

April is the season for kick-off meetings.


I have moderated several kick-off meetings in my career.


A common phenomenon in such meetings is the "no questions asked."


But isn't it 'normal' that 'no questions are asked' at meetings attended by executives?


I am afraid of saying something terrible and getting noticed by the executives.


As for me in particular, I once asked a question that was so off the mark that it made the place feel whitewashed, and I'm still traumatized by it.


I have a "track record" of being marked by executives for asking wrong questions in the past.


Well, at international conferences not attended by my boss or company officials, I turn into a "question-making machine.




Now, I employed a "negative lottery" when I was a moderator.



(1) At the start of the meeting, I will declare that if no questions are asked within 5 seconds, I will randomly appoint a section head.


(2) I shall nominate a section chief. The nominated section chief can ask questions or reassign subordinates.


(3) The reassigned subordinate must ask questions


This "negative lottery" filled me with a sense of urgency. I had to attend the meeting, thinking of a story that everyone could ask questions about.


My successor seems to have inherited this method (not sure how this year is going).



The advantages of this method are,


(1) Avoids silencing the field.


(2) The nominated person can feel like they can 'just go along with it' even if they ask strange questions.


This system brings a sense of game into the meeting.


It is evident that "a low-level person will not willingly ask questions at a meeting attended by executives." Still, it seems to me that the concept of assuming this obviousness is lacking.


It is possible to keep meetings running at a moderate level by adding just the right amount of "compulsion" and "resignation.



One thing I don't want you to misunderstand, however, is that I have little desire to activate the meeting and contribute to the organization. This is just a 

―― 私が与えられたミッションを完遂するために、私が捻り出した方法

"method I have devised to complete the mission I have been given."


忘れないでください ―― 私は「会社の犬」です。



I know that I am one of those people who write things, but that does not mean I am a high reader.


I was looking through a book that my second daughter has called "SPI(*) Question Book," and I was surprised when I tried the section called "(Japanese) Long Sentence Decoding.

(*)SPIとは、Synthetic Personality Inventory(総合適性検査)の略で、1974年に個人の資質をベースとした採用選考を目的として開発された適性検査で、一般社会人として必要な性格や能力の測定を目的としているテスト

(*)SPI stands for Synthetic Personality Inventory, an aptitude test developed in 1974 for employment selection based on personal qualities to measure the personality and abilities required of ordinary working adults.


From my perspective as an engineer,

―― 壮絶に酷い文章

"a spectacularly bad sentence."


I couldn't help but mutter to myself.



For example, of long-form questions,


"Linguistics taken as a whole is still unwilling to stand outside the web of biologically shared language."


There was a question asking the meaning of the above sentence.


Before the question, does this phrase make sense in Japanese?


I would honestly write, 'In linguistics, they study language by focusing on biological aspects and commonalities.


If I had not written it this way, my supervisor would have yelled at me, and I would have yelled at my subordinates.



I am an engineer (that's me) who believes technical writing is the best. Therefore, I always consider the following.


- Clear and accurate language


- Effective use of charts and graphs


- Organize paragraph structure



- Adoption of appropriate style and formatting to suit the target audience and purpose of the document



What are the basic principles common to all of them is


"The writer is 100% responsible for the unreadable text."


There is a consistent "reader-first" principle.

―― 『読みやすい文章』っていうのは、こういうものさ



I am not always a "technical writer" or a "reader-first" person.


My primary purpose in writing a column is that I enjoy writing it, and then I enjoy reading it.


In my columns, the readers are always secondary.


Well, 'How is this stance for a writer?' I think it is problematic.



If the world were to become technical writing, literature would not be possible, and academic fields would lose flavor.


First, I think this kind of SPI question will be invalid.




"Linguistics taken as a whole is still unwilling to stand outside the web of biologically shared language."


If you do not understand the above phrases, you need not think your language skills are poor.

少なくとも、私は分かりませんでした ―― 私たちは同志です。

At least, I didn't understand -- we are comrades.



However, it seemed reasonable for the other areas of the SPI, arithmetic (math) and English (vocabulary).


I was able to understand the questions and derive the answers.


When I think about it that way, the possibility arises that 'only my language skills are deficient.'


Therefore, I would like to discontinue this topic here.




I know I am a "problem child" of the organization.


To begin with, I do not have a strong sense of love for the organization (company spirit, school spirit, local love, patriotism).


I don't think it's "no," but I feel intense love for it is "weak."


Since a sense of belonging to an organization is the foundation of social life, I think that it is not too much to say that those who lack this sense of belonging are, in a sense, "problem children in the organization.


But, well, I think everyone is a problem child of the organization, albeit in different directions and sizes.



Lately, or so I have thought for a long time, I have often been used as that "device to "fix" (or "crush") problem children.


It is a "device to deter the occurrence of problems" using logic (quibble) and violence (power).


This is a perfect example of "conquering poison with poison.

まあ、年齢を取っているので『睨み』はききますし、脅しとすかしの使い分けもやります ―― ただ、面倒くさいですけどね。


I'm getting older, so I can 'glare' and use threats and scolding, even if it's just a pain.


In my value system, "I don't care what happens to the company or others," it takes some energy to move the violent device inside me.


忘れないでください ―― 私は「会社の犬」です。

But as you know, I am a "company dog," so when given a mission, I work to complete it.



I both 'hate' and 'find it troublesome' that the moment I hear about a newly given mission, I can see the 'aims of the organization.'


I think it's about time for me to get a job where I can sip tea in the sun on the porch," but I also think that would be harsh.


Seniors, in their own way, are also troubled daily.



I did not tell my daughters to 'play games (such as on their phones)' or 'don't play games.


However, I have never encountered the phenomenon many parents are annoyed with: 'My child won't leave the game.


I did not tell my daughters to 'read books' or 'don't read books.


But they seem to be reading books just fine.


I didn't even tell my daughters to 'study.


I don't know if they excelled, but they seem to have graduated, so I think they did reasonably well.


I had told my daughters, 'You might do English.


However, my two daughters have summed it up by saying, "At least we didn't need English at all for 'job hunting.



It wasn't until I was over 30 that I started studying English "with my life on the line." My life was on the line.


I managed to work abroad. I am still managing to do so.



Incidentally, as far as I know, there is no data to support the claim that 'if you don't start at an early age, you can't use English' (the only company that claims so, without evidence, is the company that produces English materials for young children).


Please let me know if you have any data or papers to back this up. I will use an engineering approach to validate it properly.



Anyway, I have no "educational theory" to speak of.


The only exception is my memory of doing this.



For patents outside Japan, each country's patent office will respond in that country's language.




As long as the patent is requested in that country, it is only natural that it should be written in the language of that country's executive branch.



But recently, they replied to me in English for European patents, etc. They are accommodating.


I don't like English, but I still feel like thanking them just because they are using English instead of the language of that government agency.



The other day, the Chinese Patent Office notified me of the reasons for the refusal.


I thought about accepting the reason for rejection because it is in Chinese, but I also believe that is not a sincere response.


Unlike more than a decade ago, we now have excellent translation engines, so I think I will try to fight the Chinese patent office this time.

第一ラウンドくらいファイティングポーズを見せないと ―― 『王禅寺の特許明細書製造装置』の名にかけて。

You must at least show a fighting pose in the first round -- in the name of "Ozenji's Patent Specification Manufacturing Device."


By the way, I am the only one calling the above (i.e., self-proclaimed).





There seems to be a lot of talk about "gambling addiction" in the world these days.


I don't know enough about "gambling addiction" to talk about it in depth, but I sometimes wonder if there is a strong psychology of behavioral economics at work in "gambling."


The psychology is "mental accounting," as described on this page.


I am a chicken-hearted person who says, 'If I don't finish what I worked on that day, I don't feel comfortable.

ですので、「深夜に至っても、なかなか仕事(主にコーディング)を止められない」 → 「脳が休まらない」 → 「眠れない」 → 「不眠に陥る」のケースが多いです。

Therefore, in many cases, "I can't stop working (mainly coding) even after midnight" → "My brain can't rest" → "I can't sleep" → "I fall into insomnia.


I feel that the psychology of 'wanting to recoup gambling losses' in gambling is similar to my behavior above.


The case under discussion is a considerable sum (over 600 million yen) for an individual, but it is a different story for organizations.

私が覚えている事例では、こちらの論文に記載のある、東京証券取引所第 1部上場の銀行または商社による、11億ドル(当時の換算で960億円)と、約682億円の事件があります。

One example I remember is the case described in the paper here: a bank or trading company listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange committed fraud totaling $1.1 billion (96 billion yen at the time), or approximately 68.2 billion yen.


Of course, I think the psychology of 'wanting to recoup losses from gambling' is one aspect of 'gambling addiction,' and there are various other factors (and the environment in which gambling is possible in the first place).


However, I can at least understand that it must be tough to live with such losses hidden.



I am an engineer unloved by money, and I spend my days anxious about money, but I still think it must be a lot easier than the anxiety of a gambler (+ hidden debt).

「お金に愛されないエンジニア」であることに、ちょっとだけ「運の良さ」を感じたりしています ―― ほんとうに、ちょっとだけ、ですけどね。

I feel a little "lucky" to be an "engineer not loved by money" -- really, just a little bit.

―― パチンコや麻雀というのは、そんなにも楽しいものなんだ



NHKの「四大化計画 世界は3つで語れない」という番組が、(多分番組編成の影響?で)、我が家のHDDレコーダに録画されていました。

NHK's program, "The Four Great Plans: We cannot The World in Three Parts," was recorded on our HDD recorder (probably due to a missed program operation). The program is left on our HDD recorder.


It was my first time seeing the program, but "Super Duper Shocking Footage! The World's Hardest Work" was very interesting.


I have already decided to make it a regular program.


It was a reminder once again of how much of our social infrastructure is supported by the efforts of so many people.



I participated in the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake (January 17, 1995) as a volunteer for only three days, and I have summarized my experiences in this column.


Later, a junior college student who worked for a gas company told me about real disaster site activities: 'For 40 days, we slept in prefabs on site, and the rest of the time, we were covered in mud, digging in the dirt all the time and working on piping.


When I heard the above, and I remembered,

―― 偉そうにコラムなんか書いていた自分が、とてつもなく恥かしくなってきた

"I was incredibly ashamed of myself for writing such a pompous column."




Of course, this sense of shame is essential, but it is still much better than withdrawing from volunteering because your helplessness so deflates you.


Even a tiny contribution is far better than zero. "Good" is "good," even if it is "hypocritical good."




And now, I'm thinking about reopening it, and I have a feeling that this is the case,

―― みんな、もっともっと語って、記録を残そうよ

"Let's all talk more and more and keep track!"



Even a small report of a volunteer's activities, such as mine, may (or may not) be helpful.


I think, "Let's preserve as much as we can of the situation and the feelings we had at the time."


People's memories are unreliable.


Photographs and videos can convey the situation, but it is difficult to describe the "heart."



I think it's fair to say that "it's embarrassing to talk about yourself."


But still, continuing to tell the story may be helpful to someone.


I also understand that "you cannot express your feelings well.


The verbalization task is challenging for everyone (it is annoying and misunderstood).

それでも、『40日間、現場のプレハブで雑魚寝して、それ以外の時間以外は、ずっと土を掘って、配管工事をしていた』が、たとえ個人のメモであったとしても ――

Even if  'For 40 days, we slept in prefabs on site, and the rest of the time, we were covered in mud, digging in the dirt all the time and working on piping' was just private notes,


The record of those 40 days and its publication may be helpful and even touch someone's heart.



Once again, I realize now that 'studying Japanese is essential, and writing essays is especially important.


In addition, we also need to cultivate the "frumpiness" of publishing my diary to the world.


Don't worry.


Someone will delete your (and my) notes within a year after you or I die for non-payment of fees to the provider.



It is nice to know that the programs I have created, whether in my company or on the Internet, are being used to help other people (to make a living).


But I don't boast, saying, 'This is something I (Ebata) made.


I cannot do such a dumb thing in this technical field.

他の世界のことは知りませんが、ソフトウェアの世界においては、私は常にOSS(Open Source Softwre)に助けてもらい続けています。

I don't know about the rest of the world, but the OSS (Open Source Software) has helped me in the software world.


Some OSS development requires at least one person, while others need 20 or more.


OSS developers do not say, 'This is what I made. At least, I have never heard that.


I cannot thank all the developers of the OSS, so I am using it with gratitude in my heart.



The greatest reward for those who make things is that "the thing works.


The above may be similar to "defeating the last boss" in games (I don't play games, so I'm not sure).


Both 'working things' and 'defeats the raspberry' are ultimate subjectivity.


There is no third-party perspective there.


The evaluation I get from someone else is objective, but (I don't know about anyone else, but I) don't care about objectivity.


The "working things" and "defeating the raspberry" can be summed up in one word: "a means of amusing oneself.



I once asked my wife the difference between a "cabaret-going husband" and a "husband who puts his time into programming that may or may not make money."


I have devoted myself to work and research (including programming) on all days, including weekends and holidays, for the past year and a half since I have been at the university. I don't remember going out. I have canceled all drinking parties.


Ebata: "Despite the differences in motivation, I don't think there is any difference in terms of 'immersing oneself in one's world and entertaining oneself' as a result."


Wife: "I'm not sure, but I think it's a question of 'am I angry or not? I don't get mad at my husband, who works tirelessly daily to juggle work and school."

江端:「"怒れる妻 "はあり得るということ?」

Ebata: "Does that mean there can be 'an angry wife'?"


Wife: "I think so. But it's hard to discuss 'cabaret' and 'business and academics' on the same level. It's just too bad an example to compare them."



With my wife having this conversation,

―― 『女に学問は不要』という古いパラダイムの時代、学問を志す女性は、さぞかし生き難い時代だったんだろうなぁ

"I guess it must have been difficult for women who wanted to study in the old paradigm of "women don't need to study."


strangely, however, I was convinced.




The other day, I don't know if it was a lightning strike or what, but I had a power outage for about a minute.


Of course, my PCs were also instantly blacked out.

当然、作成途中のファイル等は全滅でしたが、それでも全システムの再起動を確認できた時は ――

Of course, all the files being created, etc., were wiped out, but still, when I could confirm that the entire system had rebooted.


I folded my hands and muttered 'Thank you, God' to the sky.



I am not running a server or DB, so purchasing a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) seems like a bit much.


Well, one server has been working continuously for the last ten years.


The "Ebata Family Monitoring System" was also supposed to have been damaged.


When I shut it down, it would not usually restart, so I repaired things manually.

Welcome to emergency mode!


This monitoring server had one Wifi port available, so we also created an access point for experimental use.

Ubuntu16.04 でのアクセスポイント化



Around 1990, a theory was that programmers retire at age 30 (true).

これは、プログラマーという仕事が過酷で ―― 残業、徹夜、荷重労働、薄給、過労死 ―― という感じの世界観で、そして、実際そんな感じでした。

This theory was a worldview in which a programmer's job was grueling -- overtime, all-nighters, load work, thin pay, and overwork -- and, indeed, it was like that.


If you ask whether the situation has changed now, it has not.

プログラムというのは、プログラマの能力と関係なく、開発環境やマシンスペック、その他のパッケージソフトの影響などを受け、『動かない時には、何をしても動かない』という、実に嫌なやつなのです ―― 土下座でなんとかなる人間関係や、お金や人材の投入で解決できるモノの方がマシと思えるくらいです。

A program is a real pain in the ass because it is affected by the development environment, machine specs, and other software packages, regardless of the programmer's ability, and "when it doesn't work, it doesn't work no matter what you do. It is better to solve the problem by getting down on our knees and investing money and human resources.


Nevertheless, using OSS and better development environments has become much more manageable compared to the past.


And with generative AI as a partner, I feel that 'the retirement age for programmers has virtually disappeared.

生成AIに日本語で頼めば、最初のコードは作ってくれますから ――  あとは、生成AIが作ってくれたコードを、私が理解すれば、その後の改造は自由自在です。

If I ask the AI to create the first code in Japanese, it will generate the code for me. Once I understand the code created by the AI, I can modify it as I wish.



Recently, I have been using it in a rather odd way.


For example, when I ask ChatGPT, "What is a multinomial logit model?

『統計学や機械学習の分野で使用される.... ロジスティック回帰の拡張..... ロジスティック回帰の拡張....』

"Used in statistics and machine learning," "Extensions to logistic regression," "Extensions of logistic regression..."


However, this message doesn't make sense to me.


But when I ask ChatGPT to "try to make a simple program in the Go language for the multinomial logit model,

package main

import (

// softmax関数
func softmax(logits []float64) []float64 {
	var sum float64
	probabilities := make([]float64, len(logits))

	// ソフトマックス関数の計算
	for _, logit := range logits {
		sum += math.Exp(logit)
	for i, logit := range logits {
		probabilities[i] = math.Exp(logit) / sum

	return probabilities

func main() {
	// クラスごとのロジット(入力値)
	logits := []float64{1.2, 0.8, 1.5}

	// ソフトマックス関数を使用してクラスごとの確率を計算
	probabilities := softmax(logits)

	// 結果の出力
	fmt.Println("Logits:", logits)
	fmt.Println("Probabilities:", probabilities)


It can make the codes like that.


I can get a quick overview of the "multinomial logit model" by reading this program (no need to run the program).


It is as if the time required to understand the mathematical model is accelerated by about 10.


Technical books are too dull to read.


まあ、このような使い方をする人間は少ないとは思いますが、私の場合、「生成AI + プログラム言語」の助けを得て、リタイア後も当面はなんとかなるんじゃないかな、と、期待しています。

Well, I know that not many people use it this way. Still, in my case, with the help of "Generative AI + Programming Language," I hope to manage for the foreseeable future, even after I retire.


Though I still work in programming, I'm unsure if enough young people have programming skills.


There is a time limit until dementia sets in, but "hope" is "hope.



I have never liked the heroic figures of the Meiji Restoration.


As I have said, I think 'Sakamoto Ryoma's heroic biography is unacceptable,' but enough about him.

最近『「坂本竜馬」の記述を、歴史の教科書から削除する』 ―― 真実か単なる噂かは不明ですが ―― という話を聞きました。

高杉晋作 ―― この人物だけは、ダメです。絶対に好きになれそうにない。

Takasugi Shinsaku -- Only this person is no good. I can never seem to like him.


habitual embezzler of public funds."


When the clan ordered him to return to Japan, he squandered the money given to him for travel expenses on womanizing and drinking. When he returned to Japan, he did the same, spending the clan's travel expenses and embezzling public funds.


His behavior often caused trouble for those around him, and he lost the trust of his peers. His irresponsible behavior criticized him, which was sometimes that of a careless man who could not distinguish between public and private matters.

彼の功績は、倒幕の為のゲリラ部隊(奇兵隊)の結成と育成、優れた作戦実行リーダとして勝利を収めた、という点にありますが ―― これも、「勝てば官軍」の恩恵です。

His achievements include the formation and training of guerrilla forces (keitai) for overthrowing the shogunate and his victory as an outstanding operational leader -- again, a benefit of the "victory is a victory for the government" policy.



Suppose (though I cannot imagine) that the Edo Shogunate had succeeded successfully in a gradual transfer of power and a soft landing to the transition to a democratic state as we know it today,


Sakamoto Ryoma was "a merchant of death who continued to supply arms to terrorist organizations."


Shinsaku Takasugi was "the leader of a terrorist organization in the class of the former Japanese Red Army, Aum Shinrikyo, or IS (Islamic State)


They may have been in the history books as a criminal person.


I admit it is a bit of a stretch to set up.



Recently, I have been reading creative novels in the field of "IF history" and have not encountered any novels depicting Sakamoto Ryoma or Takasugi Shinsaku as "villains."


Well, I can understand.


No longer the heroes of the Meiji Restoration are already fixed as the spiritual pillars of the Japanese people through movies and historical dramas.


It is hard to believe that readers will stick to a novel that sets up a hero of the end of the Edo period as a villain.


After all, whether historical figures and ourselves today become heroes or wicked men depends on their luck.


Even an engineer like me has hit-and-miss techniques. We cannot control it.



I'm trying to say that I don't like the "heroic tale of a person who happens to be a winner by luck."


You can read it as "the backbiting of ordinary people" if you like.