

Mr. S, who is a reader of kobore.net, pointed out yesterday's diary to me via email.


I think I have got a very good point. With the permission, I am publishing the full text of the email we exchanged today (without any changes, except for line breaks).


2020年10月7日(水) 10:40 S

October 7, 2020 10:40 S


Mr. Ebata


My name is S, a kobore.net reader.


Thank you for interesting articles, as always.


I have read today's memorandum on the aforementioned matter, and I would like to comment on what Ms. Sugita Mio's comments.


According to her comment of "women lie without hesitation, I have heard that the statement is not about [the sexual violence case] but about [the career of Korean comfort women] in the first part of the context.



Of course, there is room for consideration as to whether the choice of words is appropriate in a public debate. However, given the history of the comfort women issue (Lee Young-soo's history of speaking out, etc.), it was not a deliberate statement.


Regarding Ms. Sugita's remarks, the way the media picked them up was overwhelming, and I think it would be unavoidable to write a memorandum article, which would make the impression worse.


However, I also felt that the article may give a bad impression against the depth of Mr. Ebata's daily reflections.


If you have time, could you please consider the pros and cons of the article after looking at the background once again?


I apologize for my rudeness, but I would like to thank you for your patience.


2020年10月7日(水) 11:25

October 7, 2020 11:25


Mr. S


Thank you for pointing that out.


I believe this is an important point (comfort women and sex victims), so I have done a thorough investigation.


As for me, it's based on sources I usually trust. Unfortunately, I can't claim to have researched it as carefully for regular commercial columns. (In the columns, I do try to get to the base article)


Therefore, I would like to investigate this matter again.


In addition, about the phrase of


"According to her comment of "women lie without hesitation, I have heard that the statement is not about [the sexual violence case] but about [the career of Korean comfort women] in the first part of the context"


It would be greatly appreciated if you could send us the source (URL etc.)

# 頂いたTwitter等のまとめは、本人の主張 + twitter の発言集であり、私の中では「信頼できるソース」の基準には満たされておりません。

The summary of Twitter and other sources you provided is a collection of her own claims + twitter statements. So I am sorry but it does not come up to the standard of "reliable source" in my mind.


In addition, this is my personal opinion, but I think that "even if the thread was about the comfort women issue...".


I've been tracking the historical process of the comfort women issue since I was a teenager, and I've been monitoring it since then, including the case of the certain newspaper company.


Of course, I believe that talking about the comfort women issue and the sexual violence issue in the same thread is bordering on violence, and I also think there's a difference between basing it on "historical facts" or "policies".

# 私には、とても難しく、日記の中で記載している「敢えて無視」している案件の一つです。

# This is one of those "dare to ignore" cases in yesterday's diary, because this is very difficult for me.


In any case, Mr. S and I will carefully double-check the information, and then I will try to delete, correct or add to it (to clarify the source) if necessary.


Also, I would like to show the full text of these mails in my diary without any corrections. (If I could get Mr. S's permission).


We would be grateful for your cooperation.


Tomoichi Ebata


2020年10月7日(水) 12:29 S

October 7, 2020 12:29 S


Mr. Ebata


Thank you for your reply.


I apologize for the presentation of the secondary source instead of the primary source.


As for my own background, I was swallowing that the story that it was cut and pasted spread, after confirming that the video of the answer was presented at the usual collection destination.


Therefore, after confirming the relevant answer again, I would like to summarize my opinion again.


I apologize for giving you an opinion on uncertain grounds.


For me, I had the opportunity to find out more or less how history changed its appearance and how it was related to the media. So my distrust caused by it.


I also think that my sensitivity to this statement was insensitive, because I focused on what she wanted to say as a whole in order to explain about her own opinions, and I didn't focus on some roughness. (Even if not, no one can express or interpret in their mind).


In any case, I will contact you as soon as the information is available.


In addition, as the responsibility of the opinion side, I agree that this matter will be disclosed.


Thank you for your cooperation.


2020年10月7日(水) 17:20

October 7, 2020 17:20


Mr. S


Thank you for your reply.


Thanks for your cooperation, I would like to publish the full text of the email you received and I sent


(1) Mr. S's name will be "Mr. S, the kobore.net reader". In addition, Mr. S's email address will be kept private in the absolute sense. (No matter what the pressure).


(2) I don't change the wording, but let me control the line breaks (I use the style of always inserting line breaks in 3 lines).


(The same applies to my email)


(3) However, if Mr. S is dissatisfied with the contents and structure developed in the diary, I will delete the entire diary as soon as possible regardless of the reason.


(The above (1)-(3) are based on past projects).


In addition, I fully understand that this is an opinion you have been concerned about me.


I would like to express our sincere gratitude to you for the checks.


Tomoichi Ebata



(Continuation from yesterday)


However, there are two ways to "ignore" it.


Either (1) keep quiet or (2) make the person who is suffering from the pain suffer even more, painfully.


I'm proud to say that if I'm going to "ignore" it, I'm going to continue to be (1) at least.


For example, I try not to choose (2) on the grounds that I am beholden to an elderly authority figure.

―― (性暴力事件で)女は平気で嘘をつく

"Women don't mind lying -- in sexual assault cases"


Such a line would be (2), I believe.


Well, it's possible to say these lines in the "groove".

居酒屋とか、女子会とかでは"あり"なのかもしれません ―― しかし、

I think it's possible at an izakaya or a girls meeting. However, it's out of the question.


"Special places, such as public, taxpayer-funded venues for political meetings and workshops"


しかし、そんな人は滅多にいるものではないです ―― 絶望的に低能で非常識な人間でもない限りは。

But such people are rare. Unless they are hopelessly low and insane.

ましてや、『性暴力被害者』のスレッドで、そんなことをセリフを言う人間は ―― もはや、人間ではない。

Anyone who says lines like that in the "Victims of Sexual Assault" thread, is no longer a human being.



Well, in my columns, I've been doing a lot of self-deprecation and self-criticism of engineers.


I don't care of writing phrases that flatter my readers, and I am careful to express myself in order to avoid pressure from the power side.


I don't write for "social justice", I write for "my (my) amusement", and I want to keep writing.

その為には、社会弱者を意図的に無視することもあります ―― だって、私の手に負えないこともあるし、私にとって都合の悪いことだってありますから。

To do that, I sometimes deliberately ignore the most vulnerable people in society. Because some things are out of my control, and some things are not good for me.


ただ、それでも「無視」をする時でも ―― 『うしろめたさ』を感じながら「黙り」続けます。

But even when I still "ignore" them -- I continue to "shut up" with a sense of "guilt".


I take care not to "make those who are in pain suffer more and more pain and suffering"


So I'm grateful that my rude friends and unassuming family members are keeping an eye on me.



I think I have told you many times in the past that I was initially opposed to the "conjugal surname system".


I once even thought of homosexuality as a form of mental disorder.


Now, I don't think so.


I'd like to say "because I learned it myself," however, essentially, I've surrendered myself to the changing attitudes of society.


Nevertheless, the idea that "if a lot of people affirm it, it's probably right" is risky.


However, if your stance is "if it's the matter that many people are interested in, I'll look into it myself". Then it's good.



It took quite a bit of energy to incorporate new ideas (marital separation, homosexuality, etc.) into my life.

自分の中にある、他の部分の考え方の変更も余儀なくされるからです ―― 正直、これは、「辛い作業」です。

Because it also forces me to change the way of other parts of myself. Honestly, this is "hard work".


It's a "painful" process that is unimaginable to younger people, especially for elder people who have lived by existing values.


It's "painful work" and I can't force others to do it.

しかし、その「痛くて辛い作業」を経ないと、現状の制度や差別で痛み苦しんでいる人 ―― 私の痛みや辛さとは比較にならない程の ―― に寄り添うことができません。

However, without going through that "painful work," it is impossible to reach out to those who are in pain and suffering from the current system and discrimination. It's so much worse than my pain and hardship.



But basically, it's "other people's pain" and not "my pain".

どれほどの痛みや苦しみがあろうが ―― 所詮は、「他人事」です。

No matter how much pain and suffering there is -- it's just for "other people".


You're allowed to ignore it.


I (only) don't blame you.


I also continue to "ignore" a lot of issues.


What I am doing is merely "quantifying the problem". Very few of the problems (solutions) have been reached.


(To be continued)



(Continuation from yesterday)


But I, on the other hand, have no hope of "complete death".


- Reasonable thinking remains,


- Being able to convey my intentions to a third party


- My body is in control


- Before the arrival of desperate pain


I have a feeling that I want to die suddenly.


I have affirmed the death of pain avoidance and have done it to others.

「いかなる手を尽しても、絶対的に救えない、究極の死」などというのは ―― 本当に、冗談ではありません。勘弁して下さい、と、全力で土下座できるレベルです。

"The ultimate death that I can never save no matter what I do" is not joking. I can kneel down on the ground with saying "Please forgive me "



What I want to say, is that


Isn't "the idea of doing everything possible to prolong life" similar to the story of "Ebata's watch"?


私の命を制御する側 ―― 例えば

The side that controls my life, for example


- From the point of view of a "doctor", it is the "duty" to prolong life as much as possible.


- From the standpoint of "relatives", it is "right" to prolong life as much as possible.


might think this problem as above.


In other words, that means,


"My watch has reached the end of its useful life and is already in a state of disposal."




"Ignoring the will of the watch, it continues to be exposed to its unsightly appearance and kept being driven by the owner, with its performance degraded."




Some may think that it is too rough to explain a wristwatch and human life with the same logic.


We know that we have to think comprehensively about various issues such as law, bioethics, and social conventions and common sense at that time.


However, I think this problem needs to be simplified to this point once.

―― 私達は、「腕時計の使用者」であると同時に、「腕時計本体」でもあるのです。

We are not only "watch users" but also "watch bodies".



This is about my watch repair.


It's already past its service life and the same watch is no longer available. However I continue to use it, changing the batteries repeatedly.


The wristband is missing a joint and the wristband can no longer be replaced.



―― Amazonで購入したリストバンドを、瞬間接着剤で、強制的にジョイント

"I buy a wristband from Amazon, with instant glue, to force a joint"



If the wristband deteriorates and is cut, the connection part is forcibly peeled off and the solidified adhesive is scraped off with a screwdriver.


It's surprisingly manageable.


Besides watches, I like to "fix things and keep using them."


デバイスを完全に停止するまで使い倒す ―― これは、あまり経済的な行為とは言えません。

"Use it until the device is completely shut down". This is not very economical.


It does not contribute to domestic consumption or GDP.


I even realize that I have agitated "active disposal of existing systems".


I'm not in a position to say something, such as "Let's take good care of things."


I just want to see the "complete death" of the device.


The ultimate death that I can never save no matter what I do.





package main

import (


// GetLoc GetLoc
type GetLoc struct {
	ID  int     `json:"id"`
	Lat float64 `json:"lat"`
	Lng float64 `json:"lng"`
	//Address string  `json:"address"`

var addr = flag.String("addr", "", "http service address") // テスト
//var addr = flag.String("addr", "localhost:8080", "http service address") // テスト
var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{} // use default options

func main() {
	u := url.URL{Scheme: "ws", Host: *addr, Path: "/echo2"}
	log.Printf("connecting to %s", u.String())

	c, _, err := websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(u.String(), nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("dial:", err)
	defer c.Close()

	gl := GetLoc{
		ID:  1,
		Lat: 35.653976,
		Lng: 139.796841,

	log.Printf("ID:%d", gl.ID)
	log.Printf("Lat:%f", gl.Lat)
	log.Printf("Lng:%f", gl.Lng)
	//err = c.WriteJSON(mt, gl)
	err = c.WriteJSON(gl)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("write:", err)


// server7.go

// Copyright 2015 The Gorilla WebSocket Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// +build ignore

// 使い方
// go run server7.go      (適当なシェルから)
// http://localhost:8080  (ブラウザ起動)

package main

import (


// GetLoc GetLoc
type GetLoc struct {
	ID  int     `json:"id"`
	Lat float64 `json:"lat"`
	Lng float64 `json:"lng"`
	//Address string  `json:"address"`

//var addr = flag.String("addr", "localhost:8080", "http service address")
var addr = flag.String("addr", "", "http service address") // テスト

var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{} // use default options

func echo2(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	c, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) // cはサーバのコネクション
	if err != nil {
		log.Print("upgrade:", err)
	defer c.Close()

	for {
		//mt, message, err := c.ReadMessage() // クライアントからのメッセージの受信(mtはクライアント識別子)
		//_, _, err := c.ReadMessage() // クライアントからのメッセージの受信(mtはクライアント識別子)

		gl := new(GetLoc)

		err := c.ReadJSON(&gl) // クライアントからのメッセージの受信(mtはクライアント識別子)

		log.Printf("ID:%d", gl.ID)
		log.Printf("Lat:%f", gl.Lat)
		log.Printf("Lng:%f", gl.Lng)

		if err != nil {
			log.Println("read:", err)

func echo(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	c, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) // cはサーバのコネクション
	if err != nil {
		log.Print("upgrade:", err)
	defer c.Close()

		for {
			//mt, message, err := c.ReadMessage() // クライアントからのメッセージの受信(mtはクライアント識別子)
			_, _, err := c.ReadMessage() // クライアントからのメッセージの受信(mtはクライアント識別子)
			if err != nil {
				log.Println("read:", err)

			// JSON(位置情報)を無理やり入れてみた

			gl := GetLoc{
				ID:  1,
				Lat: 35.653976,
				Lng: 139.796842,

			//log.Printf("recv_serv: %s", gl)
			//err = c.WriteJSON(mt, gl)
			err = c.WriteJSON(gl)
			if err != nil {
				log.Println("write:", err)

	gl := GetLoc{
		ID:  1,
		Lat: 35.653976,
		Lng: 139.796842,

	//log.Printf("recv_serv: %s", gl)
	//err = c.WriteJSON(mt, gl)
	err = c.WriteJSON(gl)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("write:", err)


func home(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	homeTemplate.Execute(w, "ws://"+r.Host+"/echo")

func main() {
	http.HandleFunc("/echo2", echo2)           // echo関数を登録 (サーバとして必要)
	http.HandleFunc("/echo", echo)             // echo関数を登録 (サーバとして必要)
	http.HandleFunc("/", home)                 // home関数を登録
	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(*addr, nil)) // localhost:8080で起動をセット

var homeTemplate = template.Must(template.New("").Parse(`
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>PruneCluster - Realworld 50k</title>

	<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/leaflet/1.0.0-beta.2.rc.2/leaflet.css"/>
	<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/leaflet/1.0.0-beta.2.rc.2/leaflet.js"></script>

	<script src="http://kobore.net/PruneCluster.js"></script>           <!-- これ、いずれローカルホストから取れるように換える -->
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://kobore.net/examples.css"/>      <!-- これも、いずれローカルホストから取れるように換える -->

	<!-- goのテンプレートのローカルって、どこになるんだろう? -->

<div id="map"></div>


	ws = new WebSocket("{{.}}"); // websocketの確立

	var print = function(message) {
		var d = document.createElement("div");
		d.textContent = message;

	function sleep(a){
  		var dt1 = new Date().getTime();
  		var dt2 = new Date().getTime();
  		while (dt2 < dt1 + a){
			dt2 = new Date().getTime();

    var map = L.map("map", {
        attributionControl: false,
        zoomControl: false
    }).setView(new L.LatLng(35.654543, 139.795534), 18);

    L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.osm.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
        detectRetina: true,
        maxNativeZoom: 18

    var leafletView = new PruneClusterForLeaflet(1,1);  // (120,20)がデフォルト

	// 送信5発(3秒単位)を送信
	ws.onopen = function (event) {
		for (let i = 0; i < 1; i++){
			ws.send("Ebata is great"); 
			//print("send: Ebata is great");
			//print("Start sleep");
			//print("End sleep");

	var markers = [];

	// 受信すると、勝手にここに飛んでくる
	ws.onmessage = function (event) {
		// データをJSON形式に変更
		var obj = JSON.parse(event.data);

		// データをマーカーとして登録
		var marker = new PruneCluster.Marker(obj.lat, obj.lng);

        // leafletView.ProcessView();  // 変更が行われたときに呼び出されなければなりません。		

	// 100人分を登録する
    var size = 1;
    var markers = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        var marker = new PruneCluster.Marker(35.654543 + (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.00001 * size, 139.795534 + (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.00002 * size);


	// ランダムウォークさせる
    window.setInterval(function () {
        for (i = 0; i < 1; ++i) {
			//var coef = i < size / 8 ? 10 : 1;
			var coef = 10;
            var ll = markers[i].position;
            ll.lat += (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.00001 * coef;
            ll.lng += (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.00002 * coef;

        leafletView.ProcessView();  // 変更が行われたときに呼び出されれなければならない
	}, 500);

	// サーバを止めると、ここに飛んでくる
	ws.onclose = function(event) {
		ws = null;





(Continuation from yesterday)


Ebata: "Well, aside from that, what's a 'the flag' ?"


Wife: "It's also called 'return to their hometown in glory'"


Ebata: "The only images that 'the flag' reminds me of are musicians, idols and actors"


Wife: "Or a politician or a baseball player... Anyway, I guess this is the limit of our image.

江端:「自分の望みのことが達成できれば、それは、『一旗上がった』ということにならないのかな? 自分なりの目標に対して、それを達成すれば、足るというような」

Ebata: "If they can achieve what they want, is that 'they could raise the flag' ? I suppose it's good enough for my own goals, if I achieve them."


Wife:"...no, that's not enough.



嫁さん:「『故郷に錦を飾る』と合わせて考えれば、それは、第三者にとって ―― 特に出身地の ―― 多くの人間が、共通して、"成功"と認識できる何かでなければ、成立しない」

Wife: "If they use the phrase of "return to their hometown in glory", the flag should be something that could be perceived as a "success." for many people, especially in their hometown."

江端:「・・・多くの人が共通して価値のあると認められるもの ―― つまり"金"か」

Ebata: "...what most people consider to be of common value -- 'money'"

嫁さん「あるいは、有名になること ―― "名声"も含まれるかな」

Wife: "Or to be famous -- I guess that includes 'fame'"

江端:「第三者から観測可能な"金"と"名声"というとになると ―― ああ、なるほど、『ミュージシャン』などは、分かりやすい」

Ebata: "When it comes to 'money' and 'fame' that can be observed by a third party - ah, I see, 'musicians' is easy to understand.


Wife: "Yes, you're right. The process of getting there requires not only effort and ability, but also luck, and in addition, 'the possibility should be terribly small'.



Honestly, I thought that

―― 面倒くさいな

"It's troublesome"



I don't want to be at the mercy of "success in the eyes of others", but "success of my own volition.



Finally, I'll leave you with something unnecessary.


If you have an illusion of the flag in the eyes of others, let you read this article.


If you can't be bothered to read the words, it is O.K. to watch these figures.



I think it's at least a reference.


  1. 内容:位置情報をサーバからクアイアント(Webブラウザ)に1回のみ一回だけ送信して、その情報を、適当にランダムウォークさせるだけのプログラム
  2. 方針 できるだけ、プログラムは汚いまま残す
// server7.go

// Copyright 2015 The Gorilla WebSocket Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// +build ignore

// 使い方
// go run server7.go      (適当なシェルから)
// http://localhost:8080  (ブラウザ起動)

package main

import (


// GetLoc GetLoc
type GetLoc struct {
	ID  int     `json:"id"`
	Lat float64 `json:"lat"`
	Lng float64 `json:"lng"`
	//Address string  `json:"address"`

//var addr = flag.String("addr", "localhost:8080", "http service address")
var addr = flag.String("addr", "", "http service address") // テスト

var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{} // use default options

func echo(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	c, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) // cはサーバのコネクション
	if err != nil {
		log.Print("upgrade:", err)
	defer c.Close()

		for {
			//mt, message, err := c.ReadMessage() // クライアントからのメッセージの受信(mtはクライアント識別子)
			_, _, err := c.ReadMessage() // クライアントからのメッセージの受信(mtはクライアント識別子)
			if err != nil {
				log.Println("read:", err)

			// JSON(位置情報)を無理やり入れてみた

			gl := GetLoc{
				ID:  1,
				Lat: 35.653976,
				Lng: 139.796842,

			//log.Printf("recv_serv: %s", gl)
			//err = c.WriteJSON(mt, gl)
			err = c.WriteJSON(gl)
			if err != nil {
				log.Println("write:", err)

	gl := GetLoc{
		ID:  1,
		Lat: 35.653976,
		Lng: 139.796842,

	//log.Printf("recv_serv: %s", gl)
	//err = c.WriteJSON(mt, gl)
	err = c.WriteJSON(gl)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("write:", err)


func home(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	homeTemplate.Execute(w, "ws://"+r.Host+"/echo")

func main() {
	http.HandleFunc("/echo", echo)             // echo関数を登録 (サーバとして必要)
	http.HandleFunc("/", home)                 // home関数を登録
	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(*addr, nil)) // localhost:8080で起動をセット

var homeTemplate = template.Must(template.New("").Parse(`
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>PruneCluster - Realworld 50k</title>

	<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/leaflet/1.0.0-beta.2.rc.2/leaflet.css"/>
	<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/leaflet/1.0.0-beta.2.rc.2/leaflet.js"></script>

	<script src="http://kobore.net/PruneCluster.js"></script>           
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://kobore.net/examples.css"/>      

<div id="map"></div>


	ws = new WebSocket("{{.}}"); // websocketの確立

	var print = function(message) {
		var d = document.createElement("div");
		d.textContent = message;

	function sleep(a){
  		var dt1 = new Date().getTime();
  		var dt2 = new Date().getTime();
  		while (dt2 < dt1 + a){
			dt2 = new Date().getTime();

    var map = L.map("map", {
        attributionControl: false,
        zoomControl: false
    }).setView(new L.LatLng(35.654543, 139.795534), 18);

    L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.osm.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
        detectRetina: true,
        maxNativeZoom: 18

    var leafletView = new PruneClusterForLeaflet(1,1);  // (120,20)がデフォルト

	// 送信5発(3秒単位)を送信
	ws.onopen = function (event) {
		for (let i = 0; i < 1; i++){
			ws.send("Ebata is great"); 
			//print("send: Ebata is great");
			//print("Start sleep");
			//print("End sleep");

	var markers = [];

	// 受信すると、勝手にここに飛んでくる
	ws.onmessage = function (event) {
		// データをJSON形式に変更
		var obj = JSON.parse(event.data);

		// データをマーカーとして登録
		var marker = new PruneCluster.Marker(obj.lat, obj.lng);

        // leafletView.ProcessView();  // 変更が行われたときに呼び出されなければなりません。		

	// 100人分を登録する
    var size = 1;
    var markers = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        var marker = new PruneCluster.Marker(35.654543 + (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.00001 * size, 139.795534 + (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.00002 * size);

		// Remove all the markers

		// Remove a list of markers 
		pruneCluster.RemoveMarkers([markerA,markerB,...]);  リスト単位で消去する、ことか → marker[0],maker[1] と指定して消していくのだと思われ

		// こんなのがあった random.10000-delete.html
		document.getElementById('delete').onclick = function () {
			if (size >= 1000) {
				var deleteList = markers.splice(0, 1000);
				size -= 1000;
			return false;

	// ランダムウォークさせる
    window.setInterval(function () {
        for (i = 0; i < 1; ++i) {
			//var coef = i < size / 8 ? 10 : 1;
			var coef = 10;
            var ll = markers[i].position;
            ll.lat += (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.00001 * coef;
            ll.lng += (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.00002 * coef;

        leafletView.ProcessView();  // 変更が行われたときに呼び出されれなければならない
	}, 500);

	// サーバを止めると、ここに飛んでくる
	ws.onclose = function(event) {
		ws = null;





Recently, I've been watching NHK's "documentary series 72 Hours".


It is a program that broadcasts 72 hours of coverage of the people of the city in a certain location.


There's no need to be tense like the NHK specials, where I have to watch it without missing a beat.


It's not like other commercial TV shows that edit out people who act and behave in a peculiar way for fun or funny.(The scene where they interviewed someone from my town was quite uncomfortable.)


I like it a lot because I can relax to watch it.


However, it cannot be denied that this "documentary series 72 Hours" is a collection of "good comments" and "heartful comments" from the people.


But as long as it's structured as a program, I think that it cannot be helped.


先日、嫁さんと2人で、夕食を食べながら、「東京・隅田川 花火のない静かな夏に」を見ていました。

The other day, my wife and I were watching "Tokyo Sumida River, Quiet Summer without Fireworks" while eating dinner.


There was an interview scene with an elderly man who said that "he came to Tokyo to make a name for himself", and "he couldn't do it".


I mentioned it in my diary the other day.

―― "一旗"って何だろう?

"What does "the flag" mean?"


I keep thinking about it.



Ebata: "I don't understand the idea that "there are opportunities if you come to Tokyo". In the first place, are there any advantages to Tokyo that are worth talking about?


Wife: "The number of colleges, jobs, people you meet, entertainments, and the information you can get and the speed at which you can get it, and everything else will be different"

江端:「まあ、私の場合、ネットと通販があれば、十分に足るけど ―― まあ、その通りかなぁ。特に「人脈」については、都会は圧倒的に有利かもしれない」

Ebata: "Well, in my case, the internet and mail order are enough for me. However, I guess you're right. Especially when it comes to "networking", the city may have a huge advantage.


Wife: "Well, in your case, I don't think you have the benefit of that because you are a misanthrope.


(To be continued)