

Usually, I don't watch a variety program on TV. The reason is not "I don't like it" but "I have little time to watch it."


However, I watch a variety of TV programs whose title is "IPPON gand prix".


This is a great comedy variety show that has been aired irregularly since 2009 on the Fuji Television network, however, I watch it with a sense of awe that cannot be contained by this introduction.

芸人の皆さんが、与えられた課題に対して、フレーズを返し、その内容をリアルタイムで採点されながら進んでいく番組ですが ―― そのレベルが、恐しく高い。

In this program, comedians respond to a given task with a phrase and are graded on their performance in real-time -- and the level is frighteningly high.

彼らが、事前に回答を準備してくるのか、あるいは、アドリブで答えているかは、私には分かりませんが ―― まあ、番組運用上、ある程度開示されているとは思いますが ――

I don't know if they prepare their answers in advance, or if they ad-lib their answers -- well, I'm sure that is disclosed to some extent in the operation of the program -- but


the content nevertheless makes us laymen laugh, and we can't help but be tongue-tied by the content.


If I were able to attend, I can be sure that even if I were given the subject a week in advance, I would not be able to come close to a few tenths of a percent of the sharp answers given by the comedians.



I wonder if young aspiring comedians will change their minds (give up) about becoming a comedian after watching "IPPON Grand Prix"?



If it were me, I would not want to live in that scary world.




From this period, I have transferred to a new research section. So I have reviewed and modified my carrier history sheet with illustrations in order to prepare for the meeting with my new boss.


While reviewing and modifying it, I was self-satisfied that


(1)How much I had done a lot of research.


and at the same time, I faced the reality of


(2)There is no research that had given something impact to the world.


I feel something I cannot make words.



私にとっての通貨は、―― 「技術力」ですね。

I have stuck to get the technical skills to survive in the research life.


However, that has generated "light footwork" I didn't obsess with any field of technology.


It is true that sectionalism with narrow-minded and obsession to protect what I can is ugly.


However, any break-through doesn't come to a person who is not interested to keep their own field


Which one you choose depends on you, however, "not developing the technical skill to survive" and "not fighting to protect your domain" may be risks for you.



I can confidentially say that I have not spent any time making myself easy. However, it seems not related to "what I could do something great"


In short,


"I am happy to watch my program to work well"


"I love drinking non-alcoholic beer just after finishing writing columns"


I think that for a person like me, I cannot access the research field about the world's impact.


Well, it is O.K. for me.



During a remote meeting, a relatively big earthquake occurred.


However, the meeting continued without any trouble, I thought "They don't care about earthquakes"


After about three seconds, the voice "Oh, it's shaking," or "It's relatively big" were coming, so I thought

―― 生れてはじめて、地震波の存在をリアルに実感した

"For the first time in my life, I really felt the existence of earthquake waves"





However, I felt a sense of discomfort, when I looked up the epicenter on Twitter.


My location must be far from the epicenter, I thought.


One of my hypotheses is that "other member's houses are expensive and robust seismic isolation structures, but my house is not expensive and can feel P-waves (initial microtremors) sensitively.


Anyway, it is not a very pleasant hypothesis.


私は、自分のWebサイトをDB化しています ―― GoogleエンジンとWordPressの検索機能を使っているだけですが。

I use my website as DataBase, using just the Google search engine and search functions of WordPress.


This is really useful.


Whenever I want to tell a story about a specified theme, I can find it soon.

Amazon 恐るべし。



Today I was ordered to submit a short story about a specific theme, and I could find it in a few seconds.

まあ、ネタの使い回しもあるので、何度も同じ話を聞かされている人もいるでしょうが ―― まあ、そこは、諦めて下さい。

Well some people should hear my story again and again, I ask them to give up.


なんだかんだ言って、私のWebの創立は、1993年です ―― 創業30年の老舗Webサイトです。

Anyway, my Web establishment was founded in 1993 -- a 30-year old Web site.

まあ、規模的には「和菓子屋」というよりは「駄菓子屋」ですが ――

Well, in terms of scale, it's more of a "candy store" than a "wagashi ya" -- however,


Still, if you focus only on history, GAFAs like Amazon and Google are like little boys.


By no means is this a sore loser?




Today, I faced the "Dead Lock" I wrote yesterday.


Almost all of the troubles will happen just after the system modification. This is so typical.



In order to avoid the deadlock, I asked workers in my company. A guy gave me a manual book with more than 100 pages. After reading it, I gave up easily.


However, the guy gives a reply, "It was a piece of cake", I could complete the set in a minute



The facts lead to the following.


- Manual books are apt to be written difficult, so too hard to get us what we want.


- A human being (like me) is apt to believe human words more than manuals.


私も今回のメモを纏めましたが、「10行の文章 + 図面のハードコーピー2枚」になりました。

I made a memorandum about what I did, and the volumes are only 10 line-document and two hardcopy sheets.



The reason why manuals are so long and hard to read is to become a problem if the problem happens.

一方、私のメモは私の為のものなので、他の人がそれを読んでシステムを壊すなどの被害が起ったところで ―― 私の、知ったことではありません。

On the other hand, my memorandum is just for me, so even if someone tries some actions by reading my memorandum, it is not my business.

私だって、他の人のメモで、色々酷い目にあったこともあります ―― これは『お互い様』です。

Even I also got in terrible trouble by reading another's memorandum. So It is "mutual"


Well, I think it is something that ordinary companies are too afraid to do.


ITシステムが会社になかった時代 ―― いや、本当にそういう時代があったんです。

"The ear where there is No IT system in companies". --- I am not kidding.? The era had existed in the old days.


It was natural just before 20 years ago.


If I failed to submit my time and attendance, a person in the general affair department called me in an angry voice. When I delayed vouchers to the accounting department,? I kept my head down and sometimes I give them souvenirs periodically.


The paperwork was managed through a casual relationship.


In that sense, the so-called "cheerfulness," "cherry," "frights," and "down on their knees", were superior interfaces to keep our paper management in my company.



However, IT system doesn't take care of them at all.


Even if the deadlines pass through over 70 days, the IT system doesn't put any alert message. As a result, on the day of the end of the fiscal year,? my company came to be in a fuss.


IT system rejects to get a report even if I delay submitting it by just five minutes.


On the contrary, even if the IT system is down for access concentrations, they have no apology, reimbursement, compensation, or grace, and just reject my submission.

そのため、以前は締切日に資料を提出するのは避けていました。 なぜなら、その日は「システムダウンの日」だと決めているからです。

Therefore I used to avoid submitting any materials on the deadline day. Because I decide the day is "The system down day".


In short, regardless of AI technologies, with IT management by computer, we have already become


"Slavers of the IT system"




My company orders us to change my "password" several times a year for the company work system.


When we don't do it, the sanctions from the systems are simple and brutal.


"All accesses to all work systems are suspended".


Not only the work systems, but also e-mail, chat, IP phones, and everything else will be out of service.



However, when I try to change my password, the change must be admitted by another system. This is a seriously complicated status.

この結果何が発生するかというと ―― デッドロックです。

As a result, what will happen? It is a "deadlock".

システムにアクセスするのに新しいパスワードが必要なのですが、そのパスワードを承認するシステムが、そのパスワードでなければログインできない、という状態になり ――

When I try to access a work system, I need to use the new password. However, the system also needs the new password.


In short, the situation of "changing password makes me not access any work system" occurs.


In order to avoid the deadlock, I have to start the system before being spread the changing password to the system. Anyway, it is an annoying process I have to.


In a sense, I am not just a slave but,


"Servant of the System"


現代の私たちは、望む望まずに関わらず、マイクロソフト社の「Windows OS」と「Office」の奴隷・・・もとい、ユーザとなっています。

I believe that it would not be an exaggeration.


It is beyond infuriating, but it is true that this is one of the worlds that eliminate "cheerfulness," "cherry," "frights," and "down on their knees".


Still, it is also very difficult to escape from the world when we are caught by the system deadlock.



The next-generation AI technology might be something to understand the interfaces of "cheerfulness," "cherry," "frights," and "down on their knees".


However, with the AI technology, a computer might respond with "Shut up! Stop yelling!!" against your loud claims.



Recently, my English teachers are IT (not AI).


ITs are checking translations, grammar, and idioms of my English.


In addition, they are almost free. So I feel

―― 『語学は人前で恥をかいて習得する』という時代の終焉

The end of an era of "Learning a language with shame in public"



I used to develop the argument that English will be needed not by communication but by the interface of computers.

―― エラそうに


Now, computers are, beyond my imagination, not only the interface with a human beings but also a teacher we use English as a communication tool.


I remember that I had already written the same story before, and I found the following blog.

私は生れて始めて『AI技術による廃業』の予感を感じました ―― 最初の犠牲者は、語学教師です。



There is a problem to be trained by computer to learn English, we have to continue to use English day by day.


Any way is good for you, however, the important thing is "using English every day" and the environment. It might be hard to get the environment.


Like me, "disclosing blogs written in both English and Japanese" is one of several methods, however, ordinal people cannot continue to do that.


We should emphasize the "disclosing".


Generally, "disclosing" is fear for anyone, because, we have to prepare to accept criticisms from many people in the world.



Come to think of it,

―― 『語学は人前で恥をかいて習得する』という時代は、まだ終焉していない?

Is the era of "Learning a language with shame in public" continuing?


That might be true.



I had written a long column for the first two days, and after that, I have been coding since then.


However, beyond my first estimation, I have completed less than just half progress in the present.

いわゆる、『2行のデバッグに丸一日』というやつです ―― 最近の私のブログを読んで頂ければ状況はご理解頂けるとは思いますが。

This is so called, "Two line debugs for one whole day". You could be understanding my real progress by reading recent my columns.


I disclosed the result of "Two lines debug for whole one day" easily, however, I am not "open-minded".

世界中の多くのそういう人の記事に助けて貰っているからです ―― "Give and Take"です。

I have been helped by the person who opens their technical tips easily every day. It is a typical "Give and Take"



ところで、私については、"I take"は間違いがないのですが、"I give"については、ちょっと疑義があります。

By the way, for me, It is true that "I take", on the other hand, it is doubtful whether "I give" is.


It is not excusable even if I take "something awesome" but I give "something little".


So now I am reading the reference information on my blog page.


I hope that they are almost "even"


There might be many cases that "the information is not useful, even if you access Ebata's Web site".



Before, my boss told me that


"I know well that Ebata-san opens technical information except for our company secret, security, and patentable information, It is "master craftsmanship", I believe"



On the other hand, my boss ordered me that,


"Some young researchers in my company might not notice your "master craftsmanship".so I hope you ask to instruct them about your methods"




So, young researchers in my company.


You don't follow my examples if you worry about your "leak of information".


You don't think that you can run away by using "anonymous"


Even if my company orders me, I become a "chaser" to you by far.

忘れないでください ―― 私は「会社の犬」です。

Don't forget it. I am a "company's dog".


WSL2が凄い ―― と、今、実感しています。

WSL2 is awesome -- and now I realize it.

WSL2は、Windows BoxでLinuxを使えるようにしたものです。

WSL2 is a Windows Box that allows you to use Linux on your Windows Box.

私、これ、長い間、WindowsをホストOSとする仮想マシン(ゲストOS)だと思ってきました ―― まあ、間違っていないのですが。

I have long thought that this is a virtual machine (guest OS) with Windows as the host OS -- well, I am not wrong.

で、ゲストOSは、かならずホストOSの性能に「足を引っ張られる」と決めつけていました ―― これも、一般的には間違っていません。

So, I assumed that the guest OS would always be "dragged down" by the performance of the host OS -- which is also generally not wrong.



But last year, the person in charge of commissioning the production contacted me and said, 'If you use WSL2, you can improve the performance of the Go language.


Despite our doubts, I actually used the system and confirmed the surprising improvement in performance.

―― これ、ホストとゲストの関係じゃないぞ

"This is not a host/guest relationship"


I finally realized that.


I looked into it, and I was right.


まあ、これだけでも凄いと思うのですが、Windowsの環境のディレクトリ構造をそのままで、"sudo apt install"等が使える、という、幸せに浸っております。

Well, I think this alone is great, but I am happy that I can use "sudo apt install" etc. without changing the directory structure of the Windows environment.

Linuxでの開発の記事の内容を、Windowsでそのままできて、コーディングはWindowsのvscodeそのままで問題なし ―― 天国かよ。

I can do the content of the article on development on Linux as it is on Windows, and coding is no problem with the Windows vscode intact -- is this heaven?

"sudo apt"も"wget"もできて、javaもlinux版がサクッとインストールできました。

I was able to do "sudo apt" and "wget" and install the linux version of java.

OpenTripPlanner のトライアル


For researchers who can't get away from Word or PowerPoint, but still need to develop on Linux, this is the perfect environment.



So, well, what I'm trying to say is,


When IT engineers use the words 'guest', 'host', 'happy', 'heaven', and 'best', they are talking about the IT development environment.

―― 下世話ことをしゃべっている訳ではない

"They are not talking about juicy story"


I want you to know that.



I don't remember that I was a "good subordinate".


Even so, I thought to decide, 'I will follow this boss and leader.


They had a common character.

―― リーダーシップがない

"No leadership"


This is the one word.



'Leaders without leadership' were unreliable and I always had to worry.


They were less knowledgeable than I was and did not seem to have any great obsession or pride in the matter.


So I had to be concerned not only about myself but also about the team as a whole.


However, such a leader was not overbearing, but would listen to me and change policy as needed.


They did not blame me for my mistake, but quietly went with me to apologize to the customer and then acted as if they would forget all about it.


Under such a vague management, the team members, including myself, moved autonomously, and communication among them was smooth.


The most important factor was that I had a "personal liking" for the person.



However, such leaders seem to be less valued socially, or company-wise.


And in reflection, even though I aspired to be such a leader, when I became one, I became a person strict about time and results.


People are easily disfigured by their standing and self-preservation.


And the reality is that leaders who initiate power harassment improve the results of their teams.

ただ、"パワハラ"に対して、"退職"という形の報復で、リーダーの権限を失墜させることができます ―― 特に若い世代は。

However, retaliation for "power harassment" in the form of "resignation" can be used to disqualify a leader's authority, especially by the younger generation.


In this way, it may be said that the high turnover rate of young people (in any era) is, in a sense, a function of maintaining company morale.



In general, to be a 'leader without leadership' is a lot more difficult.


Because the moment you aim to be a 'leader without leadership,' you will not be such a leader.
