

For a long time, I thought there was an anime called “Toho Shinki,” but today, I learned for the first time that it was a male vocal group from South Korea.


If you become unfamiliar with this kind of culture (or subculture), the number of enjoyable content will decrease dramatically.


If the number of enjoyable things you can do decreases, your life will become boring.


When life becomes boring, people (probably) die young.


If you die young, your life will be “a life in which you only paid taxes to the government.”



The conclusion I can draw from this is that


'If you enjoy Toho Shinki, you will live a long life.'



Well, I know it's a pretty rough piece of logic.



People who are cynical about baseball, soccer, the Olympics, subculture, and all other forms of entertainment and events in the world are just trying to look cool, and in the end, they won't be able to live a happy life.


However, it's no good if you start doing things like this in a rush after the fact (e.g., after you've retired).


Because I don't have even one square centimeter of soil left in me to enjoy baseball or soccer.


From now on, I will need physical and mental strength to cultivate this soil, but I don't have either.


While “skill” is one of the fun things to do, it is difficult to share with others.


In addition, “skills” require the ability (and physical strength) to maintain them, which, too, continues to deteriorate with age.



All I can do now is warn everyone that if you put on airs and stand on the side, you'll have a boring old age waiting for you.




I had been trying out a DIY “software GPS,” so I knew our house had moved a few centimeters over the year.


More specifically,

  • 東北地方や関東地方では、太平洋プレートに押されて西向きに年間約8 cmほど移動しています。
  • 南西諸島では、フィリピン海プレートに押されて年間約5 cmほど南西方向に移動しています。
  • The Pacific Plate is pushing the Tohoku and Kanto regions westward at about 8 cm per year.
  • The Nansei Islands are being pushed by the Philippine Sea Plate and moving southwesterly at a rate of about 5 cm per year.


That's what they say.


The Japanese archipelago is moving by a few centimeters to a few dozen centimeters per year due to the movement of the tectonic plates.


A plate is a “styrofoam board floating in a pool filled with muddy water.”


And on top of this styrofoam board is the Japanese archipelago.



The entire bottom of the pool contains gas stoves, so the muddy water circulates in the pool.


The styrofoam board is located right where this mud cools and sinks to the bottom of the pool, and on top of that is the Japanese archipelago.



I've only recently come to understand the following.


(1) The styrofoam board is bent over and over by the mud in the pool, and it can't take it anymore, so it makes a “bang” sound and tries to return to its original shape. The Great East Japan Earthquake and other massive earthquakes like the Tohoku Earthquake


(2) The styrofoam board has a crack in it, and the mud in the pool makes a cracking sound as the crack widens, like in the case of a direct-hit earthquake such as the Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake (Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake).



These earthquakes are entirely different, like black and white, 0 and 1, and salt and sugar.


While the earthquake damage in (1) above is a wide-area disaster that spans multiple prefectures, the earthquake in (2) is a localized disaster, and the difference is simply the difference between “the whole of the styrofoam” and “the cracked part of the styrofoam.”


The styrofoam board floating around the Japanese archipelago has more than 2,000 cracks. This is an active fault.


Of course, the 2000 active faults make a cracking sound almost every day, and the cracks widen.


Here is a summary of earthquakes of intensity 0 or greater that occurred two days ago (September 21, 2024)


(Click to go to the Japan Meteorological Agency's page)


More than 100 earthquakes happened on this day alone.


We are riding on a ship made of styrofoam (and the ship has 2000 cracks).



With 100 to 200 earthquakes occurring daily, it's probably pointless to pray, “Please don't let a big earthquake happen (if it does, please let it happen somewhere that I have nothing to do with).”

こんなヤバイ船に乗っているのに、その準備(災害対策)をしない人は ―― 『大変な豪気』というよりは『途方もないマヌケ』と言われても仕方ないでしょう。

If you're on a boat like this and don't prepare for disasters, you can't help but be called a “ridiculous idiot” rather than a “great daredevil.”




I had a lot of requests regarding the handling of my funeral after I died, but recently, my mind has changed.



These days, I say that

―― 死んだ人間には、人権はない

"A dead people have no human rights."



―― 残った人間にとって、もっとのコストパフォーマンス(安い)な方法で処分してくれればいい

"it would be better for the remaining people to dispose of me in a way that offers better value for money (i.e., cheaply)."



Yesterday, I asked about the funeral sect.


When I asked my family if I needed to be called “monk,” they said it would be more troublesome not to be called that.


They asked me about the denomination, so I said, “It doesn't matter what. It can be the cheapest denomination at a temple or shrine that partners with the funeral hall.”



My Family also asked me what goes into the coffin.


Based on my experience of my father and mother's funerals, I asked that the garbage (such as the wrapping paper from the rice balls and beer cartons) left by the people who came to the funeral be collected and burned, but they rejected my request.



Wife: “Shall I let you have a drink of the sake you have stopped drinking?”


Me: “No, it would be a problem if the coffin got wet with alcohol. If that's the case, I'd like you to put in the remaining tranquilizers (Sercin, Eurodin). I'd be in trouble if I couldn't sleep after I died.”


Wife: “Do you want to put a computer in the coffin?”


Me: “Computers don't burn even in the heat of a crematorium.”


Second daughter: “Is there nothing else?”


Me: “If you could burn the confidential documents hidden at the back of the room into one document, I think it would be safer to prevent leaks of confidential information.”


What happens to the company after I die (or after I retire) is not my concern. Still, I thought the remaining family would probably have trouble figuring out what to do with the confidential documents.


Somehow, even so, I feel 'dying buried in paperwork' is more like me than 'dying buried in fresh flowers.'



If they could throw a photo of my wife's wedding dress into the coffin, that would be enough.

―― と、以上、伝えたぞ。娘たち。

That's all I have to say. Daughters.



One of my many mottos is “Never pick up chestnuts in the fire.

私、ブログのネタには困っていない方です。「火中の栗」をマメにメモしているからです ―― でも、基本的に「火中の栗は拾わない」です。

I'm the kind of person who doesn't have a problem with blog posts. I've been taking notes on “chestnuts in the fire,” but I don't “pick up chestnuts in the fire.”


I can pick up such things after they “cool down” and “eat” them when I have run out of information.

でも、「火中の栗」でも、食べれるものはあります ―― 私が専門としているフィールドのネタです。

But even “chestnuts in the fire” can be eaten -- the stuff of the field I specialize in.



Today, therefore, I would like to focus on one of the “chestnuts in the fire,” “More than 3,000 pagers used by members of Hezbollah, a Shiite Muslim organization, exploded at the same time.


At this point, no country or organization has issued a “statement of criminal activity,” but I am sure there are very few organizations that can do this thing.


I recall this column, “Stuxnet,” which I wrote 12 years ago.


(↑Click here to jump to the article)


This cyber attack was also quite surprising because it broke the common sense of us IT engineers (at that time), and the “simultaneous explosion of over 3,000 pagers” was also quite surprising.

完成された製品の中に、その後に「爆薬」と「起爆装置」の両方を組込む、という技術力が、私にはちょっと信じられない ―― それ、ほとんど『作り直し』になる、と思いました。

I found it a bit hard to believe that the technical capability to incorporate both “explosives” and “detonators” into a finished product afterwards -- it would almost be a “make-over”, I thought.


The easiest way to do this is to malfunction the software and overload the pager, as in Stuxnet, causing the internal components to explode. Still, the only exploding element is the battery.


But, I wondered if it would be a bit difficult to say whether a pager battery could cause an explosion that would kill someone.


So I guess that would mean “explosives embedded in a finished product,” but are there explosives small enough to be incorporated into a pager?


I looked it up and found that it seems to exist (it is called “C4” or “TATP”).


However, if 3,000 devices are packed with explosives, about 1% (30) should surely malfunction (yield failure). In other words, an accident should have occurred beforehand, but we have not found any news of such an accident.


However, it seems that “C4” can avoid this “yield defect.”

  • 粘土のような柔らかさを持ち、手で成形可能
  • 非常に安定しており、火や衝撃、銃弾を当てても爆発しない。爆発させるには特定の起爆装置が必要
  • ただ、起爆には強力な衝撃波(デトネーション)が必要なため、簡単に偶発的な爆発は起こらない
  • Soft like clay and can be molded by hand
  • Extremely stable and will not explode if hit by fire, impact, or bullets. Requires a specific detonator to detonate.
  • However, detonation requires a powerful shock wave (detonation), so there is no easy accidental detonation.


Looking at pictures of C4 and other things, it seems to work well with electrical circuits.


It seems to be used in this way.


―― 材料さえ揃えば、私でも作れそう

"If I have all the ingredients, I can make it."


I thought it.


Well, since I can't get C4, there's nothing I can do (when I was a student, I used “firecrackers” instead of “C4”).



Next, I was surprised to read that “Hizballah communication terminals had exploded one after another for two days in a row.”

―― ヒズボラの事務局は、一日目の攻撃の後、全ての通信機器の使用停止命令を発令しなかったのか?

"Didn't Hezbollah's secretariat issue an order to suspend the use of all communication devices after the first day of attacks?"


I also thought that.


However, it is only natural that governance becomes more complex as an organization grows. It is said that there are at least 100,000 members of Hezbollah.


In addition, this kind of notice does not easily penetrate the members.


仮に、我が国で、『iPhoneに爆薬がしかけられている』と報道されても、ほとんどの人は、私を含めて、iPhoneを使い続けるだろうなぁ、と思ってしまいました ―― で、多分、爆死する。

Even if it was reported in Japan that 'there was an explosive device hidden in an iPhone,' I think that most people, including myself, would probably continue to use the iPhone - and probably die in the explosion.


It seems inevitable that 'when we hear about cyber terrorism, it seems like something that doesn't affect us.'



I suddenly wondered whether the children's educational program


'Okasan to Issho' (Play With Your Mon)


produced and broadcast by NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) would be okay in this society of compliance mania, and I started to worry a little.


You can nitpick about this program's name to your heart's content.


(Or rather, when I looked it up, there were tons of them. I won't list them, so please look them up yourselves.)


However, “Together with the Parents” is probably not a good idea. If it were “Together with Mother and Father,” the order of the words would be problematic, and if it were “Together with the Family,” there would be another problem.


I'm not good at things like this because I can't explain them using logic.


If changing it causes problems, I think “leaving it as it is” is one solution.



I remember thinking, “Is this person crazy?” when I saw someone saying that “miso nikomi udon”, a specialty of Nagoya, was discriminatory against people with intellectual disabilities.


However, I cannot explain the “sanity” and the “insanity” by logic.


So I think the best response to this kind of opinion is to ignore it.




I think it's a good idea to remember that “ignore” is another way of dealing with a situation that isn't “flaming.”


Also, I think limiting myself to three attack areas is a good idea.

私は、「カルト」と「政治家の脱税」と、あと「テクノロジー」には反応することにしています ―― 少なくとも、何にでも節操なく反応する人間にはならないように、自分で律しているつもりです(とりあえずSNSはやらず、ブログでとどめています)。

I've decided to react to “cults”, “politicians' tax evasion”, and “technology”. At least, I'm trying to discipline myself so that I do not react to everything without restraint (for now, I'm not on social networking sites, and I'm only on blogs).



I don't know whether “research and development on using generative AI for business” is at its peak now or whether it will continue to grow, but quite a few projects are currently running.


I have a question: 'Is a generative AI something you would use as a library of business tools?


The most significant feature of “Generative AI” is its “interactive conversation style with humans.”


It's like how non-alcoholic beer is labeled as a “beer-tasting beverage.”


Of course, the feature of generative AI is not just “interactive conversation.”


Here is a rough list of core technologies and elements of generative AI with clear names, including those used in text, images, and audio (this is a memo for me).

■ GPT(Generative Pre-trained Transformer): 大規模言語モデルの代表例で、テキスト生成に使用

- GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer): A representative example of a large-scale language model used for text generation

■ BERT(Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers): 双方向にテキストを理解するモデルで、自然言語処理タスクで広く利用

- BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers): A model that understands text in both directions and is widely used in natural language processing tasks.

■ T5(Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer): テキスト生成や翻訳、要約など多用途に使える生成AIモデル

- T5 (Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer): A generative AI model that can be used for various purposes, such as text generation, translation, and summarization.

■ DALL・E: テキストから画像を生成するモデル

- DALL-E: A model that generates images from text

■ Stable Diffusion: テキストプロンプトから画像を生成する拡散モデル

- Stable Diffusion: A diffusion model that generates images from text prompts

■ StyleGAN: GANを基にした画像生成モデルで、高精細な画像生成に特化

- StyleGAN: An image generation model based on GAN, specializing in high-definition image generation

■ VQ-VAE(Vector Quantized Variational Autoencoder): 画像や音声の生成に使われるオートエンコーダーモデル

- VQ-VAE (Vector Quantized Variational Autoencoder): An autoencoder model used for generating images and sounds

■ Turing-NLG: Microsoftが開発したテキスト生成用の大規模言語モデル

- Turing-NLG: Large-scale language model for text generation developed by Microsoft

■ Claude: Anthropic社が開発した大規模言語モデル

- Claude: Large-scale language model developed by Anthropic

■ LaMDA(Language Model for Dialogue Applications): Googleが開発した対話特化型の大規模言語モデル

- LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications): A large-scale language model developed by Google that is specialized for dialogue

■ Codex: プログラムコード生成に特化したモデルで、GPT-3ベース

- Codex: A model specialized in program code generation based on GPT-3

■ Whisper: 音声認識と文字起こしに特化した生成AIモデル

- Whisper: A generative AI model specialized in speech recognition and transcription

これからも、生成AIの増えていくと思うので、こういう用語の羅列には、あまり意味はないかもしれませんが、とりあえず、これらの用語を頭に入れておかないと「ついていけない」 ―― というか「おいていかれる」と、強く感じます。

I think that the number of generative AIs will continue to increase, so there may not be much point in listing terms like this, but for now, I feel that if I don't keep these terms in mind, I won't be able to keep up - or rather, I'll be left behind.



For engineers, pretending to understand is a form of bluffing.


The fact that it is pretty standard to go from pretending to understand to understanding is also a characteristic of the work of an engineer.

『分かったフリ』をすると、仕事として投げつけられて、結局、逃げられなくなるからです ―― あまり楽しい話ではありませんが、最新技術をせっせと入荷し、加工して、販売し続けないと、エンジニアという店舗の運営はできないです。

If I pretend to understand, I'll end up being thrown work at and unable to escape - it's not a very pleasant story. Still, if I don't keep working hard to bring in the latest technology, process it, and sell it, I won't be able to run a store as an engineer.


Leaving that aside



When I think about it like this, I realize that I am just a consumer (user) of generative AI and that I don't have an awareness of being a “generative AI developer” because I think that “the greatest feature of generative AI is its interactive conversational style with humans.”


As an engineer who believes that “it's all about making things,” this is a nasty tendency. (I've even made my own TCP/IP protocol stack (prototype). Generally, this is a waste of time.)


However, “developer of generative AI” is a bit harsh.


This is because generative AI cannot be created on a “small scale.”


It is said that LLM (Large Language Models) handles hundreds of thousands to millions of words, and the number of “tokens” that include parts of words, symbols, and grammatical elements is currently over 50,000.


It's easily beyond the scope that a weekend engineer can handle.


という訳で ――

So ――.


If you know of any literature or books on “AI that is created from scratch by an individual,” please introduce them to me.

そりゃ、私だって、「ナンシー」をゼロから自力で作りたいとは思っています ―― これでも、エンジニアの端くれですからね。

Of course, I'd like to make “Nancy” from scratch, too - I'm an engineer.

(↑クリックすると、「Over the AI ――AIの向こう側に」の連載記事一覧に飛びます)

(Clicking on the above will take you to a list of articles in the series “Over the AI - On the Other Side of AI”)




Unfortunately, I can't see monsters, ghosts, or UFOs.


In other words, I “lack the ability”.


Conversely, people who see monsters, ghosts, and UFOs have “abilities.”

頭の悪いカルト宗教の教祖(特に、その人物の背後霊にインタビューするとか言っていたバカ)や、その教団の教祖の言っていることを信じる低能な信徒はさておき ―― そういうものが「見える」全ての人が、「嘘吐き」と考えるのはちょっと難しいかな、と。

Leaving aside the stupid cult leaders (especially the idiot who said he was going to interview the spirits behind them) and the low-IQ followers who believe what the cult leaders say -- it's a bit difficult to think that all people who “see” such things are “liars.”


I have also experienced things that physical phenomena cannot explain, although it was only twice. In other words, the fact that it happened twice may have occurred more than twice.


This “two times” may have been when Ebata's brain was exhausted, so it's also a bit suspicious.



I don't reject people who say they can see monsters, ghosts, or UFOs because I can't see any merit in their claims and because, whether monsters, ghosts, and UFOs exist or not, I have no particular interest in them.


In addition, there is also the incidental reason that 'it's more fun to think that monsters, ghosts and UFOs exist than to think that they don't exist'.

ただ、ロジック、物理方程式、数学優先で、過去の「オカルト(詐欺)事件」「カルト宗教団体テロ事件」を山ほど知っている私は ―― この「楽しい」に至るのが難しいのです。

However, I know a lot about past “occult (fraud) cases” and “terrorist incidents by cult religious groups” because I prioritize logic, physical equations, and mathematics, so it's difficult for me to get to this “fun” part.



We should not overlook when someone with the ability is called a liar.

化け物とか幽霊とかUFOとか見えることを、科学的に客観的に実証する手法や、国家認定試験みたいものがあればいいんですが ――

I wish there were a way to scientifically and objectively prove things like seeing monsters, ghosts, UFOs, or a national certification exam.


I considered this while watching Natsume's Book of Friends and Fullmetal Alchemist.



The reason for the start of World War II, in my head, is


the conflict between “the team that can get by somehow even with protectionism” and “the team that will die instantly if the former teams imposed the protectionism.”


天然資源を自国で賄えて他国の外貨を獲得できる国はいいなぁ ―― と、ロシアを見ていて思います。

It's great that Russia can meet its natural resource needs and earn foreign currency from other countries.

ウクライナなんぞほっとけばいいのに ―― 無理かな。

Why doesn't he leave Ukraine alone?  Impossible? 

ロシアも、チンギスハーンの時代のモンゴルや、太平洋戦争までのかつての日本帝国のような巨大な領土(占領地域)を手放せば楽にになりますよ ――


Before World War II, Japan wanted to maintain its status as a first-class nation, but it had no natural or energy resources.


So, after getting involved in the peninsula, the continent, Siberia, and the south, they ended up in the situation you know about after the war.


A country with no resources is still miserable.


昨日、「アメリカ 中国製EVの関税 27日引き上げへ 現在の4倍の100%に」というニュースを読んで、これも保護貿易だよなぁ、と思っていました。

Yesterday, I read the news “US to raise tariffs on Chinese-made EVs to 100% on the 27th, four times the current rate”, and I thought, “This is also protectionist trade, isn't it?”.

まあ、それでも、中国には潤沢な国内市場があります。国の中でグルグルと経済を回せるだけの人口があるのだから『まあ、がんばれ』とエールを送っておきます ―― もちろん、中国政府ではなく、中国のエンジニアの皆さんに、です。

Even so, China has a large domestic market. The population is large enough to keep the economy going, so I'll cheer them on and say, 'Well, hang in there'—of course, not to the Chinese government but to all the Chinese engineers.



I have not forgotten my resentment towards the “Super 301” clause that the U.S. imposed the sanctions.

「勝てない相手とは、喧嘩はしない」のは、当たり前のことですが ――


During the Japan-US trade friction, the US said, “We (the US) won't threaten Japan with tariffs. But you know that. " The US forced Japan to “voluntarily limit the number of exports,” and Japan again bowed to the US at this time.


Of course, China was similar.


I forgot we had to cancel the crucial meeting in China during the Senkaku Islands dispute.

いいんです ―― 日本は、戦後、そういう理念で国家を運営してきたのです。そして、それは正しい。

That's fine. - Japan has been running the country based on that philosophy since the end of the war. And it's the right thing to do.


私たちの仕事が、政治によって邪魔されるのは仕方がないことかもしれないけど ――

It may be inevitable that politics interrupt our work, but


No one knows that an engineer was clenching his fists and angrily trembling.


Not just a “star on earth” but a “silent shadow.”


The engineer, who does not express his frustration or regret in words that no one ever hears, disappears from the scene.

一片の救いもないミッション ―― そんなものは、生きていれば、山ほどあります。

Plenty of missions offer no hope - if you live, you'll have plenty of those.


Or rather, that's all life is like (is it just me?).

NHKの「新プロジェクトX」が、こういう、政治に翻弄されたエンジニアたちの、やるせない悔しさと、プロジェクトの破綻、崩壊まできちんと描く「一片の救いのない」番組を作ってくれたら ―― 多分、私は視聴すると思います。

Suppose NHK's “New Project X” made a program that correctly depicted the helpless frustration of these engineers, who were at the mercy of politics and the collapse and destruction of the project. In that case, I would probably watch it.

「江端家プロジェクト(The project of "the Ebatas") ―― プロジェクト "E"」



I had a nightmare again this morning. It's the second night in a row.

Where are you going today? ―― と記載されたTeamsのチャットを見た、という夢を見ました


The nightmare I had this morning was a total mess.


This is a dream in which I am taking the “Common First-Stage Examination,” or rather, the “Center Test,” or rather, the “University Entrance Common Test.”


The test venue was a McDonald's eat-in space, and the test material handed out was a brochure with pictures of English furniture.


And the questions were also terrible.


The instructions were written in English: “Create presentation materials to appeal this furniture to customers.” The content was to create presentation materials by drawing pictures with a pencil on three blank sheets of paper. Of course, you had to create them in English.


The next question was also in English and read, “The furniture company that publishes this pamphlet is having management problems. To improve this, draft a speech to be given in front of the executives.”

―― 何の試験なんだ、これ?

"What kind of test is this?"


Furthermore, the question on the next page was to write the complete dialogue of the main character from a page of a manga called “Naruto” (I have never read this).


As I was sitting there with my head in my hands, the person sitting next to me suddenly got up and left.


As I was there dumbfounded, he laughed and said, “I've already taken the math exam, so I don't need to worry about this one, even if I get zero points,” and walked away.


(“I'm not going to forget the details of this dream,” I thought, and I started writing as soon as I turned on my computer).



I think it was a hard day yesterday.


I think it was after 3 a.m. when I finished checking every corner of the 12-page paper and sending it to my supervisor along with the summary of the revisions.


My head was sparkling, so I decided that I probably wouldn't be able to sleep, so I took a dose of “Estazolam” before going to bed, and when I woke up at seven this morning, I popped a “Diazepam” into my mouth.

―― ドキュメントダイエット、コーディングダイエット

そして、今の今まで、ずーっと上記の「大学入学共通テストの悪夢」に苦しみ続けたような気がするのですが ―― 時計を見たら正午を示していました。

And until now, I feel like I've been suffering from the “nightmare of the new university entrance test” all this time, but when I looked at the clock, it was showing noon.


My plans for today's work are already starting to fall apart.


Even though I was lying down for a long time, I now feel exhausted and sluggish, as if I had just climbed a mountain and was now coming down.

このくらい手のこんだ悪夢は、滅多に見ないのですが ―― 何かの悪い予兆なのかも知れんなぁ、と感じています。

I don't often have nightmares this elaborate, but I feel like it might be a bad omen of some kind.



If anyone can analyze this dream, I would welcome it.


I'm sure I won't believe the contents, but if it's a fun interpretation, I'll reprint it (under the Ebata Firewall, of course).


Let's laugh together.



This morning, after waking up early and not being able to sleep, I was dozing off, and, 

―― "Where are you going today?" と記載されたTeamsのチャットを見た

"I saw a Teams chat saying, “Where are you going today?"



It seems that it's a long weekend for everyone else. Still, right now, I'm exploding my brain with the task of extracting survey data, coding a multinomial logit regression model, letting it learn 50,000 times using the steepest descent method, and then rewriting the results in the paper I'm writing.


I was horrified, thinking, 'Is someone trying to make me work again?


I started up my PC this morning with trepidation, but there was nothing in the Teams chat, and I breathed a sigh of relief.


なんで、毎日、追い込まれたような作業を行い、こんな悪夢を見せつけられなければならないのか ――

Why do I have to do this backbreaking work every day and have these nightmares forced upon me?


Well, it's my fault.


In the world, 'taking on a challenge' is celebrated and praised unconditionally, but


'Not taking on challenges that are beyond your ability' is very, very important.

シニアからジュニアに対する「うっせいわ」とは何か? ―― それは、『コスト試算がされていない無茶な提案』です。