
SNSもブログも民意を反映するシステムではありますが ―― ラクだよなぁ、とは思います。

Both social networking services and blogs are systems that reflect public opinion, but I think they're easy to use.


Before the internet, the only form of political activism was holding placards and marching in demonstrations (of course, there was also terrorism).


To carry out this demonstration, a certain number of people, including those from distant places, had to gather under a confident leader and take unified action.

本当に大変だったですよ ―― 過去、シュプレッヒコールを2回だけ努めたことのある自治寮の寮長だった私には。

It was tough for me, who had only been in charge of the “Sprechchor” twice.

江端さんのひとりごと 「正しいデモのやりかた」

江端さんのひとりごと 「粛正された寮長」

大怪我や、逮捕、拘留、下手すれば退学や解雇を覚悟して参加しなければならなかったからです。ちなみに、個人情報保護などという観念は1mmもありませんでした ―― 政治的活動は、物理的にも社会的にも『命をかけた行動』であった、ということは、(程度の差はあれ)本当だったのです。

These activities were because you had to be prepared to get seriously injured, arrested, detained, or even expelled from school or fired from your job if you got caught. Incidentally, there was not even a 1mm concept of protecting personal information - it was true (to varying degrees) that political activities were 'actions that risked your life,' physically and socially.


From this perspective, SNS and other such services have made it possible to participate in politics safely and inexpensively

これこそが、私がネット社会で目指してきた理想の姿 ―― と、なるはずだったんだけどなあ。

This was the ideal I had been aiming for in the online world.


I thought that the self-cleansing effect of the internet would naturally eliminate things like slander and fake news, but honestly, I was underestimating the situation. I was wildly, significantly underestimating it.


Although it has nothing to do with politics, I had no idea about online crimes or illegal part-time work.

―― 私たちが培ってきた「良心」は、簡単に「命令」に負ける

人類のもつ可能性は無限大、を実感しています ―― 特に、新しい技術の負の側面の運用については、人類は天才です。

I am realizing that the potential of humanity is infinite. In particular, when it comes to applying the negative aspects of new technology, humanity is a genius.


そのような自浄作用には、その前提として、ファクトチェックとか、論理的思考や、読解力のようなものが ―― しかも、そうとうに高度な知力が必要となるのですが ―― 私を含めて、多くの人間は、そういう知性は乏しいし、そういう教育も受けていないです。

Self-cleansing requires skills like fact-checking, logical thinking, and reading comprehension. It also requires a relatively high level of intelligence, but many people, including myself, lack such intelligence and have not received such education.


The new methods of political participation have revealed unexpected negative aspects, and it seems that the only way to fix them is to use legal systems and common sense carefully.



My prediction that the world would change because of the internet was correct.


However, it completely defied my expectations as to how it would change.


I have always believed that most problems can be solved with technology, and I have solved several issues this way.


However, I'm starting to think that this way of thinking is no good.



And so I have come to this point.

―― 世界がどうなろうが、私の知ったことか

"I don't care what happens in the world."






My wife seems to have the same symptoms (cough and fever) as me.


My wife rushed to the clinic, was diagnosed with the flu, and came home with a prescription for medication. She is now in bed.


I want to assume from the initial symptoms that it was not the flu, but it may have been the flu.


If that had been the case, I might have been able to get a prescription for “Tamiflu” or something similar and recover with a bit milder symptoms.


I should have assumed the “worst” and moved on.


We should forget the conventional theory that “influenza = persistent high fever over 38.5”.


I was once surprised to go to the doctor with a fever in the high 36s and be told I had the flu.


From now on, I think it would be better to go to the doctor's with the mindset that you will be diagnosed as “influenza positive” by default, and if you are lucky, you will be “influenza negative.”



During the illness, I no longer feel like doing anything.


Work, of course, becomes unimportant, and even updating the blog becomes unimportant.


And even my wife's advice, “Maybe you should see another clinic,” is no longer falling on deaf ears.

予約する作業が苦痛で、移動する労力を考えるだけで、悪寒がしてきます ―― で、私の場合、タミフルを処方される機会を失ったと言えます。

The process of making an appointment is painful, and just the thought of the effort of traveling gives me chills -- and in my case, I can say that I lost my chance to be prescribed Tamiflu.


The “ability to think” comes to a complete standstill.


Therefore, “violence” is necessary for patients who are suffering from the disease.


Someone nearby must make an appointment independently and force the patient to visit the clinic.


The patient is in no condition to make the best choice.


===== 引用ここから =====

===== Quote from here =====


The only way to "help" is to "physically help."


Being 'in touch with their feelings' does not mean 'helping.'


Only when you get to the point of "bringing the rope and pulling them up" can you say that you have "saved" him.

===== 引用ここまで =====

===== Quote here =====


The problem is that while it would be nice if the patient were lucky enough to have such a person (spouse, family member, friend) on their side, it is a definite future that such relationships will become “rare cases” in the future.


Of course, with the declining birthrate and aging population, as well as the trend towards people marrying later and not getting married at all, even if this is not the case, if you live a long life, you will eventually pass away alone.


I have always made it clear that I do not consider family members as tools for the safety net.



I have also lived my life using my parents as a “stepping stone,” so I don't think I should be allowed to be an exception to the rule.


I don't expect "someone helps me” direction, but I would like it to be more of a “pain-avoidance” direction.


(Click to go to the column)


This problem doesn't seem to have come to the fore yet. When anyone notices it personally, it's already too late.


I don't care about tax increases, social security, or military spending, and to be honest, I don't even expect euthanasia or death with dignity.

『苦痛を回避する薬の処方の自由化』 ―― これを公約としてくれる政党が出てきたら、個人献金であれ、裏金であれ、なんだって協力します。

'Liberalization of the prescription of painkillers' - If a political party comes forward with this as a campaign promise, I will support them in any way I can, whether through personal donations or under-the-table payments.


People will say, “Well, why don't you start a new political party, Ebata!” (which is only natural), but it isn't easy to make this a law (it's already been considered).


Besides, I have no interest in the suffering of others. 'Self-help' is enough for me.


If so, it would be the production of illegal drugs as a free research project.


I wonder if I chose the wrong major for graduate school.


Can I make it in time if I start studying pharmacy now?


I also need to consider ways of securing routes for obtaining illegal raw materials.


There are many things to think about, but I can't think about them when I am sick.


ラクして逝くためには、健康第一 ―― 本日の日記も、訳の分からん結論になりました(今さらですが)。

Health comes first in order to live a comfortable death. Today's diary also concluded that I don't understand (even though it's a bit late now).



Over the past few days, as I have continued to report on “suffering from a cold,” I have noticed a curious phenomenon.


The number of page views (PV) and unique users (UU) on my page has increased steadily over the past few days.


The PV and UU of my page always move unpredictably, so I have given up analyzing it (or rather, it is too much trouble to analyze), but the content of the last few days is a parade of 'crying things': pain, difficulty, tiredness, inability to sleep, and medicine not working.

―― こんな話が面白いか?

"Is such a story interesting?"


I am usually a big talker but suffer from a cold. I wonder if the gap between the two is a good thing,


To begin with, people's misfortune is fun.


It depends on the nature of the misfortune.



The common cold is a conditional misfortune related to age, physical fitness, and other factors. Still, an ordinarily healthy average person will generally recover for a limited period if they are appropriately treated (seen by a doctor and medicated).


In that sense, I might say that Ebata's cold is “someone else's misfortune” that we can “observe and enjoy.”


The point is that it is “someone else's misfortune” with the guarantee that “Ebata is rolling around in pain, but in time he will recover and start talking big again.”


私も、「今日は朝まで眠れた」「今日は咳をしても激痛がなかった」「今日は声が出せるようになった」と、毎日、体調が回復していくのを確認するのが、とても嬉しい ―― しかし、同時にとても腹立たたしい。

I, too, am delighted to confirm that my health is improving every day, saying, “Today I slept until morning,” “Today I didn't have severe pain when I coughed,” “Today I can speak,” and so on—but at the same time, I am very annoyed.


I feel like I have talked about this before.




Every time I get sick, I remember this story.


===== 文章から引用 =====

===== Quote from here =====


One religion that has swept the world teaches that life is a gift from God and that humans are responsible for making the best use of that gift.


Don't make me laugh.


If giving me a gift, give me something with proper quality assurance.


If the gift is of such quality that the owner suffers pain, I don't want it in the first place.

===== 引用ここまで =====

===== Quote here =====


Whenever I am sick and suffering, I keep spitting curses at this “useless God.”



Last night, for the first time in a long time, I could sleep without being awakened by a severe sore throat.


I am pleased.


I want to donate about 1 million yen somewhere as this happy feeling.


Cold remedies are said to relieve cold symptoms (i.e., reduce pain) and buy time for the body to build up its immunity rather than cure the cold.


#I have looked into this, and the above seems correct.


In other words, the basic methods of curing a cold are to “eat,” “sleep,” “give up everything and rest,” and cold medicine assists these methods.


However, if a person cannot sleep because of a sore throat, they may not acquire immunity and may die, so “auxiliary means” may be treating it too lightly.


Recently, there is a special medicine for influenza, “Tamiflu,” etc., so the above is not the only correct answer.



That's how it happens, so when I think, “I think I've got a cold?” I give up.


I wait for the cold to leave my body, but I don't want it to stay too long. After all, it is painful.


After all, I am so much inclined to stop my life just because I suffer from a cold for a couple of days.


Therefore, I believe that the trigger is light regarding suicide to escape pain.


I even believe that “suicide must be carried out when it is feasible to do so.”


It seems that at 100% distress, it is too late, and we still need to decide 70-80%.



Needless to say, this is my personal opinion. If possible, I would like others to value the “preciousness of life” without taking what I say seriously (I realize I am selfish).


I still have a fever, but I will at least tolerate a fever.


What I can't have is “unbearable intense pain” or “pain with no end in sight.”



Now, I am in this situation.


Anyway, it is “cold”.


It's cold, even when wrapped in several layers of bedding and running the stove at full power.


I can't stand the cold so that I will take my second bath now.


「やるやる詐欺」―― という言葉があるかは知りませんが、『今度やる』とだけいって、やらない人は結構いるような気がします。

I don't know if there is such a thing as “do-it-yourself fraud,” but I think many people just say, “I'll do it next time,” but never do it.


I noticed this while publishing articles about Raspi, EtherCAT, etc.


I can find the comment, “I'll make it next time,” but I can't see the history of actually making it after that.


I believe that in many cases, when people read my procedure manual and try it, thinking it will be easy to do, it doesn't work out the way they want it to, and they give up in the process.


This is the “procedure manual trap.


When I create a system, I make about 100 failures, go back and forth (or, if I'm not very good at it, throw away all my previous methods), and only when I finally complete the goal can I start writing procedures, but I 'only describe the successful route.


There is no mention in the procedure manual of my 100+ failures, trial and error process.


Each system is a different environment (hardware specs, OS type and version, installed libraries, etc.). If they are different, the approach and everything else will be different.


I believe that there are a surprising number of people who don't understand that “my procedure manual is ‘just one of the examples that happened to be successful.’”



This is the same with books such as “The Rakuraku Study Method” or “The Must-Have Method for Stocks.”


That, too, is “just one of those examples that happened to be successful.


There are several ways to study, depending on your knowledge and your environment (your home economic situation, the direction of your abilities, your weaknesses and strengths), and some people have even observed that there is no winning formula for stocks in the first place.



I, too, publish various technical tips, but I am more conscious that I am “summoning people to the hell swamp” rather than “providing technical information.”

一言で言えば ―― 私が開示している技術情報なんぞは、『それなりの覚悟をして作業をしている人以外には、何の役にも立たないゴミである』ということです。

the technical information I am disclosing is “useless garbage to anyone prepared to work with a certain degree of commitment.



Usually, books such as “Rakuraku Study Method” or “Stock Winning Method” are published because the author knows that 'that method will not work' and discloses it.


And because many people out there want to improve their performance with ease or win 100% of their money in stocks, they will buy the book in droves.


The authors can't stop laughing.



If you are still unconvinced, perhaps a “diet book” would be easier to understand.

万人にとって100%成功するダイエット本って、あります? (あったら私に紹介して下さい)。

Is there a diet book that is 100% successful for everyone? (If so, please refer me to it.)

結局、私の主張が唯一解だと思うのですよ ―― 「痩せたければ、喰うな」。これだけです。

Ultimately, my argument is the only solution: “If you want to lose weight, don't eat.” That's all I have to say.



(↑click to jump to the column)



I was asked to write a one-line comment on my aspirations for the coming year, and I included the following


"I want to be able to sleep normally without stabilizers.”


"I hope my gastroscopy recheck (25/1) shows nothing unusual.”


This is true.


I am going to the clinic again today to get a stabilizer.



I mentioned that I used to be in a mountain climbing club.

―― あなたの息子は、冬山どころか、夏の北アルプスの1週間の縦走くらいで簡単に根を上げる、軟弱者でしたよ


Climbing a mountain can be very hard, but even so, I know from experience that “I feel so much better” when there is “a guy in my party who is in worse shape than I am and is battered.

それ故、上記のような「ネガティブな抱負」には、チームを支える意義があると信じています ―― "外して"いるかもしれませんが。

Therefore, I believe that “negative aspirations” such as the above have significance in supporting the team -- even though it may be “out of mark."



Once again this year, I went to see a play by the Caramel Box Theater Company, an annual family event at the end of the year.


This year, here it is. This year's event was again a stable and enjoyable one.


Having seen the play every year, I have become accustomed to it, and this time, I have more time to observe the audience.

―― 1階席の客層は、ほとんど私と同世代。男女は同比率(若干男性が多かったような)

"The clientele on the first floor was mostly my generation. Men and women were in the same ratio (there seemed to be slightly more men than women)."

なんとなく、劇団員の父兄が、成人して劇団員になった自分の娘や息子を見に来ているような ―― という、軽い錯覚を起こすような感じでした。

Somehow, it was as if the parents of the troupe members were coming to see their daughters and sons who had grown up and become members of the troupe -- a mild illusion.


Seating fees at the Caramel Box are not expensive but still amount to about four movies.


For the younger generation, the cost may be a little tricky (or maybe it's just that it's pre-Christmas, so the seniors are just getting together).


This book taught me about the reality of commercial theater's failure as a business model.


(↑Click here to go to Amazon)


I was so engrossed in reading it during my trip to Taiwan that I lost some memories.


Aside from that.



I have long been dissatisfied with “encores” at plays and concerts, which are described here.



I have been on business trips in the Ibaraki area of our company quite often (probably in the triple digits in terms of the number of days), and I have always been sick to my stomach on the last train.

「アンコール」は、結構なのですが、アンコールを含めた「絶対終了時刻」で、観客は帰宅できるかどうかがかかっているんですよ ―― これは、本当にシャレにならない話です。

The “encore” is fine, but it depends on being able to go home at the “absolute end time,” which includes the encore -- which is not a joke.


It depends on this “encore” if I can return to my home in Ibaraki/Shizuoka. I doubt the organizers have properly timed this to the minute and second in advance, staring at the timetable.


Again, some people jumped out of their seats after the second encore. I think it was probably for the same reason as above.


For the second encore, the last trains of Joban Line, Tokaido Shinkansen, Tohoku Shinkansen, and others (Joetsu Shinkansen, Hokuriku Shinkansen, Yamagata Shinkansen, Akita Shinkansen, etc.) should be informed so that the encore of the audience can be well controlled. Could you consider this?


I am serious.



Many people have both the position of employee and manager.

管理者としての私は、従業員の発表(プレゼン)などを聞いた時に、何かコメントを言わなければならないことがあります。特に、何もいうことが思い浮かばなくてもです ―― どーでもいい、と思っている時など。

As a manager, there are times when I hear an employee give a presentation, etc., and I have to say something about it. Even if I can't think of anything to say--even if I don't care.


Some administrators say, “Let's be stingy with the presentation's content.


If you are stingy, you will have the “appearance” of an administrator.


We can call the stingy “scheduling,” but it annoys me.



The managers, however, forget about the “stingy” immediately after that presentation, which is very easy for them.


I know many of you have been outraged by your bosses, who have repeatedly made comments that contradict the comments made in the previous presentation.

しかし、それは仕方がないのです。"上司は" ―― というか、"人間は"、自分の言ったことを直ぐに忘れるからです。

But it can't be helped.” Bosses” - or rather, ‘people’ - forget what they say immediately.

自分の身分を明かにせず、そして、自分の言ったことに責任を負わない ―― こんなことは、SNSを眺めているだけで明らかです。

Not revealing one's identity and not taking responsibility for what one says are apparent just by looking at social networking sites.


I have yet to see anyone properly apologize and self-criticize, even after they were wrong.



That's why I have always said, “Don't listen to/believe/take people's opinions seriously.


This is because most people who give their opinions to others “don't give a shit” about them.


前回の「チ。 ―地球の運動について―」の 第12話 「俺は、地動説を信仰してる」では、上記の話と関係するテーゼとアンチテーゼが登場していました。

The thesis and antithesis related to the above story appeared in the previous “Chi.” On the Motion of the Earth, Episode 12, “I Believe in the Geocentric Theory.”


(1) “It is meaningful to keep receiving criticism and keep correcting your claims based on the premise that they are ‘wrong’ or ”not truthful.”


In response to the opinion that,


(2) The other person says, “The only way to reach the truth that is sufficient for a paradigm shift is to eliminate interference and criticism from authorities, etc. thoroughly, and to stick to one's ideas based solely on scientific means (natural laws, etc.).


This assertion appears in the following section.


So, my argument this time may be (2) above.



However, I do not deny (1) above either.




I am not sure what I am trying to say.


I don't have any grand ambitions, aspirations, or upstandings left in my life, such as 'I want to bring something to the world.


So, as long as it is not against your interest, I would like you to leave me alone and not try to modify what I am doing anymore.

私も、あなたのやっていることには干渉しませんから ―― 私の利害に関わらない範囲であれば。

I will also not interfere with your work if it does not involve my interests.

私は、今の時代に必要なのは「積極的無関心」ではないかと思うのです ―― つまり、『人のことはほっとけ。自分のことだけやっとけ』です。



It is often said that “only when you can rely on others can you become a full-fledged member of society,” I have no intention of questioning that statement.





"If I do it by myself, it takes a week."

『他の人に一から教えると1ヶ月 + T.T(テクニカルトランスファー)時間』

"If I teach someone else from scratch, it will take a month + T.T. (technical transfer) time."

という場合、人に頼む、という選択肢があると思いますか? (しかも、納期とフォローも容赦なくやってくる)。

Do you think there is such an option as “asking someone to do it for me?” (And the deadlines and follow-up come relentlessly).



No one will inherit the GIS simulation technology that I have developed.

いや、分かりますよ。だって、恐しく面倒で難しくて、そもそも、汎用性に欠ける属人性の高い他人の技術を、一体、どこの誰が学ぼうと思います? 私だって嫌ですよ。そんな技術の取得なんぞに時間を費やすのは。

Yes, I understand. Who in the world would want to learn someone else's technology that is so tedious, difficult, and, to begin with, lacking in versatility? Even I don't want to. I don't want to spend my time acquiring such technology.



Like this, highly tedious and specialized skills are not passed on to anyone and are lost.


In engineering, there are some jobs for which the premise of “asking others for help” is invalid.


I am sorry, but it cannot help that.


Such technology is destined to be buried in the grave with me.


Anyway, for my part, I would like everyone to remember that there are fields where it is not possible to be a “full-fledged member of society only when you can ask others for help.