





両親には申し訳ないとは思うのですが ―― 多分、息子が社会で活躍して、多くの人から尊敬されることを期待していたと思う ―― けど、私は、もう、誰かや、何かを背負うような生き方は、やめたのです。




















「権力側が銃を持つのであれば、市民側も銃を持つ」というのは、アメリカ合衆国憲法修正第2条(Second Amendment)に明記されています。

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution clearly states that “if the government has guns, then the people should have guns too.”


A well-regulated militia is necessary for a free state's security, and the people's right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed upon.



# この引用が妥当かかどうかは、私も「?」とは思うところがありますが、このまま進めます。

# I'm unsure whether this quote is appropriate, but I'll go on.



Japan's gun control policy is based on the idea that “we do not accept the use of force to seize power from citizens,” and it seems to be a regulation that is highly advantageous to the side in power.


However, in Japan, if a police officer points a gun at someone, it becomes a case, and if they fire, it becomes a significant incident.

また、私が知る限りにおいて、自衛隊が"市民"に向けて武力行使をした、ということもありません("市民"の定義がちょっとキモなんですけど ―― 興味のある人は調べて下さい)。

Also, to the best of my knowledge, the Self-Defense Forces have never used force against “civilians” (the definition of “civilian” is a bit weird - if you're interested, please look it up).



Yesterday, during a lecture on the campus of a university near my house, one of the students swung a hammer and injured eight other students.


This was a significant incident, but at the time, I suddenly thought to myself:

もし、日本に、世界一厳しいといわれる銃規制の法律がなかったとしたら ―― 米国の学校銃乱射事件と同じように、何人もの死傷者が発生していたということだ、と。

If Japan did not have the world's strictest gun control laws, then, just like the school shootings in the United States, there would have been many casualties.


As I thought about this, I started to feel cold.



Whatever the logic or justification for gun ownership, I prefer a society where people are not killed so easily.

―― 「SNSでの誹謗中傷はやめよう」とは言う人はいても、「SNSを使うのをやめよう」と言う人はいない



Incidentally, it seems that the suspect in this case is a student of Korean nationality, but let's not make blanket generalizations about people from a particular country because of this incident.


If you do that, they'll bring up the “particularly terrible guys” from among the Japanese people's past incidents.




My wife believes that “Chushingura is the spiritual pillar of the Japanese people,” she feels a strong sense of crisis that NHK's long-running historical drama series based on Chushingura has not been broadcast in recent years.

というのも、娘たちが、『忠臣蔵? 何それ?』という反応をしたことに、ショックを受けていたことに起因します(と記憶しています)。

This is because she was shocked by the reaction of my daughters, who said, “Chushingura? What's that?” (at least, that's what I remember).


I'm sure you know I've done various studies on the “Chushingura” content, so I'll skip that now.



I had a rather interesting dream last night.


This is a public debate between Oishi Kuranosuke and Kira Kouzukenosuke.


The two would debate directly in the presence of familiar people, in the residence of a third party (a merchant) who was not under the control of the government (the Edo shogunate).


This public discussion aims not to “argue over whose side is right” but to “share information about the background and motives that led to this incident.”


And if it comes to armed action, it is OK.



Chushingura is a work of fiction, but it is one of the most heavily reworked works in Japanese history.


At this point, I don't think any creative work takes the perspective of “a public debate between Oishi Kuranosuke and Kira Yoshinosuke” (I haven't checked).



I'm writing this down now so I don't forget it, but if making this into a movie is challenging, I think it would be good to discuss using Avatar AI bots.


If Oishi Kuranosuke's AI agent and Kira Kouzukenosuke's AI agent were to debate on social networking sites, I think the feasibility would increase.


In addition, I believe various new types of content will be generated in large numbers on the internet using AI agents to represent historical figures.


After all, the subject is a deceased historical figure, so there is no need to worry about fake news or anything similar.


I think it would be an interesting form of new entertainment.

―― という卒論のテーマを提供します。学生の皆様、是非ご検討ください。

I will provide you with a thesis topic. Students, please consider it.



I think this method could be extended to international diplomacy, but it's starting to get complicated, so I guess I'll stop here for today.




If we could listen to music while we move or exercise, the world would change, and we would be happier.


If we can submit documents from home, the world will change, and we will be happy.


If we could watch TV while we're moving or exercising, the world would change, and we would be happier.


If we could watch as many movies as we like for a fixed price, the world would change, and we would be happy.


If we can work from home, the world will change, and we will be happy.


If we can avoid queueing up at banks and government offices, the world will change, and we will be happier.


I see, “The world has changed.” But have “we” become happier?



To be more specific,


If the speed of computers increased 1000 times and the number of cells that Excel could handle increased 10,000 times, then a day's work could be finished in an hour.


Before long, won't we have nothing left to do?



I think it's okay if that happens, and I think it should happen.


So why do I feel like I'm getting more and more suffocated every year, every month, every day?


Security patch warnings, AI ethical standards checks, license compatibility checks, compliance checks, etc.


Of course, I understand that these things are necessary.


However, it is so stifling that I can't find the words to describe it.



In the past, only a few of us could use computers.


Thanks to advances in technology, computers are now accessible to many people. I think that's a very good thing.


However, due to the expansion and development of computer literacy, the problems caused by computers have become something that could shake the very existence of companies and countries.


I don't want to sound pompous by saying things like “technology makes people happy,” but I feel a dilemma where technology is “exacerbating pain.”



One company's (group's) corporate philosophy was “to contribute to society through technology.”

しかし、最近の私は、「技術で社会に貢献する」というフレーズ自体が、怪しいんじゃないか? とか、考えるようになってきています。

However, I have recently started to wonder whether the phrase “contributing to society through technology” is suspicious.


I think that “contributing to society through a cult” is easier to understand (for some people).


Yeah, I think I'm tired after all.

―― なんだ、これなら、「幸せな来世の為に、現世で功徳を尽くせ」と主張している宗教(カルトを含む)の方が、まだマシじゃねーか



As a new employee, I had a boss who was passionate about the idea that “manga and anime are important content that can be used to talk about Japanese people to the world.”


At the time, Ghibli and other companies had already achieved global success, but I never imagined they would become such a massive mass as they are today.

NHKスペシャル 新ジャポニズム 第1集MANGA わたしを解き放つ物語を見ていて、イスラム社会における厳密な性のタブー(はっきり言えば、同性愛です)を、もしかししたらマンガ/アニメが、『ソフトランディング』させるかもしれない、と考えると、ワクワクしてしまいます。

Watching the NHK Special: New Japonism, Vol. 1: Manga - A Story That Sets Me Free, I get excited when I think that manga/anime might be able to 'soft-land' the strict sexual taboos (or, to be clear, homosexuality) in Islamic society.



Incidentally, I also recognize a specific value in “the integration of politics and religions,” which is the opposite of “separation of politics and religions.”


I think that “diverse values” are a good thing, but this is an endless series of feedback, and honestly, it's hard for seniors like me to keep up.


In comparison, it is easy to have a unified set of values. In particular, religious interpretations are difficult to change, and it is cheaper for the government to run the country (“It is very much appreciated by the government that there are not many people shouting about ‘rights’ and ‘human rights’”).

# ちなみに、私が語っている「統一的な価値観」とは「宗教をベースとした原理主義」とか「マルクス・レーニン主義」くらいの単純なもので、非常に狭い範囲であることを、あらかじめご了承下さい("稚拙な知識"の批判は甘んじて受けます)。

# By the way, please note that the “unified values” I am talking about are something as simple as “religious fundamentalism” or “Marxism-Leninism” and that they are very narrow in scope (I will accept any criticism of my “shoddy knowledge”).


However, managing a country based on a unified set of values will continue to hinder the creation of new values. Above all, a unified set of values will work to obstruct my freedom of thought (in a word, the publication of my blog) (“it is certain”). This is a problem for me.



The most widely read book in the world is the Bible.


The second most-read book is “Das Kapital” (I wrote “Doraemon” for this book before, but I will correct it this time).


Both of these books are the two great books that have shaped the world's values.


Then, I suddenly thought about it.

もし、日本のアニメやマンガが、「イスラム」や「共産主義」の思想と共存しながら、ソフトランディングさせるコンテンツになるのであれば ―― それらは「聖書」と「資本論」を超える凄いモノになるんじゃね?

If Japanese anime and manga can become content that coexists with the ideas of “Islam” and “communism” while making a soft landing, then they could become something even more amazing than the Bible and Capital.



Thinking about things like that makes me excited.



I read articles praising Japanese food and immigration to Japan by foreigners with a sense of doubt, thinking, “I wonder if that's true?”.


To begin with, I distrust that these articles are written in “Japanese.”


This means some Japanese people translate blogs and SNS written in languages other than Japanese into Japanese, right?


Then, of course, it is natural that you are 'consciously selecting' the content to be translated.


They write articles like “Banzai Japan” because they receive many hits from Japanese readers.


Also, as a citizen of the country, I think it's natural to be happy when people praise the country I live in.



What I find weird is “balance”.


'Japanese ramen is not something you can eat,' or something like that.


'What kind of inconvenient country is it where you can't even get by in English?', etc.


'The Japanese in anime are entirely different from real Japanese people'.


If articles like that were included, even if it wasn't 50%, if it were around 10%, it would comfort me.


Statistically, there is no way such comments would not exist, and unless I read them, I cannot trust the “Japan Banzai article” either.



However, as mentioned above, articles that mock Japan will not appear. This is because they cannot make any PVs.

上記の仕組みを理解した上で、私たちが「日本スゴイ」の記事を読んでいるなら問題ないのですが ――

If we understand the above mechanism and read articles about “Japan is amazing,” then there is no problem.


In the past, our country won a great victory over the world's strongest military nation (Russia at the time), continued to inflate itself with “Japan Banzai” and “Japan Sugoi,” provoked war with another world's greatest military nation (the United States at the time, with over 50 times the industrial power), and scorched the Japanese land.




What I'm trying to say is that.


"There was a time in our country when we were so carried away by the idea of “Banzai Japan” and “Sugoi Japan” that we ended up making a big mistake."




I saw a question on the Internet that said, “How can I, a 95kg fat guy, get a girlfriend?”.


This may not be the only solution, but I recommend “losing 30kg”.


This is also the opinion of a professional.




It is also clear from statistics that people worldwide see value in dieting.



(Jump to the column)



(Jump to the column)



I recommend dieting because it is feasible.

―― 喰わなければ、痩せる

"If you don't eat, you'll lose weight."


Of course, it is accompanied by considerable pain (hunger is the worst kind of pain), and if you don't control it properly, it can also be harmful to your health.


However, I can't imagine the health risks of returning to a normal weight (x excessive weight loss).



I assumed the questioner meant, “How can I, a 95kg fat man, get a girlfriend?”


(1) I want to make a girlfriend without the pain of losing weight


(2) I want a girlfriend who is not influenced by looks



If his intention is (2) above, it should not be a problem even if she is “a 95kg fat girl”.


If you make an issue of it, I think it's “audacious” of me, too.


The questioner seems aware that the problem is “me, who weighs 95 kg and is overweight."


If so, he should remove that problem and consider the following countermeasure.


This way is the same as debugging a program.


I like people who “recognize a problem correctly but then deliberately turn away from it and shift their focus to another problem.”


Because he is the same as me.



Finally, I will tell you a story that will likely make you feel down.


One of my friends tried to lose weight and succeeded (I checked, and even from my perspective as a man, he looks much better).


However, he realized that 'although he had succeeded in losing weight, nothing had changed at all' and returned to his original weight (the weight he was at before he started dieting).


He showed me brilliantly that “dieting is a good solution, but it is not the only solution.”



There was a posting site called “fj” back then.


In the past, there were heated debates about the pros and cons of “number display notification.”


'Number display notification' is when the other party's phone number is displayed on your smartphone.


Now, you may be thinking, 'What was the point of all that discussion?


So, I'll try to write about it while remembering what happened back then.


(1)プライバシー保護: 発信者の番号通知がプライバシー侵害につながる可能性が懸念された。

(1) Privacy protection: There were concerns that caller ID could violate privacy.

(2)受信者の権利: 受信者の利便性と発信者の匿名性の対立が議論された。

(2) Recipient's rights: The conflict between the recipient's convenience and the sender's anonymity was discussed.

(3)迷惑電話対策: 迷惑電話抑止の利点と偽装番号などの新たな問題が指摘された。

(3) Measures against nuisance calls: The benefits of discouraging nuisance calls and new problems, such as spoofed numbers, were pointed out.

(4)法的・技術的課題: 技術や料金、法整備が利用者の選択肢に影響を与えるとされた。

(4) Legal and technical issues: Technology, fees, and legal developments are said to affect users' choices.

(5)社会的影響: ナンバーディスプレイ普及によるコミュニケーションの変化が懸念された。

(5) Social impact: There were concerns about changes in communication due to the spread of number display.



Nowadays, I find it incomprehensible that the other party's phone number is not displayed, but at the time, there was a concept of 'protecting the privacy of the caller.'

この議論は、「ナンバーディスプレイ通知サービス = 是」とする側が優位だったように記憶しております。

I remember that the side that said “Number Display Notification Service = Good” was in the majority.

理屈はシンプルでして「ナンバーディスプレイ通知 = 非」とする人は、ナンバーディスプレイ通知サービスを使わなければ、それで足るだろう、という理由でした。

The logic is simple: if you don't use the number display notification service, it should be sufficient to set “number display notification = bad.”


However, suppose this is reduced to personal freedom of choice. In that case, there is also the argument that the idea of 'protecting the privacy of the sender' itself will disappear, which is contrary to the public interest, and I think that has a point.


This problem has been passed on differently as the “anonymity of SNS” problem.


There seems to be a debate between the opinions of (1) utterly cashless payment and (2) coexistence with cash payment.


If you investigate this, you will find that both sides have developed persuasive arguments. Please do so if you are interested.



I remember the story of the switch to terrestrial digital broadcasting.

政府は10年も前から、切替を宣言していました(地上デジタル放送への完全移行を2011年7月24日に実施しましたが、この切替計画については約10年前の 2001年 から公知し、その10年間を移行期間としていました)。

The government had been announcing the switchover for 10 years (the complete switchover to terrestrial digital broadcasting was carried out on July 24th, 2011, but the switchover plan had been publicized about 10 years ago in 2001, and the 10 years was set aside as a transition period).


So, about a month before the switch to terrestrial digital broadcasting, the media began to run a campaign against terrestrial digital broadcasting, using older people and people with low incomes as a shield.


Naturally, the government did not respond.


As expected, I thought the government was not to blame.


After all, there was a 10-year transition period. In this case, the saying “if push comes to shove, you can make do by complaining” wouldn't work.


As far as I can remember, this commotion stopped appearing in the news after the switchover, which took place a week or two ago.


It probably wasn't much trouble (or maybe they realized they could manage without a TV).



This year, there has been much fuss about the My Number Card, but I think it will probably be like terrestrial digital broadcasting.



pi@raspberrypi:~$ ifconfig
br0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet netmask broadcast
inet6 fe80::ba27:ebff:fe69:5b65 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link>
inet6 240f:30:a9ce:1:ba27:ebff:fe69:5b65 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x0<global>
ether b8:27:eb:69:5b:65 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
RX packets 10040 bytes 750155 (732.5 KiB)
RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
TX packets 1326 bytes 166549 (162.6 KiB)
TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0

eth0: flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
ether b8:27:eb:69:5b:65 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
RX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)
RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
TX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)
TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0

eth1: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
ether f4:4d:ad:04:49:d5 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
RX packets 11626 bytes 1414469 (1.3 MiB)
RX errors 0 dropped 4 overruns 0 frame 0
TX packets 1326 bytes 166549 (162.6 KiB)
TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0

lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING> mtu 65536
inet netmask
inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 scopeid 0x10<host>
loop txqueuelen 1000 (Local Loopback)
RX packets 6 bytes 234 (234.0 B)
RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
TX packets 6 bytes 234 (234.0 B)
TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0

wlan0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet6 fe80::ba27:ebff:fe3c:e30 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link>
ether b8:27:eb:3c:0e:30 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
RX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)
RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
TX packets 23 bytes 3164 (3.0 KiB)
TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0

eth0 → eth1 の方向に bitrateを500
eht1 → eth0の方向にbitrateを300
で設定したい時、入力するコマンドを、 既存の設定をクリアにするところから教えて下さい


1. 既存のtc設定をクリアする


sudo tc qdisc del dev eth0 root 2>/dev/null
sudo tc qdisc del dev eth1 root 2>/dev/null

2. eth0 → eth1 のビットレートを500kbpsに制限する


sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: htb default 1
sudo tc class add dev eth0 parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 500kbit ceil 500kbit

3. eth1 → eth0 のビットレートを300kbpsに制限する


sudo tc qdisc add dev eth1 root handle 1: htb default 1
sudo tc class add dev eth1 parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 300kbit ceil 300kbit

4. 設定確認


sudo tc -s qdisc show dev eth0
sudo tc -s qdisc show dev eth1

5. オプション: 遅延やパケットロスを追加する場合


eth0 → eth1 に遅延を追加(例: 50ms)

sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:1 handle 10: netem delay 50ms

eth1 → eth0 にパケットロスを追加(例: 10%)

sudo tc qdisc add dev eth1 parent 1:1 handle 10: netem loss 10%
