
どなかた、現在「マークスの山」を見れるサイトをご存知でしたら、教えて下さい ―― 本を読むのを止めてご連絡を待っています。

今なら、Amazon Primeで見れます。

Now, you can watch it on Amazon Prime.


The following is a spoiler.


It was fun. It was as enjoyable as "Lady Joker."


I told my wife about it, and she watched it in one sitting last night.



I have written before about how "Mark's Mountain" is challenging, and after watching the drama, I now understand why.


There are many characters. This is it.


When more people appear than my brain can handle, I will give up soon.


The "Three Kingdoms" is so bad that it has more than 500 characters.

ドラマ"The Three Kingdoms"がなければ、私は、一生、三国志は理解できないままだったでしょう。

Without the drama "The Three Kingdoms," I would have never understood the Three Kingdoms for the rest of my life.



It would be helpful if novels could also display a character relationship chart in a directory (tree) structure, not to say a diagram...


If it's "Mark's Mountain."


It would help a lot if you could include the categories "prosecutors," "police," "legal professionals," "universities," and "civilians" under the "good guys," "bad guys," and "bad guys but good guys" trees.


Well, from the point of view of the reading public, this may not be very interesting, but systems engineers are object-oriented, object-thinking, and object-preferring.


Also, please write "University of Tokyo" instead of "Gyosei University.


When I told my wife, she said

―― そんなもん、誰が見たって明らかじゃん

"It's obvious to anyone who reads or watches."



But if it is "obvious to everyone," it would be more helpful to me, with my limited brain capacity, if it were described by "the obvious one."




As noted here, Yuji Shibamura states that "Mitsubishi" and "Hitachi" are the only two companies in Japan that are developing robotic weapons (as a fiction).


The development of the "i-illuminator" was taken over by "Toshiba"(?). I would have liked Hitachi to be in charge of developing the "i-illuminator.


I would like to point out that neither Mitsubishi, Hitachi nor Toshiba is engaged in such weapons development, like

―― そんなもん、誰が見たって明らかじゃん

"It's obvious to anyone who reads or watches."



Yeah, it's technically impossible. It's too complicated.


But I do wonder if there might be some who don't think so.


本日の結論は、「『マークスの山』を楽しみたいなら、今なら、Amazon Primeで見れます」となります。

Today concludes that if you want to enjoy "Mark's Mountain," you can now watch it on Amazon Prime.



Can you guess what this is?


This is an instrument for network measurement.


I had done analog measurements because of the hassle of a dedicated measurement system.


To put it bluntly, network measurement across multiple systems is quite cumbersome.


Creating an automated experimental system, however, is even more cumbersome.


In this experiment, the camera was illuminated with LED lights, and the time it took to be displayed was measured with a stopwatch.

で、今、トータルの実験回数をカウントしたら、2000回を越えていて ―― 精魂尽き果てました。

And now, when I counted the total number of experiments, it was over 2,000 -- I ran out of spirit.



Automation" has its own set of risks.


(1) In the middle of an experiment, not realizing that there are unnecessary experimental items, one goes through hell in the tallying process of many experimental results.


(2) Experiment automation leads to many unnecessary experiments, all of which end up in the trash.


like that.

実験は、アナログとデジタルの、バランスと、コストと、リスクを配慮してやらないと ―― 結構、ヒドい目にあいます。

If experiments are not conducted considering the balance between analog and digital, cost, and risk -- you may end up in a bad situation.



アイドルを育成して、市場に提供している会社の社長の死亡に伴い、その社長の「性犯罪」が明かになって社会問題になっています ―― 「性加害」という言葉は、私にはしっくりこないので、私は「性犯罪」と称呼します。

With the death of the president of a company that trains idols and offers them to the market, his "sex crimes" have been revealed -- I will refer to them as "sex crimes" because the term "sexual assault" does not feel right to me.


It is often said that if a person in power does not die, the crimes of that person in power will not come to light.


Because to defy them during the lifetime of those in power puts one's social or physical survival at risk.


However, the dead authority is not otherwise disadvantaged, only disgraced.


Only the victims are left behind.



There are many worlds where not only those in power but also those in authority have to die before they can move.


One of these is the scientific community.

科学というのは、仮説 → 実験 → 検証 → 評価のプロセスのことであり、世俗とは無関係のように思えますが、これが以外にそうでもないのです。

Science is a process of hypothesis, experiment, verification, and evaluation, which seems to have nothing to do with the secular world, but this is not so.


The ones I know of, geocentric theory, evolution, quantum mechanics, and the cosmic Big Bang theory, can be raised.


It is challenging for someone considered a significant expert in their field to advocate new theories unless they have died.

―― 大家の意見に逆らうと、その分野で、干されるから

"If you go against the landlord's opinion, you will be hung out to dry in that field."



―― 干されると、食っていけないから

"If they dry up, they won't be able to eat."



If Darwin had not been an unearned (rich) man who fed on his parents' wealth, the theory of evolution might never have been published to the world.


Even science, whose "selling point" is "objectivity," is this secular.


It is no wonder that people in the entertainment field are disciplined by those in power.



Well, if one asks what is the significance of revealing the actions of those in power who continued to commit such sexual crimes daily and thoroughly criticizing them, I think

―― 同じようなことをする(特権的地位を用いて日常的に性犯罪を繰り返す)、第2の権力者の発生を防止する

"Preventing the creation of a second authority who does the same (uses privileged position to repeat sex crimes routinely)."


Let me put it in one word.



Well, that aside, I have no idea why a corporate entity that had such a routine sexual predator at its head is still in existence.

普通に考えて、法人組織自身による『自主的な廃業』の一択だと思うのですが ―― 私は何か見落しているのでしょうか?

Usually, I think the only option is 'voluntary closure of the business' by the corporate body itself -- am I missing something?

―― 「将来は教師になりたい」という夢を語る若者の全てを、私は「気持ち悪い」と思う



The capabilities of generative AI concerning programming are no longer in doubt.



On the other hand, I have tried illustrations using the generated AI, but it does not produce the picture I want.


Maybe I'm not using it correctly; I want a line drawing representing the concept.


For example,


'A high school student using multiple computers to do market analysis.'


'Me on the train, looking up to the sky with the news of my father's death.'


Parents and Children Scared of Vaccine Intake."

とまあ、こんな1フレーズのオーダに対して、本当に簡単な線図(色も不要)を書き出してくれる ―― そういう生成AIってないものでしょうか。

And well, I wonder if there is such a generative AI that can write out an elementary line diagram (no color required) for a one-phrase order like this.


If you know of any, please let me know.



Well, it is not a time that I wouldn't say I like because I can go blank when I am illustrating, but, in my case, it takes too much time.



They say, "It is important to be objective about yourself."


I thought I knew that 'I am not a particular person.


However, today, after attending a retirement life planning information session,

―― 自分が、道に落ちている石コロの一つである

"I am one of the stones on the road."


I am a little surprised at how unsympathetic I accepted the fact.



I have never thought, "I want to live a shining life.


I have never wanted to 'live a different life' or 'stand out.


I have never had any ambitions to be a role model or to change the world.


It is true.


I want to live a trouble-free life with less heartache and as much peace as possible and die as lacunately as possible.


これからも、できるだけ他の人に影響を与えないように生きていくから ――

I will continue to live my life with as little influence on others as possible--


So, let me alone for things.



過料 ―― 私、これ、特許法の第202~204条の条文でしか知らないのですが、「十万円以下」という金額だけは覚えています。

Non-Penal Fine -- I am only familiar with the text of Articles 202-204 of the Patent Law, but I only remember the amount of "not more than 100,000 yen".


I remember thinking, 'Even I can pay 100,000 yen on the same day.


Moreover, since it is not a criminal penalty, it does not result in a criminal record.


From my research, a traffic ticket is also a form of Non-Penal Fine.



When I heard that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) was planning to petition the Tokyo District Court to impose a "Non-Penal Fine" as an administrative penalty on the Family Association for World Peace and Unification (formerly the Unification Church), I honestly thought, "What?"


Is this a prelude to a dissolution order?


If so, I understand the significance of this Non-Penal Fine.



Again, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (formerly the Unification Church) can continue its religious activities as long as it likes, even after the dissolution order.


Our country guarantees freedom of religion in our Constitution. Religious activities can continue even if the organization loses its status as a religious corporation.


It "only" loses the privileges granted to religious corporations (e.g., tax liability).

法人格を失った統一教会への献金は、―― 例えば、1億円の献金があれば、ざっくりその半分は、日本国の国庫に納められる


Why don't they voluntarily return their religious juridical personality and do whatever religious activities they want?

詐欺まがいの寄付(犯罪)をやるなら、―― 社会問題にならない程度の金額や規模に抑える、という程度の『犯罪の運用・管理』もできないほどに、絶望的にマヌケなんですよ、ヤツら(旧称統一教会)は。


This is the "coolest break with the state" for the former Unification Church.





"120% of energy filling"


I told you this line is the only one I'm afraid I have to disagree with.

宇宙戦艦ヤマト ―― スペックを守らなかった戦士達


In response, I received the following comments from Dr. Shibata, "Shibata the Run over."

====== ここから =====

====== from here =====


This is entirely unrelated to this column, but it is about the past column about the energy fill rate of the wave motion cannon of the Space Battleship Yamato exceeding 100%.


Defining the amount of energy when a phase transition occurs as a cut-off number seems relatively normal.


The freezing point of water is 0°C, the boiling point is 100°C, and so on.


If it were to deliver such high energy as to generate a phase transition in the state of space in the form of a focal point at a distant point, it would be necessary to fill and operate with energy more significant than the minimum reference value of 100 required for a phase transition to generate stable destruction...


I took the liberty of interpreting this like one.

====== ここまで =====

====== To here =====

====== 江端からのリプライ、ここから =====

====== Reply from Ebata, here: =====


If you would like to present the comments I received as a paper,

『宇宙戦艦ヤマト波動砲エネルギー充填120%問題』表現に関する一考察 ―― 新型兵器に関するエネルギー相転移点とエネルギー到達予想地点を考慮した新しい充填概念および単位の提案

A Study on the Expression of "Space Battleship Yamato Wave Motion Cannon Energy Filling 120% Problem" -- Proposal of New Filling Concept and Unit Considering Energy Phase Transition Point and Expected Energy Destination Point for New Weapons


So it is like that. In particular, the idea of the "phase transition point of energy" as 100 is an easy-to-understand indicator.


Then, it would be more realistic if there was a change in the filling rate when attacking the floating continent and when attacking the volcanic zone of the planet Gamilas.

浮遊大陸の場合は138%、 ガミラス星の場合は115%とか。

138% for the floating continent, 115% for Gamilas, etc.

そんでもって、この比率について、沖田と真田と古代が、論争を開始する、と ―― うん、彼らならやりそうです。

And then Okita, Sanada, and Kodai will start arguing about this ratio -- yes, I think they will do it.


The production side will no doubt reject it, but I would like to use it at a later date as a blog post above.

====== 江端からのリプライ、ここまで =====

====== Reply from Ebata to here =====



Singer Masashi Sada sings a song called "Kanpaku Sengen" ("Tyrant declaration "). This song includes the phrase,


"A man who can't do his job should not be able to care for his family."


―― 仕事のできない男に、家庭を守れるはずがない

"A man who can't do his job should not be able to care for his family."


I see...I guess so.


I am not mentally well enough these days to think about such things.


It is said that "two weeks in a row" is the judgment point for starting a psychosomatic visit. It may be about to expire.



By the way, I was a teenager when I heard "Kanpaku Sengen."


I thought it was a gag song, one of Masashi Sada's favorites, but my teenager's wife found it offensive.

―― "ギャグ"の一言では済まされない歌だ

-- A song that can hardly be described as a "gag."


A teenage girl at the time thought that.

21世紀に残したくない曲 100選





I arrived early at New Chitose Airport and wanted to have my flight changed,


"You'll have to cancel your current flight and purchase a new ticket..."


After hearing the explanation, I gave up on the idea.



Getting the change reflected in the company's system takes more time and heartache than the two hours I spent waiting at New Chitose Airport.

『フライト変更による、手続のやりやおし』―― 考えるだけで悪夢です。

Just the thought of having to redo procedures due to a flight change is a nightmare.


It's such a hassle that I think, 'If I go through those procedures, I'm willing to pay for the airline ticket out of my pocket.




I believe that 'conference presentations are like a monologue.

―― ウケて、なんぼ

"'Fun" is the matter."


In the first place, academic conferences are for presenting "research that cannot be understood by anyone other than oneself," so it is presumptuous to expect 100% understanding.


It is OK to say, "We will get a profit if they listen to the whole presentation without getting bored," or "We will be lucky if they ask us questions."



The three years of the Corona disaster were good.

国際学会すら、準備に数時間、発表は半時間でよかったし、発表後のQ&Aも、翻訳エンジンがヘルプしてくれて ―― コスパ最高。

Even at an international conference, I only needed a few hours to prepare and half an hour to present, and the translation engine helped me with the Q&A after the presentation -- It was great cost-performance.

比して、高々30分の発表に、使いにくい社内システムから航空券の予約やって、重い荷物をかかえて、時間を心配して、スマホでチェックインして、ホテルに予約の確認をして、空調管理のスイッチを探し回り、弁当やらノンアルビールやら買い込んで、狭い部屋の中で、発表練習をくりかえしているんだ ――

In comparison, for a presentation of 30 minutes at most, I have to book airline tickets through a difficult-to-use in-house system, carry heavy luggage, worry about time, check in with my smartphone, confirm reservations with the hotel, look around for the air conditioning switch, buy lunch boxes and non-alcoholic beers, and practice my presentation repeatedly in a cramped room.


Seriously, I think "Is it kidding?"

なんで『元に戻そうとするんだ?』。そんなに人間が恋しいか? 私はリモートが恋しいぞ。

Why are you trying to 'put it back together'? Do you miss humans that much? I rather miss the remote.


I'm in Hokkaido for a conference presentation, but I'm not doing any sightseeing and eating a convenience store lunch in my hotel room.


I am not agile enough to simultaneously do work (presentation) and entertainment (sightseeing).



I believe that "conference presentations are like a monologue," so I have to give the best performance possible.


But I guess I am the only one who thinks that way.

