

Weighing is always subject to error.


So, we should not be upset about an increase of 0.5 kg or so, and we should not be happy about a decrease of 0.5 kg.


While many people may say, 'I just need to lose weight,' there are a certain number who don't.

―― 「また食事を摂らなけばならない」と思うだけで、明日が来るのが怖い



On the other hand, I am not neglecting my efforts to reduce my weight by 0.1 kg by taking various measures, such as the way I ride the scale (bending forward as much as possible) and the place where I place the scale (on the carpet, not on the floor).


If the weight has increased by 0.1 kg since yesterday, I will consider the cause, and if it has decreased, I will still consider the cause.


0.5kgくらいの増加にクヨクヨするものではないし、0.5kgくらいの減少に喜ぶものでもありません ――

It is not something to cringe at an increase of 0.5 kg or so, nor to rejoice at a decrease of 0.5 kg.


So, manipulating ( not fraudulent) weight by as little as 0.1 kg through cheating use of the scale is not a big problem.


I wonder how 'my behavior as a researcher & engineer would be.'




I think I have worked very hard.


No, to be precise, 'there was not much I could do besides work.


To be more precise, the line between “working” and “playing” is very fuzzy.


However, I don't think I have 'helped society.


I have an unshakable conviction that what I can do, others can do and that the world will not change one millimeter without me.


But it is the truth.


So, “What is the meaning of my existence in society?” is a trivial question.


The answer is, “There is no such thing from the beginning."



But “What is the significance of my existence in me?” is a different story.


'Do what I want to do, as much as I can, without interference from society or others.'




What I don't want to do, don't do.”



And it is the “world” or “society” that thoroughly obstructs this latter part of “not doing what you don't want to do.


And because the interference of this “world” or “society” is too much, a psychological defense comes into play in us.


This defensive psychology creates the question, “What is the meaning of my existence in society?”


And if I keep thinking about these things, I will become “depressed.”


It is futile to counter “depression” with logic.


Depression is a physical ailment that results from an excessive state of stress and a deficiency of brain chemicals such as serotonin, noradrenaline, and dopamine.


The only way to combat “depression” is with hospitals, prescription drugs, and rest, and that's all there is. Logic will not help.


No, no, no, that's not what I'm talking about.



I have worked hard in the past, but I should not have to overwork my mind and body to achieve my goals now.


I would be happy if I were sent to a quiet position (or maybe I don't realize that I am already in a calm position),


I try to keep a low profile (I've been trying to keep a low profile my whole life, but when I tell people that, they give me a “keh! )




I don't think my paycheck will go up in the future (I mean, I don't read my pay stubs properly),



―― がんばる理由が、特にない

"No particular reason to do my best."



Then, what am I doing?



When I was studying like crazy for the graduate school entrance exam, a friend (a woman) in the seminar told me something that suddenly came to mind.

―― エバちゃんは、手段そのものを目的にしてしまう人だから、気をつけた方がいいよ

"Eba, you're one of those people who make the means an end in itself, so you'd better be careful."


What she had told me was correct.


But I am going to end my life without being able to change “it.”

―― 終生、素人



I attended an invention review meeting today.


There are roughly two types of inventions-related meetings: brainstorming and approval.


Today's meeting was for “approval.


In the approval phase, only check that the explanation of the invention is logical and easy to understand, and we should pay attention to 


"Do not come up with new inventions or ideas on the spur of the moment."



I should do it in a “brainstorming” session. If done in an “approval” session, all the work done so far will be destroyed and ruined.


It has been said for some time that such “bosses who speak out of ideas” hinder the creation of inventions, and I was one of their victims.



And there are a surprisingly large number of idiots (superiors) who do this kind of thing with impunity.


For example, I am.


I have already reported on my decade-long history of power harassment in the invention business.



Even at today's meeting, I almost said something “unnecessary,” then, just as I was about to say it, I stopped myself.



It is difficult to determine the phase of turning from victim to perpetrator of “bosses who say things out of the blue.”


After all, I had assumed that I was a “perpetual victim.

ですので、私は『生きているだけで加害者』という意識を持たなければ、と思っています ―― 忘れることも多いですが。

So, I must know that I am a 'perpetrator just by being alive.' I often forget it, though.





I have previously contributed a column on how the most potent diet is a “recording diet.


私のレコーディングダイエットは、簡単です ―― 毎日、体重計に乗るだけです。

My recording diet is simple -- get on the scale every day.


However, I try to match the conditions as much as possible. In my case, it is immediately after I wake up in the morning and defecate without eating or drinking.



As I write in this column,


―― つまりですね、

-- In short,

  • 自分は、何時ごろに何を食べたら太りやすいのか
  • その逆に、自分の体重を減らす為に最も効果のある食べ物は何なのか
  • バイキングレストランに行った影響は何日後に体重に表われ出すのか
  • ダイエットを開始した場合、『どのくらいの期間、”停滞期”を我慢しなければならないのか』 
  • What foods do I eat, at what time of day, and what makes me gain weight?
  • Conversely, what foods are most effective in helping me lose weight?
  • How many days after going to a buffet restaurant will I notice the effects on my weight?
  • How long will I have to endure “plateaus” if I start a diet?


I ask about my body directly, such as “my body condition."


Ebata: “Black Box Approach*) ......”


(*) How can one understand a system without fully understanding the system's internals, using only the system's movements to date?



I am still doing this.


After years of doing this, I will begin to understand my “body” system (although I will not understand diseases, etc.).



I am happy when weight loss progresses, but I cannot be too happy when I know exactly what is causing it.


In my case, I know that almost 100% of my weight loss is due to “mental” factors.

最近、私の体重の減量と増量が、無視できないくらい激しいです ―― だいたい、コーディングか論文の悪夢で目が覚める時期は、そんな感じです。

Lately, my weight loss and gain have been too intense to ignore -- usually around the time I wake up with a coding or paper nightmare.

―― ドキュメントダイエット、コーディングダイエット


The important thing is to recognize that this is “the period.”

『いつまでも、この状態が続く』ことはない、と信じることです ――  実際、信じなければ、やってられません。

I have to believe that it won't “stay that way forever” -- in fact, I cannot help if I don't think it.



I found a book titled “Motivating People Who Hate Change” (I haven't read it).


When I find a book with a title like this, I immediately want to be sarcastic.


Some people may not like “change that moves people who don't like change.” Can this book change their mind?



This book's antithesis (the title) is “Letting ‘People Who Hate Change’ alone.”


More simply put, 'Leave people alone.




I know firsthand that if you are on the “moving side of things,” people who are averse to change are a terrible hindrance.


I think to myself, “I am a very selfish person,” but as the organizer (host), I try to get others involved, exerting my fearsome power to “get things moving.

これが一転、参加者(ゲスト)側にいる私は、ホストに対して非常に非協力的な存在 ―― 「邪魔くさい存在」になります。

This turns around, and I, on the participant (guest) side, become very uncooperative with the host -- a “distraction.”



That this is true can be illustrated by a crude example.


(Case 1)


The organizer of a drinking party is scrambling to arrange a venue, coordinate time, and keep track of the number of attendees. Without proper management of these matters, the event of a drinking party would not be possible.


In contrast, attendees at a drinking party are slow to reply to a call for attendance and cancel without hesitation on the day of the party. They only pay the fee and act as if they are exempted from liability.


(Case 2)


The moderator who facilitates a meeting or the host of a wedding has to manage the day's scheduling down to the second, but the speaker or the person giving the speech doesn't care about that; they behave as they please and destroy the event itself.


In my experience, the content of speeches given by people who do not pay attention to the time is not only “boring” but also “painful,” and their content is often “inept.


I previously wrote about a principal in elementary and middle schools with no presentation skills.



“People are not interested in people or things other than themselves.


Surprisingly, many adults are doing adult work without knowing these basic principles.


In any case, it is true that 'moving people who don't like change' is quite tricky.


私は、この本を批判している訳ではありません ―― そもそも、まだ読んでいないです。

I am not criticizing the book -- I haven't read it yet.


So I just made a reservation at the library.


I will write more thoughts after I read it.


Perhaps this book will inspire me to write a column titled “Letting People Who Hate Change Alone.”




Our country is experiencing a massive typhoon that is unprecedented in history, covering the Japanese archipelago.


It is on the verge of overrunning the entire country as it is.

今朝、町内を車で見回りしてきたのですが ―― 正直怖かった。

I drove around town this morning -- honestly, I was scared.

道路冠水箇所多数、マンホールの蓋が外れて水が吹き上がっているケース2, 土手からの流水箇所2でした。

There were many flooded areas on the road, 2 cases where maintenance hole covers had come off, and water was blowing up, and two areas where water was running down from the banks.


Our house is 100 meters from a wooded area on the county border.


Although the hazard map shows it is “safe,” I cannot say that a mudslide will never hit my house.



I am sleep-deprived after being knocked up by two emergency alerts since last night.


The second alert was the issuance of an “evacuation order.


But where to?


Our house is on higher ground than the community center by the pond.


When a mudslide occurs, I can predict the initial damage is approximately there.


At present, Ebata's house seems to be “overwhelmingly” safer (see “Ebata Family Instructions”).




According to the comic & anime “Jormungandr,” it is predicted that “wars in the 21st century will go from ‘energy wars’ to 'water wars.


Indeed, water is more directly related to survival than energy. Climate change in the last decade seems to have caused widespread drought damage worldwide.


The Horn of Africa region, which includes Ethiopia, Somalia, and Kenya, and the western region of the United States, especially California, Arizona, Nevada, Australia, and South America (Brazil), are likely that


Meanwhile, in our country, in the past few years, a massive typhoon that has heated the Pacific Ocean waters into an enormous chunk of water source has been spewing all of its water over the land of Japan.


1 typhoon, 20 billion tons on average.


I asked ChatGPT about this, and he said that this is the equivalent of about 74 days of water from Niagara Falls.


So, I requested ChatGPT to give me a Fermi estimate of how much water this typhoon is bringing in, and it said it is “392.5 billion tons”.

ナイアガラの滝約1452日間分 → 4年間分

Niagara Falls approx. 1452 days → 4 years


This typhoon is on a scale that could sink all of Japan in a typhoon.


(Well, the ChatGPT calculations are eyebrow-raising, so they are for reference only (it is not uncommon to find a “two-digit difference” when calculating).



We are very grateful that our country is rich in water. However, we do not wish to see the Japanese archipelago submerged.

自然の方でも、色々配慮して欲しい ―― と、私は、本気で思っています。

I hope that nature will give much consideration -- and I mean it.



I enjoyed “The Land Fraud Group,” the most popular content on NetFlix.


Watching this fun content at home makes me less motivated to go to the movie theater.


Aside from that, I think that

―― この「地面師たち」は、新人教育だけでなく、社員教育の素材としても使えるんじゃないか?

"The Land Fraud Group” is excellent material for training new employees and employee training."




One of the themes of the film is the internal approval process.


The approval process is depressing. It is time-consuming, they interfere with you, and you have to agree to unwilling changes in the content.


Perhaps many of our country's companies are losing business opportunities due to internal approvals, I also think.


However, the “Land fraud group” gives a chillingly realistic view of the importance of the internal approval process.


It is also clear that the approval rules can easily corrupt if the executive class violates compliance.

『数日で稟議を回さなければ、100億円のビジネスがすべてパーになる』と言われれば、私でも、稟議システムにチャレンジしてみよう、という気になったかもしれません ―― が、安心して下さい。

If someone told me, “If you don't get approval in a few days, your 10 billion yen business will all go up in smoke,” even I might try the approval system -- but don't worry.


I have no authority, power, or chance, so I will forever be irrelevant to that challenge.



I gave up my career reasonably early on and chose to do the crap writing I love and the coding I do (and sometimes don't even like).


This path has a lot of unpleasantness, but I am pretty happy that I never had the chance to have ambitions such as 'challenging the approval system.'

"1500円 + 翌日"と、"2週間 + 書類作成 + 何回もの稟議"を秤にかけて、Amazonの購入ボタンに手が出てしまう私を、一体、誰が責められましょうか。



The “politics and money issue” has always been a problem in our country.


Countless resignations and government changes have occurred due to “politics and money issues.”


Undoubtedly, the concept of “money = evil” has become entrenched in our country.





"Harris Campaign Raises Over $500 Million After Biden's Withdrawal - Clear Tailwind.”


As seen from the article “Money = Power” in the United States, if you are not careful, politics operates on the concept of “money = justice.”

これは「地道に働いている人が一番エライ」と考える日本人と、「運を見逃さずに努力して成功した人が一番エライ」と考える米国人の国民性の違いだ ―― とは、よく言われています。

It is often said that this is the difference in national character between the Japanese, who believe that “those who work steadily are the most elated,” and Americans, who say that “those who work hard and succeed without missing their fortune are the most elated” -- a common saying.



The following briefly explains the U.S. treatment of Japanese political contributions.


(1) U.S. Political Contributions

  • 米国では、政治献金は非常に一般的であり、選挙運動の主要な資金源
  • 個人や企業、政治行動委員会(PAC)が候補者や政党に対して寄付を行うことは合法。 献金額に上限なし。
  • 米国の選挙文化や法制度として根付いており、支出の開示の透明性が高い
  • Political contributions are widespread in the U.S. and are a significant source of campaign funding.
  • It is legal for individuals, corporations, and political action committees (PACs) to contribute to candidates and political parties. There is no cap on the amount of contributions.
  • It is ingrained in the U.S. electoral culture and legal system, and there is a high degree of transparency in the disclosure of expenditures


(2) Political Contributions in Japan

  • 政治献金に対する規制が厳しく、特に企業や団体からの政治献金には制限ある
  • 過去に政治と金のスキャンダルが多発し、それが社会に対する信頼を損なった歴史的な背景に因る
  • Strict regulations on political donations, especially restrictions on donations from corporations and organizations
  • This background is due to the history of many scandals involving politics and money, which have damaged public trust in society.


The general point is that while political contributions are widely accepted as part of campaign activities in the U.S., in Japan, political contributions are criticized as opaque, partly due to past scandals.


In a word, “clean” has a different meaning.


Clean in the U.S. means “full disclosure,” while clean in Japan means “clean, poor, and beautiful.



My thinking is “money = unimportant.”


I have one point of contention.

―― 政治に関わる金は、1円単位まで全部開示しろ

"Disclose all money involved in politics down to the penny."


(Is it a side of the U.S.?).



Adults, children, and foreign governments, all without exception.


If you donate money to a political party, you should be prepared to be “exposed.”


Large corporations that donate to all political parties may be criticized for being “unscrupulous.” Still, they can reopen the situation and say, “This is a political portfolio” or “It's an organizational safety net.

少なくとも私は非難しません ―― むしろ、組織の保身手段としては、まっとうだ、とすら思います。

I don't blame them in the least—I think it's a decent means of organizational self-preservation.



What I wonder, however, is that there are no Japanese who are shouting at the U.S. electoral system, saying, “This is wrong! I wonder why no Japanese are shouting, “It's terrible!


I tried looking for one, but I could not find it.



Lately, I have been refraining from attending drinking parties for several reasons.


However, one factor that has not been mentioned is the “body odor problem.”



Once, when I attended an intern welcome party, I sat near a senior who had a terrible body odor that made it difficult for me to concentrate on eating and drinking.


So, I casually moved to a seat near other seniors, but I was also confronted with body odor at the seat.

この一件は、私に衝撃を与えました ―― 『シニアの男性は臭う』

This one shocked me -- “Senior men stink.”


Well, it is just a sample of two cases, but still two cases in a row.


This gave me, as a senior, a fundamental fear.

―― 私も、臭うに違いない

"I must be a source of body odor, too."



I know from my daughters' reports that my body odor before sobriety was at a non-negligible level.


However, even after sobriety, I would not have been able to control my older smell.


And as I have said, the problem of body odor is untouchable, sensitive, and basically without a solution.

私、「体臭」については、これまで色々論じてきたのですが、仮説ですら解決法を思いついていません ―― それくらい、この問題は難しい。


From this perspective, I think “remote drinking” is 'one of the passive ways to deal with this problem.



In any case, you would appreciate it if you could keep in mind that “there is at least one senior male who is hesitant (afraid) to attend a drinking party” because of this “body odor” problem.

―― 出席はしたいが、欠席したい

つまるところ ――

The bottom line is--


"We senior men are frail. We are just cellular bodies that can't survive on our own. So don't torment us too much."


(The exhibit is very well-known, so I omit it.)



As city residents, 20 billion yen and 2 trillion yen are equally “a lot of money.


(I may have written about this somewhere before.) To understand the scale of this project, I am using the “100 million yen split” method.

200億円 ÷ 1億円 = 200円

20 billion yen ÷ 100 million yen = 200 yen

2兆円 ÷ 1億円 = 2万円

2 trillion yen ÷ 100 million yen = 20,000 yen



This “100-million-yen division” can be grasped in the image of a per capita burden, considering the population of Japan as roughly 100 million people.


As for the Ebata family, we would do x3 to this.



At the time of the Hokkaido Takushoku Bank bankruptcy, the total nonperforming loans announced was 2,343.3 billion yen.


The Japan Bank did not make a particular loan at this time, but assuming that it had been made and considering this on a “100-million-yen division” basis


I believe that the Hokkaido Takushoku Bank's bailout cost me about 24,000 yen, and the Ebata family at that time had to pay 100,000 yen in blood taxes.


This way, I think we can see our money much more quickly.


Japan's annual budget for space development is about 300 billion yen, so my cost would be 3000 yen/year, or about 10,000 yen for my family.


If it is the cost of personal space exploration, this is the least I would be willing to pay.


Japan's R&D budget (R&D budget) is about 4 trillion yen annually, which means 40,000 yen for me personally and 120,000 yen for the Ebata family.


Well, I thought this was inevitable.


The cost of long-term care services is like this.


It's hard to break it down because taxes, insurance premiums, etc., are all mixed in, but they seem to take about 100,000 yen a year.

という訳で、『200億円も2兆円も、同じように「たくさんのお金」』と思考停止するのをやめて、「億割り」をしてみると、ちょっとお金への見方が変わるかもしれません ―― 大抵の場合「腹が立つ方向」になりますが。

Therefore, if you stop thinking that '20 billion yen and 2 trillion yen are equally “a lot of money”' and try to “divide by 100 million,” your view of money may change a little -- although it will usually be in the “angry” direction.
