

I make it clear that

―― 江端は、ウクライナ支援のサイバー戦には参戦しておりません

"Ebata has not joined the cyber war for supporting Ukraine"


Recently I sometimes have felt an atmosphere that "Ebata would do it". ( I think that it is by my alarmism).


However, I have already researched how to join it.


I think that I could inform you the approach soon.






マニュアルはここ → B5A-0123-00





(Continuation from yesterday)


The above incidents seems to share the following two points.


(1)Many people believe that the criminal person doesn't hesitated to happen the crime because of nothing to be lost in society.


(2)Many people believe that the criminal motivation is based on subjective private anger, and cannot be shared their sympathy or empathy objectively.




According to the above (1), it is true that having family makes me hesitate to commit a criminal offense under the criminal law.


(However, I will start to study the ways not to violate criminal laws, or not to be exposed the public)


In the way, marriage is a valid system to restrict instinct anger.


In the same logic, having job is also a crime deterrent system.


Indeed, I now have "a lot" to lose socially.



According to the above (2), I need to recognize a clear malicious intent with a specific target, not enough "the world does not need me" but "he/she persecutes me".


Of course, it does not matter whether it is an objective fact or a subjective assumption.


Because there is no "objective world".


The world is "the 'objective world' and the subjective world we believe in.


子どもたちが独立して、嫁が私より先に死んでしまった場合、私は、「自分が『公共の敵』になる」という可能性を、排除できません ―― というか「なる」と思う。

If my children become independent and my wife dies before me, I cannot rule out the possibility that I will be -- or rather, "become" -- a "public enemy".


I am aware that I have a system that amplify "objective anger" in my body.


The system has already been activated since I was young.



After all, when I watched the movie "Star Wars" in my teenager, I though that "No wonder that the Dark side is superior to the Force" was natural.



Society must not leave Ebata alone, who is likely to become a "public enemy.


Society should monitor, manage and coax Ebata and leads him to natural death.


Social security spending should be thought of as "domestic defense spending (= public safety spending)" to prevent such potential "public enemies" from being activated.



Riot is defined that "a trail to make to realize a purpose by an activity with a group members who have same reasons". However I think "a riot to save their life" must be distinguished with other riots.


"A riot by farmers" is a typical "riot to save their life", and the mechanism could be explained by using simple "game theory".

(Case A)来年分の作物の種まで、税収として徴収される → 来年の作物"0"が確定 → 餓死が確定

(Case A)Even next year's crop seeds are collected as tax revenue -> No crops next year is confirmed -> Starved to death is confirmed.

(Case B)一揆による暴動によって逮捕 -> 死刑が確定

(Case B) Arrested by the riot → Death penalty is confirmed.


In the above cases, in order to avoid the confirmed death, making a power(rule maker like protectors and groundkeepers) collapse is the only answer. In the above cases, in order to avoid the confirmed death, making rule maker collapse.


From the viewpoint of game theory, this action is correct, as a zero-sum game.



However, in addition to t


- the murder of a former prime minister,


- Kyoto Animation Arson Murder Case


- Osaka Kitashinchi Clinic arson case.


In my vicinity,


- Attempted murder in Odakyu and Keio trains


These are not even the Zero-Sum game.


Therefore, most of us think that their actions or behaviors was ridiculous, and in fact, they are ridiculous objectively.


However, like the yesterday's diary, their criminal behaviors seem to be similar the motivation of election candidates who want to force to hear their opinions by paying 3 million yen.



―― 自分の命を対価に、自分の思いを遂げ、そして、力付くで知らしめる

"To accomplish one's desire and to make it known by force, at the price of one's life"


In fact, this is reasonable.


Why I should care about what will be happened after my death.

宗教のように「死後は天国に生まれ変われる」という ―― 人類史上、一度たりとも実証されていない ―― という教えがあれば、もっと簡単でしょう。

It is easier if they are brainwashed like "they can be reborn in heaven after death", which has not been confirmed by all ages and countries.


(To be continued)



After national election, I always check the voting count of each candidate in my election area.


Now I am checking about Tokyo election area.


This time, the lowest ranked candidate seemed to get 1913 votes.


If I were running for office, the vote could would probably not even reach double digits. So I think they can boast about their results.



However, the deposit of three million yen for the Upper House(e.g. Tokyo area) has naturally be confiscated.


The refund condition is to get vote numbers more than the total number of valid votes, divided by the number of seats available, and divided by 8.


In this case, the valid votes was 6,477,702, so dividing by 6, and by 8, the number of votes cast was 134,952.


This time, in the Tokyo electoral district, there are 24 people who will forfeit 3 million yen (68% of the candidates).


I heard that the cost for one candidate is almost 400,000,000 yen in the Upper House election, so It is clear that the forfeiture of this deposit is not to recover expenses, but to "prevent abuse of candidacy (suffrage).


300,000 yen would not prevent abuse, and with 30 million yen, the candidates would be only the wealthy.


This 3 million yen is a very sensitive price.



You might think that "why do they throw their money into the trash?", however, let think it again This is very cost-performance choice.


They can be on TV(broadcasting of political views) and get a space of election gazette(that might be more than a few million yen, on news paper).


They can speak what they want to say on the TV, and write what they want to write on the gazette.


If they were not to use this election system, they might not realize that on their life.


I don't know how much a business person spend money for drinking party for their life, however, if they can get a chance to broadcast their policies to people in district, the 3 million yen might be extremely cheap.


It is a win-win choice for both a boss and subordinates rather than telling "old brave story" harassments at drinking party and be hated by them.




Let me think it again.


Why not make your boss run for office, with tales of "old brave story" harassment ?


Your boss can "old brave story" to the masses, compared to a drinking party.

部下は、選挙に惨敗した上司を、嘲笑うことができて ―― Win-Winです。

The subordinates can sneer at their bosses for losing the election so miserably, It is a win-win.


There is no problem legal problem, if your boss is not a government employee.



However, you might have a risk to be forced to volunteer for election. In the case, the "win-win" will be destroyed easily.


1. 不明単語

asscss 評価する access his performance, 環境アセスメント
precedent 先例  
per-su-asive 説得力のある  
diabetes 糖尿病  
immediate 早急に  
tuition 授業料  
starvation 飢餓  
fraud 詐欺  
valve バルブ  
address 頼る  
permanent employees 正規雇用者  
inventory 在庫  
audit 監査  
(コ) 収益効率、情報ストレージ、保証書 profit effiency, infomation storage, warranty certificate certificate((動)は「証明書を与える」)
prospect 見込み  
utmost 最高のもの(名)  

2. 自動詞

content to ~に同意する
offer to ~を提供する

3. 連語

without so much as doing ~さえしないで
remind 人 to do 人に~を思い出させる
find+目的語+補語 e.g. find her decision honorable(×honor)
appreciate ~ing (他) ということに感謝する × appreciate to
be accustomed to ~ing ということに慣れている
beside you = with you
resent ~ing ~に腹を立てる ○ resent being treated、 ×resent to be treated
beside oneself 我を忘れて

4. まぎらわし系

それは、理解可能で 包括的な 契約だった It was an comprehensible and comprehensive agreement (形)理解できる、(形)包括的な
応用性(名) の観点から、応用性のある(形) 申し込み(名)応募している(現分) From the viewpoint of applicability, I am applying for an applicable application
その1つの分析、または複数の分析を行っている者は、1人のまたは複数の分析者である The analysis or analyses, is/are an analyst or analysts
私は彼の満足のいく 満足に満足いく程度に満足した I satisfied his satisfactory satisfaction satisfactorily.
私が開始して 初期化することは、最初の グループ加入である What I initiate and initialize is an initial initiation.
それと同程度の方法は、強制的で有能で競争力のあるものになるだろう The comparable way will be compulsory, competent and competitive
私はその強調強調する I emphasize that emphasis.
以前は 比較的安全だったが、今は、個々に 慎重に 行え Formerly, it was safe relatively, but do it individually, meticulously.
一つの多様性、あるいは多様な 多様性という観点から、事業を多角化している We diversify our business in terms of one diversity or diverse diversities.
契約は隔離され観察され強化され 忠実に守られ ました The contract has been secluded, observed , consolidated , and ad headed.
同盟回答者は、関与喜びを示した The respondent of alliance showed a delightful of the involvement.

5. others

省略できる関係代名詞は? 目的格のみ(×主格、×所有格)
whoseの先行詞は「人」だけか? 「モノ」もO.K. We scarp any can whose current market is too low.
as ~ asの間に入るもの3つ、入らないもの2つは (形)(副)の両方と、(形)の原型+ 名詞
as ~ asの間に入らないもの2つは possibleとsame
the same ~ as, the same ~ thatに入るものは 名詞 × creative, ○ creativity
最上級the most ~の代わりにできるものは my, his Magic computer's でも可
",which"と",that" ",which"はOKだが",that"はNG
as ~ as XXXXX に来るものは 単数ならthat, 複数ならthose
分詞構文のイデオム6つ JCIAのCG judging from, considering, including, according to, concerning, give
physicalの2つの意味 (形)身体的な、物理的な、(名)健康診断
without/expect, by/until, beside, besides ~なしで/除いて、までに/まで、~の横に/~に加えて
名詞の前にXXXXを選ばない almost → × almost book, ○ almost all books, most books ←→ most of the books
"meanwhile", please contact Now+------+future
"of the"を使えるもの/使えないもの (1)使えるもの most of the~、 most~、 (2)使えないもの a lot of, a mount of, a mount of, hundred of, thousand of, of+数値を使わない言葉
否定後 + 名詞 で選べるもの "no"のみ × nothing, × none
none 人や物に使える
no one 人に使えるが、物には使えない
"not"と"any"の前後関係について 必ず"not"の先
複合名詞の最初の名詞はXXXXX 単数形 ○ ten thousand pieces, ○ heating system, ○ three-year-old boy (例外)sales department, customers declaration(関税申請), telecommincations industry
"独力で"の2つの言い方 by oneself / on one's won
closely と nearby の違い "密着して(副)"と"近くの(形)"
Even though it is a bit XXXX "costly"が正解。"a bit"は副詞("a little"と同じ) で costlyは形容詞。 なお、“a ( little) bit of 〜”で名詞を使える
"drawback"と"defeat"の違い 欠点(直らない故障)と欠陥(直る故障)
"beside"と"besides"の違い "with" と "in addition/moreover"の違いの理解でいい。 beside the eraser(消しゴムの隣に)、 Besides Wednesday(水曜日に加えて)

6. 不/可算名詞 組合せ一覧

7. あとで纏めるもの

until / across / down / on to ~まで/横切って/下へ/~の上へ
call out / draw up / care for / roll in 呼び出す、作成する、大切に思う、転がり込む





About the "Unification Church" of yesterday's diary, they were called "Genri" or "Genri-Ken" in the college campus. (Now they seem to call them "CARP")


There seems to be several arguments about the relationship between them, however, I think that they are both "cult".


I have not felt the necessary to change my recognition at all (though I have forgotten them for a long time).



Kyoto has been a sort of college town, so there were a lot of swarming "Genri" around the town.


They talked to me in an over-familiar manner, and the start of talking was always


"Are you happy now?"



On the other hand, I didn't think that "I am an normal student". So it was easy to handle these guys.


"Angry shouts" in the public streets, was a piece of cake for a student who was living in a self-governed dormitory.

―― で、実際に、往来で怒鳴り返してくることのできる学生(私)に、驚いていたようですが。

They seemed to be surprised at a student who could counter-attack with angry shouts in public space.



After those days, I felt to be annoyed by them. So I changed the strategy.


"Are you happy now?"


"Of course, Yes, I am dazzlingly happy every day. Are you not?"


with looking at them with a concerned expression. Mostly they stood there stunned.


As far as I remember, the win rate was 100%.


ふと、今思い出したのですが ――

Suddenly, I remember now--


I once started to eliminate a cult group that had entered my boarding house by putting up dozens of flyers "Outsiders, get out!


In addition, I was loud shouting match with a guy who came to my room for nearly one hour around 2:00 AM, to make the group members keep hearing the rage contents.


I did not relent in my attack until I had removed everyone from the boarding house.


Looking back, I think they were "Ome" not "Genri" (they were dressed like that).



I think that the successes of this time, became a method of mine, like

―― 何かの問題が発生した場合は、「鎮火」ではなく「炎上」に持ち込む

"If something goes wrong, make it to 'flame-out' instead of 'extinguish'"




As for college cult circles,


the Episode 5 of "Shijohan Shinwa Taikei" is also a good reference (jump to YouTube).


あの、元首相殺害事件以降、「統一教会」 ―― 今は『世界平和統一家庭連合』と改称しているようですが ―― が話題に出ています。

Since the murder of the former prime minister, the "Unification Church", which now seems to have changed the name to "Family Federation for World Peace and Unification", has been in the news.


Checking the church by the Google map, I found the three churches --- I looked pale. After rechecking, I found that there was one church around my house.


However, I could not feel a relief.



When I started my college life, I was thoroughly told by the university authorities, circle activities and teachers was,


"If you are approached by a strange solicitor, don't say a word, just run away"



You can find many information using a search engine, so I don't have to explain about it. In my case, my friend was about to victims against the cult religions.

―― 私か? 私のなのか? 彼を、こんな風にしてしまった"きっかけ"を作ったのは


When my two daughters started their college life, I was on the highest lever of alert.


I told them again and again "if you are solicited or are about to be taken to somewhere, call me immediately at any cost"


At that time, "Unification Church" is recognized as "brainwashing cult organization" that was more scared than Left-wing extremists


(Incidentally, I was the head of a self-governing dormitory, so the Unification Church might say "You don't say that", But I was a lazy head who had never tried the organizing, moreover I hated people in the dormitory.)




Even if my daughters were taken in by a right/left-wing organization, I had a plan to go a hideout, argue and recapture them by force.


I had an estimation that I got to confirm my win (on the spot) as a crime case, if I received violence.



However, frustratingly there is no winning strategy against cult groups basically.


This is because brainwashed people cannot be unbrainwashed by logic.


On the contrary, I am confident that even I would be easily brainwashed if I were kidnapped by the cult.


Above all, I know well that the robustness of my brain is surpurisely low.


This is clear that the fact that I could not make normal decisions during my diet.

ともあれ『一度、拉致されたら、終わり』 ―― これが「統一教会」に対する、当時の認識でした。

"Once kidnapped, that's the end". This was my understanding of the Unification Church at the time.


Incidentally, the content is well depicted in the anime "Golden Time" episode 3, "Night Escape" (jump to YouTube, which is also available on Amazon Prime).





// go get github.com/lib/pq を忘れずに
// go run main12.go

	Channelによるブロックを回避する方法として、Goのタイマー time.Timerで、定期的にブロックを破れるかのテストプログラム

package main

import (

	_ "github.com/lib/pq"

var Ch1 chan interface{}

func channel_maker() {
	for {
		time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) // 2秒待つ ()
		Ch1 <- "Ebata is great"

func main() {
	Ch1 = make(chan interface{}) // チャネルの初期化
	go channel_maker()

	ping := time.NewTimer(5 * time.Second) // イベントが何もなくても5秒後に発火するようにする
	defer ping.Stop()                      // main()を抜ける前に無効にしておく(なくてもいいかも)

	for {
		select {
		case a := <-Ch1:
		case <-ping.C:
			fmt.Println("A ping is coming")
			ping = time.NewTimer(5 * time.Second) // イベントが何もなくても5秒後に発火するようにする
