

There is something called "kick-out rooms."

一つの部屋に集めて、何も仕事を与えない ―― ただし、給料は与え続ける

Gather them in one room and give them no work -- but keep paying them.


This room means that the company can avoid illegality, while at the same time psyching up the employee and forcing him or her into termination.


(Recently, there has been a judicial ruling that the actions of such companies are "illegal.")



I had a similar experience when I was younger.


Although not quite as nuanced as "kick-out room," I have been on long-term assignment after getting caught up in a firestorm in a business unit.


A "flame room," so to speak.


But the site chief told me, 'Don't do anything'.

私、この『何もしないでくれ』の意味を良く理解していました ―― つまるところ「政治」です。

I understood well what this 'do nothing' means -- after all, it is 'politics'.


The field needs to produce a 'hard-working response' in the form of increased staffing.


However, it is also a tremendous risk to plunge an uninformed engineer into a project that is under fire.


This is because the cost (time, manpower) of training from scratch is ridiculously high, and in addition, amateurs on a flaming project can touch the system and plant fatal glitches.


Hence, what was needed in this case was "do-nothing personnel.



So what I was doing was something I had wanted to do for a long time in the flame room.


"Linux Kernel Modification"


Not many people can afford this technology. (Let alone the ability to do so.) This is because it requires an enormous amount of time.


The serenity of being alone in that flame room was a very luxurious time, as I recall now.


It is not often that I get such an opportunity to get the coding I like from morning to night on a monthly basis.


And I am aware that the skills I developed here have kept me fed for the next 10 years.



The strength of software engineers lies in the fact that "there are a lot of things we can do (or more precisely, things we want to do) without being ordered by the company, and we can do them 'alone'.


Such techniques can be your own know-how and, hopefully, benefit your company.


From the viewpoint of "enjoyable 'kick-out room' life," acquiring programming skills is also recommended.



1. 40歳から44歳の人の人数を数えろ
=COUNTIFS($B$1:$B$498, ">=45",$B$1:$B$498, "<50" )

=AVERAGEIFS($J$1:$J$498, $B$1:$B$498, ">=55",$B$1:$B$498, "<60" )





One word that is no longer heard these days is "self-discovery.

―― 自分とは何者であるか

"Who I am"


This is a philosophical question, but I know the best and shortest way to find the answer.


Becoming a Party to "Childcare" and/or "Caregiving"


That's all.



I can already "see" myself that I didn't recognize.

特に、肉体的、精神的限界に至った時の、自分の中に潜む「どす黒い感情」が赤裸々に見えて ―― 自分でびっくりします。

Especially when I reach my physical and mental limits, I can see nakedly the "black emotions" that lurk within me -- I am surprised at myself.


It is said that "the nature of a person is revealed on the battlefield under extreme conditions.


"In this sense, "childcare" and "caregiving" could be described as a quasi-battlefield situation.



Of course, you do not have to go to the battlefield by preference.

これらを忌避して生きてもいいんですか ―― いいんです(楽天カードのCM風)。

Is it OK to live in evasion of these things? -- it's OK (Rakuten Card commercial style).


ただ、個人的に言えば ―― 『「育児」and/or「介護」の当事者』になった人は「信用できる」とは思います。

However, speaking personally -- I think that people who have been "involved in "childcare" and/or "caregiving" are "trustworthy".


On the other hand, we are also aware that this "experience-history principle" has become a breeding ground for so-called marriage harassment, childcare harassment, and caregiver harassment.



In high school, I vaguely wanted to major in applied physics.


I studied electronics in college and electrical engineering in graduate school.


Then, afterwards, I was involved in the operations described in the following diagram.


So, the following card arrived today.



―― 思えば、遠くに来たもんだ

"Come to think of it, I've come a long way"


I am deeply aware of this.



I went to the patent search site again today to prepare documents.




I am now in trouble because I received th above message.


Maintenance is a must, so it is inevitable.


However, it is troubling when 'things that we take for granted to be moving stop.



In this column, I wrote


Ebata: "Oh, I understand that. We usually know very well that 'even if I suddenly disappear, society will not be troubled one millimeter,' but when we face that fact, it makes a dent, you know."



So, now, I am thinking

―― 私の価値って、特許検索エンジンの価値の1/1000以下よりも、はるかに低いんだろうなぁ

"I guess my value is much less than 1/1000th of the value of a patent search engine"


And I am depressed on my own.


This program is based on the following page

This program solves the XOR problem using MLP with one hidden layer.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//num of units
#define NUM_INPUT 2
//#define NUM_HIDDEN 20
#define NUM_HIDDEN 2

double sigmoid(double x) {
    return 1/(1+exp(-x));

//derivative of sigmoid function
double d_sigmoid(double x) {
    double a = 0.1;
    return a*x*(1-x);

int main(void) {
//train data
    double train_x[4][NUM_INPUT+1] = {{0, 0, -1},{0, 1, -1},{1, 0, -1},{1, 1, -1}};
    double d[4] = {0, 1, 1, 0};
    double w[NUM_HIDDEN+1][NUM_INPUT+1];
    double v[NUM_HIDDEN+1];
    double y[4][NUM_HIDDEN+1];
    double z[4];
    double eta = 0.1;
    int epoch = 1000000;
    int i, j, k, l;
    double tmp = 0;

//update weights using rand()
    for(l=0; l<NUM_HIDDEN+1; l++) {
        for(i=0; i<NUM_INPUT+1; i++) {
            w[l][i] = ((double)rand() / ((double)RAND_MAX + 1));
    for(i=0; i<NUM_HIDDEN+1; i++) {
        v[i] = ((double)rand() / ((double)RAND_MAX + 1));

    for(k=0; k<epoch; k++) {
        for(j=0; j<4; j++) {
            for(l=0; l<NUM_HIDDEN; l++) {
                for(i=0; i<NUM_INPUT+1; i++) {
                    tmp += train_x[j][i] * w[l][i];
                y[j][l] = sigmoid(tmp);
                tmp = 0;
            y[j][NUM_HIDDEN] = -1;
            for(i=0; i<NUM_HIDDEN+1; i++) {
                tmp += y[j][i] * v[i];
            z[j] = sigmoid(tmp);
            tmp = 0;

            for(i=0; i<NUM_HIDDEN+1; i++) {
                v[i] = v[i] - eta * y[j][i] * d_sigmoid(z[j]) * (z[j] - d[j]);

            for(l=0; l<NUM_INPUT+1; l++) {
                for(i=0; i<NUM_HIDDEN+1; i++) {
                    w[i][l] = w[i][l] - eta * train_x[j][l] * d_sigmoid(y[j][i]) * d_sigmoid(z[j]) * (z[j] - d[j]) * v[i];

        //print detail
        for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
            printf("%f ", z[i]);

    for(j=0; j<4; j++) {
        for(l=0; l<NUM_HIDDEN; l++) {
            for(i=0; i<NUM_INPUT+1; i++) {
                tmp += train_x[j][i] * w[l][i];
            y[j][l] = sigmoid(tmp);
            tmp = 0;
        y[j][NUM_HIDDEN] = -1;
        for(i=0; i<NUM_HIDDEN+1; i++) {
            tmp += y[j][i] * v[i];
        z[j] = sigmoid(tmp);
        tmp = 0;

//print result
    for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
        printf("%f ", z[i]);

    for(i=0; i<NUM_INPUT+1; i++) {
        for(l=0; l<NUM_HIDDEN+1; l++) {
		  printf("w[%d][%d]:%f\n", i, l, w[i][l]);

    for(i=0; i<NUM_HIDDEN+1; i++) {
	  printf("v[%d]:%f\n",i, v[i]);

    return 0;

Save this program as a name "mlp.c", compile ">gcc mlp.c" and execute ">./a.exe"



Today's diary is taken off, as the new column has been released.


連載記事アラート《アイティメディアID》 ………………………… 2023/02/25

Serial Article Alert 《Itimedia ID》 ........................ 2023/02/25



The latest article on "New Behavioral Theory for 'Engineers Not Loved by Money'" has been published.


- Latest Articles

1日1回の外出は2000円の価値? 「孤独」がもたらす損失を試算してみる

Is going out once a day worth 2,000 Yen? Let's estimate the loss that "loneliness" brings.


(Click on the figure to jump to the article)


In this issue, I read a paper analyzing "mobility" and "wellbeing".


The conclusion I came to was, "If you want to avoid loneliness and be happy, go outside every day".




In March, I have been instructed by my supervisor to have three lecture sessions for university students.


I had a variety of ideas, but I thought, well, "'AI' would be popular these days," I replied to the professor.

―― で、今、講義の準備に頭を抱えています。

Now, the "preparation for lectures" is giving me a headache.



I think I can keep speaking bullshit English for about an hour of the lecture.


That training was completed 20 years ago.


The problem is "practice problems".


AI is basically 'violent forced computation' using computer programs.

―― プログラミングを知らない学生に、「座学」で「手計算」で「計算用紙」を使って、AIの計算プロセスを練習させる

"How to have students who do not know programming practice the AI calculation process in a "classroom" setting, using "hand calculations" and "calculation paper"


This is unimaginably difficult.


Frankly, I don't know where to start.


In addition, the restriction of 'only one hour of lecture time' has been a pain for me.


For example, I would like at least "5 hours" to explain the AI techniques of Bayesian and fuzzy reasoning, but currently I have only 15 minutes each.


I have a feeling that if I go into the lecture as it is, 'it will be the most boring lecture imaginable'.


This is why I have been keeping my head in the sand for the past few days.



I think I understand a piece of "why math education can be so boring".


It was here that I came to the realization that 'to make math education fun, we need at least five to ten times as much time as we have in our current frames.


Golang 文字列を数値に変換する方法で、文字列→実数なら、これが一番てっとり早そう

dest_lat, err := strconv.ParseFloat(row[2], 64)




I hope you could understand the min-max method of Fuzzy reasoning, using the following Go programming list.

package main

import (

func max_2(a, b float64) float64 {
	if a > b {
		return a
	} else {
		return b

func min_2(a, b float64) float64 {
	if a > b {
		return b
	} else {
		return a

type condition_MF3 struct { // Base class for condition_MF3
	center  float64
	width   float64
	express string

func new_condition_MF3(_center, _width float64, _express string) *condition_MF3 {
	c3 := new(condition_MF3)
	c3.center = _center
	c3.width = _width
	c3.express = _express
	return c3

// Class for the membership function (3 mountains) of the former case
func (c3 *condition_MF3) func_X(_x float64) float64 {
		// x,y denote coordinates on the membership function
	x := _x
	y := 0.0 // The value of y is always greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1

	if c3.express == "LESS" {
		if x <= c3.center-c3.width {
			y = 1.0
		} else if x <= c3.center {
			y = -1.0 / c3.width * (x - c3.center)
		} else {
			y = 0.0
	} else if c3.express == "COMMON" {
		if x <= c3.center-c3.width {
			y = 0.0
		} else if x <= c3.center {
			y = 1.0/c3.width*(x-c3.center) + 1.0
		} else if x <= c3.center+c3.width {
			y = -1.0/c3.width*(x-c3.center) + 1.0
		} else {
			y = 0.0
	} else if c3.express == "MORE" {
		if x <= c3.center {
			y = 0.0
		} else if x <= c3.center+c3.width {
			y = 1.0 / c3.width * (x - c3.center)
		} else {
			y = 1.0
	} else {
		fmt.Println("MF3: wrong expression")
	return y

type condition_MF5 struct { // Base class for condition_MF5
	center  float64
	width   float64
	express string

func new_condition_MF5(_center, _width float64, _express string) *condition_MF5 {
	c5 := new(condition_MF5)
	c5.center = _center
	c5.width = _width
	c5.express = _express
	return c5

func (c5 *condition_MF5) func_X(_x float64) float64 {
	// Class for the former membership function (5 mountains)
	// x,y are the coordinates on the membership function

	x := _x
	y := 0.0 // The value of y is always greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1

	if c5.express == "LESSLESS" {
		if x <= c5.center-2.0*c5.width {
			y = 1.0
		} else if x <= c5.center-c5.width {
			y = -1.0/c5.width*(x-(c5.center-2.0*c5.width)) + 1.0
		} else {
			y = 0.0
	} else if c5.express == "LESS" {
		if x <= c5.center-2.0*c5.width {
			y = 0.0
		} else if x <= c5.center-c5.width {
			y = 1.0/c5.width*(x-(c5.center-c5.width)) + 1.0
		} else if x <= c5.center {
			y = -1.0/c5.width*(x-(c5.center-c5.width)) + 1.0
		} else {
			y = 0.0
	} else if c5.express == "COMMON" {
		if x <= c5.center-c5.width {
			y = 0.0
		} else if x <= c5.center {
			y = 1.0/c5.width*(x-c5.center) + 1.0
		} else if x <= c5.center+c5.width {
			y = -1.0/c5.width*(x-c5.center) + 1.0
		} else {
			y = 0.0
	} else if c5.express == "MORE" {
		if x <= c5.center {
			y = 0.0
		} else if x <= c5.center+c5.width {
			y = 1.0/c5.width*(x-(c5.center+c5.width)) + 1.0
		} else if x <= c5.center+2.0*c5.width {
			y = -1.0/c5.width*(x-(c5.center+c5.width)) + 1.0
		} else {
			y = 0.0
	} else if c5.express == "MOREMORE" {
		if x <= c5.center+c5.width {
			y = 0.0
		} else if x <= c5.center+2.0*c5.width {
			y = 1.0/c5.width*(x-(c5.center+2.0*c5.width)) + 1.0
		} else {
			y = 1.0
	} else {
		fmt.Println("MF5 func_X(): wrong expression")

	return y


type action_MF5 struct { // Base class for action_MF5
	center  float64
	width   float64
	express string
	x       float64
	y       float64

type action_MF3 struct { // Base class for action_MF3
	center  float64
	width   float64
	express string
	x       float64
	y       float64

func new_action_MF5(_center, _width float64, _express string) *action_MF5 {
	a5 := new(action_MF5)
	a5.center = _center
	a5.width = _width
	a5.express = _express

	if a5.express == "LESSLESS" {
		a5.x = a5.center - 2.0*a5.width
	} else if a5.express == "LESS" {
		a5.x = a5.center - a5.width
	} else if a5.express == "COMMON" {
		a5.x = a5.center
	} else if a5.express == "MORE" {
		a5.x = a5.center + a5.width
	} else if a5.express == "MOREMORE" {
		a5.x = a5.center + 2.0*a5.width
	} else {
		fmt.Println("new_action_MF5: wrong scale expression")

	a5.y = 0.0

	return a5

func new_action_MF3(_center, _width float64, _express string) *action_MF3 {
	a3 := new(action_MF3)
	a3.center = _center
	a3.width = _width
	a3.express = _express

	if a3.express == "LESS" {
		a3.x = a3.center - a3.width
	} else if a3.express == "COMMON" {
		a3.x = a3.center
	} else if a3.express == "MORE" {
		a3.x = a3.center + a3.width
	} else {
		fmt.Println("new_action_MF3: wrong scale expression")

	a3.y = 0.0

	return a3

// The latter membership function (5 mountains) class
func (a5 *action_MF5) func_Y() float64 {
	return a5.y

// The latter membership function (3 mountains) class
func (a3 *action_MF3) func_Y() float64 {
	return a3.y

func (a5 *action_MF5) func_Max(b float64) {
	a5.y = max_2(b, a5.y)

func (a3 *action_MF3) func_Max(b float64) {
	a3.y = max_2(b, a3.y)

func (a5 *action_MF5) func_X() float64 {
	return a5.x

func (a3 *action_MF3) func_X() float64 {
	return a3.x

func fuzzy_reasoning(temp, humi float64) float64 {

	// Temperature(former)
	Temp_Less := new_condition_MF3(20, 10, "LESS")
	Temp_Common := new_condition_MF3(20, 10, "COMMON")
	Temp_More := new_condition_MF3(20, 10, "MORE")

	// Humidity(former)
	Humi_Less := new_condition_MF3(50, 20, "LESS")
	Humi_Common := new_condition_MF3(50, 20, "COMMON")
	Humi_More := new_condition_MF3(50, 20, "MORE")

	// Switch(前件部)
	Switch_Less := new_action_MF3(0,1,"LESS")
	Switch_Common := new_action_MF3(0,1,"COMMON")
	Switch_More := new_action_MF3(0,1,"MORE")

	// [Rule 01] 
	Rule01 := min_2(Temp_More.func_X(temp), Humi_More.func_X(humi))
	Switch_Less.func_Max(Rule01) // the latters values are overwritten if the value is large enough.
	fmt.Println("Rule01", Rule01)

	// [Rule 02] 
	Rule02 := min_2(Temp_Common.func_X(temp), Humi_More.func_X(humi))
	Switch_Common.func_Max(Rule02) // the latters values are overwritten if the value is large enough.
	fmt.Println("Rule02", Rule02)

	// [Rule 03] 
	Rule03 := min_2(Temp_More.func_X(temp), Humi_Common.func_X(humi))
	Switch_Less.func_Max(Rule03) // the latters values are overwritten if the value is large enough.
	fmt.Println("Rule03", Rule03)

	// [Rule 04] 
	Rule04 := min_2(Temp_Less.func_X(temp), Humi_Less.func_X(humi))
	Switch_More.func_Max(Rule04) // the latters values are overwritten if the value is large enough.
	fmt.Println("Rule04", Rule04)

	// Reasoning calculations
	numerator :=
			Switch_Less.func_X()*Switch_Less.func_Y() +
			Switch_Common.func_X()*Switch_Common.func_Y() +

	denominator :=
			Switch_Less.func_Y() +
			Switch_Common.func_Y() +

	reasoning := numerator / denominator

	return reasoning


func main(){

	 fmt.Println(fuzzy_reasoning(27.0, 67.0))