

"I didn't realize how hard it would be to cook a meal daily."


My eldest daughter has been home for a long time and is complaining.


I think, 'I guess so.


It differs from cooking a dish you want to eat when you remember it, like I do.


A person who complains about the food that has been prepared should be interpreted as 'offering to take over the task of preparing the food.


Well, let's put that aside.



Daughter: "I should have had more basic cooking skills and a better variety of dishes."

私:「いや、それは違うな。料理も含めて全てのタスクは、状況に応じたOJT(On the Job Training)で良いんだよ」

Me: "No, that's not true. All tasks, including cooking, can be done on-the-job training (OJT) depending on the situation."


Daughter: "But I don't have the basic skills, so moving up from there is hard."


At first glance, it seems that we are talking about teenagers' "examinations," but the topic we are talking about is "cooking.


Me: "Yes, I also regret that I had so many part-time jobs, such as "cram school" and "tutoring" when I was a college student.




Me: "I should have had many more part-time jobs in small set menus and restaurants where I was allowed to use pans and pots." I should have learned more about the art of "cooking."


I would later realize how important it was to have a skill level in common home cooking.


'Can you make a dish with only the shabby ingredients left in the fridge? This seems to be important regardless of gender.



However, it isn't easy to judge whether this is important since many packaged meals (bento boxes, frozen foods, etc.) are available these days that are delicious and easy to prepare, with good nutritional balance.


However, what is clear is that 'packaged meals are expensive.


In light of my future retirement, etc., our family's life can't be easier.


"Can you make one dish for 50 yen?". We must be trained and prepared to keep saying "Yes.





It is interesting to have a mystery about cryptography.

でも多くのミステリーは、「暗号」の意味を取り違えていると思います ―― もちろん、著者も読者も分かっていることではありますが。

But I think many mysteries misunderstand the meaning of "code" -- something both authors and readers know, of course.


A cipher is a message that


(1) can only be carried in a way that is open to the entire world,




(2) can only be decrypted by a specific person.



The cipher cannot achieve its purpose if the public message in (1) above contains the decryption hint in (2).


Also, if it can only be deciphered by the qualities (abilities) of the person, it is not a cipher because it is not a message to a specific person.


And if no one can decrypt it, it is not even a "cipher." It is just a string of characters.


In other words, in a strict sense, the ciphers that appear in novels, dramas, and movies are not 'ciphers.



I am watching a digest of the drama "Not to Mention Mystery" on YouTube.


All I know is that 'I shouldn't talk about these things to people I'm watching drama with,' much less 'I shouldn't talk about the principles of the RAS cipher in a way that I'm good at.

―― ママ友は、暗号を使ってメール通信を行っている



The content of the university lectures is challenging.

英語の本を読んで、英語プレゼン発表1時間って ―― そういうのは「英語に愛されているエンジニア」の領分だと思う。

Reading an English book and presenting an English presentation for an hour -- I think that kind of thing is the domain of "engineers who are loved by the English language.


But if I don't get the required credits, I won't be able to graduate.

というか、卒業したらどうだというんだ? 就職に有利てか? もうリタイア目の前なのに?

However, what do I think about graduating? What about the job opportunities? Even though I'm about to retire?

―― あ、これは考えたらダメなやつだ

"Oh, I'm losing this one if I think about it."


So, I stop it.



Me: "Have you ever heard of The Tragedy of the Commons?"


Wife: "I don't know. I know about the Doha Tragedy, though."


Well, I thought, I guess so.


Incidentally, it was only recently that I learned the phrase "Doha Tragedy."

江端:「分かるも何も、ゲーム理論で、コラムを書いているくらいなんだが ―― 知らなかったか?」


アメリカ同時多発テロ事件の時、米国に赴任していた私たち家族は、国外脱出ができませんでした ―― 全ての空港が閉鎖されていたからです。

At the time of the attacks, our family, who was posted to the U.S., could not leave the country -- all airports were closed.


I remember well the horror of that moment.


At that time, we asked for 'help.


And I remember that at that time, I hated with all my heart those discussing the rescue of Japanese citizens in the U.S. on the Internet.


ですので ―― これから、確実に戦火に巻き込まれれることになる市民(非戦闘員)に対して、私は、語るべき言葉が、分からないのです。

So - I don't know what to say to the civilians (non-combatants) who will indeed be caught in the fire of war and killed.



Even if it is not a Japan-wide bank transfer system, a "system failure" is still a bloody good thing.


I was blue-cold just now when the domain name system on my main PC stopped working.


As a last resort, I implemented a "router reboot," which was one of the longest 40 seconds of my life.

『不調になった機械が、再起動で完全に動かなくなる』 ―― これまで、こんな修羅場に何度立ち会ってきたことか。

I can't tell you how many times I've been in the situation of "a machine that malfunctions and then completely stops working after a reboot.



This is why I try to make morbid backups, but this "backup" is also unreliable.


This is because even if the entire OS is image-copied, hardware specifications change ever-evolvingly.


My feeling is that the maximum "backup" lifetime is six months. After that, they become mere complex disk-consuming files.



What is still incomprehensible to me is the mind of the OSS developers who change the configuration of system files that have been working without problems every time they upgrade the OS version.

- /etc/resolve.confを、dhcpの設定ファイルの方に寄せる必要って何?

- What is the need to move /etc/resolve.conf to the DHCP configuration file?

- GUIで提供するなら、全部一括できるようにデザインしておいて欲しい

- If you're going to provide it as a GUI, I'd like to see it designed so that it can all be done at once.

- というか、レガシーな設定を、OSのバージョンアップする度に変更していくバカは、一体どこの誰?

Who in the world is stupid enough to change legacy settings every time the OS is upgraded?

- DockerがマルチOS対応というのは結構ウソです(使ってみれば分かります)し、OSのバージョンによっては全く動かないし。

- It's pretty much a lie that Docker is multi-OS compatible (you'll see if you try it), and some OS versions don't work at all.

- ラズパイはチップを変更されただけで、問題がボロボロ出てくるし。

- And the Raspberry PI is just a chip that's been changed, and the problems are ragged out.



I can confidently say that the threat to the system is more of a "system replacement" than a "cyber attack."


When a system is "replaced," there is a high probability that the system will fail.

あなたが、どれだけ怒号を撒き散らそうとも、動かんものは、動かん ―― コンピュータシステムとはそういうものです。

No matter how much you throw a tantrum, what doesn't work doesn't work -- that's how computer systems work.


The banking system will continue to shut down, airplanes will stop flying, concert tickets will not be available, and your medical records will disappear.


This is what a "digitalized society" is all about, and we must be prepared to live in such a society based on the premise that the system will stop working.



I live daily thinking, 'The system stops just before the deadline' and 'The system always fails after a long vacation.


This level of detail is elementary to digital systems.


Until now, it was natural disasters such as "earthquakes," "fires," "typhoons," and "floods" that dealt a blow to social infrastructure, but now the threat of "cyberattacks" and "system replacements" have been added to this list.


First, I think this must be taught in compulsory education.

あるいは、やれることはやって、それでも壊れる時には壊れるという『諦観』をするしかない、とも言えます ―― システム障害も自然災害も。



I accept the former Unification Church's assertion that "this request for dissolution against the former Unification Church is a constitutional disgrace in the Japanese government."


I agree with you 100%.


This should never have happened.


In a democratic society, there really should be no such thing as an invocation of public power against religious freedom.



But you people, who have not improved at all despite my telling you over and over and over again (for decades) to 'stop doing that kind of thing,' have allowed this 'constitutional disgrace.'


You have created a threat to the freedom of all religions.

この恐るべき罪深さを ―― 今こそ、思い知れ。

This horrendous sinfulness -- now, think of it.

----- 参考文献 -----

----- References -----


(A)Unique and novel interpretation by the Unification Church


(B)Doctrine of the Unification Church


(C)Methods to keep believers from leaving the cult


(D)The Unification Church's "Inspirational Commerce" Concept


Conclusion: "The Unification Church's operation depends on whether or not it can "create" fanatical believers (who are willing to give up their entire wealth).




I think, 'Having something you want to do probably makes you unhappy.'

うん、私(江端)は今、精神状態が良くない ―― そう思って読んで下さい。

Yeah, I (Ebata) am not in a good state of mind right now -- please read it as such.


It would be a good idea to stop reading it, as depression may be contagious.



Because what I want to do often doesn't work.


I struggle a lot with doing what I want to do.


And giving up on something I want to do in the middle of a project is the most painful thing I can do.


In addition, even after I have done what I want, it does not mean I will be happy.


People quickly forget what they have accomplished.


And the next thing I want to do is torment myself.


It feels like a curse of an endless loop.

―― うん、やっぱり、私(江端)は今、精神状態が良くないようです。

-- Yeah, I guess I (Ebata) am not in a good mental state right now.



What I'm trying to say is,

『自分のやりたいことが分からない』という方は、多分、ご自分のことを「不幸な人間」と思っているかもしれませんが ――

If you're saying, 'I don't know what I want to do,' you probably think you're unhappy," but....


I wanted to tell you, 'Surprisingly, that may be the best life.



It is unusual for me (Ebata) to say this, so I will properly put it on record.


Or maybe the negative Ebata will always be the default, but it cannot be helped.

ポジティブ江端 vs ネガティブ江端 ―― どっちが勝つかな?



This kind of "Weak Ebata" seems well accepted by our readers. (Thank you for your supportive emails.)


I can't be happy about it, but if my diary has lightened someone's heart, even me, like this is useful, isn't it?



I said to my wife, who was watching TV,


Ebata: "Why doesn't VIVANT conduct rescue operations for North Korean abductees?"


And she just replied, watching TV,


"Yes, they do."




They can swing so far if they depict "illegal" in fiction.



The location is Pyongyang (well, North Korea will refuse).


It will be a joint production with South Korea (that country is the biggest victim of abduction (nearly 500 people are said to have been abducted)).


The domestic viewership of "VIVANT: Operation to Retrieve the Kidnapped Victims" will be the highest in Japan.

もちろん、前例のない「もの凄い外交問題」にもなるような気がしますが ―― 下手すると核ミサイルが飛んでくるかもしれません。

Of course, I feel it will be an unprecedented "tremendous diplomatic problem" -- if we are not careful, nuclear missiles may be launched at us.


でも、映画で「シュリ」や「シルミド」があるし、日本でも「KT」とか上映されていたんだから ―― 悪くない企画だと思うのです。リスクも凄いけど。

But we know "Suri" and "Silmido" in Korean movies, and "KT" and others were shown in Japan -- I think it's not a bad project. The risk is significant, though.



When I was eating ice cream with my family today,


my daughter said


"Parents who have enrolled their children at Janny's."

という観点を提示されて ―― 衝撃を受けました。

I was presented with the perspective that -- I was shocked.


I could 'see' the case from my view for the first time.



Of course, this case is the work of a demon named "Johnny's Something," who was lucky enough to get away with his death.


There was not a single millimeter of error or defect on the victim's or guardian's part.


However, I cannot imagine the parents' frustration, sadness, and anger, not to mention the victims themselves.

もし、嫁や娘が、こんな形で陵辱されたら ―― 多分、私は『私を止めない』。

If my wife or daughter were to be humiliated this way -- maybe I wouldn't 'stop me.'



In this book, there is a story about Corporal Castle, a politician and soldier of the Wu Dynasty in ancient China during the Spring and Autumn period.


He fled Chuxing and went into exile in Wu after his father and brother were executed by King Ping of Chuxing.


Sixteen years later, Corporal Castle, now a general of Wu, fell the capital city of Chu (506 B.C.).

平王は既に死んでいたので伍子胥は王墓を暴き、平王の死体を300回に及び鞭打って恨みを晴らした ―― これが、「死者に鞭打つ(死屍に鞭むちうつ)」の語源になっています。

Since Ping Wang was already dead, Corporal Castle uncovered the royal tomb and whipped Ping Wang's corpse 300 times to settle his grudge -- this is the origin of the phrase "whipping the dead."



I would not be surprised if something similar happened in our country today.

―― 驚くことに、あの学校は組織的な"ジャニーズ(児童性虐待)"をしていました。


本当に一所懸命やっているんだけど、法律で定められている時間内では、仕事の量と質から考えても絶対に間に合わない ――

I am working hard, but I will never make it within the legal time frame, given the quantity and quality of the work I have to do.


Whose fault is this?


Is it my (incompetence) fault?



I am angry that even now, as I am scoping my retirement, I am asking myself the same question humanity has been asking since ten years ago, 30 years ago, and since the beginning of time, as my problem.


Perhaps, 'Are humans inherently stupid?' I think.

太陽にブラックホールが突っ込んでくる日が、明日やって来たとしても、今の私は歓迎します(by さよならジュピター(故小松左京先生))。

Even if the day when a black hole crashes into the sun comes tomorrow, I would welcome it now (by Byebye Jupiter (the late Sakyo Komatsu)).
