

A reader asked the following question.



I don't care about responding to a question like the one on a Japanese exam that asks you to "Choose the one from A to D that comes closest to the feelings of the author who wrote this sentence.

However, studying this question response is essential in love and marriage, but that's another story for another time."


Would it be possible for you to explain this in detail?





The questions for this type of language test are,


(1) To grasp the overall view of the author's situation in the story,


(2) Infer the psychological state of the author and the characters surrounding the author from their words, actions, and behavior.


This is the training of "mind-reading."


Of course, this is not the same as "espionage" (a term meaning espionage or intelligence gathering).


It is an exercise in "mind-reading" to estimate the inner motivation and motivation of the story designer who has set up the closed virtual space of the story.


The most common situations in which this "mind reading" is used are in love and marriage.



In general, I would say that people with good grades in Japanese have the following potential abilities.


(1) Good communication skills


(2) Rich in knowledge and education


(3) Self-confidence and self-expression



However, the ability to manifest such "mind-reading" potential skills, in addition to their efforts, qualities, and talents, are,


(1) Abuse of communication skills


(2) Tend to mount others by knowledge and education.


(3) Tend to be devoted to reading and literature and indifferent to human relations.


We often have these problems (I'm not saying it's about me).



In short, I think the aim of the questions in this type of language test is non-verbal communication, or "training to read the air."


We will not be ruled by 'reading the air.'


However, we need to understand 'how much tragedy can be caused by actions(e.g., love and marriage) that are not in the air.


I am proud to say I am a "man of many words."



In the following question, "Choose the one from A to D that is closest to the feelings of the author of this text,


"If you choose the one that is the furthest away from the author's feelings, what tragedy awaits the author?"


I think adding this question would help us understand better.



This is a continuation of yesterday's story.

―― "AI"に人類を滅亡させる能力はないけど、人類を滅亡させるアプローチを、"人間"が、AIとの議論の中で見付け出す可能性は高まってきている

故小松左京先生の「さよならジュピター」(徳間文庫版 p.394)より引用します。

The following is a quote from "Bye-Bye Jupiter" (Tokuma Bunko edition, p.394) by the late Sakyo Komatsu.

===== 引用ここから =====

===== Quote from here =====


"Are you okay with pushing yourself too hard?"


Dr. Bernard murmured as he peered under Millie's hand.


"A long time ago, I knew a guy who thought too hard about crossword puzzles and became aphasic for about six months. ......"


"I, on the other hand, if I start doing something, I have to keep doing it. ......"


Millie brushed her hair out of her face.


"Besides, what I am doing now is a kind of "training" for this computer: ......"


"I'm not sure about that for someone like me, who is a field opponent in the rough-and-tumble discipline of cosmic archaeology. ......"


Dr. Bernard smiled faintly.


"Is there still room for human beings to try to fill in the blanks on a problem ?"


"Yes, ....... Humans are supposed to be "fools" in that case. ......"


Millie said as she switched off the computer.


"The computer also makes some excellent deductions, but its reasoning is too logical and methodical ...... to check for, how shall we say, the most preposterous and ridiculous of possibilities. I guess.


In other words, computers are not yet good at dealing with nonsense and humor.


So, when I come up with crazy possibilities that look like something out of Alice in Wonderland and demand solution after solution, the computer suffers, its eyes glazing over.


But if I don't accept the "unanswerable" output and repeatedly ask it questions from different angles, It will gradually become smarter. ......"


"Poor thing, I guess that computer is being squeezed by you too ......"


Dr. Bernard broke into a smile.

===== 引用ここまで =====

===== Quote here =====



This is the same as "how to use ChatGPT well".

まさか、私が生きている間に、同じような場面に立ち会えるとはなぁ ―― と、ちょっと感動しています。

I never thought I would witness a similar scene in my lifetime -- and I am a bit moved by it.


Anyway, read "Bye-bye Jupiter."






I once described an AI technology using the "divination" paradigm.


In this column, I concluded,


(1) The business of "fortune-telling" is a collaborative creative activity based on a conversation between a "fortune-teller" and a "customer who is going for a fortune-telling session.


(2) In (1) above, the expected output and process "is to derive 'the answer that the customer who comes for a fortune-telling session wants.



I am still confident in this conclusion, so please dispute it if anyone has a problem.


When I see a self-proclaimed "fortune teller" speaking on a TV program, I immediately walk away from the TV.


It's because I feel like my eyes are dirty, my ears are rotten, and I've lost time (even if it's only for a few seconds).

しかしながら、私には、「こういう番組を『楽しい』と思う人の気持ちまでも、害する権利はない」と思っています ―― 特に、それが自分の家族であったりする場合などは。

However, I do not believe I have the right to "harm even the feelings of those who find these programs 'enjoyable' -- especially if they are my family members.


So, the right thing to do in these situations is to "walk away quietly.




On page 5 of the column introduced in this issue, I have compiled a table of past incidents that led to the "near extinction of the human race.


And, well, all of this is human error and has nothing to do with AI technology.


Recently, however, I have felt that "AI technology" has caught up with me to the point where I cannot ignore it.


ごぞんじの通り、最近の私は、ChatGPTやGitHub Copilotを使い倒しています。

As you know, I have been using ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot a lot lately.


And the way it is used is just like a Copilot.

相談を持ちかけて、その応答を受け、その内容の一部について、さらに議論をふっかけて、その回答を得て・・・という繰り返しを続けることによって ――

By offering advice, receiving a response, and then engaging in further discussion of some of the content, getting a response, and so forth, and so on and on...

―― 自分の中に潜んでいた思考が、言語化/具象化されて出現する

"Thoughts lurking inside I emerge as verbalized/embodied."


I can achieve the above.


Two important things are,


(1) AI technology is not the main focus; it is my partner.




(2) The ability to keep "repeating" as many times as possible.


ChatGPTやGitHub Copilotは、どんなに長く使っても「疲れることがありません」(疲れるのは私だけ)。

ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot "never get tired" (I'm the only one who gets tired), no matter how long I use them.

もちろん、ChatGPTやGitHub Copilotも、20回以上もつっこんで議論していると、その論法が自己矛盾(というか「循環論法」)に陥いることがあります。

Of course, ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot can also be self-contradictory (or "circular argument") in their arguments after 20 or more times of poking and prodding.

で、この自己矛盾や循環論法は、(現時点では)ChatGPTやGitHub Copilotも自力で気がつくことができないようです。

This self-contradiction and circular argument seems (at the moment) to be something that ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot cannot even notice on their own.

これに気がつき、質問の内容や設定の背景を変えるなどして、議論の舞台を取り替えるのは、人間様である私の役目 ―― となっています(現時点では)。

It is up to me, the human being, to notice this and change the stage of the discussion by changing the content of the question or the background of the setting -- for now.



What I am trying to say is,

―― "AI"に人類を滅亡させる能力はないけど、人類を滅亡させるアプローチを、"人間"が、AIとの議論の中で見付け出す可能性は高まってきている

"AI" cannot destroy humanity, but it is increasingly likely that "humans" will find approaches to destroy humankind in discussions with AI."


This is what I 'feel'.


What is essential is that the above phrase is not something I derived by "logic" but something I actually "feel" as I am confronted with AI daily.



Frankly, this reality is quite "uncomfortable" for me.

なぜ、不快と思うのか? ―― それは、"生成AI(ChatGPTとGitHub Copilot)"と"私"の関係が、私がバカにしくさっている、"占い師"と"占いにやってくる客"の関係と同じであるからです。

Why do I find it uncomfortable? -- It is because the relationship between the "generated AI (ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot)" and "me" is the same as the relationship between a "fortune teller" and a "customer who comes for fortune telling," which I make fun of.


Of course, I believe that fortune-telling is incomparably more "vulgar" in its character and significance.


However, even if we limit ourselves to the relationship and approach, I think it is not too much to say that the two are not "similar" but rather "joint."


The only difference is that the object of belief is either a "fortune teller" or a "generative AI."


This fact now makes me feel intensely uncomfortable.



I am writing the specifications now.

===== ここから =====

===== from here =====

(3) 本件における「GitHub Copilotでソフト保守」をする意義

(3) Significance of "software maintenance with GitHub Copilot" in this case.

上記「(a)修正」を目的として、GitHub Copilotを活用する意義は以下の通りです。

The significance of utilizing GitHub Copilot for "(a) Modification" above is as follows.




The above content (significance) is denied to me as a programmer.


The program that Copilot creates is undoubtedly refined, consistent, and balanced.


It is at least more beautiful and easier to read than my (Ebata's) code and has very few bugs.


Unfortunately, we will have to accept this reality.

===== ここまで =====

===== so far =====


The last four lines listed here will be removed during the review phase, but these are "facts."


I felt very, very sad when I was writing this.

GitHub Copilotが『怖い』件



The Nikkei Stock Average has exceeded its highest level during the bubble period.


As a student during the bubble period, I never 'danced in the bubble,' but then I think I was one-sidedly 'kept getting hit by the bubble.'


Of course, the government and securities firms are not the only ones to blame for the bubble economy, but still,

―― 証券会社の社員が、くす玉割って、オフィスで拍手をしているニュースを見ると、非常にムカムカします。

"I get very ticked off when I see news of securities firm employees breaking the decorative paper ball and clapping in their offices."



It would be the opposite.


Isn't today the day that should give us that same solemn feeling we have at noon on the anniversary of the end of the war (August 15) and at the time of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?


I would like to see an inscription in the lobbies of securities firms that reads, "We will never repeat our mistake," I would like all employees to join in a "silent prayer" there.


Are there any supporters?


Well, they won't be there.



Incidentally, there is controversy over the inscription on the Cenotaph for the Atomic Bomb Victims.


By the way, I am of the "I won't let them repeat their mistake" school of thought.



Our neighbor country, South Korea, has a fertility rate of 0.78 in 2022.


I will repeat it. It is





When I heard this story, I said in my mind

―― は?



And my mind went blank.


I, before, wrote




At the time of writing, it really "wasn't there."


我が国、日本は「課題先進国」―― と言えば、聞こえはいいですが、世界のどの国家よりも「先に"地雷"を踏む運命にある国』です。

Japan is a country with advanced issues. It sounds excellent to say, but Japan is a country that is destined to step on landmines before any other nation in the world.


However, our friendly neighbors (our neighbors next door are virtual enemies) have not only "landmines" but "national survival" in their scope.

近い未来、私たちは、この問題に関して、韓国に学ぶ場面が出てきます ―― その結果がどうなろうとも、です。

Soon, we will have occasions to learn from South Korea on this issue, no matter the consequences.

―― 仮にタリバンを武力で殲滅することができても、"勉強が嫌いな少女"を虐殺することは、絶対に不可能



Recently, my second daughter has been attending remote information sessions for job hunting.


She sometimes opens the computer in the living room, so when it butts up with meal times, I bring my meals into my room to eat.


And, well, in the meantime, I'm hearing a bit of a presentation,

―― いいなぁ、そんなに夢のある会社なら、私もそこに再就職したいなぁ

"I envy you. If it's such a dream company, I wish to work at the company again."


I sometimes think that.



With apologies to job hunters and corporate recruiters, but looking back over my life so far, I'm sorry to say this, but in my life,


I've found that most of the time, the "dream companies" are just dreams.


A company information session is what we call a "blind date.

『夢があるだけ』の男や女の無責任な発表会場の延長 ―― と考えるのが妥当でしょう。

It is reasonable to consider it an extension of the irresponsible presentation halls of men and women who "only have dreams" -- a place for irresponsible presentations.


If you want to keep your job for a long time, it is crucial not to dream excessively.

―― 私たちは、自分の人生を自分でコントロールできない




I am a person with a twisted personality who cannot honestly enjoy the success of others.




When I learned of the successful launch of the H3 rocket


I was so happy that I almost cried when I learned of the "successful launch of the H3 rocket.


Engineers are in the business of continually failing.


でも、本当に、たまに、こういう成功があるから、エンジニアはやめられない ―― と思うこともあります。

But, sometimes, successes like this make me think -- I can't stop being an engineer.



Of course, I was also happy to hear the news of the landing of the SLIM lunar probe on the moon.


But what astonished me more was the "SLIM reboot."


"Sunlight hit the solar panels, and they started working for the first time in about nine days."


I read from this article that the engineers had to shut down communication with the system for nine days, saving power and holding still until it was time to reboot.


I (Ebata) am an impatient person, and if the system set up in the company's laboratory stops working, I try to access it by any means possible, and even if it is the middle of the night, I go to work to restart the system.


『9日間の忍耐』ができるエンジニア ―― これが、SLIMプロジェクトのエンジニアの皆さんと、私の決定的な差です。

Engineers with "nine days of patience" are the critical difference between the engineers on the SLIM project and me.


This is 'the greatest compliment'.



I like to restore things and keep using them.


Cheapskate, frugality, SDGs, etc., are outside my scope.


I am simply a pervert who likes to DIY, likes to restore but is a pain in the ass, and takes pleasure in extending the lifetime of things.


Yesterday, I also did a DIY haircut (self-cut).


And as a result, I have three bald spots on my head, which I consider positive.

「江端は過度の仕事のストレスで脱毛症になったんだ → 江端の仕事を減らさないと、また江端が『抑うつ』になるぞ」と、誰かに思って貰えれば、とか(※)。

If someone thinks, "Ebata got alopecia due to excessive work stress → if we don't reduce Ebata's workload, he will become 'depressed' again" (*), or something.


(*'Depression' is a harrowing disease; I shouldn't write this in jest (although I do).)



That aside.



Yesterday, I was on Amazon researching sewing machines.


I was thinking of buying a cheap sewing machine, as there seem to be some available these days for around 5,000 yen.


I use "wood bond" to attach everything to extend the lifetime of my jeans.


However, the other day, my jeans broke to an extent that this was difficult.

普通に「捨てる」が一択となるような、破れ方だったのですが ―― それでは、何か「負けたような気」がしまして。

It was a rupture, where "throw-away" would generally be the only choice -- but then, I felt like I was "lost" by something.

で、ミシンについてYouTubeで勉強していたのですが、上糸とか下糸とかの設置、糸の張り巡らせ方、ミシンの操作など、―― 見ていたら目が眩みそうになりました。

So I was learning about sewing machines on YouTube, setting up upper and lower threads, tensioning the threads, operating the sewing machine, etc. I was almost dazzled by what I was seeing.


I have found, at least, that sewing machines are not something I can start with the "start button."


This broke my heart.


I wish that sewing machines had been taught in this "wiring study" as well.

江端さんのひとりごと 「配線学」


パソコンにUSBで接続したら、CAD画面がでてきて、そこに設計図を投入すると、勝手に動き出す ―― そういうミシンは、まだ世の中に存在していないようです。

When connected to a PC via USB, a CAD screen appears, and when a blueprint is input, the sewing machine starts working independently. However, such sewing machines do not seem to exist yet.


For now, I will wait for the arrival of the "PC-compatible USB sewing machine" while painting sections of my jeans with wood glue.



I am willing to try any technology that interests me once it is worth the cost and time.


The results may be disclosed to the public if we determine that the information is not "confidential" or detrimental to the company.

これは、遵法精神でもなければ、いわんや愛社精神でもありません ―― 約束(契約)です。

This is not a law-abiding spirit or love for the company; it is a promise (contract).

忘れないでください ―― 私は「会社の犬」です。


I have many more stories, some of which I have decided to 'take to my grave.


Aside from that.



I enjoy experimenting with techniques I am interested in, but being forced to do techniques I am not interested in is painful.


I have a technique that intuitively tells me, 'This technique is no good.


For example, they are known as buzzwords.


I try to avoid those technologies, but sometimes, I have to work on them because of work orders.


Occasionally, as expected, it was a no-no, but this can be surprisingly interesting if I am reluctant to work on it.


Nevertheless, if it is a no-no or not, certain results must be achieved if it is a work order.

ダメダメだと思っている技術の仕事を命じられて、予想通りにダメダメな結果を出して、それを理由に上長や幹部から叱責されることがあります ―― これは理不尽で辛いことです。

I may be assigned to work on a technology that I think is no good, produce predictably bad results, and then be reprimanded by my superiors and executives for it -- this is unreasonable and painful.


What I'm trying to say is,

―― 私たちは、自分の人生を自分でコントロールできない

"We are not in control of our own lives."


It is a common story.


Right now, my second daughter is job hunting, to great acclaim.


As I watched, I felt sad, thinking, 'She, too, is going to start a life she cannot control.


Aside from that.


30%:50%:70%の法則 ―― 大学、高校、中学の卒業生が、3年以内に離職する比率です。

The 30%:50%:70% rule is the ratio of college, high school, and secondary school graduates who leave the workforce within three years.


This has not changed in the last 20 years.


Whether one sees this law as "tragic" or "deserved" depends on one's point of view.


However, from the perspective of the current government's stated goal of "workforce mobility," the opposite can be seen.

90%:90%:90%の法則 ―― 新入社員の9割が3年以内に離職する世界の実現。これができれば、日本の労働人口の流動は確実になります。

The 90%:90%:90% rule is a world in which 90% of new hires leave their jobs within three years. If this can be achieved, the fluidity of the Japanese workforce will be assured.


I don't know if it will increase productivity (well, it will decrease...dramatically).



The mobility of the workforce is,


(1) Not all newly created jobs will be enjoyable for everyone.


(2) To cope with the newly created work, it is necessary to study all over again from the beginning.


We need to face the reality that


Either way, it is probably true that the mobility of the workforce is hampered by what many people consider a "hassle.

好きなことであれば、勉強しなおすことも苦痛ではないでしょうが ―― 基本的に、多くの人にとって、勉強は、苦痛です。

If it's something you love, it won't be painful to study again -- but, for many people, studying is painful.


It is natural for anyone to want to "make the rest of my life easy, using only what I have learned through hard work.