

"The performance of a personal computer (PC) today is the same as that of a supercomputer 20 years ago"


After hearing the story, I did some calculations.

- 2000年以降、PCとスパコンの性能差は、ざっくり1万倍になる


- After 2000, the performance difference between PCs and supercomputers have been roughly 10,000 times

- ムーアの法則「18ヶ月で性能が倍になる」

- Moore's Law "doubles performance in 18 months."


Given that from the information,

2^(x/1.5)= 10000 を解けばいい。

Solve 2^(x/1.5) = 10000.

x = 19.93 年

x = 19.93 years


I see, 'We are all using 20-year-old supercomputers'.


In other words, in theory, as of 2003, weather forecasts and earthquake prediction calculations that were being calculated on supercomputers can be done in your own room.


From my point of view, 'I just have to wait for 20 years'.


Conversely, the cost of development and investment in supercomputers (about 130 billion yen, not including maintenance costs) is in this '20-year leading'.


I don't know what you all think, but I think the cost is generally reasonable.



Between the end of the year and this year, two of my books have sold.


I don't know who you are, but thank you very much for your purchase.


But the total number of books sold has not reached double digits.


I am now keenly aware that 'my needs are not the needs of the world'.



I went through the New Year's Eve, trying the methods described in this book, not getting it to work, and in the process of getting my head around it.


Last year was like this, and I am sure this year will pass like this as well.

とは言え ――



"If I could meet my end like this, with some issue on my mind ――"


I guess that is just like me.


I look forward to working with you this year.





"If you can brainwash me(Ebata) properly, I will be a very strong ally."


This year, I could realize the phrase deeply.



This year I will be working on a study of a thing called "social relational capital".

ソーシャルキャピタル(Social Capital)とも呼ばれているものです。

It is also known as Social Capital.


Social relational capital is a term that refers to the "trust" we have in others, the "norm of reciprocity" expressed in terms such as "give-an d-take, and the "network" that is the bond between people. It produces a 'collective cooperation' that is difficult to appreciate in the marketplace.(*)

(*)出典はこちら https://www.ishes.org/keywords/2013/kwd_id000769.html


Simply put, "social capital" is "neighborhood associations," "Bon dances," and "rice cake pounding contests.



Now that I think about it, I had mentioned this "social relational capital" in my "neighborhood association" talk.


However, I could not imagine myself giving a presentation in front of many university students, saying, "To put it bluntly, 'social relational capital' means 'neighborhood associations,' 'Bon dances,' and 'rice cake pounding contests'.



To begin with, I have not been actively involved in "social relational capital" at all, even if it exists.


In particular, I have criticized the "neighborhood associations" (by old people) radically.


So when I told my wife about this (the research I'm working on), she said


"Is there anyone more unsuited to this field of research (social relational capital) than you are?"



それでも ―― 会社から命令されれば、「社会関係資本」であろうとも、これを「経済」として回せる仕組みについて、調査して、仕組みを検討して、研究をしなければなりません。

Still -- if the company orders me to do so, I must investigate, examine the mechanism, and do research on how we can turn this into an "economy", even if it is "social relational capital".


Because I am just a businessman.


The quickest way to make myself believe something I don't believe is to "put myself in a situation where I am driven to do so.



"If you can brainwash me properly, I will be a very strong ally."

―― と、今年、私が、最大級の批判・非難を展開してきた宗教団体とその構成員の方々に申し上げます。

I would like to tell the religious organizations and their members with my greatest level of criticism and condemnation this year.


―― 死ぬまでに、一度は見に行きたい劇団

―― あいかわらず、時空間コンテンツを扱えば、この劇団は上手いなぁ・・・

で、今日、DVDが届いたのですが ―― 我が家にDVDプレーヤがないことに気がつきました。



Now, here we are.

先程、嫁さんと2人で「きみがいた時間 ぼくのいく時間」を見終えました。

My wife and I just finished watching "The time you were there, the time I'm going"

―― 凄い、素晴しい、見事。あらゆる賞賛の言葉を尽しても足りない

"Amazing, wonderful, brilliant. All kinds of words of praise are not enough"


I almost gave a standing ovation for the TV in the living room.



I happened to be at a business hotel in front of Hitachi Station on a business trip when I started watching this play on a late-night TV program at about 1:00 am.


The play ended at 4:00 a.m. I was too excited to go to bed right away, so I went to bed for three hours and had a meeting at the factory the next day in a daze.


とは言え ――



Remembering those days, I am now convinced that I was not mistaken in my decision at the time, saying, 'Going to bed without seeing this play would not have been an option.


―― 人からのアドバイスは、自分の年齢のとの差分の逆数を乗算して考えると良いですよ

"People's advice is to refer to the reciprocal of the difference between your age's multiplied by the reciprocal of the difference between your age's and your age's."


I would advise you to do so.


For example, if you are 35, you should consider 100% if you are listening to advice from a 34-36 year old.

37歳の人からのアドバイスなら、1/|37-35| = 50%

If the advice comes from a 37 year old, then 1/|37-35| = 50%.

20歳の人からのアドバイスなら、1/|20-35| = 6.6%

If the advice comes from a 20 year old, then 1/|20-35| = 6.6%.

70歳の人からのアドバイスなら、1/|70-35| = 2.8%

If the advice comes from a 70 year old, then 1/|70-35| = 2.8%.


It is good to be aware of this level.


Basically, it's 'don't listen to others'.



There was a time when advice from the elderly was important.


That was a time when there was no IT or iPS cell technology and no need to consider digitization.


Also, older people are very uncomfortable with the idea of a younger generation succeeding at something they once tried and failed at.


In other words, we must remember that advice from the elderly has a negative coefficient (sabotaging the success of others).

なぜ、そう言い切れるか ―― 私自身、「負の係数」を持っているという強い自覚があるからです。

Why can I say that -- because I myself have a strong awareness that I have a "negative coefficient".



When I see news stories about young IT venture CEOs conducting self-driving demonstration tests, etc. I come to think

―― 失敗しやがれ

"Do fail"


I constantly feel me thinking that way.


Because I have failed in the past.

人間の器というのは、思っている以上に「小さい」のです ―― 私だけかもれませんが。

The human vessel is "smaller" than we think --- maybe it's just me.


マンガとかラノベを読んでいると、病的に、男との交際を禁じる父親が頻繁に登場しますが ―― あれ、「フィクション」で「テンプレ」ではないか、と思っています。

When I read manga and novel, I frequently see fathers who, in a pathological way, forbid their children from dating men -- I think that is "fiction" and "tempestuous".


I believe that today's parents would be more concerned about the risk of their children becoming 'people who cannot fall in love in real life'


However, there are many different kinds of parents, so it may not be a "fiction" all together.



I also want my daughters to find a good companion (of the opposite or same sex) and be happy, but whether or not they will be "happy" is very much a matter of "luck," and this is something we cannot control.


If this is the case, then the role of parents in their children's happiness is not to "prohibit dating" but, on the contrary, to "encourage dating" and advise "as many lovers as possible'.


I think I have the figures on marriage and divorce rates in mind for the last decade or so, but I was astonished the other day when I saw the data on marriage activity rates.


The percentage of women who "don't want to get married," rather than "can't get married," has increased alarmingly.


『恋愛、結婚 = 幸せ』は、概ね妥当とされている社会的な考え方ですが、相手が"外れ"の確率は高い(離婚率 4割弱)ですし、我が国の、育児支援システムはボロボロです。

However, the probability that the partner will not be a "good match" is high (divorce rate is nearly 40%), and our country's childcare support system is in shambles.


For example, if we consider the cost-effectiveness of the tax revenue generated by children, those who are raising four children per person should be exempt from the obligation to work and the government should provide them with a full living allowance at a level that would be acceptable (*).


(*) I believe I made a calculation somewhere that the cost-effectiveness would be about 1.4 to 1.5, but I couldn't find it (even though I wrote the column myself).


If you find it, I would be happy to hear from you.


合理的な行動が待機児童問題を招く? 現代社会を映す負のループ:世界を「数字」で回してみよう(50) 働き方改革(9)(6/8 ページ) - EE Times Japan (itmedia.co.jp)




In fact, there are many things that can make us happy, even if they are not childcare, marriage, or love.


And the world is full of content that you will be "unhappy" with childcare, marriage, and love, and in fact the possibility of being "unhappy" is far greater than with other events.


In comparison, there is surprisingly little content on "being happy" in childcare, marriage, and love, and surprisingly little information on "being happy" is disseminated.



Yesterday, I sent the final version of my column summarizing the last 40 years or so of domestic and international research on "happiness" in this area to the editorial board.


You will be able to read it next year.



My family has been buying a single yellowtail (Buri) at the end of the year for about three years.


This year, I ordered a fairly low-priced yellowtail with the condition of "unknown arrival date from December 25-30 and automatic cancellation in case of a poor catch".


And it arrived today.

オーダしたブリは4kgだったけど、それより重かったと思う(全長63cm 厚さ10cm)

The yellowtail I ordered weighed 4 kg, but I think it was heavier than that (63 cm long and 10 cm thick).


It was hard to get the head off, so I had to slam down a knife and cut it down.


I grabbed my wife, who was running away from the demolition work, and had her take these pictures.



Ebata: "In the future, when we murder the men who stalk our daughters and cut off their necks, legs, and arms, there will be more blood. We have to concretize the disassembled body parts, and finally, We have to sink them in Tokyo Bay. Are you ready for it?"


Wife: "Don't worry. I'll do my best then."



I bought a DVD (used) of the theater group Caramel Box on Amazon.

で、今日、DVDが届いたのですが ―― 我が家にDVDプレーヤがないことに気がつきました。

So, the DVD arrived today -- and I realized that I do not have a DVD player in my house.


To be precise, it "is" there, but I can't connect it because the TV I bought this year does not have a VCR interface.


More to the point, there are HDMI->AV converters, but I don't have the reverse direction (AV->DMI), and I know from experience that analog->digital conversion has poor image quality.


It's a hassle, but I think I'll have to rip it from the DVD and show it on my laptop.

Amazon Primeや、NetFlixの弊害ですね。

This is the downside of Amazon Prime and NetFlix.



A law was passed in the current session of the Diet(*) to prevent psychic sales and insane donations by religious groups such as the Unification Church, formerly known as the Unification Church.


This weekend, I was scribbling that content into my next column draft.




I have a request for members of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan.


Could you please provide me with the URL of the amendment that defines "mind control" as attempted by your party (I could not find it).


The ruling party said, 'We can't define it,' but the opposition parties kept saying, 'Define it,' so I am confident that you are at least making a private draft (a springboard).


If there is any reason why you cannot disclose the information, I will not ask you for any reason, and the facts you disclose in secret and only me, will also be kept confidential, so please tell me



Actually, I tried to define "mind control" in the legal text last week, but failed.


I would appreciate your consideration.