映像の世紀バタフライエフェクト「田中角栄 列島改造の夢と転落」を見ました。
I watched "Kakuei Tanaka: The Dream and Fall of Reforming the Archipelago," The Butterfly Effect in the Century of Images.
I was sincerely surprised.
Kakuei Tanaka was a man who continued to show me and the people of the generation above me that "money," "power," "belief (persistence)," "justice," "evil," "downfall," and "illness (death)" are not fictions but realistic realities.
I cannot deny that a fraction of my values have been influenced by how this man Kakuei Tanaka is.
He was that great man (Try to ask anyone in my generation).
What surprised me was that the life of Kakuei Tanaka could be summarized in a 45-minute documentary program.
And the 45 minutes of content was well done, not too much, not too little, not too much to complain about.
―― この番組は"これ"でいい。でも、"これ"でいいのか?
"This program is fine, but is it good enough?"
I have been watching and commenting on NHK documentaries, and now I am breaking out in a nasty sweat.
"Ebata, You think you know what you're talking about just because you've seen an NHK documentary."
I feel as if those around me are blaming me.
At the end of this year, the issue of back taxes by politicians has become a significant issue.
"Political these days are very easily interviewed," and "secretaries' mouths have become much lighter."
昭和の政治家たちの、あの権力への固執、絶対に白状しない根性、必要なら秘書や証人喚問直前の人物を自殺に追い込む(本当の話。興味のある人は調べてみて下さい)までの暴力 ――
That adherence to power of Showa-era politicians, the guts to never come clean, to drive secretaries and people just before testimony to suicide if necessary (true story. If you're interested, look it up)
Such things were the norm; thus, the struggle between prosecutors and politicians was a theatrical spectacle involving the public.
Although such frequent struggles and upheavals always forced Japan's foreign and domestic policies to stagnate many times, the Japanese economy nevertheless continued to grow.
Japan's national power at that time was so strong that people believed that "tomorrow will surely be better than today.
Values and rules change over time, and we must adapt.
Hence, the current politicians should behave according to the current rules, and rightly so.
If someone like Kakuei Tanaka were to appear today, I am sure he would only be met with dismay.
Come to think of it, celebrities seem to be making a lot of noise, too.
この時代の政治家と芸能人は、この窮地をどう凌いでいくか ―― "昭和"とは違う、"令和"の闘いを観覧させて頂きたいと思います。
I would like to see how politicians and entertainers of this era will overcome this predicament -- I would like to watch the struggle of the "Reiwa" era, which is different from the "Showa" era.