

I walked down the “aisle” with her daughter (eldest daughter) last weekend.



There are quite a few complicated procedures (protocols).


If given the “Aisle Protocol Specifications” in advance, I would have read them dozens of times, memorized them completely, and had the confidence to carry them out properly according to the protocol.

なんで、当日に、その仕様を、担当者から「口伝」で伝えられなければならないのか ―― と尋ねたところ、「場(結婚式会場)に、緊張感を発生させるため」だそうです。

When I asked why the specifications had to be conveyed by word of mouth by the person in charge on the day, I was told it was “to create a sense of tension at the venue (wedding hall).”


In fact, I


kept stepping on the hem of the bride's (eldest daughter's) dress (it's impossible to walk without stepping on it),


and I handed my daughter over to the groom without bowing to him (she was almost like a 'package to be shipped').


I broke the protocol (broke the rules) like the above.


Aside from the tension, I fulfilled our goal of “not letting things go according to plan.”



When I was younger, I was often asked to officiate at weddings.


I was a wedding MC who could create a scenario, get the bride and groom's approval, and then proceed with the proceedings in a relaxed atmosphere, getting laughs from the crowd while speaking every word exactly as written (no ad-libbing).


So even if I had been given the “A Guide to the Protocol for the Aisle of the Virgin” in advance, I think I would have been able to operate it successfully on the day, in an amateur-like way.



After that, at the wedding reception, the groom asked the bride's mother(my wife) to give a speech without warning, but of course, my wife threw me this order.

もちろん、私は、そつなくスピーチを纒めました ―― そういうのは、私の十八番ですから。

Of course, I put together a polished speech - that's my specialty.



After the wedding reception, I received a message from my eldest daughter via LINE.


'Even though you were annoyed, there were many awe-inspiring scenes, and I can't help but admire you.


That's what she said.


I thought it was a good and to-the-point expression of gratitude.



Today, I attended my eldest daughter's wedding and reception.


I was initially pessimistic about the whole thing, thinking, “Do they have to have a wedding?” that feeling has not changed.


However, as parents, we must respond to our daughter's wishes, so we have been preparing.

- 髪を伸ばしたり(基本的に私はほぼ丸刈りに近いスポーツ刈り)
- 髪を染めたり(人生初の経験)
- オールバックにするためにジェルで髪を固めたり
- ダイエットしたり(これは人間ドック対策も兼ねていますが)

- Growing my hair out (basically, I have a close-cropped sports cut)
- Dyeing my hair (a first for me)
- Using gel to make my hair stand up in an 'all-back' style
- Dieting (this is also partly to prepare for a full medical check-up)

こうして、娘の希望に合わせて自分の見た目を変えてきましたが ―― まあ、それはいいんです。

This way, I have changed my appearance to suit my daughter's wishes, but that's okay.



The event that made me feel the most nervous was the “Aisle of Roses” event.


This event is called “escorting the bride” or “handing over the bride.”


However, I can't help but wonder, “Does this fit with modern values?”


After researching, I found that “the father escorting the bride down the aisle is a symbol of the father protecting and raising his daughter's life until now,” but I don't remember protecting and raising my daughter's life so much.


I believe that my daughter has lived her own life by her strength.


All I provided was a little bit of advice and some funding.


It is also said to include the meaning of “approving and blessing the bride by the family,” but I think that the will of the people involved should do marriage and that the approval of others is not necessary.


I also feel uncomfortable with the expression “handing over the bride on the aisle.”


I thought they were treating my daughter like luggage.


I don't think I'm the only father who thinks this.



However, since it was my daughter's wish, I fulfilled my duty whether I liked it or not.


It was like performing an “act” for the first time in decades.


I used to be a member of a theater club, so it's easy for me to play the role of a “normal father.”

エルカン文章第3弾 - 祝・江端智一君御成婚記念メール



The eldest daughter's event went smoothly, but the second daughter seems to be hoping for a “more grand wedding than today's.”


I'm amazed at the passion my daughters have for conservative events.


I'll have to do it all again: grow my hair, dye it, gel it, and escort my daughter.



Nowadays, when getting married is difficult, I'm aware that I'm being selfish by complaining about such a trivial matter.



I have been talking a lot about the “harm” and “curse” of what is called a “dream.”


I have said many times that we must evaluate the correctness of 'giving up on a dream' and consider it one of the many options available.



―― エジソン、バカ

―― 「夢を諦める」ことは、「夢を叶える」ことと同程度に有意義である

元高角三(げんこう かくぞう)という生き方



21世紀に残したくない曲 100選


However, “giving up on your dreams” is not a “failure,” but it is “excruciating pain.”


It is overwhelmingly easier and you feel less pain if you “don't give up on your dreams”.


After all, stopping what you have been doing and starting something new is frighteningly expensive and frightening.



Even so, I strongly recommend that you give up on your dreams because there are too many cases of people who become so obsessed with their dreams that they end up killing themselves.


After all, I am one of those who have experienced it.


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However, what I have been saying for nearly 20 years is far from the persuasiveness of this book.

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のんきに「夢は実現しなければ、意味がない」などと本気で考えていると ―― いずれ「自分で自分を殺すこと」になります。

If you naively think that “dreams are meaningless unless they come true,” you will eventually “kill yourself.”


I'm serious.

逆に、そこまで至っていない人の言う"夢"なんて ―― 所詮はポップミュージックで叫ばれているような、ふわふわした願望程度のもので―― そんなものは、"夢"とは呼びません。

On the other hand, the “dreams” of people who haven't gotten that far are just wishful thinking, like the kind you hear in pop music, and I don't call those “dreams.”



Yesterday, I wrote, “Seniors are slow to react to societal trends (such as compliance, etc.).”


However, even if I am a senior, I will keep up with the world without making any particular effort.


I have published a diary like this before.

「笑点」に笑えず、「サザエさん」に嫌悪感を感じる ――


Yesterday, in a conversation with my wife, Sadamasashi's “Kanpaku Sengen” came up, and she said that she had always found it unpleasant but that recently, it had become so offensive that she could no longer bear it.


The important thing here is that the scale of the unpleasantness of those days and the unpleasantness of today are entirely different.

―― "ギャグ"の一言では済まされない歌だ


What I want to say is that “seniors are slow to react to trends in society (such as compliance),” but that “it does not mean that they do not react” and that the values of seniors are “not completely fixed.”


Well, living your life in complete defiance of society requires a lot of energy, and the only thing you get in return is “hatred from society”. This is not worth it.



I keep saying, “Social values are being upgraded every two weeks.”


It's hard to keep up with this, but if we don't do it, we won't be able to survive.

―― そもそも、そういう下品なイベント以外に、自分たちが楽しめるイベントを自力で企画・運営できない


So, I wonder

―― 今の政権与党のバージョンアップは、どのくらいの時定数(期間)なんだろう?

"how long is the time constant (period) for the current ruling party's version upgrade?"



It doesn't seem to be at least “every two weeks.”


It's exciting to see them busily digging their graves before the election day (e.g., funding unofficial party candidates).



I am a staunch conservative (and I like to think so) who just wants to die peacefully and safely without changing the status quo even by 1mm, but I think it's a bit harsh.



The other day, I made a reservation at a hotel for a conference, but I made a mistake and booked a smoking room.


Or rather, I was strangely impressed that “smoking rooms” still exist.


I once mistakenly chose a smoking seat on the Shinkansen and got a headache after 10 minutes, so I had to stand for an hour and a half (or rather, there used to be smoking cars on the Shinkansen).


Believe it or not, there were very few “no smoking” areas in the Showa period, and the default was a smoking area.


Since around Heisei, the balance of power has gradually shifted, and now, “smoking areas” are few and far between or have almost become extinct.



I think it will be 10 to 20 years behind the United States.


When I was working in the US around the year 2000, my colleagues at the office would smoke outside in the minus 10-degree weather, fully equipped for the cold (I'm not exaggerating—it really does get minus 10 degrees in Colorado in winter).

江端さんのひとりごと 「ホワイトアウト」


'Even if it means that much, I want to smoke.' I understand.



The delay between Japan and the US, where smoking areas were shrinking, was 15 years, but the spread from the Kanto area to the local regions of Japan was, in my opinion, like “50 km per year”.


I think Nagoya was 6 to 10 years behind the Kanto area. The benchmark is “restaurants” (especially “Komeda”). I remember being surprised that there were no smoking areas (although that has completely changed now).


This is not a discussion of whether something is good or bad but of the general physical law that distance is related to the penetration rate of trends.

あと世代間距離、というのもありますね。これは、コンプライアンスに関して顕著です ―― 年寄(シニア)の世間との"ズレ"というのは、避けられません。私もあなたも。努力は怠ってはなりませんが、私たち(シニア)が時代についていけないことは、もう諦めましょう。

There is also the issue of intergenerational distance. This is particularly noticeable regarding compliance - there is no avoiding the gap between the older generation and the world around them. Neither you nor I can prevent this. We must not neglect our efforts, but we must also accept that.


西田敏之さんの代表作映画である「釣りバカ日記」が地上波で放映できないのは ―― まあ、いわゆる、放送できないんですよ。

Toshiyuki Nishida's masterpiece, “Tsuribaka Nikki,” can't be broadcast on terrestrial TV because it isn't available.


It's sure to be a huge hit (I won't say much, but it's about “compliance”).




My (Ebata's) civil rights had not yet been suspended.


It appears that the voting form was delivered to the postbox this morning.

―― そうか・・・、ついに私も公民権を停止されたのか・・・


I want everyone to experience the joy of receiving a ballot.


ちなみに、私は、自由民権運動発祥の地の居住民です ―― だから、どうだという訳でもありませんが。

Incidentally, I am a resident of the birthplace of the Freedom and People's Rights Movement - so it's not like it means anything.





I was going to go out with my wife to vote early, but I was surprised when she told me, “We haven't received the voting form yet.”

―― そうか・・・、ついに私も公民権を停止されたのか・・・

"I see... So I've finally had my civil rights suspended..."


'I've been repeatedly criticizing the election on my blog recently, so maybe I've caught the attention of the powers that be,' I thought, but it was strange that my wife hadn't received it.

もしかしたら、「公民権停止に、身内の連座制も導入されたのか? いつ法律が改正された?」とか、かなり真剣に考えていました。

I was thinking quite seriously, “Did they also introduce a system of guilt by association for suspending civil rights? When was the law amended?”




My wife checked the city hall website and said, “The voting forms are supposed to start being sent out on the 20th, so I think they'll arrive tomorrow,” which made me feel more at ease.


Even so, it's quite a frightening thing to be unable to go to the polling station even though early voting has already started.


I realized that not receiving or not sending a ballot could be considered national-level bullying or ostracism.



However, you can't blame the people at the city hall or other administrative offices for this.


The period between the public announcement and the voting is too short.


The prime minister (or the ruling party) who decides the election date is to blame for this.


This is 'an election that was announced later and held earlier than the US presidential election, for which the date of the vote has been decided four years in advance.'


I am keenly aware of the differences between the voting systems in Japan and the United States.


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As I wrote in “Only Mr. Ebata can be a guard in an extermination camp”,


Junior: “In a nutshell, it's not me. It's my superior's orders. It's a classic example of a person who stops thinking and says their superior made the decision, not them. Morality can be easily blown away by shifting responsibility and organizational hierarchies. It's tough to resist this. As you know.”


Ebata: “I remember hearing something like that. I remember hearing that Adolf Eichmann said that the 'acts of genocide in the extermination camps were ‘administrative procedures based on domestic law’'.”




When I heard on the news that “the main suspect in the robbery and murder case committed by a part-time worker was receiving instructions throughout the crime via smartphone,” I remembered this story about Eichmann.

―― 私たちが培ってきた「良心」は、簡単に「命令」に負ける

"The “conscience” we have cultivated can easily be defeated by “orders.”


The above is also consistent with my own experience.


I was and am working while destroying my body and mind.


The person giving the order may think, “This is not something you should do even if it goes against your conscience,” but that is irrelevant to the person receiving it.

上司は上司であるだけで「暴力装置」であり、シニアはシニアであるだけで「時間強奪装置」です ―― そして、上司もシニアも、この自覚が絶無です。

The boss is a “violent device” just because he is the boss, and the senior staff are “time-exploiting devices” just because they are the senior staff - and both the boss and the senior staff are entirely unaware of this.


Leaving that aside.



We, humans, are such simple, weak creatures that we can easily commit the greatest of crimes, “robbery and murder,” on simple “orders.”


Of course, I am no exception to this.

これについては、アイヒマンの主張をベースに行われた、1960年代にアメリカの心理学者スタンレー・ミルグラム(Stanley Milgram)が行った「ミルグラム実験(Milgram Experiment)」でググって下さい。

For more information on this, please search for “Milgram Experiment” on Google, conducted by American psychologist Stanley Milgram in the 1960s based on Eichmann's claims.


This experiment is one of the important studies in social psychology and is often cited in discussions of obedience to authority and moral dilemmas.



Anyway, you should stay away from things like that (things that have the potential to receive orders to kill or injure people).


So let's say, “Stay away from dark work” and “If you smell dark work, run away as fast as you can.”

あなたも、私も、簡単に「殺人者」になってしまいます ―― 本当に、びっくりするほど「簡単」に、です。

You and I could quickly become “murderers” - it would be really, surprisingly “easy.”



Even if you and I have no money and have to die of starvation, if we can go on thinking, 'I didn't kill anyone with my own hands,' I think that would be a life worth being proud of.

私は、娘たちの素行について嫁さんと話をする時に、『なんやかんやいっても、彼女らは、"人殺し"だけはしていないんだから』と擁護することがありますが ――

When I talk with my wife about the behavior of our daughters, I sometimes defend them by saying, “No matter what, they haven't killed anyone.”  However, 


My wife says that I have too low an ambition.



The House of Representatives election in my district,

―― だめだ。誰にも投票したいと思えない

"I can't do it. I can't bring myself to vote for anyone."



I used the checklist I made last night to check the “back-alley money lawmakers” and “Unification Church lawmakers.”



When I looked at the NHK candidate questionnaire, I removed people who responded with “No response” or other silly responses.


I looked up each candidate's claims on the web, but there was a lot of 'stupid' content.

■AI技術による政治改革、おおいに結構。で、そのAIプラットフォームはどこにあるんですか? まさか、『当選したらこれを作る』とか寝惚けたこと言っているんじゃないですよね。そんなもん、稼働中の生成AIに、入力テキストをラッピングすれだけのものであれば、数日もあれば作れますよね? できないんですか? できないのに"AI"うんぬん語っているんですか?

Political reform through AI technology is excellent. So, where is this AI platform? You're not saying something silly like, “I'll make this if I get elected,” right? If it's just wrapping the input text around a running generative AI, you can make it in a few days, right? Can't you? Are you talking about “AI” when you can't?


Can you win votes these days by promising to improve the infrastructure of trains and roads? This isn't the Showa era. Instead, I wonder if the reason why the idea of “IT infrastructure that can be done locally, without relying on the central government” hasn't come up is because the candidate is hopeless with IT or whether it's because the voters in his constituency are hopeless with IT (or maybe it's both)?

■相変わらず数値で語る候補者がいません ―― まあ、数字を語ると有権者が逃げる、というのも事実なのですが

There are still no candidates who talk about figures. Well, it's true that voters run away


I have two children, but I don't care what happens to young people. I'm also expecting a lot of 'young people's disinterest in elections' this time. I'm going to finish my life by devouring my children's future.

政治に興味のない方、特に、若い世代の方は、今日も"Stay Home"で、投票はボイコットしましょう。



I have included “white votes” in my scope for the first time this time.

―― 私は、政治に関わる強い意思がある。それゆえ投票はしたい。だが、信任に値する候補者が『私の選挙区』にはおらず、信任に値する政党もない

"I have a strong desire to be involved in politics. That's why I want to vote. However, there are no candidates in 'my constituency' who deserve my vote, and there are no political parties that deserve my vote either."


While a blank ballot is considered a valid vote, it does not indicate support for a particular candidate or political party. Still, it is regarded as a form of expression of one's political will.


If there are a lot of blank votes, it reflects the voters' dissatisfaction with the election or the fact that they don't have a candidate they support, so it's 'significant.'

白票が全投票の50%を越える選挙区が出たら ―― これほど痛快な「政治批判」はないと思いませんか?

If there is an electoral district where the number of blank votes exceeds 50% of the total votes cast, don't you think that would be the most satisfying form of “political criticism”?



The other day, I was talking with my eldest daughter, who had come home for a visit, about various topics (such as the essential significance of same-sex marriage being inheritance (x sex)).


Since we were talking about taxes and the government, I said

―― 日本国政府とは、"でっかいAmazon"のことだ

"The Japanese government is like a huge Amazon.”


My eldest daughter was deeply moved.

―― 我が国最大のサービスプラットフォーマであるはずの日本国政府が、Amazonに負けている


No, it would be normal to think like this.


A public servant is like an “employee of a huge Amazon” - in other words, a “public servant.”


The term “public servant” expresses the sense of responsibility that those in positions of power should work for the benefit of society as a whole rather than for their own gain.


In that sense, everyone from career bureaucrats to local government employees are all “slaves who serve the consumers that are the citizens”.



Amazon also says that “the customer comes first” these days, but there have been cases where delivery charges have increased and service quality has gradually declined.


It may also be similar to the government.


Eldest daughter: “I see, so if we were consumers, taxes would be like a ‘subscription purchase.’”


Me: “That's right. However, with the government, you can't cancel a ‘subscription purchase’, and returns don't work either. Moreover, sometimes you get products you don't even want.”


Eldest daughter: “I see, so the Japanese government is a ‘subscription’ service with unclear objectives.”


政府の機能は、Amazonやサブスクと対比して語るのが、一番分かりやすいと思うですけど、いかがでしょうか > 文部科学省のキャリア&ノンキャリアの皆様

I think it's easiest to understand the functions of the government by comparing them to Amazon and subscription services, but what do you think? > All career and non-career employees of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology