of politicians.


■“Women's Scandal” by Prime Minister Sosuke Uno (1989)


The incident in which Prime Minister Sosuke Uno was reported to have had an affair with a hostess. The scandal short-lived the Uno cabinet, forcing him to step down after only 68 days.


■Koichi Hamada's “Adultery Scandal” (1970s)


Koichi Hamada, a major politician in the Liberal Democratic Party, was involved in a scandal in which he allegedly had an affair. This greatly shook his political life.


■The Scandal of Prime Minister Takeo Miki (1974)


Prime Minister Takeo Miki was known for his clean image, but some reports highlighted his prewar relationships with women.


In addition, I found the following:


■Scandal between Eisaku Sato and high-class club women (1960s)


Prime Minister Eisaku Sato was rumored to have had a relationship with a particularly exclusive club lady. Although not publicly publicized, Sato's private behavior drew media attention and criticism.


■“Ginza Hostess Case” by Ichiro Kono (1960s)


Ichiro Kono came under political scrutiny when his relationship with a Ginza hostess came under scrutiny. This incident contributed to the weakening of his political influence.



In the Showa period, many incidents were at the level of “one-shot dismissal” in today's compliance society.


Looking at the history of the steadfast “money” and “sex” scandals of the politicians of this governing party,


(1) The ruling party (LDP) has never changed.


(2) “Money” aside, if you have time for unethical sex, get to work!


And, well, as an engineer working as a company dog, I think.



I wrote a column about the “Lehman Shock” that began in the United States.


(Click on the above figure to jump to the column)


The most significant advantage of writing a column is that I must study intensely to write a story that makes sense.


I am happy if people who read my column understand what it is about, but even if they don't, I think, 'Well, that's OK.


The main reason I write my columns is for my understanding, and I am “lucky” if I can make my columns understandable to my readers.


Aside from that.



I have studied the Lehman Shock, but I do not understand the “collapse of the Japanese bubble” at a level I am comfortable with.


Recently, however, I found the best book about the “bursting of Japan's bubble.”


It is that.



(Click on the above figure to jump to the ad)


This book is incredible. I think there are two volumes out now, and I bought the paper book and have read it repeatedly.


I even want to bring it down to the memorization level.


It looks like the novel version is based on the comic book version, but I am reading the comic book version. Because the cash flow diagram is easy to understand.

加えて、当時の大蔵省のセクショナリズムの解説が最高です ―― 『これが官僚どうしの権力闘争か』と、かなり理解できました。

In addition, the explanation of sectionalism in the Ministry of Finance at that time was the best: “This is the power struggle among bureaucrats,” which I understood well.


I have been thinking about the theme of this book in my own way, and I think that it is

―― あのバブル崩壊は、だれのせいだ?

"Who is to blame for that bubble burst?"



(Spoiler alert: if you are interested, please buy it).



I was curious while reading this book, so I asked ChatGPT a question.


Did the Ministry of Finance then criticize itself for the collapse of the bubble economy and the “lost 20 years” that followed?


Then ChatGPT returned to the question prompt with “no answer” (well, this happens sometimes, but I felt something “arbitrary”).


When asked again, “Did the Ministry of Finance at that time criticize itself for the collapse of the bubble economy and the subsequent ‘lost 20 years?’, ChatGPT took longer than usual to answer the following question.

============== ChatGPTの回答ここから ==============

============== ChatGPT answers from here ==============


Regarding the bursting of the bubble economy and the subsequent “lost 20 years,” the then Ministry of Finance (now the Ministry of Finance) has made several self-criticisms and reflections.


During the bubble economy, financial institutions extended excessive loans and overinvested in the real estate and stock markets, which is considered one of the causes of the bubble. The Ministry of Finance has shown some remorse for the lack of adequate regulation and supervision in the operation of monetary policy. In particular, the Ministry considered the creation of asset bubbles as a result of continued monetary easing in the latter half of the 1980s problematic.


The Ministry of Finance has also expressed regret over its response after the collapse of the bubble economy. In particular, the delay in responding to the worsening bad loan problem after the bubble economy burst and the backward-looking policies to prevent financial institutions from failing were considered to be among the factors prolonging economic stagnation.


However, within the Ministry of Finance, responsibility was rarely clearly defined, and the Ministry sometimes took a defensive posture in response to external criticism. As a result, some point out that self-criticism was inadequate.


Overall, the Ministry of Finance showed a certain amount of remorse, but it is believed that it failed to make fundamental reforms or solve the problem.

============== ChatGPTの回答ここまで ==============

============== ChatGPT's response so far. ==============


On the news, I have seen many times the executives of the bank that went bankrupt bowing their heads in a press conference, but I cannot recall any bureaucrats apologizing to the public.


So, next, I asked ChatGPT, 'Please introduce me to a self-critical literature written by the Ministry of Finance officials themselves at that time,

============== ChatGPTの回答ここから ==============

============== ChatGPT answers here ==============


There are few documents recording self-criticism and reflection written directly by officials of the Ministry of Finance, and such documents generally exist as internal documents or reports. Because they often rely on critical analysis from outside sources, official self-criticism is not often publicly available.

============== ChatGPTの回答ここまで ==============

============== ChatGPT's response so far. ==============


That's the case.



I am writing this because I “ruined the world last night, and I was blue in the face.”

今一度、戒めよ "docker-compose up -d" とは、これまでつくってきた全てのプログラムもシェルも、何もかも破壊する、世界終末コマンドだ


For a moment, I even thought, 'I might as well die.



When the bubble economy burst, many people chose to commit suicide.


Not only company executives but also ordinary people went through bankruptcy, family & life disintegration, and suicide.


I suddenly wondered, 'I wonder if the people at the Ministry of Finance felt remorse for this incident to the point of committing suicide,' so I did some research.


Not a few had been driven to suicide by responsibility for the failure of policies they had been involved in or by the excessive stress of their duties.



In recent years, the government has called for " investment” in the Japanese people.


The Nikkei Stock Average has been fluctuating wildly.


I had 3,000 yen worth of bitcoins left over from a previous purchase in a joke, which had recently crossed the 20,000 yen mark.


I don't understand it anymore.

私は、こういう「鉄火場」には踏み入る勇気がありません ―― バブル崩壊の地獄を見てきた人間の一人として。

I don't dare to step into these “gambling room” places as one who has seen the hell of the collapse of the bubble economy.




地震対策: 黄色のプラスチックチェーンを使って、両端を棚に固定して、3つのディスプレイに巻きつけてみた。


I reported "lax earthquake countermeasures.” This report is a follow-up report.


The Ebata family has already taken measures such as preventing chests of drawers and cupboards from tipping over, but I realized that “the measures in their study were very lax.

私、毎日、自分の書斎の部屋にベットのマットレスを引き込んで寝ていますが ―― この書斎が危険の塊でした。

Every day, I slept with my bed mattress pulled into my study room, and this study was a mass of danger.


If a horizontal earthquake with an initial speed of 43 km/h occurs, more than 100 books will fall on my body.


I was horrified to realize I had directly positioned the printer over my head.


However, taking proper measures is expensive, time-consuming, and troublesome.


Few devices lock office automation equipment; even if they do, they are expensive.


So, I applied “even more lax earthquake countermeasures” like this.


I just strung one wire in front of the printer (the wire can be removed when the printer is in use).


At any rate, I do not expect the printer to fall entirely, but I think I can avoid a catastrophe in which an earthquake ejects the printer itself and hits me directly on the head.


I also wrapped the rear of the rest of the display with wire to prevent ejection (x falling).



The following are all I purchased.




The measures cost 686 yen (click on the picture to go to the product page).



I have given up on the idea of “perfect earthquake protection” from the very beginning.


The immediate goal is to avoid instant death.



I once wrote that “neighborhood associations and PTAs are the No. 1 organizations that many people do not want to be involved with” and that “the backwardness of neighborhood associations, in particular, is so bad that it is beyond description.

(上図をクリック → 「町内会から見えてきた真実」にジャンプ」)

(Click on the above figure → jump to “The Truth as Seen from the Neighborhood Association”)


Recently, however, I have come to believe that “backwardness” is the essence of human nature.


Mr. Yusuke Narita sums up this feeling well (not “backwardness” but “unproductivity”).



"Moving forward” is adventurous, dangerous, and messy.


I don't want to get in the way of “those who are moving forward”, but I don't like “those who force me to ‘move forward’”.


However, this “person who sometimes forces me to ‘move on’” is myself.


Or, more precisely, “past me.”

『次の定例までには、このくらいの成果は出せておかないとダメだろう』と、過去の私が、今の私をネチネチと責めてきます ―― 正直、うっとうしいです。

The past me is now blaming the present me, saying, 'You have to be able to achieve this much by the next regular meeting' -- it's annoying, to be honest.


No, this is still not accurate. I will try to rewrite it.


It's the fear that someone on the team might think, 'We need to be able to achieve this level of results before the next meeting.


There is no way to distinguish whether this fear is one's delusion or a correct prediction.


However, there is no doubt that my past (or present) behavior of being critical of others' words and actions is boomeranging and coming back at me.



When you think about it that way, what is the good life? I think, 


(1) To maintain an inconsistent and illogical mindset that says, “I criticize and condemn others' behavior, but I don't care about my behavior




(2) To go through one's entire life utterly unaware of the fact (1) above.




The approach is different, but the conclusion will still be here↓.








If you use ChatGPT, you can feel that virtual romance with an “AI boyfriend/girlfriend” will become the norm (although those who don't use it will have no idea).


Or rather, I think it is time for us to admit that 

―― 私たちは、心地の良いコミュニケーションだけがあればいい

"We only need comfortable communication."


I do not want to be reprimanded or criticized by anyone.


I have never wanted to grow, and I have never asked anyone to do so.


If I, who never grows up, am an unwanted trash in this society, you are welcome to dispose of me there.


And I will not complain to anyone if they dispose of me.




A 'profession that can manage to do without turning its back on the real world' will eventually emerge.


I wondered if the mobility of the workforce would also increase


This is an entirely personal observation, but I believe such a profession will most likely be developed in the technology sector.


A new motivation for learning may arise, in which math, English, and programming become essential to do “a job that can be done somehow, even with one's back turned to the real world.


Of course, there are possibilities for development in other professions (simply because I am ignorant of other fields).



I think that “death while being whispered pleasant words by an AI boyfriend/girlfriend” is “not a solitary death.” What do you think?



I have had many “hiccups” in my life, but I experienced the first “cramp this morning.”


During my summer vacation, I was out of the house for less than 10 minutes, coding almost 24 hours a day in an air-conditioned room (temperature set at 29 or 30 degrees Celsius).

そういう運動不足を見込んで、踏み台昇降用のバスチェアを購入して、一日30分の踏み台運動に、懸垂、腹筋を続けていたのですが ―― なんか、これが逆にオーバーロード(過負荷)になっていたような気がします。

In anticipation of this lack of exercise, I bought a stepladder bath chair. I continued to do 30 minutes of stepladder exercises, pull-ups, and sit-ups a day -- but I think this was conversely overloading my body.



Also, air-conditioning might have been a problem. Even if the temperature was set at 30 degrees Celsius, I don't think keeping the body cool was a good idea.



By the way, I read in the news that someone who posted on a social networking site about “male body odor” during the summer vacation was terminated from his contract with the firm.

私、「体臭」については、これまで色々論じてきたのですが、仮説ですら解決法を思いついていません ―― それくらい、この問題は難しい。

I have discussed body odor a lot, but I have not come up with a hypothetical solution- that's how complex this problem is.

夏になれば、仕方がないことですが、―― 男性の体臭が凄い。

―― 全身に、「米酢」をぶちまけたのか ?


■ 在席中に、平気で放屁する人がいて、その臭いが物凄くて嘔吐しそうになる


「こむら返り」は、まあ自分自身の問題としても 、「体臭」「加齢臭」は、自分では制御できません。

While “cramps” may be my problem, I cannot control “body odor” and “age-related odor” by myself.


Of course, I must do my utmost to avoid these problems.

しかし、その努力を評価されることなく、それどころか、非難され続ける ―― そういう、

However, no one appreciates any of my efforts and continues to criticize my “body odor” and “aging.”


The next stage of my life has already begun (in the style of “Hibike Euphonium”).



(Part 1.)


My second daughter said the following to a friend who did not get a job offer at my company.


"As far as the way my father works, that company is “black,” so you are lucky." 



No, it's not (I think).

私が四六時中働いているように見えるのは、私にとって業務の内容が難しくて、時間がかかりすぎていることが主要因です ―― 会社が"ブラック"であるかどうかは、私には分かりません。

The main reason I seem to work around the clock is that the work is too difficult and time-consuming for me -- I don't know if the company is “black” or not.


I know that my temperament is a problem. I can't say, 'I can't do it. '


However, I think I am doing the best I can, but I don't think I have received much praise.


Maybe my efforts are going in the wrong direction.


Anyway, in my case, I can only pat myself on the back.



(Part 2.)


When my daughters were young, I asked them the following questions:



(1) A dad who comes home early every day and can have dinner with everyone,


(2) A dad who comes home late daily but can take his children to Tokyo Disneyland twice a year.


Which do you prefer, (1) or (2)?



My two daughters didn't answer the question, and they just mouthed it to each other.

―― パパ、無理して早く帰宅しなくていいよ

“Dad, you don't have to come home early."


They replied.


「勤勉は貧困の一症状である」―― これは、故小田島隆さんのエッセイにあった一節ですが、非常に的を得たフレーズだと思います。

"Diligence is a symptom of poverty.” - this is a line from an essay by the late Takashi Odajima, and I think it is a very apt phrase.


If I were in a position to live my life today solely on my parents' legacy, I would not have spent my entire summer vacation spending 10+ hours coding and writing.


Because of poverty and the need for money, I am still forced to spend dozens of hours working on finding bugs or writing reports that probably no one but me will read. In addition, they are not fun.


Thanks to “moderate poverty,” I have been able to avoid confronting the “essence” of my work and research and to continue them.


I think this is something to be thankful for.


If it were not for this “moderate poverty,” I would have beaten up a few people in my life, and if I had not been so bad, I would have put my plan to hide the bodies into action.


これとは逆に、私が「適度な裕福」であったとしたらどうだろうか?  と考えてみました。

Contrary to this, what if I were “moderately wealthy?” I thought about it.


I think “moderately wealthy” makes it possible to “live without doing anything,” but in my case, “doing nothing” is quite painful, so I will probably end up doing something, I suppose.


On the other hand, I am terrible at “doing something with ‘someone.’”


In my case,

―― もしあなたと出会っていなければ

"If I had not met you."


The following phrase is never: 'I never knew I could love people so much.


I keep mocking the Heian period poets who left such poems to posterity.

『逢ひ見ての 後の心に くらぶれば 昔はものを 思はざりけり』(エピソードその1)です

"Compared to how my heart feels after meeting you, I realize that in the past, I did not truly know what it meant to long for someone." (Episode #1).


In my case, 

―― もしあなたと出会っていなければ

"If I had not met you."


the next phrase would be, 'I would never have thought of beating you up.

『出会わなければ、だれも不幸にならない』 ―― という、ネガティブ思考は、私の「主軸」だったりします。

Negative thinking, such as, “If we don't meet, no one will be unhappy,” is my “mainstay.


Back to the story.



From the above, if I were “moderately wealthy” I would have no choice but to “do something alone”.


However, when the “something” is “doing something alone,” and that “something” is not essential for me, it seems complicated to find that “something.


In my case, I think I am going back to being an alcoholic.

―― 過去の不摂生な生活は、そこから脱した後でも、私たちを許してくれない



Think of it this way,

『生死に関わる貧困 <<<< 適度な裕福 < 適度な貧困』

'Life-or-death poverty <<<< moderate wealth < moderate poverty'


This relationship seems (to me)  true.


Still, I can't stop my longing for “unearned income.”



Why do the permanent members of the UN Council have veto power?


I have always wondered about this, and the other day, I discovered why by chance.


The reason was simple.


If we don't give them (permanent members) veto power, they will soon leave the UN and start running amok.



This veto is an earful for our country.


After World War I, Japan received a unanimous vote from the League of Nations (x United Nations) (to be precise, 42 in favor, one abstention, one against (Japan)) that the Manchurian Incident was of our own making. Further, the League of Nations did not recognize Manchukuo and adopted a resolution supporting the Litton Report.


In reaction to this resolution, Japan withdrew from the League of Nations in 1933.


Japan was a permanent member of the League of Nations, but the League of Nations did not have veto power.


(If you think about it, this is a great story, too: Japan at that time had the same power as a permanent member of the United Nations Council as it does today.)


If the League of Nations had veto power over permanent members at that time, Japan would not have had to withdraw (instead, it would have abused its veto power).



It is often said that “a United Nations with a veto power over its permanent members is powerless.


That is a fair point, but we still do not want the permanent members of the Council of the United Nations to leave the United Nations quickly.



So what is the significance of the UN “condemnation resolution”?


A condemnation resolution has no legal effect on the country.


To begin with, UN resolutions are not legally binding.


For example, during the Gulf War, the UN Security Council adopted a resolution authorizing coercive measures against Iraq, but France and other countries opposed subsequent military action.


Nevertheless, a multinational force led by the United States launched military action by UN resolutions.


After all, a “resolution of condemnation” cannot stop a war.



Nevertheless, if I dare to cite the effect of the “condemnation resolution,”

―― SNSの炎上

"Social Networking Flames"


It would be about the same.


In other words, it is an appeal to say, “The whole world thinks the war you started is ” wrong.


I don't expect a head of state to change their opinion because of a “social networking flame war.


Because those who are in charge of a nation are “psychopaths” who are different from ordinary people.


If one were not a psychopath, they would not strive to be a war leader.



To return to the story, in 1933, Japan announced its withdrawal from the League of Nations, and six months later, Germany and then Italy withdrew.


The three who left the classroom (Japan, Germany, and Italy) formed a clique outside the school (League of Nations) and formed a group called the Tripartite Pact (Axis Powers).


So, the three of them hit the classroom, resulting in “World War II.



Now, here is the simulation.


If the United Nations were to remove the veto power from the permanent members, Russia would withdraw from the organization.


Then, China is expected to withdraw next, followed by North Korea and Iran in the crunch.


What will happen as a result will be more apparent than fire.



In my case, by thinking in this way, I try to think of the “helplessness” of the “United Nations is helpless” as “there is nothing we can do about it.




I was in a college mountain club but left early after my first year.


There were many reasons, but I don't think I would have stopped if I liked climbing, so I guess I didn't like it that much.


But more than that, climbing the mountain was a real pain. It was usually hard enough to climb, but then there was all that luggage.


The load was so heavy (about 20 kg) that I could not stand up if I didn't strictly follow the correct procedure.


It's no fun to finally get up, take five steps forward, and think, 'I don't want to do this anymore.


Another thing is the hopeless sense of the extraordinary. It is natural that “if you slip and fall here, you will die,” but “if you just break a bone here, you will die,” or “if you have a stomachache here, you will die” are situations that would not be possible in everyday life.

山には楽しいこともあったと思うのですが ―― けど、それ以上に、私にとって、山は辛く、怖いものだったのです。

I think there were fun things about the mountains -- but more than that, for me, the mountains were rugged and scary.


I am unsure now, but I sometimes think that sense of defeat led to my subsequent wandering abroad.


Well, I also feel that it was utterly irrelevant.



I like documentaries and movies about mountaineering.


I also like “Ice Wall” (1956) and “Rock Wall” by the late Yasushi Inoue and, although in a slightly different direction, “Mark's Mountain” (1993) by Kaoru Takamura.

新田次郎先生の『剱岳 点の記』(2009年)、古いもので言えば、『八甲田山』(1977年)など、小説も映画もなんども読み直しました。

I have reread many novels and movies, including Jiro Nitta's “Tsurugidake: Ten no Ki” (2009) and an older one, “Hakkoudasan” (1977).

『剱岳 点の記』は、Making of  の方も何度も見直しています。

I have reviewed the Making of Edition of “Tsurugidake: Ten no Ki” many times.


I've watched “Ridge of the Gods (the animated one)” more than three times now.


(It is also quite surprising that Taniguchi Jiro's manga adaptation of Yumemakura Baku's novel was “created by a French animation production team” and is one of the most famous French animation works.)


It is an outstanding work about the madness of a mountain lover.


I have insisted that 'only Madne's surpasses talent,' but I feel that I am not far from the madness of this mountain lover.



The mortality rate for climbers is frighteningly high.


ChatGPT estimated that “the annual mortality rate for the general public is about 0.1% or less, compared to about 1-30% for climbers who attempt Mount Everest and other rugged mountains.


The mortality rate for climbers is ten times higher at the most optimistic value and more than 300 times higher at the worst value.



Come to think of it, when I was a teenager, my mother even told me that if I did winter mountaineering, she would cut me off from my parents, but her fears were completely unfounded.

―― あなたの息子は、冬山どころか、夏の北アルプスの1週間の縦走くらいで簡単に根を上げる、軟弱者でしたよ

Your son was feeble-minded and gave up quickly climbing just for a weeklong traverse of the Northern Alps in summer, let alone winter mountains.


I muttered to the sky.



Among love, crazy (seemingly) love that transcends logic has a high price to pay.


I even feel that the only thing worthy of being called “love at the risk of one's life” can be found in “Mountain Climbing.