Last Friday, I was late for a lecture due to a personal injury accident on the Odakyu train.
I left with almost an hour to spare, but there was nothing I could do while the train stopped with me trapped inside.
I am proud to say that I understand personal injury on the railroad.
が、―― やっぱり、腹は立ちます。
But - I'm still angry
Even now,
『人身事故の責任は、―― 生死を問わず ―― 人身事故を発生させた当事者にあるに決まっとろうが』
"The responsibility for any personal injury, dead or alive, lies with the person who caused it"
と思っており、鉄道会社は責任はないと思います ―― ちゃんと、国土交通省の「ホームドア設置」の指導に対応していれば、ですが。
I think no responsibility of train companies, if only they are properly compliant with the MLIT's guidance on the installation of platform doors.
I know that it is "deathly" difficult to predict the recovery of operations after a personal injury event.
Even so, I would like them to open real-time train location information published in a CUI (command-based interface) if possible.
If GPS information is not possible, closed section information or station standby information is acceptable.
鉄道会社に『Webで公開しろ』とか、『アプリを作れ』とか言いません ―― それは、民間(私を含む)に丸投げしてもらって結構です。
I will not tell the railroad companies to 'publish on the Web' or 'make an app' -- that can be left entirely to the private sector (including me).
As long as the data is made available to the public, traffic engineering students will create applications on their own, even if they are left alone.
You can bet on that.
If they can use that application to write their thesis, it's a win-win.
If there is data there, whether it is CUI or whatever, we are trained to parse something, we are trained to parse something.
Well, to summarize the above story,
'For my (Ebata's) sake alone, disclose the real-time location of the train after the personal injury accident'
It sounds as if I am saying that.
それでも、鉄道会社が、うかつにダイヤの回復予測時間を口にできないなら ――
Still, if a train company can't carelessly say a projected timetable recovery time--
They should only disclose "real-time" data from the time of the accident to the time the accident is resolved, and then throw the rest to private companies (or students, etc.) to avoid their responsibility.