

My daughter has tried something called “lunch in toilet food” before (I think I've written about this before, but I couldn't find it, so I'm re-posting it).


I remember praising my daughter for her challenge and saying, “Well done.”

―― 快適な閉空間での食事をする為の、積極的なトイレでの食事の利用


However, I know that many people (especially teenagers) are eating like this for more severe and pressing reasons rather than as part of a demonstration experiment like this.



The “embarrassment” described in the above diary exists in every generation, taking on different forms in each generation.


When you reach my age, being alone is not " embarrassing.” It's “cool to be alone” (although some people don't think so).


However, it is an entirely irrelevant and unimportant story for young people living in the present.

ですから、大人が、ティーンエージャに対して「一人でいることは格好いい」と語っても ―― 『この大人はバカか』と一蹴されて終りです。

So, even if an adult tells a teenager that “being alone is cool,” the teenager will think, “This adult is stupid,” and ignore them.



However, I often see adults living long lives without making much effort, ignoring this generation's values and passionately saying, “It's not shameful to be alone.”


These adults seem like “genuine idiots who we can't correct.”


There is no point in adults talking about their teenage years unless they remember how painful and difficult it was to live through them.


When we were teenagers, we must have been 'so embarrassed to be seen on our own that we would have died.'

私たちがティーンエージャに言えることといえば ―― 『とりあえず、ダラダラと生きているだけでも、いいことあるよ』と、語ってあげることだと思うのです。

The best thing we can say to teenagers is, “Even if you're just living a lazy life, good things might come.”



When my daughter was in elementary school, I gave a speech in class at a “1/2 Coming-of-Age Ceremony” (because no other people wanted to do it).

―― なにしろ、私、上から目線で、弱者に説教足れるのが大好きな「俗物」ですから


What I said was

―― 大人は自由だ。大人は楽しい。大人はパラダイスだ

“Adults are free. Adults are fun. Adults are paradise.”


―― 君たちは、"子どもでいる今が最高"と思っているかもしれないが、そうでもないぞ

"You may think that “being a child is the best,” but that's not true."

―― 大人になるにつれて、君たちはどんどん自由に、そしてもっとラクになっていく。それはこの私が保証する

"As you grow up, you will become more and more free and comfortable. I guarantee it."

―― とりあえず、今、何をしていいのか分からないなら勉強しておけ。勉強とは順位でも競争でもない。勉強は君達の自由の幅を広げるための武器だ

For now, if you don't know what to do, study. Studying is not about rankings or competition. Studying is a weapon to expand your freedom.

―― だから、あせらず、ゆっくり、こっちに来い

So, don't rush, come slowly.



I was concerned that the parents seemed more 'overwhelmed' than the children in the classroom.


The homeroom teacher was so stunned that she forgot to moderate the proceedings.



If you hear elderly people talking behind your back about your hobbies or spending habits, saying things like “I wonder what the young people of today are spending their money on?” be sure to say this in reply.

―― 私の収入の1/3は税金で取られていて、そのうちの1/3は、あなたたちの年金と医療費に持っていかれていますが?

"1/3 of my income is taken in taxes, and 1/3 is taken to pay for your pensions and medical expenses."

―― それに比べれば、私の趣味や推し活にかかるお金は、ゴミのようなものです

"The money I spend on my hobbies and dating is garbage compared to that."


With these two phrases, you can silence the annoying older men and women in one fell swoop.



On the way to the station to drop my daughter off this morning, I saw 3,000 students on their way to school.


Roughly speaking, the amount of tax paid by each citizen throughout their lifetime is around 100 million yen (a little on the high side).


So, to me, each of these people looks like they're moving around a wad of 100 million yen.


The sight of 300 billion yen being moved is a spectacular sight.



Seniors who are uncomfortable with the behavior of young people.


If you try to see a group of young people hanging out in front of a convenience store as a bundle of hundreds of millions of yen, you won't get so angry (it's true).



私、入社直後、研究所で「テニス部の部長」をやっていたことがあります ―― 正確には「やらされた」です。

I was once the “head of the tennis club” at the institute right after I joined the company -- or more accurately, I was “made” to do so.


Incidentally, when I took office, I had only one year of tennis experience and could only manage a maximum of five poor rallies back and forth on the tennis court on a single weekend day.


I have forgotten the circumstances and background, but in retrospect, they were hoping for my “ability to communicate.”


Tennis Club Practice Sessions


Recruitment of new club members


As a result, they evaluated me as having 'achieved a good amount of success there.



What I am trying to say is,


Even if he/she is a politician who is “capable of making up to five round trips to a poor tennis rally” (I will refrain from telling you who I am talking about and what I am talking about),

―― 一度、我が国の舵取りをやらせてみるのもありなのかな?

"I am wondering if it is possible to let him/her take the helm of our country for once."


I am thinking that it might be a good idea.



If the party has effectively lost the public's trust, it might be a good idea to take a shot at an upset here.


Well, there is a saying that “position makes the person.


If the position and responsibilities of the Prime Minister can encourage a person to grow and change, this is a “win-win” situation.

あの政党が、この賭けに出られるかどうか ―― これもまた「見物(みもの)」です。

Whether that party will be able to take this gamble or not -- this is also something to “watch”.


At least, to me, it is more exciting than the success of Japanese players who continue to achieve greatness in the big leagues.




When I get stuck working in a team, I 'make things that work independently' without anyone's permission.


The work style is not a good measure. It is also an act of disrespect for teamwork.


Besides, “I feel troublesome.”


Making a moving object consumes a lot of time and brainpower, and I would not want to do it if possible.


Therefore, “making something that moves on its own” is a last resort.

―― という話は、これまで散々してきましたので、もう皆さんも飽きているでしょう。

-- I've talked about this so much that I'm sure you are all tired of it by now.



Nevertheless, I think “making things” must be pleasant.


My late father was a woodworker. When working as a craftsman, my father had a “craftsman's face,” but I don't think it was, at least, a “painful” face.

テレビで見る職人さん(料理、大工、鍛冶、陶芸、染色、和紙、石工、竹細工、畳、その他たくさん)も ―― 経営的な苦労はあるでしょうが ―― 『嫌々やっている』風に見えたことはありません。

The artisans I see on TV (cooks, carpenters, blacksmiths, potters, dyers, Japanese paper, stonemasons, bamboo craftsmen, tatami mats, and many others) may have to work hard to run their businesses. Still, they never seem to “hate what they do.”


Of course, there are difficulties in the creation and various restrictions (apprenticeships, traditions, supervision, rules, bindings) and other troublesome things. In my case, I am uncomfortable when others talk to me.

それでも、『生きていくだけの金はやるから、これから一切、何も作るな』は、『何を作ってもいいが、金になるかどうかは保証しないぞ』より劣るのです ―― 私の場合は、ですが。

Still, 'I'll give you enough money to live on, so don't make anything at all from now on' is inferior to 'You can make anything you want, but I can't guarantee you'll make money' -- in my case, anyway.

私が作ったモノがどうなるか ―― 金になるとか、人の役に立つとか、あるいは、他人から評価されるとか ―― そういうことは、私にはどーでもいいことです。

What happens to the things I make - whether they make money, are useful to others, or are appreciated by others - is of no concern to me.

私は『車輪の再開発? 上等だ!』と言い切れる人間なのです。

I am a person who can say, 'Wheel redevelopment? I'm a man who can say, 'Great!'



Now, let's return to the main subject



And while I'm at it, I have completed the creation of the GIS simulator temps for Hakata (although some seem buggy).


Metropolitan railroads, Kashiwa, Toyosu, Hirohama, Utsunomiya, Yamaguchi, Yokohama, Shibuya, and Hakata.


Thinking back, I have come a long way (far away).

ちなみに、私、これらの技術を、全部公開しているんですけど ―― 誰一人として、引き継いでくれる気配がありません。

By the way, I have made all these technologies available to the public. But no one seems to be willing to take them over.




先日、『韓国の 文在寅ムンジェイン 前大統領に収賄容疑が浮上している』というニュースを見ました。

The other day, I saw a news report that said, 'Former South Korean President Moon Jae-in is facing bribery charges.


'Again,' I thought and asked to ChatGPT.


'It seems that many Korean presidents have been arrested after their term in office. What is the ratio?'


===== ChatGPT回答ここから ======

===== ChatGPT answers here ======


Percentage of persons with presidential experience who have been arrested and criminally charged:

李承晩(イ・スンマン) - 自ら亡命し、刑事処分なし。
尹 善(ユン・ボソン) - 刑事処分なし。
朴正煕(パク・チョンヒ) - 暗殺され、刑事処分なし。
崔圭夏(チェ・ギュハ) - 刑事処分なし。
全斗煥(チョン・ドゥファン) - クーデター後の権力掌握により逮捕・起訴され、死刑判決を受けたが後に特赦。
盧泰愚(ノ・テウ) - クーデター関与で逮捕・起訴され、有罪判決を受けるが後に特赦。
金泳三(キム・ヨンサム) - 刑事処分なし。
金大中(キム・デジュン) - 刑事処分なし。
盧武鉉(ノ・ムヒョン) - 在任後に贈賄疑惑で捜査中に自殺。
李明博(イ・ミョンバク) - 汚職で逮捕・起訴され、有罪判決。
朴槿恵(パク・クネ) - 弾劾後、汚職で逮捕・起訴され、有罪判決。
文在寅(ムン・ジェイン) - (2024年時点で刑事処分なし)。
尹錫悦(ユン・ソンニョル) - 現職。

Lee Seung-man - Voluntarily defected, no criminal action.
Yun Bo-seon - no criminal action.
Park Chung-hee - Assassinated; no criminal action.
Choi Kyu-ha - no criminal action.
Jeon Doo-hwan - arrested and indicted for seizing power after the coup, sentenced to death but later granted a special pardon.
Roh Tae-woo -  Arrested and indicted for his involvement in the coup and convicted but later granted a special pardon.
Kim Young-sam - No criminal action.
Kim Dae-jung - No criminal action.
Roh Moo-hyun - Committed suicide while under investigation for alleged bribery after serving in office.
Lee Myung-bak - Arrested, indicted, and convicted for corruption.
Park Geun-hye - Arrested, indicted, and convicted of corruption after her impeachment.
Moon Jae-in - (no criminal action as of 2024).
Yun Seong-yeol - incumbent.


From the above, we can conclude that of the 12 presidents to date, 6 cases (Roh Tae-woo, Jeon Doo-hwan, Lee Myung-bak, Park Geun-hye, and Roh Moo-hyun) have been criminally punished or investigated. Thus, the **proportion is approximately 50%**.


However, this ratio between President Yun Seok-yue and President Moon Jae-in may change.

===== ChatGPT回答ここまで ======

===== ChatGPT response so far ======


50% arrest rate -- I thought shoplifting would be much more profitable for this.





'Why is the percentage of such arrests so high? Can you think of a reason?'


I asked to ChatGPT.

===== ChatGPT回答ここから ======

===== ChatGPT answers here ======


Several factors may account for the high rate of arrests and criminal prosecutions of former South Korean presidents.

1. 権力集中と腐敗のリスク

1. concentration of power and risk of corruption
The president of South Korea has mighty powers. He is the head of the executive branch, influences legislation, and is the supreme leader of the military. This concentration of power increases the risk of corruption and abuse of power. Long-term retention of power often leads to corruption, and people are often held accountable for their actions after they leave office.

2. 政治的対立と報復

2. political conflict and retaliation
In Korea, when there is a change of government, there is a tendency for the new administration to pursue corruption and illegal activities of the previous administration harshly. This is often seen as political confrontation and retaliation, especially between conservatives and innovators. Often, the new administration exposes scandals of the prior administration and prosecutes the former president.

3. 司法の独立と市民の監視

3. judicial independence and citizen oversight
Since Korea's democratization, the independence of the judiciary has been strengthened, and civil society monitoring has also been enhanced. This has created an environment where even the incumbent president can be harshly pursued for wrongdoing. In addition, the media and civil society groups expose government corruption, and investigations typically proceed after the president leaves office.

4. 歴史的背景と前例

4. historical background and precedent
The legacy of military and dictatorial regimes has deeply affected Korea's modern history, and presidents were often arrested in the process of clearing the past. Because of this precedent, subsequent presidents will likely suffer a similar fate.

5. 大統領制の限界と期待の高さ

5. limitations of the presidential system and high expectations
In South Korea, public expectations of the presidential system are very high, as are their disappointments. While the president is expected to meet the people's expectations, when they fail or scandals are uncovered, the president is subject to harsh criticism from the people and political opponents and is often held accountable for their actions after leaving office.


These factors may be responsible for the high rate of arrests and criminal actions against people with presidential experience in South Korea.

===== ChatGPT回答ここまで ======

===== ChatGPT response so far ======


ここで、 上記のChatGPT回答に気になった点がでてきたので、すこしツッコんでみました。

I was curious about the above ChatGPT answer, so I tried it.

『上記「2. 政治的対立と報復」について、韓国の国民性の観点からの関連があるでしょうか』

“Regarding “2. Political Conflict and Retaliation” above, is there any relevance from the perspective of Korean national character?”

===== ChatGPT回答ここから ======


Several perspectives on the Korean national character behind the “political conflict and retaliation” are also relevant.

1. 高い政治的関心と参加意識

1. High level of political interest and participation
The Korean public is very interested in politics and actively participates in political activities such as elections and demonstrations. This is due to Korea's historical background, especially the influence of the democratization movement, which has formed a culture in which the people strongly seek political justice and transparency. As a result, political conflicts have intensified, and with each change of government, it is common for the new administration to pursue the injustices of the previous administration harshly.

2. 集団主義と報復文化

2. Collectivism and culture of retaliation
Korean society has traditionally been strongly collectivist, with a culture that values the group's interests over those of the individual. This collectivism is also evident in politics, where political parties and political forces tend to unite while intense hostility develops toward opposing groups. As a result, when there is a change of government, intergroup rivalries often intensify, and retaliatory actions are often taken.

3. 義理と恩義の重視

3. Emphasis on duty and beneficence
Korean culture strongly emphasizes righteousness and ingratitude, and this value system influences political conflict and retaliation. When a new administration pursues the wrongdoings of the previous administration, the public often supports its actions as “doing the right thing” or “doing justice. Conversely, when the previous administration is seen as having “forgotten its ingratitude” or “betrayed,” the public tends to be outraged and retaliatory responses are intensified.

4. 正義感と道徳観の強さ

4. Strong sense of justice and morality
A strong sense of justice and morality characterizes Korea's national character. The public demands high ethical standards from politicians and strongly condemns any behavior that violates those standards. For this reason, when a president or high-ranking official is accused of corruption or abuse of power, the public often demands a harsh response, which has contributed to an increase in the number of cases of arrests and criminal actions after leaving office.


These factors are intertwined, and South Korea's national character likely influences political conflict and retaliation. In South Korea, the wrongdoings of the previous administration during regime change are often pursued in response to public expectations, which has contributed to the high arrest rate.

===== ChatGPT回答ここまで ======

===== ChatGPT response so far ======


ChatGPT's answers are often unreasonable, but many of the answers in this case were very convincing.

「高い政治的関心と参加意識」とか、「正義感と道徳観の強さ」とかは ―― 色々と我が国との軋轢を発生させているものではありますが ――

A “high level of political interest and participation” and a “strong sense of justice and morality” -- things that have caused friction with our country in many ways -- are not the only things that are important to us.


Still, the response of our nation's people regarding the LDP's handling of the slush fund issue, etc., seems a bit too 'weak' to me.


先日、NHKスペシャル「永田町“政治とカネ”の攻防 ~改革のゆくえは~」を見ていました。

The other day, I was watching the NHK special “Nagatacho ‘Politics and Money’: Where is the Reform?

インタビューに応じた、安倍派議員や政治資金規正法改正の各党の責任者たちの『全員』が、自分が被害者の様に振る舞う様は ―― 見ていて"醜悪"そのものでした。

It was “ugly” to see how “all” of the interviewed Abe faction members and those in charge of revising the Political Funds Control Law acted as if they were the victims.


I did not expect to hear, “I am the root of this problem!” but I thought I would keep in mind that there was “not a single word” of self-criticism (x criticism of the organization) on this issue.


―― キックバックの金額が4000万円であろうが、4000円だろうが、アカンだろう

新党の名称は、やはりこれで決まりでしょう ―― 「新党"脱税"」または「新党"裏金"」




When I see a documentary or something by a pilot of the Air Self-Defense Force, I am honestly impressed and think, “That's great.


I am grateful to the Self-Defense Forces for their talent and training, giving life to our fighters, and serving in our national defense.


However, from now on, that pilot will probably become the weakest link in the fighter.


The human body is not designed to ride on a moving vehicle with “6G” that can change from positive to negative in seconds.

どう考えても、「これからの戦闘機は、無人機になっていく」 ―― が流れです。

No matter how you look at it, the trend is that “future fighter planes will be unmanned”—that is the trend.



But this “unmanned fighter aircraft” has its problems.


First, signal transmission is a problem for remote control. Sending a control signal to an object moving at the speed of sound is a challenging task. Radio waves, especially, are vulnerable to external interference, not to mention weather. It is apparent with the rise of drone weapons in recent years.


In addition, there is the problem of control delay (if the response is even 0.1 second too slow, the aircraft can quickly be shot down).


とすれば、独立型の知能 ―― AI搭載戦闘機になりますが、正直、こいつは『何をやらかすか分からん』のです。

If so, it will be an independent intelligence and AI-equipped fighter, but to be honest, nobody knows what the AI something will do.


Since machines equipped with AI technology only follow the given rules correctly, they will attack foreign fighter jets that violate airspace with missiles at that moment. If they are not good enough, they may shoot down civilian planes as well.

ルールに何十ものフェールセーフをかけたとしても、予想もせぬ条件では、コンピュータ(AI技術)が何をやるかは、分からないのです(私は、システムエンジニアとして、山ほど経験してきました。『あ! そんなところに、そんなところにif文(抜け穴)がぁぁぁ!!』です)。

Even with dozens of fail-safes in the rules, you never know what the computer (AI technology) will do under unexpected conditions (I've experienced this a lot as a systems engineer. 'Oh! There is an if statement (loophole) in such and such a place!)


“human hesitation” has saved the world from ruin so far.


I don't know what the people in charge of national defense and warfare are thinking, but as an engineer, I am interested in what the future holds regarding “unmanned fighter aircraft.”



I am not interested in the movie Top Gun because I think that the excellent skills of the so-called “Top Gun” pilots will one day be taken away by machines (AI technology), and I can't get into the movie.

それは、数学、科学、ITができない奴が虐げられる世界 ―― 『理系にあらざれば、人にあらず』


人間というのは ―― という言い方は卑怯ですね。

It's not fair to say that "human beings are."


Try to be precise: “I am who I am.”


I, as a person, have a bad character, even after all this time.


I was watching NetFlix content the other day called “The Groundhogs,” I thought it felt excellent to watch the “deceived and fallen elite” played by Koji Yamamoto.


And I am so shallow, narrow-minded, and cowardly that I can think, 'Oh, I have been so happy' that I have never been 'elite' in my life.



I am also a person who cannot honestly rejoice in the success of others.

で、まあ、私は、この性格を一生変えられないと思います ―― 残念とは思いますが。

And, well, I don't think I'll ever be able to change this personality -- although I think it would be a shame.


However, I believe that even if I 'have the worst personality to enjoy seeing someone working hard fall,' I should not 'interfere with someone working hard, not even for a millimeter.


The reason has been based on my experience: 'I'm a hard worker, and many people often interrupt me.

『9日間の忍耐』ができるエンジニア ―― これが、SLIMプロジェクトのエンジニアの皆さんと、私の決定的な差です。

―― 私は一度だって、誰かに何かを頼んだことがないのに、なんで、わざわざ口を出してくるんだろう?

"I never once asked anyone for anything, so why do they bother to talk to me?"


And I still wonder.


We can easily observe many cases in everyday life.


When I watch anime, I am amazed at the number of people who say things like, “What about the drawings?” and “What about the story?”.


But I can understand how they feel.


I think it's because 'by being stingy, I can feel like I'm participating in the work.

実によく分かります ―― 思い上がった幻想ですが。

I understand -- even if it's a hubristic illusion.



I have been on the side of presenting my work, and I have been criticized a lot.


You think you will participate in the discussion by being stingy with claims that differ from your thoughts.


And since you can't counter with logic, you want to make personal attacks.


Yes, I can understand this, too.


But let me be clear.

―― 鬱陶(うっとう)しい

"It's depressing."




Nevertheless, I must admit that there are more than a few people with that kind of personality because I, myself, have that kind of personality.


I am trying, even if I can't change my personality.


It is an all-out backward-looking effort to 'try as much as possible not to see people who are trying their best.


If you are like me, you are tempted to stink at something when you see someone working hard.


Then you can turn away from such people and things.


For example,


-If you don't like the animation, don't be stingy. Just stop watching.


-Don't be stingy with active Japanese athletes in the U.S. Change the channel on the TV.

■日本チームのサッカーチームのパフォーマンスに、ケチを付けるのではなく、別の番組 (NHKスペシャルとか)を見る

-Watch another program (such as NHK Special) instead of being stingy about the Japanese team's soccer performance.


However, this issue has been a long-standing controversy (since the days of fj, not 2channel), and even now, there is no solution (the so-called “if you don't like it, don't watch it” controversy).



I believe that what is needed today is “active indifference.”


In other words, 'Leave other people alone. Just do your own thing.



These approaches are pretty challenging, but I have taken the daily operations of not looking at people trying their hardest and not accepting comments from anyone on my site.



There may be some doubt as to whether the term “active indifference” is viable.


There was once a time when “aggressive pacifism” was advocated as a fundamental policy of the late Abe's administration (although it has been all but unheard of recently).


Then, I believe that “active indifference” is also valid in its own right.



I am so interested in the Tokyo Trials that I still play the audio of the movie “Tokyo Trials” in the background while I work.

―― 江端家のトイレライブラリの書架にある「はみだしっ子」が、娘たちに貸出された形跡がない


I had the basics of the law hammered into me in a seminar on patent law, so I naturally have my doubts about the legality of the “Tokyo Tribunal” (mainly about the “prohibition of retroactive punishment”).


However, I think the historical significance of the “Tokyo Trials” was very significant.


If there had been no trial, the “Nanking Incident,” the “Bataan Death March,” and the “Manchurian Incident” would have ended with the execution of the war leaders, with nothing known about them.



The national character of our country is that “once the defendant has committed suicide or resigned, we stop pursuing the case afterward.


Regardless of the pros and cons, I believe this is one of the “Fair World Hypothesis.”

『北朝鮮に拉致された人は、きっと、その国の人間として、普通に幸せに暮しているよ』―― と。


So, for my part, I want to know about the current Hyogo governor's “power harassment allegations,” “misconduct allegations,” “punishment of the accuser and suicide,” and “obstruction of the establishment of a third-party committee” make my judgment, and discuss them in my own words, so I want the governor “never to commit suicide or resign.

ここで敢えて言いましょう ―― がんばれ!兵庫県知事、しがみつけ!兵庫県知事。明日の私の日記のネタの為に。

Let me dare to say here -- Hang in there! Governor Hyogo. Hang on there! Governor Hyogo. For my diary entry tomorrow.



Read “Rurubu” and create a GIS database by myself.

シミュレーションのためなら、なんだって使い倒す ―― これが、フィールドの研究員&エンジニアです。

I will use anything for simulation -- this is the researcher & engineer in the field.


I have made my living as a researcher & engineer only with this “muddiness.”

エンジニアではない多くの皆さんは、企業の実験は、潤沢な資金のある高度な装置を使ったテストをしていると思われているかもしれませんが ―― 現場のテストのリアルなんて、こんなもんです。


Dear intern students.


If you don't have money, you have to make do with what you don't have, and that's what corporate researchers do.


(like this↓(click))





I made a post in our internal chat room that said, “During the childbirth and child-rearing phases, men reveal their true nature” (the order for this kind of post is about once every three months).

ご存知の通り、私は「会社の犬」ですので、これを投稿するには、それなりに勇気がいりましたが ――

忘れないでください ―― 私は「会社の犬」です。

As you know, I'm a “company dog,” so it took a good deal of courage for me to post this-- however,


I took the liberty of posting this because I believe I am in the best position to write these things.

===== ここから ======

===== from here ======


About 11 years ago, I contributed a column containing the following figure to a Japanese media company, which caused quite a stir on the Internet.

この状況は今は改善されていると信じたいのですが ―― 本当に改善されているのだろうか、と考えることがあります。

I would like to believe that this situation has improved, but I sometimes wonder if it really has.


Public understanding is (seemingly) improving. Laws and systems seem to be improving day by day. But are the organizations (including our company) receiving these changes ready to handle them?


I will be frank at this time, but last summer, following up on my maternity leave “triggered” my “depression” (it is “triggered” only; my “depression” was triggered by various factors simultaneously).


The “enhancement of the maternity leave system” is now an irreversible and absolute social issue.


But are the organizations that support the maternity leave system up to the task?

例えば ―― 「育休に注力すれば、組織としての目標の達成率や成果物の品質が落ちる」ことは当然のトレードオフですが、この当たり前の話を、私は社内の誰からも聞いたことがありません。

For example, “If we focus on maternity leave, the rate at which we achieve our organizational goals and the quality of our deliverables will decline,” which is a natural trade-off. Still, I have never heard this obvious statement from anyone in the company.


It seems that this topic is being discussed unspokenly, and I should do something about it in the field.



As much as possible, I try to think of it as a transitional suffering.


I believe organizations are taking various actions, but it will inevitably take some time to permeate the system.


Besides, “if we don't think of it as a ‘transitional period,’ we won't be able to do it.”


I think it is probably a good thing that the “hell” of raising children is finally changing its form and reaching older men like me who have completed the child-rearing and caregiving phases.



The rate of male employees taking maternity leave was 17.13% in the most recent fiscal year, 2022 (Basic Survey on Equal Employment, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, 2022). The government has set a target of 50% by 2025 and 85% by 2030, but it is unclear what will happen.


According to my wife's information, there are “quite a few” men who take “maternity leave in name only” or “maternity leave in form only,” even in her (not very large) community.

私はとても不安です ―― 私の娘たちのことが(他の人のことは、比較的どーでもいい)。

I am very anxious -- about my daughters (I don't care about others).


Whenever my eldest daughter returns to my parents' house, I hear her complaining, which makes me very worried.


During the childbirth and child-rearing phases, men reveal their true nature. And indeed, an unbelievable number of tragedies have occurred.

―― この子を殺して、ぐっすり眠りたい



As a measure to prevent “maternity leave in name only” and “those who take maternity leave only in form,” I propose a certain period (e.g., three days to one week) for a woman (wife) to stay out of the home during a man's (husband's) maternity leave period.


夫の寄与率100%の育児期間を設ける ―― 私は、これが必要だと思っています。

A 100% parenting period with 100% husband's contribution -- I believe this is what is needed.


However, when I told this to my wife, she said that numerous infants would die.



I hope that in years to come, people who read this chat will be able to sneer at me and say, “That guy Ebata was a silly worry.

===== ここまで ======


Honestly, the reaction to this chat was “Zero”.


I think people are interested in this issue. However, I think everyone's feeling is, 'I can't keep up with Ebata's self-destruction.


I can understand that feeling very well.