After writing a conference paper, circulating it for approval, and barely catching my breath, I spent last night working on database triplication and program duplication. Today, I've been debugging the analysis program all day.
ここまで徹底した多重バックアップは生まれて初めてですが、今度は『家が火事になったら、どうしよう』とか心配し初めています ―― 心配性にも程がありますが。
This is the first time I've ever had such thorough multiple backups, but now I'm worrying about what I'll do if my house catches fire.
By the way, I noticed yesterday when I was working and debugging today that the database server I created directly on the host PC was faster to access than the PostgreSQL (database server) I made with Docker.
When I think about it, it's only natural that the access is faster because the container isn't being chewed, but when my head was in a “messy” state, I couldn't even think about such obvious things.
So, the program problem that has been bothering me for the past three months or so has just been solved.
The cause was “nesting.”... I'm surprised I missed something like this, but more than anything, I'm relieved (I'm celebrating with a non-alcoholic beer right now).
This is because I've always written programs with speed as the priority.
If I coded more neatly, I think I would be less likely to encounter bugs like this, but right now, I'm in a “messy” situation, and I'm not in a position to be able to afford such “luxury.”
Bugs like this are pretty common when coding large-scale multi-agent simulations.
I once made 300,000 passengers disappear in the center of Tokyo in a train simulation. Even now, I remember it with a sick feeling. I searched for bugs like crazy.
Even back then, I disliked hub stations like Shinjuku, Shibuya, and Tokyo. The other incident was the deciding factor.
"―― だが、その時までは世界は君達のものだ。それまでは存分に楽しむがよい"
I think it's a little hard for people who aren't programmers to understand the joy of squashing a bug like this.
It's a little different from the happiness of 'suddenly receiving 1 million yen from a stranger' (of course, I'd be happy to receive 1 million yen).
It's like I put code in a place where there might be a bug, trace it, and chase it down, and then suddenly, the solution to the problem opens up right in front of you in a place that has nothing to do with it.
Finding a problem in a completely different place from where you were looking is a classic debugging technique (I wonder if that happens in other technical fields, too?).
So, I asked ChatGPT again.
===== ChatGPT先生ここから =====
===== ChatGPT Sensei, from here =====
This phenomenon is often described as “serendipity,” where the cause or solution appears unexpectedly during the research rather than necessarily being a characteristic of the bug itself.
For example, when debugging, you may focus on the part of the code that you suspect is causing a bug. As you trace through the code, you find that the actual cause is hidden in a completely different part of the code - this phenomenon occurs because the parts of a complex system interact with each other in unexpected ways.
Such accidental discoveries are not limited to software development and can also be seen in other technical fields, such as medicine and physics. Discoveries that have nothing to do with the original search objective can sometimes lead to breakthroughs and solutions.
The most common term for this process is “serendipity (accidental discovery).”
===== ChatGPT先生ここまで =====
===== ChatGPT Sensei, that's all for now =====
Well, rather than calling it by a cool name like “serendipity,”
'If you don't understand, you can sometimes solve the problem by making a mess of things in your way.'
This phrase fits me better.