

I introduced two works this season to my wife, who says, "I don't like anime that much.


This time, it seems to have hit the mark well.


There are "Souna Freilin" and "The Pharmacist's Monologue."




I was sure about "The Pharmacist's Monologue" after reading the comic book version.


"It will undoubtedly be animated, and the voice actress for the main character will be that person."


Therefore, I was not surprised at all.


However, I am a little surprised at the opening.


I had assumed the opening would be a mellow song in a minor key, like the first season of "Wolf and Spice."

もちろん、このOPも良いのですが ―― とは言え、『どういう経緯で、このコンセプトのOPになったんだろうか?』と次女と共に首をかしげています。

Of course, this OP is good -- although, 'how did they come up with this concept?' I am scratching my head together with my second daughter.



Me: "Do you think they can get to the story of 'MaoMao's (main character's) father (volume 7)' this season?"


Second daughter: "I don't think they can."


I just checked the progress, and it is about the middle of the second volume of the comic, so the first season will probably end around "Honey (Volume 3)".


Incidentally, Volume 7 "makes you cry," and then "makes you laugh.


(The volume numbers in the exhibit above are the Sunday GX Comics edition.)



I had read the original story of "Souna Freilin," and honestly, I thought, 'Is it that great a piece of work(*)?


(*) Winner of the 14th Manga Grand Prize and the 25th Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize Shinsei Award.


But after watching the animation, I was amazed, saying, 'This is great.



By the way, I cannot deny the development of any content in various media.


In the first place, I have no right to do so.


Only the original author and their related parties have the right to reproduce the work (Article 21), the right of adaptation (Article 27), the original author's right to use derivative works (Article 28), and others (all of Articles 21 to 28).

―― 油断していると、簡単に「原理主義者」になってしまうぞ


My policy is like the stated, 'Well, not only "Islamic fundamentalists" but also "young people who are madly opposed to live-action anime" are "fundamentalists."

しかし、『「葬送のフリーレン」の実写化』というのは ―― もうすでに話は上がっているかもしれませんが、かなり難しそうな気がします。

However, the live-action adaptation of "Souna Freilin" -- I think it may have already been discussed, but I think it would be tough.


However, there are some success stories in the live-action adaptation.

―― 『変異株』とは、COVID-19世界における『実写版 るろうに剣心』である


"Having to try first to find out."


SELECT * FROM records WHERE start_at = '2023-03-20 05:03:00'; start_atの時間順に表示するSQLを教えて下さい。
SELECT * FROM records ORDER BY start_at ASC;

降順(新しいものから古いものへ)に並べ替えたい場合は、ASCDESC に変更します:
SELECT * FROM records ORDER BY start_at DESC;

select user_id, start_at, end_at from records order by start_at ASC where user_id = 7; のSQLは何が間違っていますか?
SELECT user_id, start_at, end_at FROM records WHERE user_id = 7 ORDER BY start_at ASC;

moove=# select place from records where id = 2; place ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [{"lat": 34.7325, "lng": 135.4986}, {"lat": 34.7326, "lng": 135.4989}, {"lat": 34.7326, "lng": 135.4989}, {"lat": 34.7327, "lng": 135.4995}, {"lat": 34.7327, "lng": 135.5}, {"lat": 34.7328, "lng": 135.5002}, {"lat": 34.733, "lng": 135.5006}, {"lat": 34.7331, "lng": 135.501}, {"lat": 34.7334, "lng": 135.5015}, {"lat": 34.7336, "lng": 135.5018}, {"lat": 34.7336, "lng": 135.5018}, {"lat": 34.7336, "lng": 135.5019}, {"lat": 34.7337, "lng": 135.5021}, {"lat": 34.734, "lng": 135.5024}, {"lat": 34.7343, "lng": 135.5026}, {"lat": 34.7346, "lng": 135.5024}, {"lat": 34.7347, "lng": 135.5024}, {"lat": 34.7346, "lng": 135.5024}, {"lat": 34.7345, "lng": 135.5025}, {"lat": 34.7343, "lng": 135.5027}, {"lat": 34.7343, "lng": 135.5029}, {"lat": 34.7342, "lng": 135.5031}, {"lat": 34.7344, "lng": 135.5035}, {"lat": 34.7344, "lng": 135.5035}, {"lat": 34.7344, "lng": 135.5035}] (1 row) で登場する、最初の{"lat": 34.7325, "lng": 135.4986}と、最後の {"lat": 34.7344, "lng": 135.5035}だけを取り出すSQL文を書いて下さい
WITH places AS (
SELECT jsonb_array_elements(place) AS place_elements
FROM records
WHERE id = 2
(SELECT place_elements FROM places LIMIT 1) AS first_place,
(SELECT place_elements FROM places ORDER BY jsonb_array_length(place) DESC LIMIT 1) AS last_place
FROM records
WHERE id = 2;

select user_id from records; で出てくる異なるuser_id(整数)をピックアップするSQL文を教えて下さい
SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM records;

SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM records ORDER BY user_id DESC;
SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM records ORDER BY user_id ASC;





package main

import (

// Location は緯度と経度を保持する構造体です
type Location struct {
	Lat, Lng float64

func main() {
	// 初期位置情報
	startLocation := Location{Lat: 34.665300, Lng: 135.224100}
	endLocation := Location{Lat: 34.664900, Lng: 135.223900}

	// 時刻の設定
	startTime, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05", "2023-03-03 07:39:30")
	endTime, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05", "2023-03-03 07:43:30")

	// 各差を計算
	duration := endTime.Sub(startTime)
	latDiff := endLocation.Lat - startLocation.Lat
	lngDiff := endLocation.Lng - startLocation.Lng

	// 30秒ごとのデータを生成
	interval := 30 * time.Second
	for t := startTime; t.Before(endTime); t = t.Add(interval) {
		fraction := t.Sub(startTime).Seconds() / duration.Seconds()
		lat := startLocation.Lat + fraction*latDiff
		lng := startLocation.Lng + fraction*lngDiff

		fmt.Printf("Lat: %f, Lng: %f %v\n", lat, lng, t.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))



Go言語で、指定された日時(文字列形式)に30秒ずつ加算して表示するプログラムを作成するには、まず日時を扱うための time パッケージを利用します。以下は、その要件を満たす簡単な例です。

package main

import (

func main() {
    // 初期の日時設定
    startAt := "2023-03-01 03:38:00"
    layout := "2006-01-02 15:04:05" // Goの時間フォーマット

    // 文字列を time.Time 型に変換
    t, err := time.Parse(layout, startAt)
    if err != nil {

    // 30秒ずつ加算して表示
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { // 例として10回繰り返す
        t = t.Add(30 * time.Second)

このプログラムでは、time.Parse 関数を使用して日時の文字列を time.Time 型に変換し、その後 time.Add メソッドを使って30秒ずつ加算しています。最後に、time.Format メソッドを使用して日時を指定された形式で表示しています。ここでは10回の繰り返しを行っていますが、必要に応じて繰り返し回数を変更できます。



「日本のコロナ史」を総括する ~5類移行後の答え合わせ

Recently, a team led by Dr.Shibata and myself summarized the three years of columns on the new coronavirus.


Next, I want to hear a summary from those promoting the following views.


As a result of our research, "all" of the above are still negative at this time.


I would ask for a voluntary summary, but I will find another way if you do not comply.


Incidentally, I have the logs (with account info.) of the person transmitting this information.



Reference:7 Questions to Approach "Corona Vaccination Refusal" (Page 4)


select place from records where id = 2 とした場合、最初の{"lat": 34.7325, "lng": 135.4986}と、最後の {"lat": 34.7344, "lng": 135.5035}だけを取り出すSQL文を書いて下さい。ただしplaceはjsonb形式です。


SELECT id, user_id, start_at, end_at, end_at - start_at, distance, prediction_type FROM records WHERE user_id = 43 ORDER BY start_at ASC; で選ばれた上記のSQLを、first_place, last_placeとして追記できるようにするには、どのように記述すれば良いですか




SELECT id, user_id, start_at, end_at, end_at - start_at, distance, prediction_type FROM records WHERE user_id = 43 ORDER BY start_at ASC; で選ばれた上記のSQLを、first_place, last_placeとして追記できるようにするには、どのように記述すれば良いですか。



package main

import (

    _ "github.com/lib/pq"

type Record struct {
    ID             int
    UserID         int
    StartAt        string
    EndAt          string
    Duration       string
    Distance       float64
    PredictionType int
    FirstPlace     Location
    LastPlace      Location

type Location struct {
    Lat float64 `json:"lat"`
    Lng float64 `json:"lng"`

func main() {
	// PostgreSQL データベースへの接続情報
	const (
		host     = ""
		port     = 15432
		user     = "postgres"
		password = "password"
		dbname   = "moove"

	// PostgreSQL データベースへの接続
	connStr := fmt.Sprintf("host=%s port=%d user=%s password=%s dbname=%s sslmode=disable", host, port, user, password, dbname)
	db, err := sql.Open("postgres", connStr)
	if err != nil {
	defer db.Close()

    rows, err := db.Query("SELECT id, user_id, start_at, end_at, end_at - start_at, distance, prediction_type, place FROM records WHERE user_id = 43 ORDER BY start_at ASC")
    if err != nil {
    defer rows.Close()

    for rows.Next() {
        var r Record
        var placeJSON string

        err := rows.Scan(&r.ID, &r.UserID, &r.StartAt, &r.EndAt, &r.Duration, &r.Distance, &r.PredictionType, &placeJSON)
        if err != nil {

        var places []Location
        err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(placeJSON), &places)
        if err != nil {

        if len(places) > 0 {
            r.FirstPlace = places[0]
            r.LastPlace = places[len(places)-1]

        fmt.Printf("%+v\n", r)


f:\しゅらばしゅう\有吉先生データ\Moove\2023-07>go run test1124.go
go run test1124.go
{ID:20132 UserID:43 StartAt:2023-04-08T05:35:00Z EndAt:2023-04-08T06:20:00Z Duration:00:45:00 Distance:348821.9097841587 PredictionType:4 FirstPlace:{Lat:35.3714 Lng:139.6255} LastPlace:{Lat:35.4409 Lng:139.6591}}
{ID:20133 UserID:43 StartAt:2023-04-08T06:20:30Z EndAt:2023-04-08T06:30:00Z Duration:00:09:30 Distance:153.88780282790526 PredictionType:2 FirstPlace:{Lat:35.4408 Lng:139.659} LastPlace:{Lat:35.4402 Lng:139.6596}}
{ID:20134 UserID:43 StartAt:2023-04-08T06:30:30Z EndAt:2023-04-08T06:49:30Z Duration:00:19:00 Distance:180.2412488153271 PredictionType:1 FirstPlace:{Lat:35.4402 Lng:139.6596} LastPlace:{Lat:35.4401 Lng:139.6599}}
{ID:20135 UserID:43 StartAt:2023-04-08T06:50:00Z EndAt:2023-04-08T06:53:30Z Duration:00:03:30 Distance:65.08472909159703 PredictionType:2 FirstPlace:{Lat:35.4401 Lng:139.6598} LastPlace:{Lat:35.44 Lng:139.6599}}



moove=# select place from records where id = 2; place ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [{"lat": 34.7325, "lng": 135.4986}, {"lat": 34.7326, "lng": 135.4989}, {"lat": 34.7326, "lng": 135.4989}, {"lat": 34.7327, "lng": 135.4995}, {"lat": 34.7327, "lng": 135.5}, {"lat": 34.7328, "lng": 135.5002}, {"lat": 34.733, "lng": 135.5006}, {"lat": 34.7331, "lng": 135.501}, {"lat": 34.7334, "lng": 135.5015}, {"lat": 34.7336, "lng": 135.5018}, {"lat": 34.7336, "lng": 135.5018}, {"lat": 34.7336, "lng": 135.5019}, {"lat": 34.7337, "lng": 135.5021}, {"lat": 34.734, "lng": 135.5024}, {"lat": 34.7343, "lng": 135.5026}, {"lat": 34.7346, "lng": 135.5024}, {"lat": 34.7347, "lng": 135.5024}, {"lat": 34.7346, "lng": 135.5024}, {"lat": 34.7345, "lng": 135.5025}, {"lat": 34.7343, "lng": 135.5027}, {"lat": 34.7343, "lng": 135.5029}, {"lat": 34.7342, "lng": 135.5031}, {"lat": 34.7344, "lng": 135.5035}, {"lat": 34.7344, "lng": 135.5035}, {"lat": 34.7344, "lng": 135.5035}] (1 row) で登場する、最初の{"lat": 34.7325, "lng": 135.4986}と、最後の {"lat": 34.7344, "lng": 135.5035}だけを取り出すSQL文を書いて下さい


moove=# \d records;
Table "public.records"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | integer | | not null | nextval('records_id_seq'::regclass)
user_id | integer | | |
distance | double precision | | |
place | jsonb | | |
speed | jsonb | | |
prediction_type | integer | | |
start_at | timestamp without time zone | | |
end_at | timestamp without time zone | | |
"records_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
moove=# \d records;
Table "public.records"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | integer | | not null | nextval('records_id_seq'::regclass)
user_id | integer | | |
distance | double precision | | |
place | jsonb | | |
speed | jsonb | | |
prediction_type | integer | | |
start_at | timestamp without time zone | | |
end_at | timestamp without time zone | | |
"records_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

WITH places AS (
SELECT jsonb_array_elements(place) AS place_elements
FROM records
WHERE id = 2
(SELECT place_elements FROM places LIMIT 1) AS first_place,
(SELECT place_elements FROM places ORDER BY jsonb_array_length(place) DESC LIMIT 1) AS last_place
FROM records
WHERE id = 2;

first_place | last_place
{"lat": 34.7325, "lng": 135.4986} | {"lat": 34.7325, "lng": 135.4986}
(1 row)


moove=# SELECT id, user_id, start_at, end_at, end_at - start_at, distance, prediction_type FROM records WHERE user_id = 7 ORDER BY start_at ASC;

id | user_id | start_at | end_at | ?column? | distance | prediction_type
20132 | 43 | 2023-04-08 05:35:00 | 2023-04-08 06:20:00 | 00:45:00 | 348821.9097841587 | 4
20133 | 43 | 2023-04-08 06:20:30 | 2023-04-08 06:30:00 | 00:09:30 | 153.88780282790526 | 2
20134 | 43 | 2023-04-08 06:30:30 | 2023-04-08 06:49:30 | 00:19:00 | 180.2412488153271 | 1
20135 | 43 | 2023-04-08 06:50:00 | 2023-04-08 06:53:30 | 00:03:30 | 65.08472909159703 | 2
20136 | 43 | 2023-04-08 06:54:00 | 2023-04-08 08:06:00 | 01:12:00 | 522.2898726850697 | 1
20137 | 43 | 2023-04-08 08:06:30 | 2023-04-08 08:15:00 | 00:08:30 | 144.15400138235145 | 2
20138 | 43 | 2023-04-08 08:15:30 | 2023-04-08 08:23:00 | 00:07:30 | 359.73505399604153 | 1
20139 | 43 | 2023-04-08 08:23:30 | 2023-04-08 08:54:30 | 00:31:00 | 13516.406121323496 | 4
20140 | 43 | 2023-04-08 08:55:00 | 2023-04-08 09:00:30 | 00:05:30 | 30.045448973873317 | 1
20141 | 43 | 2023-04-08 09:01:00 | 2023-04-08 09:05:00 | 00:04:00 | 39.96401615517626 | 2


SELECT * FROM records WHERE start_at = '2023-03-20 05:03:00'; を"2023-03-20"が含まれているものだけを条件にするには、どのようなSQL文になりますか

SELECT * FROM records WHERE start_at = '2023-03-20 05:03:00'; を"2023-03-20"が含まれているものだけを条件にして、時間順に表示するSQLを教えて下さい。

moove=# SELECT user_id, start_at, end_at FROM records WHERE user_id = 7 ORDER BY start_at ASC;
user_id | start_at | end_at
7 | 2023-03-01 03:38:00 | 2023-03-01 03:58:30
7 | 2023-03-01 03:59:00 | 2023-03-01 04:03:00
7 | 2023-03-01 04:03:30 | 2023-03-01 04:09:30
7 | 2023-03-01 04:10:00 | 2023-03-01 04:15:30
7 | 2023-03-01 04:16:00 | 2023-03-01 05:22:30

7 | 2023-05-17 10:48:00 | 2023-05-17 10:54:30
7 | 2023-05-17 10:55:00 | 2023-05-17 11:09:00
7 | 2023-05-17 11:09:30 | 2023-05-17 11:38:30
7 | 2023-05-17 11:39:00 | 2023-05-17 11:53:00
7 | 2023-05-17 11:53:30 | 2023-05-17 11:54:30
7 | 2023-05-17 11:55:00 | 2023-05-17 12:04:00
7 | 2023-05-17 12:04:30 | 2023-05-17 12:30:00
(1514 rows)


SELECT * FROM records WHERE start_at = '2023-03-20 05:03:00'; を"2023-03-20"が含まれているものだけを条件にするには、どのようなSQL文になりますか

SELECT * FROM records WHERE start_at = '2023-03-20 05:03:00'; を"2023-03-20"が含まれているものだけを条件にして、時間順に表示するSQLを教えて下さい。

moove=# SELECT user_id, start_at,end_at FROM records WHERE user_id = 7 and DATE(start_at) = '2023-03-21' order by start_at;
user_id | start_at | end_at
7 | 2023-03-21 00:03:00 | 2023-03-21 00:07:30
7 | 2023-03-21 00:08:00 | 2023-03-21 00:11:00
7 | 2023-03-21 00:11:30 | 2023-03-21 00:18:00
7 | 2023-03-21 00:18:30 | 2023-03-21 00:27:30
7 | 2023-03-21 23:22:00 | 2023-03-21 23:30:30
7 | 2023-03-21 23:31:00 | 2023-03-21 23:53:30
7 | 2023-03-21 23:54:00 | 2023-03-22 00:00:30
(35 rows)