
A社 CSVファイルパース用テストコード (用事が終わったら消すこと)

package main

import (

func main() {

	file, err := os.Open("tracking_data.csv") 
	if err != nil {
	defer file.Close()

	r := csv.NewReader(file)
	rows, err := r.ReadAll() // csvを一度に全て読み込む
	if err != nil {

	lat := [10000]string{}
	lng := [10000]string{}
	speed := [10000]string{}

	// [][]stringなのでループする
	for j, v := range rows {

		if j == 0 {
			continue // CSVのヘッダー行を無視

		// v[3]をバラバラに分解する
		// v3 := regexp.MustCompile("[() ,]").Split(v[3], -1)
		v3 := regexp.MustCompile("}, {").Split(v[3], -1)

		for i, s := range v3 { // i: 数
			//fmt.Printf("%s\n", s)
			v31 := strings.Replace(s, "\"lat\": ", "", -1)
			v32 := strings.Replace(v31, "\"lng\": ", "", -1)
			v33 := strings.Replace(v32, "[{", "", -1)
			v34 := strings.Replace(v33, "}]", "", -1)

			v35 := regexp.MustCompile(",").Split(v34, -1)

			for k, s5 := range v35 {

				//f64, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(s5, 64)
				//fmt.Println("string", i, s5)
				if k == 0 {
					lat[i] = s5
				} else {
					lng[i] = s5


		//fmt.Println(lat[0], lng[0], lat[19], lng[19])

		// v[4]をバラバラに分解する
		v41 := strings.Replace(v[4], "[", "", -1)
		v42 := strings.Replace(v41, "]", "", -1)
		v43 := regexp.MustCompile(",").Split(v42, -1)

		for k4, s4 := range v43 {
			speed[k4] = s4

			fmt.Println(k4, ",", lat[k4], ",", lng[k4], ",", speed[k4])





I recently took a trip to Kanazawa with my family.


The whole family can no longer gather together on rare occasions.


This trip may be the final one, but that's okay.



Since we are all adults now, there are no longer any restrictions on the stories we can tell in the pub.


I heard some naked stories about how to use matching apps.


Well, I just sat back and listened while drinking my non-alcoholic beer (I was sick and my throat was crushed).



This is when the topic turned to a story about 'Have you ever been dazzlingly happy in your life?'


I told them that I sometimes felt happy when I was in graduate school continuing my own favorite research, however,


My wife and senior daughter chose "love affair" only and said,

―― 道行く人々の全てに声をかけて、この幸せを分けてやりたいと思うほどの幸せな気持ちになった

"They felt so happy that they wanted to call out to all the people on the street and share this happiness with them"



They both said, 'Yes! Yes!!!' ' and they were so excited, so it seems to be an objective fact.


My junior daughter seemed to be "I don't really understand," and I didn't understand at all either.



And then I suddenly remembered this


カルト宗教が、『道行く人々の全てに声をかけて、この幸せを分けてやりたいと思うほどの幸せな気持ち』になれるものであるなら、その価値はあるのかもしれない ――

If a cult is something that makes them 'so happy that they want to call out to all the people on the street and share this happiness with them', then maybe it's worth it....


For a moment, I almost thought that, but I immediately withdrew the idea.


I felt like I was 'tarnishing' the precious memories of my wife and senior daughter.



The next time someone on the street asks me, 'Are you happy right now?'

―― 間髪入れずに、顔面パンチを食らわせてやろう

"I'll punch him/her in the face in no time"


I have come to think that.



Both "Summertime Render" and "Steinsgate" are, to put it bluntly, science fiction with ridiculous settings.


Still, I'm still fascinated by these two pieces for a reason.

―― 物語全体に課せられた厳しい時空間のルール

"Strict space-time rules imposed on the entire story"


That's because of its setting.


Against beings who can control space-time at will, we, who are bound in three-dimensional space, must surely be doomed to defeat.


However, I am struck by the struggle of the protagonists who continue to search for "loopholes in the rules of the space-time world" that I had never thought of by "going behind" and "combining" those strict rules.


I'm so happy to be able to amaze with saying "I didn't know there was such a way to do that!"



I have a favor to ask of you all (Warning: jump to Youtube)


Can I get a copy of this Shinpei Ajiro's notes? (Warning: jump to Youtube).


If the comic is mentioned, I will buy it.


Thank you for your cooperation.



"A real-time checking program consisting of hundreds of sensor data and their combination automatically shut down the engine ignition before the rocket lifted off"


If one has a proper understanding of the scientific process, one would say,


"That is not generally called a 'failure'"


If I call this a "failure" at the company I work for, I will be almost 100% treated as "crank".

あるいは幹部から怒鳴られる気がする ―― 『そんな言葉を吐いている時間があれば、必要な作業と人材と時間の見積をとっとと出せ!!』と。

Or I feel like I'm going to get yelled at by executives -- "If you've got time for using the word, get me an estimate of the work, manpower, and time needed!



Currently, the system monitoring logs and the monitoring program should be being checked at a furious pace.


This can be expected to increase the safety of the next launch by one or more steps.



As an engineer involved in a system, I can say that the last minute system shutdown looks like a "rare and spectacular success story.

『あの直前でよく中止を成しとげた』って、大絶賛したいくらいですが ―― 世間の(一部の)人には、そう見えないのでしょうか?

I would like to give them a big pat on the back with saying "How wonderful you could stop the system at the moment!". However, could all we not share the same emotion?



When the doorbell rang this morning, I thought it might be a delivery, so I answered the doorbell on the second floor to respond and heard a strange first voice that put me on alert at once.


"Hello. My name is XX."


(Silence lasts 5 seconds)


"It's gotten a little warmer lately, and..."


The moment I said that.


I said, "I'm sorry," and hung up the doorbell.




This method can also be used for sales calls.


"Are you Mr. Ebata? May I interrupt you?"




"Would you have a time to talk?"


"No. I am busy to death"


With this response, I will not receive a second call.



It is important to 'terminate the conversation unilaterally without listening anything'


A person who is unilaterally intervened on his or her own time has the right to terminate such intervention unconditionally.



Come to think of it, I have these things posted around my house.

「見ているぞ!」 に「ポイ捨て禁止」を追加


To see this and still have the courage to press the doorbell of the Ebata family is something to look up to.



I have previously written about the greatness of mentsuyu, croquettes, and croissants.



Also I presented how to arrange retort foods.

まあ、それでも、レトルトカレーの域を出ることはないのですが ―― 結構、いけます。


Lately, retort pasta sauces have tasted, no pun intended, delicious.

自分の好きな具材(ナス、ニンニク、ホウレンソウ、しめじ、鶏肉、その他)を適当に炒めておいて、このパスタソースを投入するだけで ――

Simply saute my favorite ingredients (eggplant, garlic, spinach, shimeji mushrooms, chicken, etc.) and add this pasta sauce.


Without a doubt, the pasta is as good as any Italian family restaurant in the area.


―― とは言え、正直、よく分かりません。

-- However, I honestly don't know.


Because I have yet to visit the restaurant.


The main character in an anime (My Youth Love Comedy is...) makes a necessary push for this restaurant, and now my expectations for the restaurant have risen to a frightening degree.


Tkinking 'Maybe I'll be disappointed,' I cannot help to hesitate to go to the restaurant.



I have always said, 'I hate people who hang their life theories on others,' so basically, I don't do that.


Even if there is a person in front of me who is certain to fail in the future, I would not advise him.

―― 笑顔を浮べながら、そいつが沈んでいくのを見続ける

"Keep smiling and watch that guy sink"


That is my stance.


And, well, I have "sunk" many times in that way, and I am glad that I did.


Because I believe that I have the 'right to fail.


自分の子どもであっても、同じスタンスです ―― もっとも、彼女らの生命と財産に関わることは、除きますが。

Even my own children, I take the same stance -- except when it comes to their lives and property.



So, for the most part, I don't talk to my daughters about it, but they do ask me for advice (mainly my seior daughter).


To summarize her consultation,

―― 多角的な視野をもって、上手く仕事を回したい

"I want to work well with multiple perspectives"



Ebata: "Don't worry. Just getting older will give you a 'multifaceted perspective' even if you leave it alone. After all, we all are living in vain.


She: "Right now, I want to be 'so'."


Ebata: I don't know it is easy. Because 'young' is destined to be 'licked' regardless of ability.


She:"Isn't ability appreciated?"

江端:「能力って、評価が難しいんだよ ―― 例えば、私が20歳代にやってきた時『バカ、アホ』と言われたことを、今やると『流石は、江端さんですね。素晴しい』って言われるぞ」

Ebata: "Ability is difficult to evaluate. For example, when I was in my 20s, people said I was stupid or an idiot, but when I do it now, they say 'You are a brilliant person!"




Ebata: "So, I think it's good that you should just 'let other people's evaluations slide".



'The most ridiculous thing you can do is stop yourself from doing what you want to do because of the opinions of others.'


Many people said that, however, I am afraid that they don't say


"You don't realize it until the last inning of your life"




I recently reviewed the movies "Hakkoudasan" and "Nihyaku san Kochi" and marveled at what a great movie they are.

アナログ実写の迫力もさることながら、おそらくはロケ地の劣悪な環境下での疲労困憊の役者やエキストラの血を吐くような演技が ―― ぶっちゃけ『怖い』。

The power of the analog live action, as well as the blood-curdling performances of the exhausted actors and extras, probably under the poor conditions of the location, are honestly 'scary'.


I wonder if the reason why movies these days are not as interesting as they used to be is because of the digitalization of images.

―― というのが、一つの仮説です。

-- is one hypothesis.


However, I have another hypothesis.


It is, 'I am simply brainwashed by the images I am familiar with from my youth.



There was a celebrity who said, "007 other than Shon Connery is scum," but I think "Roger Moore's 007" is more interesting.


Also, when I went back home, my father tried to show me halid films from the 1950s and 1960s, but I never found them interesting.


"The memories (of films) imprinted on a person, especially during his or her impressionable years, become the standard of value thereafter", in other words, "slip-in".


It is common for people to say, "What I consider to be the best thing for me is out of the question for others".


20年後に、私の孫が存在するどうかは分かりませんが ―― その孫に『シュタインズ・ゲート』を見せたら、どういう感想を持つのだろうか、と考えると、ドキドキします。

I don't know if my grandchildren will exist 20 years from now -- but I get nervous thinking about what they will think of "Steins;Gate" when I show it to them.


If my grandson says 'that's great' I will probably give him a lot of New Year's money.



Currently I am part of three projects and all three project leaders are women.

―― ということに、今さらながら、気がつきました。

I realize that now.

当然ですが、全員が年下です ―― というか、単に私が"シニア"というだけのことですが。

Of course, they are all younger than me -- or rather, I am simply a "senior".


I don't have a problem with my work, or rather, I can't recognize a problem.

私が不当に忖度(そんたく)されているという可能性 ―― いや、それは、"ない"と思う。

The possibility that I am being unfairly given careful consideration -- no, I don't think so.


I have absolutely no discretionary authority over personnel matters.



By the way, I am not interested in the gender or age of the leader, as long as they make me feel good about working for them. I don't mind being directed by a machine (AI?).





その他: 年齢を乱数を使って適当に作成しているコードも入っている

// ~/yamaguchi/src_try1/others/main61.go

// Usage: go run main61.go 20220518weekday.csv new_20220518weekday.csv

package main

import (

	_ "github.com/lib/pq"

func main() {

	file, err := os.Open("yamaguchi_area.csv")
	if err != nil {
	defer file.Close()

	r := csv.NewReader(file)
	rows, err := r.ReadAll() // csvを一度に全て読み込む
	if err != nil {

	str := "SELECT ST_Covers(st_geomfromtext('POLYGON(("

	// 行ごとに
	for i, row := range rows {
		if i == 0 {
			continue // CSVのヘッダー行を無視

		str += row[1] + " " + row[2] + ", " // rowのままで取り出せば、文字列になっている

	str1 := str[:len(str)-2] + "))'),st_geomfromtext('LINESTRING(" // 上記の最後の", "を削除して、文字列を追加

	dbMap, err := sql.Open("postgres",
		"user=postgres password=password host= port=15432 dbname=yama_db sslmode=disable")
	log.Println("------------------ map db open ------------------")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("OpenError: ", err)
	defer dbMap.Close()


	//file2, err2 := os.Open("20220518weekday.csv")
	file2, err2 := os.Open(os.Args[1]) // 第1パラメータ
	if err2 != nil {
	defer file2.Close()

	r2 := csv.NewReader(file2)
	rows2, err2 := r2.ReadAll() // csvを一度に全て読み込む
	if err != nil {

	file3, err3 := os.Create(os.Args[2]) // 第2パラメータ
	if err3 != nil {

	w := csv.NewWriter(file3)

	var id int

	for _, row := range rows2 {
		//if i == 0 {
		//	continue // CSVのヘッダー行を無視

		str2 := str1 + row[0] + " " + row[1] + ", " + row[2] + " " + row[3]

		str2 += ")'))"


		rows1, err := dbMap.Query(str2)
		if err != nil {
		defer rows1.Close()

		//var dt string
		var dt bool

		for rows1.Next() {
			if err := rows1.Scan(&dt); err != nil {
			// fmt.Println(dt)
			if dt {

				//if err := rows.Scan(&id, &age, &type1, &departure_name, &departure_number, &departure_lat, &departure_lng, &arrival_name, &arrival_number, &arrival_lat, &arrival_lng); err != nil {
				//	fmt.Println(err)
				// 上記のSQLのフォームと同じ形でcsvファイルを作る

				var age int

				fmt.Println("row[4]:", row[4])

				// id_str := strconv.Itoa(id) // idを文字列に
				if row[4] == "10-15" {
					age = 10 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "15-29" {
					age = 15 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "20-24" {
					age = 20 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "25-29" {
					age = 25 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "30-34" {
					age = 30 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "35-39" {
					age = 35 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "40-44" {
					age = 40 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "44-49" {		
					age = 45 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "50-54" {
					age = 50 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "55-59" {
					age = 55 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "60-64" {
					age = 60 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "65-69" {
					age = 65 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "70-74" {
					age = 70 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "75-80" {
					age = 75 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "80-84" {
					age = 80 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "85-89" {
					age = 85 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "90-94" {
					age = 90 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "95-99" {
					age = 95 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else {
					age = 15 + rand.Intn(65) // 15箸キ79までの乱数

				type1 := "resident"
				departure_name := ""
				_row1, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(row[1], 64)
				_row0, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(row[0], 64)

				departure_number, departure_lng, departure_lat := fixPosition(dbMap, _row1, _row0) // row[1], row[0]の順番に注意

				arrival_name := ""
				_row3, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(row[3], 64)
				_row2, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(row[2], 64)
				arrival_number, arrival_lng, arrival_lat := fixPosition(dbMap, _row3, _row2) // row[3], row[2]の順番に注意

				output := []string{fmt.Sprint(id), fmt.Sprint(age), type1, departure_name, fmt.Sprint(departure_number), fmt.Sprint(departure_lat), fmt.Sprint(departure_lng), arrival_name, fmt.Sprint(arrival_number), fmt.Sprint(arrival_lat), fmt.Sprint(arrival_lng)}

				//output := []string{row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4]}
				fmt.Println("output:", output)

				if err = w.Write(output); err != nil {

				id++ // idの加算

		err = rows1.Err()
		if err != nil {

		defer w.Flush()

		if err := w.Error(); err != nil {


// 指定した座標に近いDB上の座標を取得
func fixPosition(db *sql.DB, _x1, _y1 float64) (int, float64, float64) {

	// Scan用の仮変数
	var source int
	var longitude float64
	var latitude float64
	var dist float64

	upperLimitMeter := 1500.0 // 近傍ノードの上限を1500 mに設定
	str := fmt.Sprintf(
		// 修正前: ways (道) の中から最近傍を取得
		// "SELECT source, x1 AS longitude, y1 AS latitude, ST_Distance('SRID=4326;POINT(%v %v)'::GEOGRAPHY, the_geom) AS dist FROM ways WHERE ST_DWithin(the_geom, ST_GeographyFromText('SRID=4326;POINT(%v %v)'), %.1f) ORDER BY dist LIMIT 1",
		// 修正後: ways_vertices_pgr (点座標) の中から最近傍を取得
		"SELECT id AS source, lon AS longitude, lat AS latitude, ST_Distance('SRID=4326;POINT(%v %v)'::GEOGRAPHY, the_geom) AS dist FROM ways_vertices_pgr WHERE ST_DWithin(the_geom, ST_GeographyFromText('SRID=4326;POINT(%v %v)'), %.1f) ORDER BY dist LIMIT 1",
		_x1, _y1, _x1, _y1, upperLimitMeter,

	rows, err := db.Query(str)
	if err != nil {
	defer rows.Close()

	foundGoodMapNode := false

	for rows.Next() {
		foundGoodMapNode = true
		if err := rows.Scan(&source, &longitude, &latitude, &dist); err != nil {
		//fmt.Println(source, longitude, latitude, dist)

	if !foundGoodMapNode {
		log.Println("Warning: in func fixPosition: Good Map Node not found for query point (",
			_x1, ",", _y1, ")")

	return source, longitude, latitude