My wife seems to have the same symptoms (cough and fever) as me.
My wife rushed to the clinic, was diagnosed with the flu, and came home with a prescription for medication. She is now in bed.
I want to assume from the initial symptoms that it was not the flu, but it may have been the flu.
If that had been the case, I might have been able to get a prescription for “Tamiflu” or something similar and recover with a bit milder symptoms.
I should have assumed the “worst” and moved on.
We should forget the conventional theory that “influenza = persistent high fever over 38.5”.
I was once surprised to go to the doctor with a fever in the high 36s and be told I had the flu.
From now on, I think it would be better to go to the doctor's with the mindset that you will be diagnosed as “influenza positive” by default, and if you are lucky, you will be “influenza negative.”
During the illness, I no longer feel like doing anything.
Work, of course, becomes unimportant, and even updating the blog becomes unimportant.
And even my wife's advice, “Maybe you should see another clinic,” is no longer falling on deaf ears.
予約する作業が苦痛で、移動する労力を考えるだけで、悪寒がしてきます ―― で、私の場合、タミフルを処方される機会を失ったと言えます。
The process of making an appointment is painful, and just the thought of the effort of traveling gives me chills -- and in my case, I can say that I lost my chance to be prescribed Tamiflu.
The “ability to think” comes to a complete standstill.
Therefore, “violence” is necessary for patients who are suffering from the disease.
Someone nearby must make an appointment independently and force the patient to visit the clinic.
The patient is in no condition to make the best choice.
===== 引用ここから =====
===== Quote from here =====
The only way to "help" is to "physically help."
Being 'in touch with their feelings' does not mean 'helping.'
Only when you get to the point of "bringing the rope and pulling them up" can you say that you have "saved" him.
===== 引用ここまで =====
===== Quote here =====
The problem is that while it would be nice if the patient were lucky enough to have such a person (spouse, family member, friend) on their side, it is a definite future that such relationships will become “rare cases” in the future.
Of course, with the declining birthrate and aging population, as well as the trend towards people marrying later and not getting married at all, even if this is not the case, if you live a long life, you will eventually pass away alone.
I have always made it clear that I do not consider family members as tools for the safety net.
I have also lived my life using my parents as a “stepping stone,” so I don't think I should be allowed to be an exception to the rule.
I don't expect "someone helps me” direction, but I would like it to be more of a “pain-avoidance” direction.

(Click to go to the column)
This problem doesn't seem to have come to the fore yet. When anyone notices it personally, it's already too late.
I don't care about tax increases, social security, or military spending, and to be honest, I don't even expect euthanasia or death with dignity.
『苦痛を回避する薬の処方の自由化』 ―― これを公約としてくれる政党が出てきたら、個人献金であれ、裏金であれ、なんだって協力します。
'Liberalization of the prescription of painkillers' - If a political party comes forward with this as a campaign promise, I will support them in any way I can, whether through personal donations or under-the-table payments.
People will say, “Well, why don't you start a new political party, Ebata!” (which is only natural), but it isn't easy to make this a law (it's already been considered).
Besides, I have no interest in the suffering of others. 'Self-help' is enough for me.
If so, it would be the production of illegal drugs as a free research project.
I wonder if I chose the wrong major for graduate school.
Can I make it in time if I start studying pharmacy now?
I also need to consider ways of securing routes for obtaining illegal raw materials.
There are many things to think about, but I can't think about them when I am sick.
ラクして逝くためには、健康第一 ―― 本日の日記も、訳の分からん結論になりました(今さらですが)。
Health comes first in order to live a comfortable death. Today's diary also concluded that I don't understand (even though it's a bit late now).