

I don't mean to say things like "engineers don't slack off," but I think "many engineers are serious people."


I may be able to bluff people, make them dance with pretty words, or smoke them out with a good-looking presentation or poster, but I am not very good at it.


Because engineers have to live in a world where "moving things around is a must.


Engineers who say, "I can't do it on time," should be able to rationalize why.


And if you are an engineer, you should understand why they do it.



I thought, "Well, the executives must be economics or law school graduates who only calculate money and time (120% more prejudice)," and did some research.


The president of Daihatsu was a man with a strong engineering background.


"If you change your position, you see a different landscape."


It may be that way, or it may be misguided.


Today, I will not assert anything or criticize anyone.

―― 殺したくなっても、その実行は1週間後にする



By the way, I am quick, whether it is a program, a patent specification, an article, or a column.


Mass production is my forte.

ご要望の通りに、なんぼでも作ってみせます ―― 品質(安全、安心、利便性)を無視していいのであれば、そんなもんは軽いもんです。

I will make whatever you request -- if quality (safety, security, convenience) can be ignored, such things are light.



A few years into this century, there was a time when people said, 'IT is over.


I was doing network research then and thought, 'There is nothing more to do in IT.


The reason is that the network, which was little more than a garden watering hose, has been replaced by a network that looks like a giant tunnel. And not only at work but also at home.


Until then, I had been struggling to "mediate water disputes" (QoS control of the network); however, I felt foolish.


I will never forget the feeling of emptiness I had at that time.


I had a vague idea that bio- and clean energy would become the mainstream in the future.


Well, I was one of the few wizards who could handle the control system spell language (C/C++), so I thought I could make a living for the time being by doing maintenance work on the remaining equipment from the previous generation.


で、今、IT全然終っていません ―― というか、再起動しています。

And now, it's not finished at all -- or rather, it's being rebooted.


Thinking about where the conversion point was, I guess it would be the "cloud."


Then came the DX, and other things like "Raspy" appeared on the edge side.

決め手は『生成AI』です ―― この衝撃は計り知れないものでした。

The deciding factor was the "Generative AI" -- the impact was immense.

「まだChatGPTを使ってない人は『人生を悔い改めた方がいい』」 ―― と言った、ソフトバンクの孫社長に申し上げます。『いらんこと言うな』と。



At a recent meeting, I was asked what I did for a living, to which I replied, "I'm an IT engineer," he replied, "Wow, that's great."


At that moment, I felt a little dizzy.


It was like being forced back in time to "a time when people were unjustly respected just for using computers."




Under the Political Funds Control Law, the total amount that an individual can donate to a political party is limited to 20 million yen per year. In comparison, donations made by an individual to the same political organization are limited to 1.5 million yen per year.


The problem is that 'donors who donate 50,000 yen or less in a year and payers of political fund parties of 200,000 yen or less do not have to be listed in the income and expenditure report.


In short, party tickets are truly a "delicious" system for both (1) politicians who want to avoid having their contributions listed and (2) their vested interests.


Or rather, the reality is that the law was "deliciously" designed.


If written in the style of a patent specification, it would be called "a device for producing a backing, or a method for producing a backing.



However, it is also a bit harsh to assume this.


The people of our country do not want to declare their support for a political party to others, nor do they want to be exposed to the "distance" of a politician.


The 'less than \50,000 and less than \200,000' is nothing less than a buffer to that.

それに、政治家と繋がることが「悪徳」のように見えるのは、我が国の国民性 ―― というか、ロッキード事件、佐川急便事件、リクルート事件をリアルタイムに見てきた私としては、「政治家 = 悪い人」と見えるのは仕方がないとも思えます。

And it is a national trait of our country that connecting with politicians is seen as a "vice" - or rather, having witnessed the Lockheed, Sagawa Express, and Recruiting scandals in real-time, I think it is inevitable that politicians are seen as "bad people."


This is a bad loop.



Breaking this loop is relatively simple: make it mandatory to list and report all donations of one yen or more.


We even clarified that 'there was a donation of 300 yen from an elementary school student's annual allowance,' and personal information is protected by the Personal Information Protection Law (where it can be anonymous).


In other words, the origin of the money remains unknown, but all information on the deposit side is disclosed down to the penny.



However, the kickback problem is like a "table-flipping" to all these above considerations.


This kickback scheme destroys the Political Funding Regulation Law principle, which states that "the flow of funds for political activities should all be made visible.


I understand the politicians' thirst for 'unmonitored money for free political activity.


It's not hard to understand, with the lowly examples of "bellybutton money that the husband doesn't know about" and "side income that the wife doesn't know about."


However, political activities should be related to the people's interests and not be discussed in the same paradigm as the above treatment of private interests.



Members of parliament are sometimes referred to as "rule makers" and the ruling party as the "ruling party."


The people (I, as one of them) can't be helped if the rule-makers are breaking the rules.


So, why don't I "make it mandatory to list and report all donations of one yen or more"?


I feel that now is the time for the Digital Agency to move forward under the "Digitalization of Political Contributions."




I fear the "subscribe" system, which invites me to join for "free" for a month and then automatically transitions to a system where membership fees are collected without warning.


Not just subs, but all IT services these days are like this.


例えば、飲み会で「PDゲームと保証ゲームの違いは何ですか?」に、スラスラと答えられる同僚 ―― あなたにはいますか?

As stated in "The Day Ebata Lost to AI," AI-based services have recently exploited me.

当初、私は、ChatGPT(対話型AIアシスタント))、Grammerly(英語文章構成サービス), Deepl(翻訳サービス)を、無料で使ってきたのですが、私のそのサービスの利用頻度は、無料の範囲を越えてしまい、全て有料の会員となっています。

Initially, I used ChatGPT (interactive AI assistant)), Grammerly (English sentence structure service), and Deepl (translation service) for free. Still, my frequency of using those services has exceeded the free range, and I have become a paid member.


I cannot imagine my "writing activities" and "research activities" without these supports.


「まだChatGPTを使ってない人は『人生を悔い改めた方がいい』」 ―― と言った、ソフトバンクの孫社長に申し上げます。

I want to say to Mr. Son, President of Softbank, who said, "If you are not using ChatGPT yet, you should repent your life.


"Don't say unnecessary things."



President Son is right. You are not wrong at all.

しかし ―― それでも、ChatGPTや生成AIの利便性は、それを理解できる者だけの既得権益としておくべきです。

But -- still, the convenience of ChatGPT and generative AI should remain a vested interest only for those who can understand it.


I want those not using ChatGPT to stay on it and not use it.

なに、あと20年くらいでいいんです ―― 私の人生が終えるくらいまでで十分ですから。その後は、どうでもいいですから。

I only need another 20 years or so -- that's enough time to finish my life. After that, I don't care.


I hope you don't use any other AI-based services.


It is easy to find out that AI-based services support my creations.


I don't want the world to know I am 'poor in my abilities' yet.



My monthly billing for AI-based services continues to grow, month after month, year after year.


I "depend" on these services.


Even if I were told that these services have tripled in price starting next month, I would still have to pay that amount.



When I read the article now

―― ホスト狂いの現役女子大生が「毎月100万円超」を貢げるワケ

"How a host-crazed current college student can contribute "over 1 million yen every month",


I do not feel at all uncomfortable.


I rather 'sympathize' with her.


Now I stand on the side of women who depend on their hosts, saying, 'That's the way things are,' or 'It can't be helped.



I write columns and diaries about whatever I want, and I don't think there have been many cases where the content of my columns and diaries has come under fire.




Because we try not to respond immediately.



Expressing one's opinion immediately after an incident is a bad idea.


First, if you base your opinion on an incorrect news source, you are expressing an opinion you do not intend.


However, that unintended opinion becomes "fixed" in the world as your opinion.


Next, within a few days to a week, the facts will become clear, and the direction of public opinion will be set.

炎上をしないようにするためには、世論の方向に乗る ―― つまり、日和(ひよ)ればいいのです。

To avoid a firestorm, you must ride the direction of public opinion -- in other words, you must be opportunistic.



In contrast, if I go head-to-head with public opinion, I will only announce considerable time and exhaustive research and calculation.


This is less inflammatory because it will require the same degree of research and calculation from those who refute me.


Many people don't want to spend the time to do the research and calculations.



So, let me summarize,


(1) I do not respond immediately but assess the facts and public reaction.


(2) I will let most opinions side with my opinion.


(3) If I decide against (2) above, take sufficient time to exhaust my research and calculations.


So, I guess that is what I will call my fire prevention.


今、「NHKスペシャル 選 映像記録 関東大震災 帝都壊滅の三日間」を見ていたのですが、

I was just watching "NHK Special: Selected Video Recordings - The Great Kanto Earthquake: Three Days of Imperial City Devastation,"


It is said that during the Great Kanto Earthquake, 321 people were slaughtered, according to official records, and tens of thousands of people unofficially due to the rumor that "Koreans are setting fires" and "Koreans are poisoning wells" (of course, I am well aware of this story as well).


This is "the massacre of Koreans by Japanese officially recognized by the Japanese nation" by our Japanese (ancestors).


I am confident that I (Ebata) would also lose my sanity in a panic if a catastrophe of this magnitude occurred.


My threshold for anger is so low that I think I would quickly lose my sanity and easily become complicit in the slaughter.


I don't think that "I (Ebata) am the only one who can act rationally."



So, I am always thinking,

―― 殺したくなっても、その実行は1週間後にする

"Even if I want to kill someone, wait a week before I do it."


This is the only thing I can say to myself.


If, even a week later, I decide that this fact will not change, I can join the slaughter at that point.

世界の(日本も含む)虐殺史に精通した小学生 ―― これは子どもはもちろん、大人から見ても『嫌な小学生だったろうな』と思います。




In stories with other worlds and magic, I find "cheating" when they can retrofit and use new abilities and magic.


If the story aims to "bring peace to the world," it is sufficient to exercise the "ability/magic to bring peace to the world" from the beginning.


Its animation ends after the first minute.



In comparison, our natural world is constrained by the "laws of physics.


We are born with individual differences, differences in ability, differences between rich and poor, and unreasonableness, irrationality, and there is no means to resolve them at the root.


Most of the time, the effort only ends up in what we made the effort.


In the middle of the effort, life ends without notice. No exceptions.


And as for the "other world," it has never left the level of creation, and its existence has never been proven in history.



This is why stories with other worlds and magic are "cheating."


Still, I think this world is full of ancient and modern creations because "if you don't read such stories, you can't make it in this world.

『過去の栄光』を思い出すことで『今の苦しい日々を凌ぐ』 ―― というヘタレ大人は、結構な数いると思います。



"Why Should I study? "


This is a universal question against adults regarding children's studies, and difficult.


I have written about it here,

■古典は必要か → 使う場面ないじゃんか?

- Do I need the classics? There's no use for them, is there?

■歴史は必要か → 昔の話を持ちだしてどうする?

- Do I need the history? What's the point of bringing up old stories?

■英語は必要か → (江端試算では)4%の日本人しか使っていないぞ?

- Do I need English? → (According to Ebata's estimate) Only 4% of Japanese people use English.

■現国は必要か → 文庫本が読める程度の漢字を知っていればいいんじゃないの?

- Do I need Japanese →? Don't I need to know enough kanji to read a paperback book?

■体育は必要か → 日常生活で、走ったり跳んだり泳いだりする必要性はあるか?

- Do I need physical → Is there a need to run, jump, or swim daily?

■理科は必要か → リトマス試験紙が何色になるかが、そんなに重要か?*)

■ Do I need science → Is it so important what color the litmus test paper turns out to be


In response to these questions, 'Shut up and study! To the point where adults yell at children --- this is a typical package.


This is shameful as an adult.


Adults must not neglect their efforts to answer children's questions.



I think that if you play the opening of the anime "Souei no Freelen" (both the Japanese and English versions), children will understand that English and the Japanese language can be tools (or weapons) to move people.


English version


Japanese version



This is the first time I have ever felt "literature" in an anime opening.


Of course, music is an art form, but I believe this is a new field of literature.


I pay the utmost respect to the creators of this music.



Well, the following is what I recalled about the opening of this animation.



Well, it's a "helpless" story.



I was honestly surprised to see my second daughter grumbling,


'I don't have a boyfriend to spend Christmas with.'



I had selfishly assumed that such a paradigm had long since "ended."



About 20 years ago, I released several columns about Christmas.


The following column discusses the significance of spending time with the opposite sex at Christmas.



The following column is a review comment from a firm's senior member regarding the above column.



In addition, two years after this, I also released a diary criticizing the "instrumentalization of Christmas."



In any case, it was undeniable that I was highly interested in Christmas.



Now, 30 years later, I cannot hide my amazement that the paradigm has not changed.


I am deeply aware that the lament (or curse) that "there is no one of the boyfriends or girlfriends to spend Christmas with" will probably be passed on for the next 100 years or more.



It may come as a surprise to you, but I like animals, especially dogs and cats.


When I was a child, our family at that time took care of the "end" of our dog and cat, who were like family members.


I knew the phenomenon of "crying so hard you spit up blood" from Miyuki Nakajima's song, but I was honestly surprised to learn that "it was in me.


When my parents died, I did not grieve as much.


My father said the same thing when my grandmother died.


I thought, 'We are Parents and children.'


なにしろ、私の両親の葬式では、通夜の時に、親戚と一緒になって、故人の思い出話で爆笑していたくらいです ―― 父も母も、ネタ満載の人生でした。

After all, at my parents' funeral, I even joined my relatives at the wake and laughed at their memories of the deceased -- both my father and mother had a life full of stories.


Me: "Well, a wake is a lot of fun because there are hidden stories (quite amazing stories) about the deceased that the children don't know."


Wife: "No, I don't. I think 'your parent's life is just too peculiar.'"


Me: "Really?"



Aside from that.



I still vividly remember the death of my pet, and after that, I couldn't bring myself to get a dog or cat.


Still, I was willing to 'give in' and allow my daughters to own it if desired.

夕焼けの中、犬を抱き抱えた娘といっしょに歩きながら、定番のセリフ 『お前が、ちゃんと一人で面倒を見るんだぞ』と言う、というのを予想していたのですが ――

I was expecting to walk with my daughter with the dog in her arms at sunset and say the classic line, "You're going to have to take care of him all by yourself" --


Daughter: "I want to keep a dog, but it is too much trouble to walk and feed it, so I want (me) to do it. So, please take care of it."


Thus, my daughter said such dumb things, and naturally, I kicked her proposal.




The Japanese once did the same thing to the Israeli people as Hamas.


Tel Aviv Airport Shooting.


It was an indiscriminate terrorist attack by the JRA(*) that killed 26 unarmed civilians and seriously injured 80 others at the airport.


(*) The Japanese Red Army and the United Red Army are different organizations but will be called the JRA.


At that time, the majority of the Japanese people hated the JRA's terrorism, and the Japanese people and the Japanese government made one of the biggest apologies to the State of Israel.


They are Japanese in that they don't just say, "They are strangers and just idiots."


The Japanese government (police) then embarked on a campaign to destroy the JRA (and the United Red Army).


And since the 2000s, no organizational activity has been confirmed.



The difference between Hamas and the JRA is in the level of popular support.


Hamas has a certain amount of support from people in the Gaza Strip (and rightly so).


In comparison, the JRA and Rengo-Sekigun had almost no popular support, but they still had the support of some radical students.


However, after the revelations of the JRA's "mass lynching" of the Asama-Sanso incident, even that faint support was lost.


Aside from that.



The country of Israel has always retaliated against attacks on Israel.


As far as I know, the retaliation rate is 100%.


However, about the Tel Aviv airport shooting incident, there has been no confirmation of Israeli retaliation against Japan.


However, I think there was a good chance of that happening.


Of course, the likelihood of Israel taking direct military action against Japan, a U.S. military ally, is infinitesimally small.


Nevertheless, they could have infiltrated the Illegals (illegal combatants) to carry out retaliatory activities.


If that had happened, there would have been a possibility that a small number of Japanese civilians would have been killed.


I think that they were lucky that the Japanese people had given up the JRA.


これは仮定の話ですが ――

This is a hypothetical story,

日本赤軍の拠点を壊滅することを目的として、イスラエル空軍が日本国土を空爆して、関係のない民間人を巻き添えに殺害するようなことになれば ―― 日本国民は、それを許さない、と思います。

If the Israeli Air Force bombed Japanese soil to destroy the JRA's strongholds, killing uninvolved civilians as collateral damage -- the Japanese people would not allow that to happen.


At least, I would never forgive them.



That is what is taking place in the Gaza Strip right now.
