

I always make a note of what I've done for myself.


And I also make public information that does not fall under the category of confidential information.

さくらインターネット上のWordPressをエクスポートしたものを、Amazon Lightsailにインストールする方法

なので、これについても、メモを残そうと思っていたのですが ―― 断念しました。

So I was going to write a memo about this too, but I gave up.


Anyway, the migration process didn't go as smoothly as we had hoped, and we had to respond on an ad hoc basis while consulting with ChatGPT.


I had to set up a separate server just for the migration process, and I had to rewrite the configuration file dozens of times (literally, “dozens of times”) to get it working.

そうしているうちに、ChatGPTの指示が同じ内容を繰り返すようになり ―― つまり、ChatGPTもアドバイスできることがなくなり ―― 完全にスタックしてしまいました。

While doing this, ChatGPT's instructions started to repeat the same content - in other words, ChatGPT also stopped being able to give advice - and it completely got stuck.


It's so bad that I had to type in commands for a database I'd never used before just to change the user, and then choose a theme that made the errors disappear (if you use WordPress, you'll know what I mean).


The biggest problem is the difference in versions between the site before the migration and the site after the migration, and the (one-sided) specification changes in WordPress.


I wonder why the development site wants to change the specifications so much, but the reason is obviously for security measures.


There are tons of websites around the world that “make a big deal out of it as if they've taken the head of a demon” when they find a security hole.

対策を怠ると、世界中のWordPressの利用者の情報が筒抜けになる ―― と考えれば、WordPress開発サイドの、この対応はやむを得ないとも思います。

If they neglect to take measures, the information of WordPress users around the world will be exposed - if they think about it like that, I think that the response from the WordPress development side is unavoidable.



'That's why you should only write down secret information (passwords, bank account numbers, etc.) in a notebook and keep it in a place where it can't be seen.


I now realize that my wife's “analog strategy” was the correct one.



Wife: “Why don't you write all the confidential information out by hand?”


Me: 'I don't know if I'll be able to finish writing everything before I die. I probably won't be able to do it.



The secret information I have is not of the pornographic kind (if anyone is interested in that kind of thing, I'll be happy to tell them).


And it's not even at a level where I can write by hand. I can't say much, but there are some pretty bad ones.


Of course, the information disclosed does not contain anything that would be immediately recognizable.

ただし、そこに『江端の拉致と拷問』という手段で『秘密鍵』を入手すれば、『開錠』することができる ―― という"モノ"です。

However, if you obtain the “secret key” by means of “Ebata's abduction and torture”, you will be able to “unlock” it.


For example, it is something like “Only I can change the one-line passphrase written in the column page into a password”.



I once contributed a column about how the Second World War began because of the major powers' protectionist trade policies.


(Jump to the column)


If we were to use a single word to describe protectionism roughly, it would be “self-interest first,” which is precisely the policy pursued by the current US president.


The weapon used in the “country first” principle is “tariffs.” Tariffs are a very convenient tool.


If you want to protect your country's industry, you can raise tariffs, and conversely, if there are products that your country lacks, you can eliminate tariffs (make them 0).


However, this is a card that only large countries with large populations of consumers can use.


Japan also uses this card. For example, search for “konnyaku potato, tariff, Prime Minister Nakasone” on Google. You'll find something interesting.


Leaving that aside.



I only lived in the US for two years, but I know that the people who support the country's living infrastructure (roads, sewers, rubbish) are not immigrants, but I don't know if they are white. They were Hispanic or Latino and currently comprise 18.7% of the population.


It is predicted that in the United States, racial and ethnic groups other than non-Hispanic whites will account for most of the total population in the mid-to-late 2040s, and this is considered almost certain.


In the same way, it is only a matter of time before more than half of the Japanese population will be of immigrant descent.


We should look at the United States and learn from it.



It is not widely known that many Americans tolerate (and perhaps even welcome) legal immigrants.


I think they are angry because “illegal immigrants” are free-riding on American interests.


I think that the only issue in this year's US presidential election was the immigration issue.



I once conducted the following thought experiment to understand the immigration issue.


It's a bit of a trivial thought experiment. Let me think

ーー もし、今日の宿に困っている人が『今は使われていない、江端家の長女の部屋を使いたい』と言われたら、私はどう行動するか

"If someone who is having trouble finding a place to stay today said, “I want to use the room of the eldest daughter of the Ebata family, which is not being used at the moment,” how would I act?"


『誰も使っていないなら、別に問題はないだろう?』『今日の命のかかっている人がいて、その人たちに居住地を提供することは、当然だ』と人道的かつ論理的には思えますが ―― でも私は、それに同意しない、と思う。

'If no one is using it, then there's no problem, right?', 'There are people whose lives depend on it today, so it's only natural to provide them with a place to live' - it seems humane and logical, but I disagree.


I am confident that I would say cold words to that poor person, telling them to go to someone else's house, and even if they said, “Then, are you telling me to go outside and freeze to death!” I would still shut the door and lock it, committing a cruel act.

私は自分の管轄している領域に、私の知らない人間が入ってくるのが、耐えられないのです ―― 人命というもっとも大切な価値に対してさえ、私は、自分の感情を優先させると思います。

I can't stand it when people I don't know come into the area I'm in charge of - I think I put my feelings before the most critical value of human life.

私の家は、私の権力(or ガバナンス)の及ぶ最小単位であり、そこに制御できるかどうか分からない"モノ"や"ヒト"が入ってくることが、恐しく、怖くて、そして嫌なのです。

My house is the smallest unit over which I have power (or governance), and I am afraid, scared, and dislike the idea of “things” or “people” that I cannot control coming into it.

私(たち)は、多くの場合人類愛を叫びますが、多くの場合、それは自分のガバンナンスの効力範囲外のもの ―― 自分との関係が限りなくゼロに近い、世界の遠くのどこかのこと、が条件になっているのです。

In many cases, we shout out our love for humanity. Still, in many cases, this is conditional on something outside the scope of our governance - something far away in the world, with a relationship to ourselves close to zero.

『カラマーゾフの兄弟』の中の「人類を愛するほど、人間一人一人を愛することが難しくなる」とか、ライナス・ヴァン・ペルトの「人類は愛せる。だが人間は愛せない」というものであり、英語では"NIMBY(Not In My Back Yard)"という略語があります。直訳すると「自分の裏庭にはごめんだ」という意味です。

There is a saying in “The Brothers Karamazov” that “the more you love humanity, the more difficult it becomes to love each human being,” and there is also a saying by Linus van Pelt that “you can love humanity, but you can't love humans.” In English, there is an abbreviation for this saying called “NIMBY” (Not In My Back Yard). A direct translation of this would be, “I don't want it in my backyard.”


This expression refers to the psychological state of wanting a socially necessary facility or project (such as a waste disposal plant or power plant) to be built in an area other than where you live while acknowledging its importance.



In the recent US presidential election, the side that directly stated this (the Republican Party) won.


In Europe, the far-right is now gaining momentum on the issue of immigration.


Incidentally, the Japanese are an exclusive people (I think they're probably one of the most exclusive in the world).

なにしろ、2023年の日本国の難民認定と米国のそれは、303人 対 12万5000人(1:417)です。

After all, the number of refugees recognized by Japan is 2,023, while the number recognized by the United States is 303 to 125,000 (1:417).

私の知る限り『303人とは少なすぎる! 日本は、米国の人口比から合わせて、年間4万人の難民を受けいれるべきだ!』と言っている人を、私は、これまで、一人も見たことがありません。

To the best of my knowledge, I have never seen anyone say, “303 people are too few! Japan should accept 40,000 refugees a year, based on the population ratio of the United States!”.



So, when it comes to the issue of immigration (particularly refugees), Japan is in a position where it “cannot say a single word” to Europe.


I think the Japanese government and people have no position to take on the issue of the current US president's involvement in and victory.




There seems to be a big fuss in Japan at the moment over allegations of a system in which female employees of a TV company were forced to provide sexual services.


However, the truth is unknown, so we will not comment on this matter (incidentally, ChatGPT also refused to answer).


Today, I would like to consider this matter slightly differently.


This is the psychology of the leading players (mainly men) in the “sex system.”



Even if I am offered a woman as a sex object, I think that I am not equipped with the ability to feel 'pleasure' or that even if I am equipped with the ability, it is manufactured in such a way that it does not activate.


So even if I were offered a woman as a sex object, I would be confident enough to say, 'I don't want that. Take it back.'


I know the limitation of my attractive


I know that my body and face are not the objects of general female tastes, and I recognize that my ideas are not only out of step with women but also with the world.


Even if I were to clear all of them, I would still not be able to think that 'sexual activity with someone who doesn't like me and I don't like her would be fun.'


No, maybe it might be fun. It's just that I haven't had any experience.

これは、私が「上納システム」の近く(権力とか)存在するだけの能力や器量がなかっただけのことかもしれません ―― 残念ですが、"それ"だけは"事実"だと思います。

This may just be because I didn't have the ability or the caliber to be offered sexual services - I'm sorry to say, but I think that's “fact.”



Me: “Sometimes I wonder if I'm the one who's wrong as a man.”


Wife: “When we think about how many cases of sexual abuse there are, it's not surprising that it might be true.”


私は、人間としては「男」よりも先に「エンジニア」が優先してしまうのかもしれません ―― とすれば、私は、生物としてダメダメなんじゃないかな、と思うことがあります(真剣に)。

As a human being, I may prioritize “engineer” over “man,” and if that's the case, I sometimes think that I'm a failure as a living being (seriously).




I am the administrator of the kobore.net website.


The primary purpose of kobore.net is to be a database (memorandum) for me (Ebata) alone.


In particular, much information about WordPress has not been made public, and I only disclose what we think is okay to share.

このkobore.netは、さくらインターネット社のレンタルサーバを使っており、非常に稀ではあるのですが、レンタルサーバがダウンすることがありますが ―― 特に、WordPressにアクセスできなくなると、心底、青冷めます。

This kobore.net uses a rental server provided by Sakura Internet, and although it is scarce, the rental server may go down at times - especially when I can't access WordPress, I feel a chill run down my spine.


Of course, there are university-related materials, but there is also private information, etc., and if I can't access this for even half an hour, I start to sweat.


I hear that Sakura Internet regularly backs up user data, and I also take a complete backup once every three months.


Even so, there is no guarantee that the system can be restored using the backup, and if it cannot be restored, my losses cannot be replaced with money.


This is because backing up does not guarantee that the system will restart.



So, what I'm doing now is creating a second WordPress clone.

さくらインターネット上のWordPressをエクスポートしたものを、Amazon Lightsailにインストールする方法

現在、私のAmazon LightSailが遊休状態なので、ここに、作ってしまおうかと思っています。

My Amazon LightSail is idle, so I'm considering building one here.


It's a bit of a hassle, but it's worth it if it can eliminate my worries.



Two copies of the GIS database currently being used for university research are ready to use, and two more copies are stored remotely as backups.


I am an engineer who has experienced to the point of being fed up that “systems break down” (and, as an aside, I have also been betrayed by things called backups).


Cloning is a troublesome and time-consuming process, but considering the fear and helplessness I felt when rebuilding my broken system, it was well worth it.



It's a system that allows married couples to choose whether or not to use the same family name, but I'd like them to introduce it as soon as possible and move on to discussing other important issues.


It's a bit late to say this, but this is my stance on names.

―― 一体、裁判所も、立法(国会)も、『識別子の取扱い』ごときに、なんで、こんなにゴタゴタしていやがるんだ


If this were a “compulsory system of separate family names for married couples,” I might disagree.

でも「選択」できるんでしょう?  何が問題なんですか?

But we can “choose,” right? What's the problem?



The opposition's arguments are roughly as follows.

- 夫婦別姓が進むと家族の一体感が損なわれるとの懸念。
- 伝統的な「家」制度との整合性の問題。
- 子どもの姓の扱いをどうするかが議論される。

- There is concern that allowing married couples to have separate surnames will undermine the sense of unity within the family.
- There is a problem of consistency with the traditional “family” system.
- There is debate over how to handle the surname of children.


This is not a matter of the 'state,' but of the 'family.' If you have such concerns, you can 'choose' to be a 'same-sex couple.'


I have no intention of criticizing those who make this choice, even by a single millimeter. To begin with, “symbols (in this case, family names)” are critical and valuable assets. This is something that you can easily understand by studying trademark law.

私は『伝統的な「家」制度』というものに対して、例えば、戸主権とか、家督相続とか、婚姻とか、そういうものには、全く価値を感じませんが、国家による管理対象としての「家」制度には価値を認めています ―― つまり「データベースで管理するのに、「家」制度はラク」というのは、多分事実です。

I don't value the rights of the head of the household, their inheritance, or marriage, for example. Still, I recognize the value of the “house” system as a target for state management—in other words, it is probably true that “the ‘house’ system is easy to manage in a database.”


Well, there may also be things like “the priority of being forced to care for one's parents” (it's a disgusting topic, but it's also one aspect of the “house” system).

「子どもの姓の扱い」こそ、家族の問題でしょう。これに国家がどうこういうことには、違和感を感じます ―― というか、私は、人生で1回に限り(法律上、成人の誕生日から30日以内、とか)、無条件に自分の名前を自分で変えられる権利があっても良いと思っているくらいです。

The way children's family names are handled is a family issue. I feel uncomfortable with the state getting involved in this. People should have the right to change their name once in their lifetime (legally, within 30 days of their birthday, etc.) without any conditions.


What's more, I think that it would be okay to introduce a system for creating new family names. (It might be okay to make the conditions stricter than for names).



The government manages citizens solely based on the number on the My Number card, and family names and given names are just convenient “symbols” for life.

私の言っていることは「IPアドレス(マイナンバー)」と「ドメイン名(名字)」と「サブドメイン名(名前)」のパラダイムで説明できると思います ―― 少々乱暴ですが。

I think what I'm talking about can be explained using the paradigm of “IP address (My Number),” “domain name (family name),” and “subdomain name (name)” - a little rough.



I repeat: I understand that “symbols” have value as assets. The value of assets is accompanied by authority, power, and money.


So, there are benefits for same-sex couples.


But it's a “choice”.


I think it is natural that we have the freedom to choose which interests we follow.



For a long time, I naively believed that if we could create an environment where people could share their opinions online, it would make everyone happy and that a variety of views would be expressed, teamwork would improve, and productivity (?) would also improve.


I never imagined that I would come to feel that emails and chats were weapons being thrown at me.

『抑うつは、運動や、食事改善や、レジャーや、サウナで、改善する』と、本気で思っていて、それを公言していた過去の私を ―― タイムマシンに乗って、半殺しにしてやりたいくらいです。


The energetic proposals of the young are annoying.


My boss's proposal to improve the company's structure would increase the workload.


When a junior colleague says, “I'd like to talk to you about something...” it means more trouble.


When a colleague says, “I'd like to hear everyone's opinions,” it's a sign that you're about to get dragged into a discussion you don't want to participate in.


When the personnel department says, “We have arranged a meeting to discuss your career development,” it implies forced growth.


I hope that some country will launch a missile attack on the data center of the system that follows up on deadlines.


ここ2年くらいの間で、体細胞だけでなく、人格も入れ替えしてしまったのではないか、と思うくらいに、私は変わったと思います ―― 後ろ向きに。

I think I've changed so much over the past two years that I've replaced not only my body cells but also my personality - backward.


So it's best not to think that “the current you will continue forever.”

まあ、いい方向に変わる可能性も絶無ではありませんから ―― だらだらと生き続けましょう、お互いに。

Well, there's no guarantee that things won't change for the better, so let's lazily live our lives together.



Mondays make me feel like this, don't they?



I've been spending my weekends locked up in my room, coding and writing, but after two years, I'm about to feel a little suffocated.


The dampers that adjust the height of the chair were starting to lose their effectiveness, so I drilled holes in the metal of the chair's support and screwed in wooden screws to fix the height.


Also, one of the handrails had come loose, so I removed it.


I've been using this chair for over 20 years, so I think it's okay to get rid of it, but I'm still using it after repairing (or modifying) it.


I can get cheap desk chairs from Amazon, so I do not need to keep using them if I don't want to. However, what I find troublesome is the “disposal procedure” and “compatibility issues.”


Although this chair is falling apart, it doesn't make me feel like I have a physical problem (I don't have any back pain, etc.).


In that sense, I have a long history of trust and achievement.


It also takes time to get used to a new chair.


In a word, it's a hassle.



Some people would praise this as an expression of the “spirit of not wanting to waste things,” but I don't believe that continuing to use old things is necessarily a good thing.


All goods have a limited lifespan, and it is clear that buying new goods improves our lives and changes our values. Continuing to use old things after fixing them is a form of mental stagnation.

実際、こういう新しいモノややり方への拘泥(こだわり)が、他の人に迷惑をかけていることも良く分かっています ―― 例えば、町内会とか、PTAとか、お役所の手続きなども、そうです。

I'm aware that my obsession with new ideas and ways of doing things can cause trouble for others, such as in neighborhood associations, the PTA, and government procedures.


(Jump to the column)



We need to try to keep up with new things and trends.


You can't use your age, lack of skill, or unfamiliarity as an excuse. Seniors have to work hard, too.

まあ、それでも、個人の責任の範囲に留まることであるなら、「面倒」を回避することを優先してもいいだろう、とは思うんですよ ―― まあ、「自分の椅子」くらいなら。

Even so, if it falls within the scope of personal responsibility, I think it's okay to prioritize avoiding “trouble”—at least “my chair.”

という訳で、「未来の子供の為に」という言葉を乱用する奴 ―― 例えば、カルト宗教の教祖、国会の質問をする野党議員、町内会のジジイなど ―― を見ていると、私は、非常に不愉快な気分になるんです。


今の私、現在、仕事と大学(いずれも研究)で狂っており(本当に狂っている)、EE Times Jpan殿へのコラム寄稿を休ませて頂いています。

I am currently really into my work and university (both research), so I am taking a break from contributing columns to EE Times Japan.

先日、EE Times Jpan編集部の編集長様より、久々にメールを頂きました。

The other day, I received an email from the editor-in-chief of EE Times Japan after a long time.


I'll skip the details, but the content was 

―― 『江端さんの記事を読んで、自殺を思いとどまった』という連絡が、編集部に届きましたよ

We received a letter from someone who had read Mr. Ebata's article and decided not to commit suicide.



I think the person probably means this column.


(Click to go to the column)


I received a message with the comment, “Ebata-san's serialization helped someone.”


I never know what might help someone, but if my writing has helped save someone's life,

―― 素直に嬉しい

"I am honestly happy."



But I also wonder, “Why doesn't my article (column) save me?” (It's true.)

『抑うつは、運動や、食事改善や、レジャーや、サウナで、改善する』と、本気で思っていて、それを公言していた過去の私を ―― タイムマシンに乗って、半殺しにしてやりたいくらいです。


仕事と大学の地獄が終ったら(終わるのか? 終るよね?)、コラムを再開したいと思います。

I want to start writing columns again when the hell of work and university is over (Will it be over?).

皆様、よろしくお願いします(特に、EE Times Japan編集部の皆様には、"もみて"をしながらのお願いです)。

I appreciate your cooperation (especially with the EE Times Japan editorial team, who are doing their best to keep up with the articles).



I think that many of the crimes committed between 1960 and 1980 were easy to understand in terms of the categories of “poverty,” “ideology,” and “crime syndicate (anti-social group).”


Even at the time, the public (the media) was repeating the claim that they 'couldn't understand,' but I think they could still be thrown into the category of 'those who do things that can't be understood.'


While we can understand the concept of “poverty,” the ideas of “revolutionary fantasy” (for the sake of the happiness of the whole, it is acceptable to trample on the misfortune of a few) and “yakuza” (resolving society's contradictions through illegal acts of violence) are low-level and ridiculous justifications for criminal acts. The people seriously claimed “justice” and “chivalry” for their crimes.


Many people still do this kind of “low-level, stupid self-justification.”


However, this logic does not work for me at all.



My parents were poor and had no education, but they worked hard and raised me as a proper member of society without making any of the above excuses.


Even in an unfavorable environment, without resorting to ridiculous self-justification, violence, or illegal acts, they may have suffered many losses, but this is a perfect example (use case) of how it is “possible” to live an upright life as a human being.


Therefore, I can reject the self-righteousness of extremists, cults, and anti-social groups and condemn any violence or illegal acts.

誠実であることで、得をすることは少ないと思いますが、敬意を得ることはできます ―― まあ、「敬意だけで飯が喰えるか」、と言われると、そうでもないこともあるのですが。

Being sincere doesn't bring you many benefits but earns you respect. When you say, “Can you eat with just respect?” it's not always the case.


Leaving that aside.



The profile of the perpetrators of recent robberies and murder cases has become very difficult to understand. People who do not fall into the abovementioned categories are becoming involved in crimes.


(1) New and disparate values that are removed from the social context (the above “poverty,” “ideology,” and “yakuza”)


(2) The emergence of groups that share values through social networking services



So far, I've talked about a lot of things.


However, I need to add one more thing here.


(3) Understanding of mental health


I think that in many cases, recent crimes have a mental health issue as their background.


It is difficult to say that society as a whole is becoming more understanding of mental health, and I think that there are more and more cases where criminals express their inner struggles through crime.


These motives are difficult to understand because they do not have a straightforward story or purpose, unlike traditional “ideology” or “yakuza.”

ストーリーや目的が理解不能であり、当然カテゴリー化もできない ―― そんな犯罪者に対して、防衛や予防措置を取ることは、不可能です。

It is impossible to take defensive or preventative measures against criminals whose stories and objectives are incomprehensible and cannot be categorized.

大地震に対する防災対策の方が、ずっと簡単です ―― 発生する場所や時間を数値で明らかにできて、そしてその原因も明らかだからです(ただ、大地震は「止めること」ができないですが)。

Disaster prevention measures for major earthquakes are much easier - we can pinpoint the location and time of occurrence and know the cause (although we can't “stop” major earthquakes).


The difficulty with “mental problems” is that they cannot be understood by anyone other than the person themselves, and they cannot be “visualized.”



In response to this issue, the anime Psycho-Pass has introduced the absurd concept of “latent criminals.”


This approach “visualizes” crimes that have not yet occurred.

江端:「というように、『みんなが幸せになること』に潜む矛盾の中でも、特に分かりやすい事例を、一通り網羅的に教えてくれる、大変お得なアニメが『PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス』だ」


I think my university research is also similar to this.


Although the subjects are entirely different, it attempts to “visualize the ‘heart’ that cannot be seen” by “giving it strength.”

もし私の研究が、シビュラシステムの基本原理として採用されるのであれば ―― それはそれで嬉しいと思います。

If my research is adopted as the basic principle of the Sybilla System, I would be delighted.


The fantasy of my notoriety resounding through the ages is a ray of light for me, who has resigned myself to dying in obscurity.



I feel that the influenza and mycoplasma that started at the end and the beginning of the year were more intense than the damage caused by the coronavirus disaster.


Of course, I also know that it is an “illusion.”


During the period when people were asked to stay at home due to the declaration of a state of emergency, we could only learn about serious illness and death from infection through the news. Still, this time, we can feel the effects of the flu.


I'm suffering from being infected and lying in bed.


The people involved are falling one after another, and the scheduled event has been postponed.


Meetings are being held in the absence of the project leader.


Today, Japan is in a situation where we can feel the horror of viral infections.


In addition, the graph showing the increase in the number of infected people, which we have never seen before, makes us nervous.


It seems that anti-influenza drugs are challenging to obtain.



Ebata: “But there's no fear like there was in the first year of the coronavirus pandemic, right?”


Wife: “At the time, there were no effective drugs for Corona, and there was no vaccine to begin with, so we were in a state of fear.”


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Incidentally, this is what the Ebatas looked like at the end of the year.


Me: I was down for four days but could not confirm whether it was a cold or the flu.


Wife: Influenza confirmed by testing equipment → Immediately given anti-influenza medication. Down for two days in reality


Second daughter: unable to obtain a thermometer. Forced to participate in the year-end festival while still suffering from a high fever

―― ことしの風邪/インフルは、『かかったかな?』と感じた時点で、負けが確定


There seems to be no current trend of “the whole nation working together to suppress the spread of the infection,” like in the first year of the pandemic.


I'm writing this diary on the train, and I'd say that roughly 20% of people are wearing masks.



I think that a declaration of a state of emergency is, of course, unnecessary in this case, but as a more fundamental matter,

―― 風邪であれインフルエンザであれ、発病すれば、本当に苦しいぞ

"Whether it's a cold or the flu, if you get sick, it's harrowing."


I want to say that.