

確かに、C言語では `memcpy` を使えば簡単にメモリのコピーができますが、Go言語ではメモリ管理が異なるため、直接 `memcpy` のような方法はありません。


もしスライスのデータがシンプルで、参照型が含まれていない場合、`copy` 関数を使うことで、比較的簡単にシャローコピーを行えますが、それでも構造体のフィールドが参照型の場合はディープコピーを手動で行う必要があります。

GoではC言語の `memcpy` に相当する直接的な手段はありませんが、効率的なディープコピーが必要な場合、サードパーティのライブラリ(例: `copier`)や `reflect` パッケージを利用することで、コードの煩雑さを軽減することができます。

簡略化された方法を使用したい場合、Goの `reflect` やサードパーティライブラリの活用を検討すると、冗長なコードを少し短くできるかもしれません。



'Work can easily lead to (1) power harassment if you are the person doing the following”, and (2) depression if you are The person being followed.


I have examined the above hypothesis (it is a thought experiment).


1. フォローする側に立った場合のパワハラ発生リスク

1. Risk of power harassment occurring when you are the person doing the following


Due to the weight of their responsibilities, managers, and leaders tend to give their subordinates more instructions, and the risk of power harassment increases due to the following factors.


(a) Accumulation of stress: It can quickly develop into harsh words and actions due to pressure.


(b) Abuse of hierarchical relationships: excessive monitoring and orders can be a form of pressure.


(c) Excessive projection of expectations: Unreasonable demands deprive people of their mental space and are considered power harassment.

2. フォローされる側のうつ発症リスク

2. Risk of depression when you are The person being followed.


Subordinates and junior staff are in a position to receive guidance, and the risk of depression increases due to the following factors.


(a) Decrease in self-efficacy: one's intentions and judgments are not respected, which can be mentally draining.


(b) Fear of failure: Excessive anxiety due to fear of failure.


(c) Decrease in self-evaluation: Feeling like “someone who needs support,” you fall into a state of helplessness.



In other words, work is simultaneously a “power harassment generator” and a “depression generator.”

何が悪いのか ―― 全て『仕事』が悪い

What's wrong? - It's all "works" that's wrong.


However, this conclusion is too simplistic.



I'll think about it a little more deeply.


We all are “The person being followed” and ”the person doing the following.”


For example, I am both “someone who is made to work until they become depressed as a worker” and “someone who commits power harassment as a guardian who educates their child.”


In other words, rather than “work” being the cause, “we” are the “power harassment generator” and, at the same time, the “depression generator”.


And many people are not aware that they have these two personas. In particular, they are surprisingly unaware that they have the “power harassment” persona.




When I asked ChatGPT for advice, it said the following.


'To be aware of whether you are “committing power harassment” or “suffering from depression,” it is essential to monitor your emotions and stress, to accept feedback, and to seek support from professionals. You need to be constantly aware of the impact of your actions on those around you and make a conscious effort to notice any problems at an early stage.


Yes, it means 'work hard on your own'. I know very well that this is not good.


To begin with, power harassment is carried out without awareness, and depression is a typical “disease of denial(*).”


(*) “Never admit that you have depression.”


So next, I pointed out to ChatGPT that “your suggestions are completely ineffective against unconscious power harassment and depression that is denied,” and the following response came back.


'Because power harassment and depression are issues of self-awareness and denial, measures that rely solely on the individual's self-awareness are insufficient. Systematized feedback and evaluation throughout the organization, third-party intervention, early intervention programs, and improvements to the workplace environment are realistic and practical approaches to dealing with these issues.


I see.


When I pushed ChatGPT logically, I was a little weirdly impressed that ChatGPT also used the wording you would expect from a politician.


Amazon LightSailに使っていたドメイン名が結構高価(不要なオプションを付けてくるので)なので、更新を止めて廃止を決意しました。

The domain name I was using for Amazon Lightsail was quite expensive (because they added unnecessary options), so I decided to stop renewing it and cancel it.


So, I switched to using a subdomain for kobore.net, which I run privately.

ドメイン名の引越しでは、これまで随分痛い目にあってきました → こんな感じ。

I've had many painful experiences with domain name transfers → like this.


So, I prepared for hard work but was surprised at how quickly I could set it up (just by setting the IP address).



Incidentally, the next domain name I registered after kobore.net was the domain name for my father's company


In the end, it disappeared without being used even once.


In addition to this, we also acquired the domain name for the neighborhood association and remade the website.

―― そして、現実に、エラいことになったのです。


So, after all my hard work, this is the result.


(Click to go to the article)


Even if you create a website, if no one creates the content, the page will ultimately remain " empty.”


And it's as if they're showing the world that the neighborhood association isn't functioning.


If it was a website like that, it might have been better not to have it in the first place.



私も随分、ドメイン名とホームページを作ってきましたが、基本的に、kobore.net 以外は、全部放置してきました。

I've created many domain names and websites, but apart from kobore.net, I've left all the others alone.


I also know I am responsible for creating this “vacant house.”



I'm not trying to scare teenagers, but when you become a working adult, your life will be like, 'There are mid-term and final exams every week or every three days.'


Well, you get used to it, but what I want you to understand here is that

―― 大人が子どもを「舐める」には、それなりに理由がある

there are good reasons why adults “Look down on” children




Children's idea of being busy is something that adults would laugh at.


The word “busy” for adults does not mean “being too busy to eat”, but rather “being too busy to remember to eat”.


An “all-nighter” for adults is not one where you can sleep during the day after it, but rather one where you “can't sleep at all until the night after the all-nighter.”


In addition, some things are troublesome for adults, such as


“having to act like you're motivated even though you're not motivated by even one millimeter, “


“having to do things even though it's obvious that you'll fail (for you),” and


“having to pretend to have respect for people you hate.”



What's even more unpleasant is that quite often, “the decision I made at the time was wrong, and the fact that someone who I dislike point me, in the end, the ‘right answer’” (about 50%).



When I talk about things like this, many teenagers might think, “I don't want to grow up,” but

――― あの“クラス”かいう、楽しくもなく、仲のよいフリをさせられ、『和』だの『仲間』だのという言葉で虚飾された閉鎖空間の日々に比べれば、

compared to the days of that “classroom,” where you had to pretend to be close friends and where the words “harmony” and “friendship” were used to cover up the closed-off space where there was no fun,


I can say with certainty that “the adult world is paradise.”

―― 大人は自由だ。大人は楽しい。大人はパラダイスだ


Also, the final trump card for adults is that they can escape.


Children can also “escape” but don't know how because adults don't teach them how to escape.



Adults “look down on” children, but they also “forget the hell” of their childhood.


I hate “adults who look down on children,” and I also hate children who shout out obvious things like “adults don't understand.”

まあ、つまるところ、大人も子どもも、どっちもロクなものではない ―― と、この程度の気持ちを持っていることが肝要かと思います。

Ultimately, I think it's essential to have a feeling like this: adults and children are no good.



In yesterday's diary, I wrote,


“The only thing I can do now is to warn everyone that if you put on airs and stand on the side, you'll have a boring old age waiting for you.”




I was wondering what I should “not do by trying to look cool and putting on airs.”


Exams, finding a job, changing jobs, starting a business, getting married, having children, retiring, moving house, traveling, hobbies.... That's all I could think of.


Those who want to do it can do it, but those who don't want to won't. That's only natural.


All of the above events are “heavy tasks” with “high risk”.


In other words, it's not that they're trying to be relaxed and stand out, but the truth is that these events are 'difficult to implement.'



If so, what are the things that are “not done by putting on airs and being standoffish”?


"Oshi" (Favorite, Bias, and Pick)


Which is the only choice.


"Oshi" is a word used mainly by young people and fans in Japan to refer to a person, character, or group that they particularly support.


The word is originally derived from the verb “osu” (meaning to support or show support for). It is used for individuals the user likes and wants to support, such as idols, anime characters, athletes, and celebrities.


So, why is 'Oshi' the only option?


'Oshi' is not just about liking something but often involves actively supporting its existence or collecting related goods. The term 'oshi-men' (or 'oshi-member') refers to a particular favorite member of an idol group, and 'oshi-chara' refers to a favorite anime character.


However, if you look closely at the above phrase, you will see that it only mentions (1) “like” and (2) the accompanying action.


In other words, there is no sign of the idea of self-discipline or self-control in the word “oshi”, such as “self-help”, “self-improvement”, “self-discipline”, or “self-development”.


Without trying to improve oneself, “Oshi” becomes a special object of emotion and attachment, and sometimes “Oshi” even becomes a motivation in life.

―― これは美味しい

"It is delicious."



We want to be happy quickly and easily, without effort, training, or risk.


When we think about it like that, 'Oshi' is overwhelming.


Like religion, there is no need to study the teachings, no need for ascetic practices, no expectation of divine blessings (benefits in this life, residence in heaven, benefits in the next life), and even if there is an ambition to increase the number of believers (supposed friends), there is no seedy money model like a cult (like some cults).

今や『推し』の有無が、QoL(Quality of Life)を決定づける時代となってきているのかもしれません。

The presence or absence of “Oshi” may determine the quality of life.


Soon, questions like “What is your Oshi?” will be asked in entrance exams and job interviews and considered a compliance issue (a violation of freedom of conscience).


Anyway, I'll push any 'Oshi', compared to 'religion'.






For a long time, I thought there was an anime called “Toho Shinki,” but today, I learned for the first time that it was a male vocal group from South Korea.


If you become unfamiliar with this kind of culture (or subculture), the number of enjoyable content will decrease dramatically.


If the number of enjoyable things you can do decreases, your life will become boring.


When life becomes boring, people (probably) die young.


If you die young, your life will be “a life in which you only paid taxes to the government.”



The conclusion I can draw from this is that


'If you enjoy Toho Shinki, you will live a long life.'



Well, I know it's a pretty rough piece of logic.



People who are cynical about baseball, soccer, the Olympics, subculture, and all other forms of entertainment and events in the world are just trying to look cool, and in the end, they won't be able to live a happy life.


However, it's no good if you start doing things like this in a rush after the fact (e.g., after you've retired).


Because I don't have even one square centimeter of soil left in me to enjoy baseball or soccer.


From now on, I will need physical and mental strength to cultivate this soil, but I don't have either.


While “skill” is one of the fun things to do, it is difficult to share with others.


In addition, “skills” require the ability (and physical strength) to maintain them, which, too, continues to deteriorate with age.



All I can do now is warn everyone that if you put on airs and stand on the side, you'll have a boring old age waiting for you.




I had been trying out a DIY “software GPS,” so I knew our house had moved a few centimeters over the year.


More specifically,

  • 東北地方や関東地方では、太平洋プレートに押されて西向きに年間約8 cmほど移動しています。
  • 南西諸島では、フィリピン海プレートに押されて年間約5 cmほど南西方向に移動しています。
  • The Pacific Plate is pushing the Tohoku and Kanto regions westward at about 8 cm per year.
  • The Nansei Islands are being pushed by the Philippine Sea Plate and moving southwesterly at a rate of about 5 cm per year.


That's what they say.


The Japanese archipelago is moving by a few centimeters to a few dozen centimeters per year due to the movement of the tectonic plates.


A plate is a “styrofoam board floating in a pool filled with muddy water.”


And on top of this styrofoam board is the Japanese archipelago.



The entire bottom of the pool contains gas stoves, so the muddy water circulates in the pool.


The styrofoam board is located right where this mud cools and sinks to the bottom of the pool, and on top of that is the Japanese archipelago.



I've only recently come to understand the following.


(1) The styrofoam board is bent over and over by the mud in the pool, and it can't take it anymore, so it makes a “bang” sound and tries to return to its original shape. The Great East Japan Earthquake and other massive earthquakes like the Tohoku Earthquake


(2) The styrofoam board has a crack in it, and the mud in the pool makes a cracking sound as the crack widens, like in the case of a direct-hit earthquake such as the Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake (Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake).



These earthquakes are entirely different, like black and white, 0 and 1, and salt and sugar.


While the earthquake damage in (1) above is a wide-area disaster that spans multiple prefectures, the earthquake in (2) is a localized disaster, and the difference is simply the difference between “the whole of the styrofoam” and “the cracked part of the styrofoam.”


The styrofoam board floating around the Japanese archipelago has more than 2,000 cracks. This is an active fault.


Of course, the 2000 active faults make a cracking sound almost every day, and the cracks widen.


Here is a summary of earthquakes of intensity 0 or greater that occurred two days ago (September 21, 2024)


(Click to go to the Japan Meteorological Agency's page)


More than 100 earthquakes happened on this day alone.


We are riding on a ship made of styrofoam (and the ship has 2000 cracks).



With 100 to 200 earthquakes occurring daily, it's probably pointless to pray, “Please don't let a big earthquake happen (if it does, please let it happen somewhere that I have nothing to do with).”

こんなヤバイ船に乗っているのに、その準備(災害対策)をしない人は ―― 『大変な豪気』というよりは『途方もないマヌケ』と言われても仕方ないでしょう。

If you're on a boat like this and don't prepare for disasters, you can't help but be called a “ridiculous idiot” rather than a “great daredevil.”




I had a lot of requests regarding the handling of my funeral after I died, but recently, my mind has changed.



These days, I say that

―― 死んだ人間には、人権はない

"A dead people have no human rights."



―― 残った人間にとって、もっとのコストパフォーマンス(安い)な方法で処分してくれればいい

"it would be better for the remaining people to dispose of me in a way that offers better value for money (i.e., cheaply)."



Yesterday, I asked about the funeral sect.


When I asked my family if I needed to be called “monk,” they said it would be more troublesome not to be called that.


They asked me about the denomination, so I said, “It doesn't matter what. It can be the cheapest denomination at a temple or shrine that partners with the funeral hall.”



My Family also asked me what goes into the coffin.


Based on my experience of my father and mother's funerals, I asked that the garbage (such as the wrapping paper from the rice balls and beer cartons) left by the people who came to the funeral be collected and burned, but they rejected my request.



Wife: “Shall I let you have a drink of the sake you have stopped drinking?”


Me: “No, it would be a problem if the coffin got wet with alcohol. If that's the case, I'd like you to put in the remaining tranquilizers (Sercin, Eurodin). I'd be in trouble if I couldn't sleep after I died.”


Wife: “Do you want to put a computer in the coffin?”


Me: “Computers don't burn even in the heat of a crematorium.”


Second daughter: “Is there nothing else?”


Me: “If you could burn the confidential documents hidden at the back of the room into one document, I think it would be safer to prevent leaks of confidential information.”


What happens to the company after I die (or after I retire) is not my concern. Still, I thought the remaining family would probably have trouble figuring out what to do with the confidential documents.


Somehow, even so, I feel 'dying buried in paperwork' is more like me than 'dying buried in fresh flowers.'



If they could throw a photo of my wife's wedding dress into the coffin, that would be enough.

―― と、以上、伝えたぞ。娘たち。

That's all I have to say. Daughters.



One of my many mottos is “Never pick up chestnuts in the fire.

私、ブログのネタには困っていない方です。「火中の栗」をマメにメモしているからです ―― でも、基本的に「火中の栗は拾わない」です。

I'm the kind of person who doesn't have a problem with blog posts. I've been taking notes on “chestnuts in the fire,” but I don't “pick up chestnuts in the fire.”


I can pick up such things after they “cool down” and “eat” them when I have run out of information.

でも、「火中の栗」でも、食べれるものはあります ―― 私が専門としているフィールドのネタです。

But even “chestnuts in the fire” can be eaten -- the stuff of the field I specialize in.



Today, therefore, I would like to focus on one of the “chestnuts in the fire,” “More than 3,000 pagers used by members of Hezbollah, a Shiite Muslim organization, exploded at the same time.


At this point, no country or organization has issued a “statement of criminal activity,” but I am sure there are very few organizations that can do this thing.


I recall this column, “Stuxnet,” which I wrote 12 years ago.


(↑Click here to jump to the article)


This cyber attack was also quite surprising because it broke the common sense of us IT engineers (at that time), and the “simultaneous explosion of over 3,000 pagers” was also quite surprising.

完成された製品の中に、その後に「爆薬」と「起爆装置」の両方を組込む、という技術力が、私にはちょっと信じられない ―― それ、ほとんど『作り直し』になる、と思いました。

I found it a bit hard to believe that the technical capability to incorporate both “explosives” and “detonators” into a finished product afterwards -- it would almost be a “make-over”, I thought.


The easiest way to do this is to malfunction the software and overload the pager, as in Stuxnet, causing the internal components to explode. Still, the only exploding element is the battery.


But, I wondered if it would be a bit difficult to say whether a pager battery could cause an explosion that would kill someone.


So I guess that would mean “explosives embedded in a finished product,” but are there explosives small enough to be incorporated into a pager?


I looked it up and found that it seems to exist (it is called “C4” or “TATP”).


However, if 3,000 devices are packed with explosives, about 1% (30) should surely malfunction (yield failure). In other words, an accident should have occurred beforehand, but we have not found any news of such an accident.


However, it seems that “C4” can avoid this “yield defect.”

  • 粘土のような柔らかさを持ち、手で成形可能
  • 非常に安定しており、火や衝撃、銃弾を当てても爆発しない。爆発させるには特定の起爆装置が必要
  • ただ、起爆には強力な衝撃波(デトネーション)が必要なため、簡単に偶発的な爆発は起こらない
  • Soft like clay and can be molded by hand
  • Extremely stable and will not explode if hit by fire, impact, or bullets. Requires a specific detonator to detonate.
  • However, detonation requires a powerful shock wave (detonation), so there is no easy accidental detonation.


Looking at pictures of C4 and other things, it seems to work well with electrical circuits.


It seems to be used in this way.


―― 材料さえ揃えば、私でも作れそう

"If I have all the ingredients, I can make it."


I thought it.


Well, since I can't get C4, there's nothing I can do (when I was a student, I used “firecrackers” instead of “C4”).



Next, I was surprised to read that “Hizballah communication terminals had exploded one after another for two days in a row.”

―― ヒズボラの事務局は、一日目の攻撃の後、全ての通信機器の使用停止命令を発令しなかったのか?

"Didn't Hezbollah's secretariat issue an order to suspend the use of all communication devices after the first day of attacks?"


I also thought that.


However, it is only natural that governance becomes more complex as an organization grows. It is said that there are at least 100,000 members of Hezbollah.


In addition, this kind of notice does not easily penetrate the members.


仮に、我が国で、『iPhoneに爆薬がしかけられている』と報道されても、ほとんどの人は、私を含めて、iPhoneを使い続けるだろうなぁ、と思ってしまいました ―― で、多分、爆死する。

Even if it was reported in Japan that 'there was an explosive device hidden in an iPhone,' I think that most people, including myself, would probably continue to use the iPhone - and probably die in the explosion.


It seems inevitable that 'when we hear about cyber terrorism, it seems like something that doesn't affect us.'



I suddenly wondered whether the children's educational program


'Okasan to Issho' (Play With Your Mon)


produced and broadcast by NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) would be okay in this society of compliance mania, and I started to worry a little.


You can nitpick about this program's name to your heart's content.


(Or rather, when I looked it up, there were tons of them. I won't list them, so please look them up yourselves.)


However, “Together with the Parents” is probably not a good idea. If it were “Together with Mother and Father,” the order of the words would be problematic, and if it were “Together with the Family,” there would be another problem.


I'm not good at things like this because I can't explain them using logic.


If changing it causes problems, I think “leaving it as it is” is one solution.



I remember thinking, “Is this person crazy?” when I saw someone saying that “miso nikomi udon”, a specialty of Nagoya, was discriminatory against people with intellectual disabilities.


However, I cannot explain the “sanity” and the “insanity” by logic.


So I think the best response to this kind of opinion is to ignore it.




I think it's a good idea to remember that “ignore” is another way of dealing with a situation that isn't “flaming.”


Also, I think limiting myself to three attack areas is a good idea.

私は、「カルト」と「政治家の脱税」と、あと「テクノロジー」には反応することにしています ―― 少なくとも、何にでも節操なく反応する人間にはならないように、自分で律しているつもりです(とりあえずSNSはやらず、ブログでとどめています)。

I've decided to react to “cults”, “politicians' tax evasion”, and “technology”. At least, I'm trying to discipline myself so that I do not react to everything without restraint (for now, I'm not on social networking sites, and I'm only on blogs).