

The other day, I talked about “signaling theory”.




My second daughter travels nationwide to gather information for her graduation research.


The other day, my second daughter told me


'I was surprised when the person I interviewed suddenly changed their attitude when I mentioned the university's name.'



It means they have changed their attitude to 'Thank you for taking the trouble to come and interview us.'


I was also surprised

―― 学生の研究によるインタビューごときで、人々の態度は変わるの?

Do people change their attitudes when interviewed by just a student's research?



I realized that signaling theory is still very effective and powerful.



Many adults tell their children, “I wish I had studied harder.”


That's a lie, so please don't believe it, teenagers.


At the very least, I have not regretted for even a second or a millimeter that I should have studied more.


Because you can study anytime, anywhere.


People who say they can't do it may think they need years of study, but you can study even when you're in the toilet.


And actually, I am doing “it.”



However, if you think you should have an academic background, that's a different story.


I can “affirm” that your academic background is almost meaningless in the real world, but I can also “affirm” that it can be a powerful weapon as a door-knocker (the first point of entry).


It's called “signaling theory”.




I say, “If you don't have anything to devote your life to now, why not study something?”


Even if studying doesn't have the role of a “door knocker,” there is no harm in doing it.


However, the kind of study that the state forces teenagers to do generally involves a lot of hard work and pain.

そう考えると、『勉強で、努力と苦痛を感じることが「ない」または「少ない」人が有利』ですね ―― 特にティーンエイジャという勉強が義務化されているフェーズにおいては。

When you think about it like that, “those who don't feel much effort or pain when studying have an advantage” - especially during the phase when studying is compulsory for teenagers.



Now, I will try to answer the past questions for the “Information” section of the Common University Entrance Examination (which was held yesterday) on my own, without looking at the answers, in the same amount of time.


If it turns out that a working IT engineer (me) was beaten by a teenager (with an average score)', I'll report that too.

私のこの報告で、ティーンエイジャや高等学校、予備校、そして文部科学省が衝撃を受けるようなことになったら ―― それはそれで面白いと思う。

It would be interesting if my report caused a stir among teenagers, high schools, cram schools, and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.



I have been eating at Mongolian Tanmen Nakamoto, which has recently reopened, and I feel happy.


I recently realized that I can enjoy eating Arctic Ramen without going for the extra large and adding rice, which gives your tongue a break.


I think high-class set meals are delicious, of course, but I think, “If I can feel the same level of happiness, I'd rather have the cheaper option.”


This is similar to the point made in this column.

『毎日の納豆ご飯ともやし炒めを「我慢する」 ―― のではなく、毎日の納豆御飯ともやし炒めを、心から「おいしい」と思える、自己暗示の能力こそが、研究員には必要とされているのではないかと思うのです』

"'Rather than “enduring” the daily natto rice and fried bean sprouts, I think researchers need the ability to self-suggest that they can truly enjoy the daily natto rice and fried bean sprouts."



(Click to go to the column)


If I don't live extravagantly, I think I'll be able to get by after I retire.



A relative once forced me to get into a car called a “Benz.”


I was told, “Isn't the ride comfortable?” but honestly, I felt sick (really).

「ベンツ」という車は、社内が静かで、屋外とは別空間の静寂性があり、そして加減速もスムーズで、シーツもゆったりしていて ―― だからこそ『気持ち悪かった』。

The Mercedes-Benz was quiet inside and calmer than outside. The acceleration and deceleration were smooth, and the seats were spacious—that's why it was “weird.”


I felt sick at the thought of a car, and I couldn't feel the movement of the drive train with my body. I felt ill at the idea of a situation where the inside and outside of the car were divided as separate spaces. I felt sick at the thought of a car with performance that I couldn't recall the equations of motion for acceleration and deceleration.


No, I don't deny all of that, and that's why I understand that luxury cars have the performance and quality to match. However, I feel uncomfortable in a vehicle where I can't feel the control and motion equations.


Well, to put it simply, I think it's OK to say, “I was brought up badly.”


Perhaps if I were used to driving a Mercedes, Jaguar or Century, I wouldn't have this problem, but since I don't have any experience driving these kinds of cars, there's nothing I can do about it.


I am also impressed whenever I ride the “bullet train” or the “super-fast elevator” at the Yokohama Landmark Tower.


Therefore, I suspect that people find “Benz” cars so weird because they are familiar with them.



My life is cheap like this, but I think it is an example of the good things about cheap things. Right? 



Since the end of last year, I've had a scratchy throat.


Even when I'm sleeping, I usually wake up with a cold, and I've been feeling vaguely unwell since the end of the year.


The word “aging” is too broad to be easily understood, but if I replace it with “gradual loss of autonomous control functions,” it seems to fit perfectly.


'Your eyesight will be ruined,' 'your body's moisture retention function will be ruined,' and 'your body temperature regulation function will be ruined.' Well, something like that.


If the autonomous functions break down, the only way to compensate is with external devices.


These are reading glasses, a humidifier, and a heater.




However, I believe the controls on these devices are “sloppy.”


Although many people may not know this, your eyesight changes every day. Even with the same glasses, there are times when you can see the letters and times when you can't.


Also, the humidifier has a poor feedback function, and it has made the room soaking wet in the past few days (the documents I printed are soaked in water and unreadable).


Air conditioning can make it too hot or too cold to sleep. I think this is due to changes in my body temperature and physical condition while I sleep.



In the future, cameras installed in the ceiling and temperature/humidity sensors built into the bed may measure my body temperature and other data and automatically control the room in conjunction with the personal AI.


However, I think it will be challenging to achieve this.


It will take a long time to learn, and measuring the feedback from the test subjects will be extremely difficult. It seems that the test subjects will also have a lot of work.


The market is large (over 35% of the total population, and it is confident to continue to grow), but it also seems that the cost of system construction and sales will be high.



By the way, I made the room very humid, and thanks to the humidifier, my throat is in good condition.


I think this is a must-have item for students preparing for exams.


It was one of the most powerful devices for preventing colds and influenza.


All prospective students and their families are encouraged to consider purchasing this device.



"I have no special skills or talents but an eye for people."


I'm wondering if this antonym (phrase) could be


“I have special skills and talent, but I don't have a good eye for people.”




I think “the ability to judge people” refers to "judging people" through a person's character, essence, abilities, beliefs, behavioral patterns, etc.

このフレーズを使う人は、自分の観察力や洞察力に自信を持っていることを示しており、相手とのやり取りや人間関係の構築においてその力が発揮されていることを暗示しているんだと思うのですが ――

I think that people who use this phrase show that they are confident in their powers of observation and insight and can demonstrate these powers in their interactions with others and in building relationships.


However, In my life, not a single person has ever said (or uttered) this phrase in front of me.


They seem to be used frequently in manga, anime, and novels.


From the following three perspectives, I think people who can say lines like this to someone's face are a little “scary.”


(1) If you have the talent to “judge people,” you would keep it to yourself and use it discreetly.


(2) Even if you are aware of your talent for judging people, the person who objectively evaluates you is “yourself,” so you can't rely on that.


(3) Judging people is not that special a skill. In particular, it is very easy to identify people who are “scum.”


そういえば、昔、『江端は将来社長になる器だ』とか行っていた先輩がいました ―― 私は、微笑みながらその話を流していましたが。

Speaking of which, a senior colleague said, “Ebata has the makings of a future company president.” I used to smile and let it slide.


As the son of the president of a small woodworking company in a downtown area, I am a firsthand witness to the “hell of being the president.”


There's no way I'd do something like that.


I have been running away from all “leaders,” including the president.


The most I've ever taken on is the role of leader for a limited-time project.


I am incapable of shouldering any more responsibility and don't want to. I don't want to be burdened with the troublesome responsibility of someone else's life.



Ultimately, I have no idea how others see me, but I'm confident about how I see myself.


I am a person who is neither humble nor self-deprecating, but rather someone who has “nothing to offer.”


I am aware of that.


In addition, I am also “someone who sneers at people who think they can achieve something.”

リーダーの器でない人間の振舞いを ―― 口には出しませんが、徹底的にバカにしています。

I don't say it out loud, but I despise non-leaders behavior.

忘れないでください ―― 私は「会社の犬」です。



I want you to stop abusing the phrase “the people won't accept it.”

―― 偉そうに、何様だ

"Acting all high and mighty, who do you think you are?"


It is very vulgar to force your opinions on an unknown entity called “the people.”


For example, if someone said to me, “Ebata would say, ‘I think that...’” or “Ebata would be furious about...”, I would get angry.


I get so angry that I identify the person's name and expose them on the internet.


I say, “I decide who I am and will speak for myself. Don't you dare speak for me?”



Speaking for others by grouping them as “citizens” is arrogant, cowardly, and even a sign of low intelligence.


If it's your opinion, express it in your own words.


You can say, “I don't agree,” or “I can't forgive that.”


Replacing “the people” with “the nation” reveals a cunning attempt to avoid responsibility and hide behind the shadow of an ambiguous majority.


Those who use such words are merely using the existence of the people to their advantage to bolster their arguments.


To begin with, there will naturally be people among that “people” who have different opinions. Ignoring such people and speaking of them as a single group is nothing short of cowardly.


You should present specific data and explain it logically to represent the people's voice.


If you make a claim with clear evidence, such as “In the opinion poll, XX% were against it” or “This is what the public thought about the debate,” then I think it would be valid as part of the debate.


However, saying things like “the people won't be satisfied” without even considering the matter is a sign of a person who has stopped thinking and is incapable of doing anything.



Incidentally, academia has a culture of piling on and crushing anyone who argues a theory without evidence. A concentrated barrage of criticism will kill you if you say something like “It's just my opinion” at a conference presentation.


No, I don't intend to' get bullied by academia' (really).



After all, I think that people who like to use these kinds of phrases are probably not very confident in their arguments (of course, I also think they're not very smart or well-mannered).


Well, we can't say anything about other people either.


It is not uncommon to find that when you look up the word “everyone” in the phrase “everyone says so”, the result is “it was just one person”.


It is also unreasonable to discuss “everyone” and “citizens” on the same level. I think that is “unseemly,” no matter what it is.


So I want to say:


“You can't use the word 'national' as you please, even if you disagree.”



Does this answer your question?




It is probably true that “having the money you can use at any time is a blessing.”


Money has the power to escape people's control, and if it is managed well, it can also control people.


Putting aside money as a power device, I think that money that allows me to live freely without being bound by others will probably make me happy.


However, I have doubts about the idea that 'the more money I have, the happier I will be, because I will be free to live my life without being bound by others'.


However, I have my doubts, but I can't verify them. That's because I don't have any money.

「お金に愛されないエンジニア」であることに、ちょっとだけ「運の良さ」を感じたりしています ―― ほんとうに、ちょっとだけ、ですけどね。



However, I have recently come to think that even I, who have no money, can test the following hypothesis.


(1) We can enjoy various movies on Amazon Prime and Netflix.


(2) The number of titles offered by Netflix is enormous.


(3) If the number of titles on Netflix doubles, triples, or increases tenfold, will our happiness also double, triple, or increase tenfold?


I enjoy watching movies on Netflix, but to be honest, no matter how many more titles are added that exceed the amount of time I have available, I don't think that will make me any happier.


So, I'm considering whether I can adapt this to the topic of money.



To begin with, I wonder whether it is possible to equate money with entertainment content. Entertainment content is intangible property; even if many people use it, its value will not decrease.


As they are fundamentally two different things, it seems unreasonable to introduce the concept of “adaptation” in the first place. Introducing the idea of “projection” in the first place seems absurd.


Can anyone think about this kind of verification from the perspective of philosophy or psychology?


This verification is complicated for me because I don't have any money.



 I can do a demonstration experiment.


Would someone please give me 1 billion yen?


I will report on the relationship between money and happiness and write and present papers at academic conferences.


If you have extra money and trouble deciding what to do with it, please consider this option.




I am researching previous psychological studies to provide a rationale for my research at university.


One of these is the “Mere Exposure Effect”.


恋愛、結婚にいたるケースで結構な比率を占めるのが、半径2メートル程度以内に自分と相手の席があったケース―― というのは、誰もが聞いた話だと思います。

I think everyone has heard the story that a significant proportion of cases that lead to romance and marriage involve the couple sitting within a radius of about 2 meters of each other.


It seems true that people who belong to the same class tend to feel closer to each other than those who belong to different classes. In events like the “class relay race”, where people who don't know each other at all support each other just because they belong to the same class, this is an example of “Mere Exposure Effect”.



The first experiment in the second diagram in the above page's “Mere Exposure Effect” experiment made me laugh.


In short, the experiment showed that male students are likelier to feel “attraction” and “sympathy” towards female students who regularly attend university lectures.


In this experiment, it may be okay to say that “men are simple and stupid simply,” but if this is a characteristic of human beings, it would not be a good idea to ignore it.


In this experiment, the four women only varied the frequency with which they attended lectures. Still, the fact that this simple change increased their 'attractiveness' and 'sympathy' is a valuable finding.


I thought “making dating a daily routine” could be a powerful strategy in relationships and marriage.


で、ふと思ったのですが、「単純接触効果」をもっとも発揮させるもっとも有効な方法とは ―― 結婚してしまうことですね。強制的な毎日の「単純接触効果」が発生することになりますから。

Then, I suddenly thought that getting married would be the most effective way to maximize the “Mere Exposure Effect.” This would create a compulsory daily “Mere Exposure Effect.”


Well, this story is about “eggs and chickens,” so as a preliminary step before marriage or cohabitation, it seems that it's better not to dismiss simple methods that may seem a bit corny, such as “adjusting your commuting time (going to school, going to work, leaving school, leaving work)” or “talking to that person at least once a day.”


When I was single, I set a quota of calling my now-wife at least once a week, even if I didn't have anything to discuss. I continued this “Mere Exposure Effect” strategy for several years.

あれは、意外に効果があったのかもしれません ―― と、何十年後の自分の研究で、自分の振舞いをレビューすることになるとは、思いませんでしたが。

I didn't think I would be reviewing my own behavior in my research decades later, but that may have had an unexpected effect.



I am considering the social systems that generate this “Mere Exposure Effect.” I am working hard on research and writing to publish a paper on this topic.



I watch anime on my PC, and I'm not interested in the quality of the animation.

私は、今の時代に必要なのは「積極的無関心」ではないかと思うのです ―― つまり、『人のことはほっとけ。自分のことだけやっとけ』です。


I prefer stories and like cheerful, fun, and carefree content.

私、基本的にケチなので、映画館で映画を見る時に、途中退出することはありませんが ―― 最近、映画館で映画を見るのに「苦痛」を感じるようになりました。

I'm basically a cheapskate, so I never leave the cinema halfway through a movie, but recently, I've started to feel “pain” when watching a film at the cinema.


I'm surprised at myself for this.


This is probably due to the influence of movie subscriptions (Amazon Prime and Netflix).


If I don't like the movie, I can quickly stop watching it and switch to another movie.


If a boring, tedious, or otherwise unpleasant story goes on for five minutes straight, I often stop watching right there and then.


However, I think this is not good for the people who provide the content (creators and editors).



All academic subjects, including literature, required “endurance and perseverance.” Study effort and perseverance were always used as modifiers.


Now, it seems that this is spreading to “entertainment,” and I (we) feel that we should no longer end a single piece of content until we have “worked hard and persevered.”


We know that it is not necessarily bad when other people's opinions do not apply to us, but this is becoming a concrete action with the advent of subscriptions.


To give you a concrete example, the NHK Special and BS1 Special programs I am passionate about are content with miserable viewing figures. In other words, I am a “special case”.


Also, Oppenheimer, a film released last year about the Manhattan Project to develop the atomic bomb, was not just boring for me. It was painful. This may have been because I had detailed knowledge of the Manhattan Project.


In this age of subscriptions, entertainment content providers need to be able to create it at a very low cost, and I think the AI being developed will probably help ensure this.



Yesterday, my wife was watching a recording of a four-hour manzai comedy show broadcast over New Year's. She kept repeating the process of watching the first 30 seconds and then skipping the manzai.

これなら4時間番組を1時間以内の視聴に抑えることができます、が ―― 視聴者にこんなことをされたら、テレビ局と番組スポンサーと芸人は、たまったものではないだろうなぁ、とも思いました。

This would mean that a four-hour program could be watched in less than an hour, but I also thought that if viewers did the same actions, it would be terrible for TV stations, program sponsors, and comedians.


【新作Nスぺ】 “冤罪(えんざい)”の深層 ~警視庁公安部・内部音声の衝撃~ 4(土)夜10時~[総合]

“The Deep Roots of False Accusations: The Shocking Inside Story of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's Public Security Bureau” 


This program covers the case of the arrest of the president of Okawara Chemical Machinery and two others in 2020 for illegally exporting equipment that could be used for military purposes.


The investigative team obtained audio recordings of a meeting held within the Public Security Bureau of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. It revealed the vivid exchange of dialogue between the senior officers pushing for the case to be made based on their interpretation of the law and the junior officers who were confused by this and resisted.


Through this audio recording and our reporting, we are getting to the bottom of the background of the false accusation and the problems with the investigation.



In this case, three investigators from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's Public Security Bureau who were in charge of the investigation were referred to prosecutors for destroying records and deleting experimental data unfavorable to the case.


However, on January 8, 2025, the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office decided not to prosecute him.


There are two key points.

(1)「警視庁公安部」という組織ではなく、「警視庁公安部の捜査員3名」が名指し(by name)で起訴されて、

(1) Not the organization “Metropolitan Police Department Public Safety Bureau,” but “three investigators from the Metropolitan Police Department Public Safety Bureau” were indicted by name.


(2) The Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office decided not to prosecute.



―― やっと、"by name"が動き始めたか

Finally, “by name” has started to work.

と思いましたが、同時に、(予想はしていましたが)"by name"を妨害する動きも見えてきました。

However, simultaneously, I could see a move to block “by name” (which I had already predicted).


I have long argued that individuals, not organizations, should take revenge.


What makes me angry are not vague “organizations” but specific individuals with faces and names.




As for why the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office decided not to prosecute this time, they stated that “there was insufficient evidence to prove intentionality or collusion about the suspicion of investigators tampering with records or concealing evidence.”


However, speaking personally, I wonder, “Is it possible to destroy only the evidence from an interrogation?” It is only natural that once the evidence has been destroyed, it becomes impossible to prove that it has been destroyed.


This may be the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office's kind advice to the public: “If it looks bad, just get rid of it completely for now,” and “After that, just keep your head down.”

江端さんのひとりごと 「神の火」


I am well aware that the purpose of the organization of the state is not “justice” but “the stable continuation of the state” and that to achieve this, “the rights and dignity of individuals may be trampled upon quite frequently” (when I was a student, I was shown this by the Kyoto Prefectural Police).

たぶん 、これで「by name」での起訴が成立すると、他の事件でも、問題がボロボロでてくるんだろうなぁ、とか考えていました。

I was thinking that if this were successful in getting a “by name” indictment, there would probably be a lot of other problems that would come to light.



Because of this, I have not trusted the state's “justice” until now, and I have been trying hard to “live quietly” so that I don't attract the state's attention.


It is best to maintain a good relationship with the state's authority.


I'm only loud on my blog. To begin with, I haven't participated in any political campaigns since my 20th winter.



I would admire the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office (Special Investigation Department) with sparkling eyes in elementary school.


The boy thought, “What an amazing organization of ‘justice’ the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office is to arrest a former prime minister (former Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka) like that. " This made him believe in the 'justice' of the country's organizations.


There is no need to show justice to a twisted adult like me, but I think it is meaningful to show children that there is justice in the organization of the country.

もし、本件を起訴して、証拠不十分で敗訴したとしても、「正義のようなもの」があることを、子どもたちに見せられる ―― それは「勝ち」と言えるんじゃないんでしょうか?

Even if we lose the case due to insufficient evidence, if we can show the children that there is “something like justice” in the world, isn't that a victory?