The world of technology is a strange world where
(1) if you don't run at the front, you lose
(2) if you do run at the front, you lose
Firstly, “(1) If you don't run at the front, you lose” is a reality that companies that survive on technology cannot survive unless they continue to take on new technology boldly.
I think the example of Apple in the smartphone market is easy to understand.
Apple announced the iPhone in 2007 and took control of the smartphone market.
Until then, Nokia and BlackBerry had dominated the mobile phone market. However, by introducing a new UI centered around touch screens and creating an app store ecosystem, they were able to develop a new market and seize the opportunity to dominate it by leading technological innovation.
In fields where technology is evolving rapidly, we will be left behind in the market if we don't keep up.
For example, Japanese home appliance manufacturers used to be strong in the LCD TV and smartphone markets. However, they have not adapted to new technological trends, and overseas manufacturers have dominated the market.
Next, “(2) If you run at the front, you lose” refers to the reality that if a new technology can't become the industry standard, you'll have to adopt the latecomer's technology, which will result in throwing away the money you invested in advance.
Google Glassの失敗が挙げられるかと思います。
I think the failure of Google Glass can be cited.
Googleはウェアラブルデバイスの未来を見据えて、2013年にGoogle Glassを発表しましたが、市場はまだその技術を受け入れる準備ができておらず、プライバシーの問題などもあって普及しませんでした。
Google announced Google Glass in 2013 with an eye to the future of wearable devices. Still, the market was not yet ready to accept the technology, and it did not become popular due to privacy concerns.
As a result, Google has ended this project for the time being and is continuing it in a way that keeps pace with the later AR glasses and VR markets.
The most famous case that Japanese people know of is Sony's Betamax.
Betamax was technically superior to VHS but failed to gain industry-standard status and was ultimately defeated in the market.
This famous case made Japanese engineers realize to the bone marrow that even if we are technically ahead and cannot create a trend for the whole industry, we will not be able to win the competition.
昨日も記載しましたが、私は、PostgreSQL + PostGISを使い倒しています(日本一のヘビユーザではないか、と自負しています)。
As I mentioned yesterday, I use PostgreSQL + PostGIS to the full (I'm proud to say that I'm probably the biggest PostGIS user in Japan).
If there were a high-speed database, I would be tempted to jump at the chance, but here is the reality of (1) “If you don't run at the front, you lose” and (2) “If you run at the front, you lose” stands in the way.
No matter how good the database is, if other people can't use it, the simulator I made incorporating it will gather dust and completely disappear after my death.
まあ、それはそれで良いのですが ―― 開発現場の人間の一人としては、世界中の人が使っているデータベースは、問題が発見しやすく、トラブル対応が早くすむ、という利点は見逃せません。
Well, that's O.K., but as someone working in development, I can't ignore the advantages of a database that is used by people all over the world, such as the fact that it makes it easier to find problems and respond to issues quickly.
RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory と言われます。
Well, as someone working in the field of technology, I'm wondering how to deal with the two opposing ideas of “(1) If you don't run at the front, you lose” and “(2) If you run at the front, you lose”, and I think the answer is
―― 『デカイ技術革新』の一発勝負ではなく、『セコイ技術革新』のチマチマした継続
'Rather than a single shot at a “major technological innovation,” a steady continuation of multiple “minor technological innovations”'
This is the same process as when thinking about a patent specification.