

As I mentioned in yesterday's diary, I've just done a fair amount of research on a certain person (a politician) and I have to admit, I'm tired of it.


In conclusion.

―― この人の狂い方の「ルール」が分からない

"I cannot understand what the "rules" of this person's madness are"



I have spent quite a bit of time reading books and papers on population issues, fertility, LGBT, productivity, etc., making hypotheses, designing calculation models, and doing all kinds of calculations on computers.


- I interviewed the people involved in "LGBT" directly and continued to receive consultations from FTM and MTF even after the article was published.


- Regarding the "population problem", we conducted a computer simulation of all the people for dozens of hours using 127 million agents.


- After conducting a thorough investigation and consideration of "productivity", he asserted that "there is no" productivity "that can be uniquely defined."


I am the person who have done them.


In addition,

―― 朧げながらの蜃気楼のような全体像が見えてから、"何"かを語り出す

"After seeing the whole picture like a mirage while being hazy, I start talking about "something"


I have seen social problems with an inefficient approach.



My approach is to look at the present and predict the future with "hypotheses, data and calculations"


I don't think "I want to persuade others" at all, and the above approach is "it's enough if I convince myself".


If I deceive myself, that's enough.



This person, like me, may not even think "I want to persuade others" at all.


The only difference is that it's not "hypothesis, data, and math," but "no evidence, logic-ignoring, thorough subjectivity."

―― ラクでいいな~

"It seems to be enjoyable"


I think deeply,


When I think, "How easy is life if I can deceive myself without logic and evidence?", I really envy her from the bottom of my heart.



I think "Lunatics will win eventually".


However, my madness is "weak" because of the strong constraints (evidence / dataism, weak perspective, logic consistency).


Compared to this person's madness, my madness is about the difference between an adult and a baby.

まあ ―― この人のような「みっともない狂い方」をするくらいなら、死んだ方がマシだ ―― とは思っていますけど。

Well, I think it's better to die than to go "crazy unsightly" like this person.


キーワード: 切取り、切り取り、削除、圧縮、キャプチャ、画面、編集、



■amuseGraphics → これは使ったことないなぁ

■AG-デスクトップレコーダー → PC画面をキャプチャする(使い倒している)

■RealPlayer →wmvファイルをmp4に変換するのに使っている(ちなみにVLCでは、結構な音ずれが発生する)



Today's diary is a continuation of the email exchange with Mr. S on October 8th.



Mr. Ebata


As a result of reconfirming the information, the minutes and answer videos that are the primary source have not been released, and there are two articles on Ms.Sugita's official website (posted on September 26th and October 1st). Based on the tweet by Mr. Kotoe Hashimoto, a member of Nippon Kaigi, on October 1st, there was a counterargument to the remark problem.


(It seems that the information has been confirmed by Mr. Ebata, but I will describe it for the time being.)


Mio Sugita Official Website (October 1st)


Kotoe Hashimoto Tweet


The information above reports that the statement was in response to the comfort problem issue. According to whether or not the statement was made, or intent of the statement, these were information that could not be proven to be true because they were statement from the person concerned, or from the hearsay from the congressman's secretary who was there. Therefore, it could not be a source of evidence.


(The video I identified, I thought, was a video that introduced another claim by Ms. Sugita Miho.)


I apologize for basing my opinion on inaccurate information.


Also, according to Sugita's statement, the LDP subcommittee has adopted a policy of withholding information from the public in consideration of the impact of the debate on society and freedom of speech.


(I think the fact that someone leaked the contents of the closed session to the outside world is the more serious issue...)


# Hereafter, due to the description of the personal feelings, omitted by Ebata's discretion



Mr. S


I'm sorry for the late reply.


As a result of my own research for the past two days after receiving your suggestions, I would like to report the following conclusions.

1. 結論

1. Conclusion


(1) I will not add, delete, or change my diary on October 7th at this time.


(2) However, the above (1) does not apply if in the future, based on new evidence, the facts are found to be sufficient to change my mind.

2. 調査状況

2. Survey approach


(1) Investigation policy


(a) An overview of the circumstances of this case, from the occurrence of the incident to the present


(b) Investigation of primary information about the case.


(c) Survey of the contents of major news agencies


(d) Critics' comments that Ebata has used as a reference point for "fixed-point observations" for over 20 years


(e) Research on the top 100 or so articles in this case through Google searches.

(f)本件ではないが、過去の確定的な一次情報の再調査と、Twitterコメント、およびGoogle Scholarを使った論文の調査

(f) Re-examination of previous definitive primary information outside of this case, as well as Twitter comments and research of the paper using Google Scholar.


owever, it would be too much for me to describe all of these, so I will only outline the implementation items below.


(2) An overview of the circumstances of this case, from the occurrence of the incident to the present


(Step1) Regarding the so-called "woman tells a lie" statement, Mio Sugita (hereinafter referred to as Ms. M) announced a completely negative comment.


(Step2) After that, it was confirmed that there were comments from multiple conference participants.


(Step3) Ms. M acknowledged the remark, but added that the background was different (× sexual violence problem, ○ comfort woman problem).


(Step4) Regarding this, as far as I admit, one person has confirmed the comment that agrees with it (there is no consent comment from other participants)


(3) Investigation of primary information about the case.


It is almost the same information as Mr.S. No other recordings or minutes have been found.


(4) Survey of the contents of major news agencies


As a result of investigating the articles of Kyodo News and Jiji Press, there is a description about (2) above, but only the description that the background was mentioned in the thread on sexual damage consultation, not the comfort woman issue.


After this, I could not find any corrections or additional articles regarding the background claimed by Ms. M.


(5) Critics' comments that Ebata has used as a reference point for "fixed-point observations" for over 20 years


In general, in addition to (4), he re-criticizes the so-called "Shincho 45" case regarding LGBT, productivity, and declining birthrate in the past.


There is a statement that the basis of the discussion was still (not the comfort woman issue) in the thread on sexual damage consultation". (However, there is no source of remarks to them. The source seems to be an interview other than Ms. M, but the person himself cannot be identified)


(6) Research on the top 100 or so articles in this case through Google searches.

"水脈" & "女性はいくらでもうそをつけますから"で検索。ヒット数271万件(ちなみに"量子コンピュータ"のみの検索で134万件であり、その約2倍)。

Search for "water veins" & "because women lie easily". 2.71 million hits. (By the way, the number of searches for "quantum computer" alone is 1.34 million, which is about twice that).


I read through the top 100 cases.


Basically, they were lists of the same contents, however there are no articles that support or instruct Mio Sugita's claim.

(7)本件ではないが、過去の確定的な一次情報の再調査と、Twitterコメント、Google Scholarを使った論文の調査

(7) Re-examination of previous definitive primary information outside of this case, as well as Twitter comments and research of the paper using Google Scholar.

■「新潮45 "杉田水脈論文"」の再読、

- Rereading "Shincho 45" of "Ms. Miho Sugita's paper", and


- Ms. M's twitter comment on past sexual victim issues (but "summary"), and

■Google Scholarをつかった"杉田水脈論文"の論文を、引用数の高いものから5件ほどを精読

- Carefully read about 5 papers from the one with the highest number of citations in the "Miho Sugita's Paper" using Google Scholar.


I have carried out the above.


3. Consideration


Regarding the above, I think as follows on the premise that there are misunderstandings and misreads such as my lack of research.


(1) Regarding the primary information that is absolute evidence, I could not find the facts in this case because it was only the person and the other person (meaning one person as far as I investigated).


(2) However, in consideration of other situations, testimony, other behaviors of Ms. M's time history regarding this matter, past remarks, etc., in my own comprehensive consideration, the above 1(1) I made a conclusion.


(3) I intend to immediately implement the above 1(2), depending on new evidence and statements of facts.

4. その他

4. Other


Regarding Ebata's past implementation items similar to the 1(2), I think that the correspondence in this diary regarding HIV will be helpful.

5. 謝辞

5. acknowledgements


I would like to thank you for pointing out the importance of this issue, and I believe that I have been able to re-examine Ms. M's thinking from various perspectives and establish a clear position for myself.


I would be grateful if you would continue to monitor my articles and point out any misconceptions or errors in my articles.


Thank you very much for your support.



October 9, 2020.


Tomoichi Ebata



Mr. Ebata.


I apologize for the delay in confirming and replying.


I am sorry for your great amount of time spent on researching and reviewing the matter and for the views you have taken on the matter.


Since you have given me this much information and evidence, I have no objections or opinions about the diary entries.


In addition, I learned a lot about the time cost and know-how involved in the investigation by observing Mr. Ebata's methods of information research and backstory.


Thank you very much.


Once again, I understood the low cost of spreading information versus the cost of considering the information and it's not the accuracy of information that moves the masses, but the impact.


Also, throughout the investigation, I was impressed that there was a good amount of excitement in the defense, even though Ms. M's self-representation and one person's hearsay were the only sources. On the other hand, the fact that no one has attempted to prove the certainty of the defense's grounds


At any rate, this exchange has allowed me to reevaluate my views on the case and has given me a good opportunity to think about how to handle information and the public outcry.


I look forward to reading more of Ebata's articles and views in the future.




// server12.go ペアはclient7.go

// Copyright 2015 The Gorilla WebSocket Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// +build ignore

// 使い方
// go run server9.go      (適当なシェルから)
// http://localhost:8080  (ブラウザ起動)

package main

import (


// GetLoc GetLoc
type GetLoc struct {
	ID  int     `json:"id"`
	Lat float64 `json:"lat"`
	Lng float64 `json:"lng"`
	//Address string  `json:"address"`

//var addr = flag.String("addr", "localhost:8080", "http service address")
var addr = flag.String("addr", "", "http service address") // テスト

var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{} // use default options

var chan2_1 = make(chan GetLoc)

var maxid = 0

var mutex sync.Mutex

func echo2(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	c, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) // cはサーバのコネクション
	if err != nil {
		log.Print("upgrade:", err)
	defer c.Close()

	//mutex := new(sync.Mutex)

	for {
		//mt, message, err := c.ReadMessage() // クライアントからのメッセージの受信(mtはクライアント識別子)
		//_, _, err := c.ReadMessage() // クライアントからのメッセージの受信(mtはクライアント識別子)


		gl := new(GetLoc)

		err := c.ReadJSON(&gl) // クライアントからのメッセージの受信

		// 原因不明の対処処理
		if gl.ID == 0 && gl.Lat < 0.01 && gl.Lng < 0.01 {
		} else if gl.ID < -1 { // 受理できないメッセージとして返信する
			//条件分岐 (変なIDが付与されているメッセージは潰す)
			//if (gl.ID > maxid) || (gl.ID < -1) { // 受理できないメッセージとして返信する

			gl.ID = -1
			gl.Lat = -999
			gl.Lng = -999
			err2 := c.WriteJSON(gl)
			if err2 != nil {
				log.Println("write:", err2)
		} else { // それ以外は転送する
			log.Printf("echo2 after c.WriteJSON(gl) ID:%d", gl.ID)
			log.Printf("echo2 after c.WriteJSON(gl) Lat:%f", gl.Lat)
			log.Printf("echo2 after c.WriteJSON(gl) Lng:%f", gl.Lng)

			if err != nil {
				log.Println("read:", err)
			fmt.Printf("echo2 before chan2_1 <- *gl\n")
			chan2_1 <- *gl
			fmt.Printf("echo2 after chan2_1 <- *gl\n")

			//gl2 := new(GetLoc)
			fmt.Printf("echo2 before gl2 := <-chan2_1\n")
			gl2 := <-chan2_1
			maxid = gl2.ID // ID最大値の更新
			log.Printf("echo2 after gl2 := <-chan2_1 ID:%d", gl2.ID)
			log.Printf("echo2 after gl2 := <-chan2_1 Lat:%f", gl2.Lat)
			log.Printf("echo2 after gl2 := <-chan2_1 Lng:%f", gl2.Lng)

			fmt.Printf("echo2 before err2 := c.WriteJSON(gl2)\n")
			err2 := c.WriteJSON(gl2)
			fmt.Printf("echo2 after err2 := c.WriteJSON(gl2)\n")
			if err2 != nil {
				log.Println("write:", err2)
			fmt.Printf("end of echo2\n")



func echo(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

	c, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) // cはサーバのコネクション
	if err != nil {
		log.Print("upgrade:", err)
	defer c.Close()

	/*	ここでロックして待つ */

	for {

		fmt.Printf("echo before gl := <-chan2_1\n")
		gl := <-chan2_1
		fmt.Printf("echo after gl := <-chan2_1\n")

		fmt.Printf("echo before err = c.WriteJSON(gl) gl2.id = %d\n", gl.ID)
		fmt.Printf("echo before err = c.WriteJSON(gl) gl2.lat = %f\n", gl.Lat)
		fmt.Printf("echo before err = c.WriteJSON(gl) gl2.lng= %f\n", gl.Lng)
		err = c.WriteJSON(gl)
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("WriteJSON:", err)
		fmt.Printf("echo after err = c.WriteJSON(gl)\n")

		fmt.Printf("echo before err = c.RreadJSON(gl)\n")
		gl2 := new(GetLoc)
		err2 := c.ReadJSON(&gl2)
		fmt.Printf("echo after err = c.ReadJSON(&gl2) gl2.id = %d\n", gl2.ID)
		fmt.Printf("echo after err = c.ReadJSON(&gl2) gl2.lat = %f\n", gl2.Lat)
		fmt.Printf("echo after err = c.ReadJSON(&gl2) gl2.lng= %f\n", gl2.Lng)
		if err2 != nil {
			log.Println("ReadJSON:", err2)
		// ここからチャネルで返す
		fmt.Printf("echo before chan2_1 <- *gl2 gl2.id = %d\n", gl2.ID)
		fmt.Printf("echo before chan2_1 <- *gl2 gl2.lat = %f\n", gl2.Lat)
		fmt.Printf("echo before chan2_1 <- *gl2 gl2.lng = %f\n", gl2.Lng)
		chan2_1 <- *gl2
		fmt.Printf("echo after chan2_1 <- *gl2\n")
		fmt.Printf("end of echo\n")


func home(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	homeTemplate.Execute(w, "ws://"+r.Host+"/echo")

func main() {

	http.HandleFunc("/echo2", echo2)           // echo関数を登録 (サーバとして必要)
	http.HandleFunc("/echo", echo)             // echo関数を登録 (サーバとして必要)
	http.HandleFunc("/", home)                 // home関数を登録
	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(*addr, nil)) // localhost:8080で起動をセット

var homeTemplate = template.Must(template.New("").Parse(`
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>PruneCluster - Realworld 50k</title>

	<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/leaflet/1.0.0-beta.2.rc.2/leaflet.css"/>
	<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/leaflet/1.0.0-beta.2.rc.2/leaflet.js"></script>

	<script src="http://kobore.net/PruneCluster.js"></script>           <!-- これ、いずれローカルホストから取れるように換える -->
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://kobore.net/examples.css"/>      <!-- これも、いずれローカルホストから取れるように換える -->

	<!-- goのテンプレートのローカルって、どこになるんだろう? -->

<div id="map"></div>


	ws = new WebSocket("{{.}}"); // websocketの確立

	var print = function(message) {
		var d = document.createElement("div");
		d.textContent = message;

	// 引数にはミリ秒を指定。(例:5秒の場合は5000)
	function sleep(a){
  		var dt1 = new Date().getTime();
  		var dt2 = new Date().getTime();
  		while (dt2 < dt1 + a){
			dt2 = new Date().getTime();

    var map = L.map("map", {
        attributionControl: false,
        zoomControl: false
    }).setView(new L.LatLng(35.654543, 139.795534), 18);

    L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.osm.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
        detectRetina: true,
        maxNativeZoom: 18

    var leafletView = new PruneClusterForLeaflet(1,1);  // (120,20)がデフォルト

	ws.onopen = function (event) {

	var markers = [];

	// 受信すると、勝手にここに飛んでくる
	ws.onmessage = function (event) {
		// データをJSON形式に変更
		var obj = JSON.parse(event.data);


		if (obj.id == 0){  // idが未登録の場合
			console.log("obj.id == 0")
			// データをマーカーとして登録
			var marker = new PruneCluster.Marker(obj.lat, obj.lng);

			obj.id = marker.hashCode;
			//ws.send(marker.hashCode); // テキスト送信
			var json_obj = JSON.stringify(obj);
		} else if ((Math.abs(obj.lat) > 90.0) || (Math.abs(obj.lng) > 180.0)){ // 異常な座標が入った場合は、マーカーを消去する
			console.log("Math.abs(obj.lat) > 180.0)")
			for (let i = 0; i < markers.length; ++i) {
				if (obj.id == markers[i].hashCode){
					console.log("obj.id == markers[i].hashCode")
			obj.lat = 91.0;
			obj.lng = 181.0;
			var json_obj = JSON.stringify(obj);
		} else {
			// 位置情報更新
			for (let i = 0; i < markers.length; ++i) {
				if (obj.id == markers[i].hashCode){
					var ll = markers[i].position;
					ll.lat = obj.lat;
					ll.lng = obj.lng;
			var json_obj = JSON.stringify(obj);

	// 位置情報の更新
    window.setInterval(function () {
        leafletView.ProcessView();  // 変更が行われたときに呼び出されれなければならない
	}, 500);

	// サーバを止めると、ここに飛んでくる
	ws.onclose = function(event) {
		ws = null;


// client7.go ペアは server12.go

package main

import (



// GetLoc GetLoc
type GetLoc struct {
	ID  int     `json:"id"`
	Lat float64 `json:"lat"`
	Lng float64 `json:"lng"`
	//Address string  `json:"address"`

var addr = flag.String("addr", "", "http service address") // テスト

func random(min, max float64) float64 {
	return rand.Float64()*(max-min) + min

func main() {
	for i := 1; i < 100; i++ {
		go passenger(i)

	time.Sleep(25 * time.Second)

func passenger(count int) {

	//var addr = flag.String("addr", "", "http service address") // テスト
	//var addr = flag.String("addr", "localhost:8080", "http service address") // テスト

	//var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{} // use default options
	_ = websocket.Upgrader{} // use default options


	u := url.URL{Scheme: "ws", Host: *addr, Path: "/echo2"}
	log.Printf("connecting to %s", u.String())

	c, _, err := websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(u.String(), nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("dial:", err)
	defer c.Close()

	gl := GetLoc{
		ID:  0,
		Lat: 35.653976,
		Lng: 139.796821,

	log.Printf("count:%d before 1 ID:%d", count, gl.ID)
	log.Printf("count:%d before 1 Lat:%f", count, gl.Lat)
	log.Printf("count:%d before 1 Lng:%f", count, gl.Lng)
	//err = c.WriteJSON(mt, gl)
	err = c.WriteJSON(gl)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("write:", err)

	gl2 := new(GetLoc)
	err = c.ReadJSON(gl2)
	log.Printf("count:%d after1 ID:%d", count, gl2.ID)
	log.Printf("count:%d after1 Lat:%f", count, gl2.Lat)
	log.Printf("count:%d after1 Lng:%f", count, gl2.Lng)

	gl.ID = gl2.ID
	for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
		gl.Lat += random(0.5, -0.5) * 0.00001 * 10 * 5
		gl.Lng += random(0.5, -0.5) * 0.00002 * 10 * 5

		log.Printf("count:%d-%d before 2 ID:%d", count, i, gl.ID)
		log.Printf("count:%d-%d before 2 Lat:%f", count, i, gl.Lat)
		log.Printf("count:%d-%d before 2 Lng:%f", count, i, gl.Lng)

		err = c.WriteJSON(gl)
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("write:", err)
		gl2 := new(GetLoc)
		err = c.ReadJSON(gl2)
		log.Printf("count:%d-%d after 2 ID:%d", count, i, gl2.ID)
		log.Printf("count:%d-%d after 2 Lat:%f", count, i, gl2.Lat)
		log.Printf("count:%d-%d after 2 Lng:%f", count, i, gl2.Lng)

		time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) // 1秒休む

	gl.ID = gl2.ID
	gl.Lat = 999.9
	gl.Lng = 999.9

	log.Printf("count:%d before 3 ID:%d", count, gl.ID)
	log.Printf("count:%d before 3 Lat:%f", count, gl.Lat)
	log.Printf("count:%d before 3 Lng:%f", count, gl.Lng)

	err = c.WriteJSON(gl)

	err = c.ReadJSON(gl2)
	log.Printf("count:%d after3 ID:%d", count, gl2.ID)
	log.Printf("count:%d after3 Lat:%f", count, gl2.Lat)
	log.Printf("count:%d after3 Lng:%f", count, gl2.Lng)


今週末、新シリーズのコラムの準備 ―― というか、ひらすら勉強をしていました。

This weekend, I was preparing for a new series of columns -- I was studying all day.


Lately I've been relying on the Civic Library and Amazon to collect materials, but for preparing a new series, I decided to go to the main branch of the city library and the city bookstore.


However, I had to take the train for less than an hour to get to the city with a big bookstore, so I thought it was a little troublesome (a typhoon was also coming).


That's when I remembered the large shopping center in the next town, "Coachandfour", and I drove there.


Anyway, it's a big bookstore and I was confused about where to find the technical books. I found a huge area in the back of the bookstore, with over 20 lines of technical books alone, so I was so impressed and lost my voice

―― 圧倒的な数の技術書に囲まれる快感

"Pleasure surrounded by an overwhelming number of technical books"


Yeah, I wanted to stay here for more than 25 hours a day.



"O'Reilly's Go language parallel processing book. However, there is no sample parallel program using WebSocket. "

『やった! Visual Studio Codeの教本めっけ! Docker連携について知りたかったのでこれ欲しいんだけど、今週末は勉強に専念しなければならないから、今回は見送ろう』

"Hooray! Visual Studio Code textbook! I wanted to know about Docker cooperation, so I want this, but I have to concentrate on studying this weekend, so let's see it off this time. "


"Every quantum computer book is still difficult. I don't understand anything in the book that says "gentle". I wonder if both the author and the publisher are having a hard time. "


So, "I can browse" is the greatest strength of a real bookstore.


I think that people who come to a bookstore and buy a book want to read the book immediately.


Therefore, I also think that a real bookstore with abundant inventory will not lose sales opportunities.



Now, the theme of the new series, will be "blockchain".


"Blockchain" is an main service of IT.


Therefore, I don't think that I will always write something that makes me uneasy like the previous "quantum computer".


But still, if an expert monitors me, I can rest assured that I'll be "runaway."


So, I'm looking for someone who can supervise the contents of my "blockchain" column


Anyone who accepts Ebata's content well, skips the details, and can give advice with "concrete examples" is welcome.


Not to mention the theoretical aspects of blockchain, I would be very grateful if you could give us advice from those who actually design and operate Bitcoin and blockchain applications and services.


This time, in addition to this, I also welcome those who provide real and muddy on-site stories related to Bitcoin (this is another frame from the blockchain supervision).


By the way, this time as well, I plan to act as an "antagonist" who disrespects blockchain (including Bitcoin).


I would appreciate it if you could contact me.



When describing a communication protocol, we use a fictitious person as the user of that communication service.


The classics are Alice and Bob. This is because it is convenient to use them in place of the variables A and B.

あとは、Carol(キャロル), Charlie(チャーリー), Dave(デイブ), Ellen(エレン)、Frank(フランク)と続きます。

The others are Carol, Charlie, Dave, Ellen and Frank.



Aside from work documents and papers, I don't use them. Because I don't feel like it.


However, using fictional characters are also difficult to do this.


Alternatively, I can quote the character name of the anime, but or those who don't know the anime, it's as uncomfortable as Alice and Bob.


I knew that there was software that could automatically generate names,


While researching the web app, I was surprised to find out that there is a copyright-free face photo.


It seems that "AI" makes pictures of non-existent humans (though I think it is an "image composition technology").



Also, there was a site that converts human photos into an anime character style, which was quite interesting.


By the way, when I put in my photo, it looked like this.


「シナリオを書いただけで漫画が完成する」という未来は、そんなに遠くないかもしれない ―― と思いました。

I thought that the future of "just writing a scenario to complete a manga" may not be so far.




Senior Daughter: "Dad, have you ever used SPSS?

江端:「何・・・だと・・・? 今、"SPSS"と言ったか?」

Ebata: "What... what did you...? Did you just say "SPSS"?



I know that my senior daughter is currently busy collecting data for her field questionnaire for her "Graduation Thesis."


In the current corona disaster, she is having a very difficult time with F2F surveys in a remote survey environment.


I dare to say that I am "prejudiced".

―― 文系学科の卒論って、そんなに大変なのか?

"Is a thesis in a liberal arts department really that hard?"


And I'm honestly surprised.



Once, when I was in college, I had a conversation with a humanities friend (female).


"I stayed up all night for three days to finish my thesis!"


But I remember I didn't know what to say to this phrase.


(1) "Heh, that's easy and nice"


(2) "Well, that was tough"


After all, that kind of all-night work was a regular event that occurs every other week in the Faculty of Engineering.


So, I'm honestly surprised at the recent efforts of students (but only "my daughter") in their studies.



The reason why I am surprised is that "my knowledge is old" or "my prejudice."


Today's university students can no longer grasp with the simple framework of "science" and "humanities".

これは、「動ける学生」か「動けない学生」か ―― という学生側のアクションではなく、

This is not an action on the part of the student, "a student who is active" or "a student who is not active".


It will be "The university / faculty that can make people who can be active" or "The university / faculty that can make people who can be active".


In fact, as far as I can see my daughter, the faculty of the university she attends is highly rated by me.


Quiet talk



"SPSS" is standard software for data analysis manufactured and sold by IBM.


I have never used it, but it is a very famous software.


By the way, the data analysis software I used is mostly a product of NTT DATA Mathematical Systems


like this and this.




自分の娘から、"SPSS"の言葉が出てこようとは ――

The word "SPSS" is coming out of my daughter.


"Now, my daughter is about to flutter in the world."


I was deeply moved.


PruneMobile というソフトウェアを作っています。

クライアント側のプログラムで、Golang(Go言語)の 並列(通信)処理を始めて本格的に実装したのですが、サーバ側にエラーが乱発しています。




go passenger(1)
go passenger(2)
go passenger(3)
go passenger(4)


// client6.go ペアは server12.go

package main

import (



// GetLoc GetLoc
type GetLoc struct {
	ID  int     `json:"id"`
	Lat float64 `json:"lat"`
	Lng float64 `json:"lng"`
	//Address string  `json:"address"`

var gl [100]GetLoc
var gl2 [100]GetLoc
var c [100](*websocket.Conn)

var addr = flag.String("addr", "", "http service address") // テスト
//var addr = flag.String("addr", "localhost:8080", "http service address") // テスト
var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{} // use default options

func random(min, max float64) float64 {
	return rand.Float64()*(max-min) + min

func main() {


	go passenger(1)
	go passenger(2)
	go passenger(3)
	go passenger(4)

	time.Sleep(25 * time.Second)

func passenger(i int) {

		gl[i] = GetLoc{
			ID:  0,
			Lat: 35.653976,
			Lng: 139.796821,

	u := url.URL{Scheme: "ws", Host: *addr, Path: "/echo2"}
	log.Printf("connecting to %s", u.String())

	var err error
	c[i], _, err = websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(u.String(), nil)
	//c[i] = cc
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("dial:", err)
	defer c[i].Close()

	gl[i].ID = 0
	gl[i].Lat = 35.653976
	gl[i].Lng = 139.796821

	if i != -100 {
		log.Printf("before1 %d ID:%d", i, gl[i].ID)
		log.Printf("before1 %d Lat:%f", i, gl[i].Lat)
		log.Printf("before1 %d Lng:%f", i, gl[i].Lng)

	//err = c.WriteJSON(mt, gl)
	err = c[i].WriteJSON(gl[i])
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("write:", err)

	//&(gl2[i]) = new(GetLoc)
	err = c[i].ReadJSON(&(gl2[i]))

	if i != -100 {
		log.Printf("after1 %d ID:%d", i, gl2[i].ID)
		log.Printf("after1 %d Lat:%f", i, gl2[i].Lat)
		log.Printf("after1 %d Lng:%f", i, gl2[i].Lng)

	if gl2[i].ID == 0 {
		// 強制停止

	gl[i].ID = gl2[i].ID

	for k := 0; k < 20; k++ {
		gl[i].Lat += random(0.5, -0.5) * 0.00001 * 10 * 5
		gl[i].Lng += random(0.5, -0.5) * 0.00002 * 10 * 5

		if i != -100 {
			log.Printf("before2 %d ID:%d", i, gl[i].ID)
			log.Printf("before2 %d Lat:%f", i, gl[i].Lat)
			log.Printf("before2 %d Lng:%f", i, gl[i].Lng)

		err = c[i].WriteJSON(gl[i])
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("write:", err)
		//gl2[i] := new(GetLoc)
		err = c[i].ReadJSON(&(gl2[i]))
		if i != -100 {
			log.Printf("after2 %d ID:%d", i, gl2[i].ID)
			log.Printf("after2 %d Lat:%f", i, gl2[i].Lat)
			log.Printf("after2 %d Lng:%f", i, gl2[i].Lng)
		time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) // 1秒休む

	gl[i].ID = gl2[i].ID
	gl[i].Lat = 999.9
	gl[i].Lng = 999.9

	log.Printf("before3 %d ID:%d", i, gl[i].ID)
	log.Printf("before3 %d Lat:%f", i, gl[i].Lat)
	log.Printf("before3 %d Lng:%f", i, gl[i].Lng)

	err = c[i].WriteJSON(gl[i])

	err = c[i].ReadJSON(&(gl2[i]))
	log.Printf("after3 %d ID:%d", i, gl2[i].ID)
	log.Printf("after3 %d Lat:%f", i, gl2[i].Lat)
	log.Printf("after3 %d Lng:%f", i, gl2[i].Lng)



wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.




first ID:0
117 after gl = <-chan2_1
first Lat:0.000000
first Lng:0.000000
read: read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
write: write tcp> wsasend: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
after gl2.id = 3
after gl2.lat = 35.653909
after gl2.lng= 139.796333
113 before gl = <-chan2_1
final ID:3
final Lat:35.653909
final Lng:139.796333
write: write tcp> wsasend: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host







It's the season of athletic festival.


This year, however, the athletic festival seems to have been cancelled due to the corona disaster.


In that sense, it could be argued that corona disasters can also be effective, in if it's a very rare case.


The events called "athletic festival" are


- compulsory release of the results without the person's permission, and


- the ultimate "bullying" that no one can dispute.


- How much I had hated it


I have already mentioned a lot about this, so I will omit it this time.


ところで ――

By the way --


My junior daughter still doesn't seem to believe that I was the student council president in junior high school, however,


The other day, I said that when I was in the second year of junior high school


"I was a cheerleader in athletic festival once.

という話をしたら ―― 次女に、もの凄い目で見られました。

she looked at me in a very cold way.


Well, I could understand her feeling.


I was not just a class relay athlete, but running last in a sprint.


and I was placed farthest away from the main bridge in gymnastics.


Well, I was certainly the furthest thing from the concept of a "cheerleader".


There were various reasons, but I remember that being the student president at that time was the biggest factor.


学ランにたすき姿で、グランドの真ん中で大声を出して応援団を統率し、相手側の応援団とエールの交換をする ―― そういうことをやったのです。

I did that in a school uniform, loudly leading the cheering squad in the middle of the ground, and exchanging ale with the enemy cheering party.


It's true.


It's okay to have them checked, and I think the witnesses are still alive.

それが、どうして、今の私のように、ここまで捻くれた孤独な・・・もとい、誇り高き孤高のエンジニアになったかというと ―― それはそれは、長い長い物語が必要となります。

How did that make me so twisted and lonely as I am now... I mean "a proud, lone engineer", it will take a long, long story to do that.


Really, it takes a long story to be disgusting.


MarkdownをWord形式(docx)に変換する を参考にして、Pandoc をインストールしましたが、とてもキレイに表示されて便利です。

# PruneMobileとは



## 使用環境

- golang(Go言語)のインストールされていれば良いです。私(江端智一)の環境では以下のようになっています。
$ PruneMobile\server>go version
$ go version go1.14 windows/amd64

- 実際に動かせば、コンパイラから、あれこれ言われますので、それに対応して下さい。基本的には、
$ go get github.com/gorilla/websocket

## サンプルプログラムの環境

- Webブラウザで表示される地図は、東京都江東区の豊洲駅を中心にして作ってあります。
  - PruneMobile\server\serverX.go (Xは数字) の中にある、
var map = L.map("map", {
   attributionControl: false,
   zoomControl: false
}).setView(new L.LatLng(35.654543, 139.795534), 18);
の"35.654543, 139.795534"の座標を変更すれば、地図の中心位置が変わります。

- クライアントプログラムでは、豊洲駅を中心にランダムウォークさせています
  - PruneMobile\server\clientX.go (Xは数字)を起動すると、10秒間程、マーカーが移動して、その後消滅します。

- クライアントプログラム(clientX.go)は複数同時に起動させることができます。

## 現時点で確認している問題点で、いずれ直すもの

- マーカーの消滅のタイミングが、同時になってしまう

- Webブラウザの表示が、最初の1つめしか、正常に動作しない

- ローカルのjs(javascript)のローディングに失敗した為、江端のプライベートサーバ(kobore.net)からローディングしている。PruneMobile\server\serverX.goの以下を参照
	<script src="http://kobore.net/PruneCluster.js"></script>
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://kobore.net/examples.css"/>

# サンプルプログラムの動作方法

## Step 1 サーバの起動

$ cd PruneMobile\server
$ go run serverX.go (Xは数字)

## Step 2 ブラウザの起動

## Step 3 クライアントの起動
$ cd PruneMobile\client
$ go run clientX.go (Xは数字)

# クライアントプログラムで使うI/F(データ形式)

## 前提

- サーバとwebsocketのコネクションを確立して下さい。方法は問いません。golangでの記述方法はclient/clientX.goを参考にして下さい。

- データ形式はJSONを用います。golangでの記載サンプルは以下の通りです。


// GetLoc GetLoc
type GetLoc struct {
	ID  int     `json:"id"`
	Lat float64 `json:"lat"`
	Lng float64 `json:"lng"`
	//Address string  `json:"address"`

## Step.1 マーカーの登録

	gl := GetLoc{
		ID:  0,
		Lat: 35.653976,
		Lng: 139.796821,

	err = c.WriteJSON(gl)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("write:", err)


	gl2 := new(GetLoc)
	err = c.ReadJSON(gl2)
	log.Printf("after ID:%d", gl2.ID)
	log.Printf("after Lat:%f", gl2.Lat)
	log.Printf("after Lng:%f", gl2.Lng)


## Step.2 マーカーの移動

	gl := GetLoc{
		ID:  5,         // IDが"5"の場合
		Lat: 35.653923,
		Lng: 139.796852,

	err = c.WriteJSON(gl)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("write:", err)
	gl2 := new(GetLoc)
	err = c.ReadJSON(gl2)
	log.Printf("after ID:%d", gl2.ID)
	log.Printf("after Lat:%f", gl2.Lat)
	log.Printf("after Lng:%f", gl2.Lng)

## Step.3 マーカーの抹消

	gl := GetLoc{
		ID:  5,         // IDが"5"の場合
		Lat: 999.9,
		Lng: 999.9,

	err = c.WriteJSON(gl)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("write:", err)
	gl2 := new(GetLoc)
	err = c.ReadJSON(gl2)
	log.Printf("after ID:%d", gl2.ID)
	log.Printf("after Lat:%f", gl2.Lat)
	log.Printf("after Lng:%f", gl2.Lng)
