

I was working on YouTube, playing clips from NHK's epic drama series.


It sounds good to say "warring feudal lords," but I now realize that they are antisocial forces (gangs, etc.) after all.


Well, it is a malicious view.


First, there is no concept of the "rule of law," so it is no wonder that "violence" has been the only means of governance.


However, if I dare to look at this from the rule of law perspective, it goes like this.


- A Sengoku Daimyo is a "yakuza boss," and a princess is a "Sis."


- The helpless people who are not part of that yakuza group are always the victims of genocide, humiliation, and robbery.


- What could have opposed the yakuza called "daimyo" would have been the "armed religious cult group" called the Ippou Brotherhood.


In general, NHK's historical dramas can be summed up as dramas depicting the lawless days of antisocial forces with no other means of mediating their interests than "violence.


例えば、関ヶ原の闘い(1600年)とは ―― 、

For example, the Battle of Sekigahara (1600) --,


- Not the Tokugawa family, but with the Kanto designated gang "Tokugawa-gumi" and its subordinate gangs,


- Not the Toyotomi family, but some administrative bureaucrats (the Ishida clan), led by the Mouri clan, a Shikoku-designated gang, who saw merit in the survival of the "Toyotomi clan" rather than the Toyotomi family,


Armed power struggle between the above two forces.


It is easier for me to grasp that.



With this in mind, it seems to me that the current operation of what is called "democracy" or "rule of law" is a "miracle."

これが続くといいのですが ―― いえ、私の生きている間だけで十分です。

I hope this continues -- no, it is enough for my lifetime.


What happens after I die is not my concern.

政治に興味のない方、特に、若い世代の方は、今日も"Stay Home"で、投票はボイコットしましょう。


『旧統一教会が会見で“おわび” 補償原資として最大100億円国に』という記事を見ました。

I read an article titled "Former Unification Church apologizes at a press conference, " which says up to 10 billion yen to be used as compensation. "


I lost my mind then and wrote a "fiery" manuscript using the "most powerful phrases" I could think of.


However, this has disappeared (no, by mistake, I overwrote it).


This may be the curse of Bunshinmei. If so, it is quite a curse.


Maybe he's the one behind my recent mental breakdown. Yeah, it must be.


Well, let's put that aside.


『旧統一教会が会見で“おわび” 補償原資として最大100億円国に』という記事を読んで、気がついたことがあります。

I noticed something when I read an article titled "Former Unification Church apologizes at a press conference, says up to 10 billion yen to be used as compensation."


So far, I have examined and released the following topics: (a) the Unification Church's unique and novel interpretations, (b) the Unification Church's doctrines, (c) the methods used to keep people from leaving the church, and (d) the Unification Church's concept of "psychic sales.


However, I noticed the "cash flow of Unification Church" was left out entirely.


This time, thanks to the message of the former Unification Church, I realized this point of view.


I am an engineer who infers them from a few data and evidence, using data analysis techniques, simulation Fermi estimation, etc.


And I am the author of the series "Let's Turn the World "By the Numbers."

旧称統一教会のキャッシュフローの推定 ―― これこそ、私の面目躍如となりましょう。

Estimating the cash flow of the former Unification Church -- this is what I will face.



I would guess the amount of cash flow from a small amount of numerical data using logic that makes sense, but I think I would make numerous numerical result errors.


So, I hope that the finance, accounting, and accounting staff of the former Unification Church will criticize my calculation process and logic and submit the correct amount for correction.


Regardless, this "10 billion yen" has become a landmark figure in the writing of this column.


If the company has a corporate status, I assume that financial reports are available, and I can request information based on a Freedom of Information request.


This will create a win-win-win relationship between the old name Unification Church, the public, and me.



I look forward to your cooperation.


Incidentally, "10 billion yen" may seem like a lot of money to the average person. Still, since the lifetime annual salary of a salaried worker is said to be 200 to 300 million yen, the amount is less than "only 50 people.



By the way, I'll leave you with my conversation with ChatGPT.


"What is the lifetime income per salaryman in Japan?"


"Say it in monetary terms."


"I'm not asking you to take responsibility for your answer. Just say clearly that it is XX billion yen."


After questioning ChatGPT, it confessed, 'It is said to be about 200 to 300 million yen.


We can 'push' ChatGPT to 'come clean.'



I, lately, have been using YouTube viewing for most of my math and statistics studies.


For traffic engineering, I'm listening to a lecture at an Indian university (a bit painful, but I can manage with the material).


The expense of purchasing specialized books can be considerably reduced, and they are much easier to understand than technical books.


For example,


- Nobiyori Takumi (YouTuber) helped me calculate the Dijkstra calculation method.

■アイシア=ソリッド(Aicia Solid)さんには、因子分析のプログラミングで助けて貰いました。

- Aicia Solid helped me with the programming of the factor analysis.



Nobiyori Takumi (YouTuber) said some fun things here.

『渋谷に集まってサッカーの応援している人たち ―― オフサイド知りません (会場から笑い)』

People who gather in Shibuya to cheer for soccer -- don't know about offsides (laughter from the audience).


(The ticker states, "*Includes yellow card level prejudice.")


Please replay and listen to the story before and after this one.


What is an important point is


"Understanding is not everything in academia. It is also important to "want to support" the person absorbed in the subject."





- I want to support my "second daughter," who dances yosakoi all over Japan in a university club while earning money for travel expenses through a part-time job.


- That approach sounds dangerous, but I want to support young researchers bold enough to take on this challenge.


(Anyone who says to a young researcher, 'That kind of research is meaningless,' I have killed him a hundred times in my head.)




I want to support "me," who is desperately working hard on the columns and coding I want to do, even if I am taking precious time out of my life for research that will not bring a single millimeter of benefit to the world.


In other words, I like people who are "crazy" about something and want to support them (including myself).




I was lecturing on the "invoice system" in my company's E-Learning program, so I used ChatGPT to prepare.


"Please explain the invoice system as simply as possible."


"Explain the invoice system using a familiar, concrete example."


"List the advantages and disadvantages of the invoice system."



My understanding:


"This is an attempt to visualize cash flow in Japan, not at the arterial level but at the capillary level."



This system seems to be effective in preventing tax evasion.


However, it will likely be cumbersome and enormously costly for businesses and consumers.

そして、研究員としての私は ――

And I, as a researcher--


As a struggler analyzing human behavior patterns with numbers on a computer every day, I am very interested in the data that the invoice system will provide.


However, it is doubtful that we can get such data released as open data.


At the very least, I believe the government will provide statistical data.


Aside from that.



As a standard citizen, I believe 'I am willing to go to any lengths to evade taxes...or rather, to save taxes.'


I have also done the proper tax returns for my now-deceased father and mother.


I made no false declarations, but I was prepared to arm ourselves with the proper logic regarding necessary expenses and others.


Then, when I could get a refund or reduce the amount in the system, I would shout a battle cry of "I won!"

『市井の小市民の、ささやかな権力との闘争』と言えば、―― まあ、そうとも言えるかもしれません。

If you call it "a petty struggle against power by a small citizen," - well, you could say that.




I remember writing once that 'I have no need for approval, but I can't stand being recognized as incompetent.



So, this is my standard of evaluation of others.

(1)私、そもそも他人の人格に興味がない → 他人の自己アピールには興味がなく、他人を承認プロセスがない。

(1) To begin with, I am not interested in other people's personalities → I am not interested in other people's self-promotion, and I have no approval process for others.

(2)私、他人の能力に興味がある → モノやコトを完成できる人に(過剰に)敬意を示す

(2) I am interested in other people's abilities → I show (excessive) respect to those who can complete a thing or thing.



It's nothing.

『自分の価値観 = 他人から見られる価値基準』ということです。

It means 'my values = the standard of values others see.'


I know you might say, "What are you talking about now, Ebata?" but this was quite a discovery for me.


"Eureka!" I'm about to run naked through the streets.



As you may know, I have been feeling depressed lately due to various duties and deadlines.


I kept thinking about why I was in this situation, and the result was that I was frightened by 'the fear that others may have certified me as incompetent.


Criticisms of others come back like boomerangs, just as they are, as values that bind you.

自分で自分に刃(やいば)を突き刺さないためには、人に刃(やいば)を向けてはダメです ―― が、私については、完璧に手遅れです。

In order not to stab yourself with a knife, you should not point it at others -- but as for me, it is perfectly too late.


I have a "knife" lying everywhere in my blog.



This proves I have been sorting others by "usefulness" and "uselessness."


I think I am a regular 'jerk.'


Still, I don't think of it as 'I hate myself.'




'I did everything in my power, but I didn't quite reach (what I consider to be) my goal. But, well, that's okay then.'

と、心の底から本気で思うようにならないと ――

If you have to be serious about it


Your knife will be thrust into you.


It is really.



Since last night, I have been running a GA (Genetic Algorithm) program for a solution search of 1600 integer digits (solution combinations are 2.25x10 to the 1118th power).


As a result, this 1600-digit solution search took about 20 minutes to complete.


For me, GA is no longer a research subject.


In my mind, the phase of creating this "holy sword" called GA ended 30 years ago.


Now, I am picking up "holy sword (=GA program)" from the net and using it in several places with appropriate modifications.



However, when I started to turn the GA algorithm, I heard a strange noise that I had never heard before from the PC.


The fan starts running at full power, and the PC chassis temperature rises sharply.


It is to the point where I am afraid that my PC will break.



Therefore, we decided to port the program to a PC for gaming, which we had purchased as a dedicated calculation machine, to perform calculations.


As you would expect from a PC with high-performance specs.


The machine seemed to be able to solemnly perform many calculations without generating such unusual noises.


So, this time, I tried to calculate the solution with 16000 digits, ten times the number of digits of the original 1600 digits.


I couldn't calculate the solution space with my calculator, so I asked ChatGPT, and the answer was


"This is a huge number, with thousands of digits. When dealing with this number for practical purposes, we usually use logarithms and other mathematical techniques to deal with approximations and digits."

と言われて、逃げられました ―― まあ、ChatGPTが逃げることは、結構あります。

ChatGPT got away with it -- well, it is pretty common for ChatGPT to get away with it.



Come to think of it, I try to keep my ChatGPT sessions going by setting the alarm to go off in 40-minute increments so that I can ask questions regularly.


So, every 40 minutes, I ask ChatGPT a trivial question.


For example, I asked ChatGPT


"List the problems that would arise if an illegal armed group were to be formed to rescue the abductees and then recapture them by force."



ChatGPT had an exemplary answer, like a government answer (try it if interested).


Now, let's return to the main subject



At any rate, there is no doubt that the solution space of a 16,000-digit solution will be so large that it will transcend even the cosmic level.


I tried to force this calculation, but it could not be done in 20 minutes.


Last night, I went to bed with my computer running.


However, last night, I was awakened by a terrible noise (for about 2 seconds) from that gaming PC.


Twice, too.


The gaming PCs have also screamed," I thought.

それでも、今朝、コンピュータ端末を見て、PCが解を発見していることが分かったときは ―― さすがの私も目を疑いました。

Still, when I looked at the computer terminal this morning and found that the PC had found the solution -- as expected, I couldn't believe my eyes.

―― GAって、本当に凄いな

"GA is awesome."


I realized that.


Well, I am greatly helped by the fact that high-performance PCs allow me to do some pretty crazy calculations.



By the way, this is the number of solution spaces that can be obtained with this program. If you are interested, please go ahead.

package main

import (

func main() {
    // big.Int型の変数を作成
    base := big.NewInt(5)
    exponent := big.NewInt(16000)
    // 結果を格納する変数を作成
    result := new(big.Int)
    // べき乗を計算
    result.Exp(base, exponent, nil)
    // 結果を出力


Introduction to AI Technologies-3rd(handout)_Mar_17_Ebata




I thought

―― 増税メガネ

"Tax hike spectacle guy"


Does it against the current PM not fall into the category of "bullying"?


If "bullying" is a balancing act against power, then, of course, "tax hike spectacle guy" is not "bullying.



I asked chatgpt and was told the following.


Bullying is "repeated harassment or hostile behavior perpetrated by an individual or group of individuals against another individual. This behavior intends to inflict psychological, physical, or social harm and is often characterized by an imbalance of power."


Okay, if it is "characterized by an imbalance of power," then "Tax hike spectacle guy" would not qualify as "bullying.


After all, the Prime Minister is the head of the executive branch and is effectively considered the highest authority in Japan.



Suddenly, the topic turns to my hobby of reading; I sometimes think that


In the "My Youth Love Comedy is Wrong as I Expected," the main character, Hachiman Hikigaya's daily behavior towards his friend (and the main character denies it), Yoshiteru Zaimokuza, is not "bullying"?



We cannot perceive this as "bullying" because Yoshiteru Zaimokuza is not "portrayed as a character being bullied" in the content.


However, suppose this is judged solely based on objective circumstances, ignoring the storyline and plot. In that case, it should be 100% certifiable that Hachiman Hikigaya is the "bullying perpetrator," and Yoshiteru Zaimokuza is the "bullying victim".


Of course, if you worry about such things, you will not enjoy any content.


That said, I believe there is a "scary pitfall" here.


In other words, by burying themselves in stories and daily life, they carry out "bullying" without recognizing themselves as "bullies" and drive the victims of "bullying" into a corner.


This is the reality of bullying.


Did you ever think that Yoshiteru Zaimokuza is only "teased" and not "bullied"?


This is a standard line of the "bullying" guys.



I am a senior citizen old enough (and twisted sufficiently) to have noticed this.


I would like to ask you, teenagers, or any of your young readers or viewers,


I wonder how many people have come up with the idea of "My Youth Love Comedy is Wrong as I Expected," the main character, Hachiman Hikigaya's daily behavior towards his friend (and the main character denies it), Yoshiteru Zaimokuza, is not "bullying" ?"




If you have never been able to come up with this, you are fully capable of being a "bullying perpetrator."


On the contrary, you may be a party to an ongoing "bullying perpetrator.

―― うちの父親が、「やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている」が凄い、って言っていた





In this journal entry, I wrote the following

===== ここから =====

===== From here =====


But why would they put the live press conference on the 7:00 (7:00 p.m.) NHK news?


About the cabinet reshuffle, I only need to know the results. A summary of the press conference is sufficient.


Having NHK commentators explain it to me for an overview is sufficient.


The Ebata family eats dinner in time for the 7:00 news, so these "boring" press conferences that last over an hour are "very annoying," to say the least.


But why would they put the live press conference on the 7:00 (7:00 p.m.) NHK news?

==== ここまで ====

===== To here =====


Today, the Prime Minister's press conference started at 6:15 p.m.


In other words, they have stopped "bumping the press conference to the 7:00 (19:00) NHK news.

―― 私の発言って、結構影響力があるんだな

"I guess what I say has a lot of influence."


I was the one who thought for a moment.


I'm very much mistaken, though.


There may have been too many angry people to get angry by the conflict between the Prime Minister's press conference and the 7:00 (7:00 p.m.) NHK news.


Or, this avoidance may be a coincidence.



In any case, the 7:00 (7:00 p.m.) NHK news hour is a valuable 30-minute wrap-up of what happened that day for me.


The content of the press conference is important, but Gaza, Ukraine, the strong yen, prices, exchange rates, and other matters now are equally important to me.


Please do not take my time without my permission.



If the government bumps the prime minister's press conference live at that time, NHK should record the live broadcast and turn it over to another time.


If NHK continues the same "flattering" of the government (the prime minister), I will rehash this story and criticize NHK repeatedly.


NHKの番組「笑わない数学 虚数」の前半3/4をスキップして、虚数の説明が行われるところから視聴しました。

I skipped the first 3/4 of the NHK program "Mathematics without Laughter: Imaginary Numbers" and watched it from the point where imaginary numbers are explained.


'Hmmm, I am afraid that's the explanation after all.'


I was a little disappointed.


No, of course, it is "very good" as a program.


However, I think it may be a bit harsh to offer the "Schrodinger equation" as an explanation of how imaginary numbers have entered our lives.


For example, if I were to ask myself if I could get my daughters or my wife to understand the Schrodinger equation using the following board, I would think, 'Well, that would be impossible.


It seems futile to say, "It's just like the equation of motion for a spring."



I wonder if it could be explained in terms of 'imaginary numbers are a handy tool.


Isn't it impressive that we can express the quadrature operations of multiple trigonometric functions with different phases and frequencies using only "i" expressions?


Not? No-no.


I use it crudely to say, "Whenever I am at a loss for a calculation, I just try to apply them to Euler's formula.



My recommendation is "An imaginary number is a 90-degree rotation," described here.


And so, the second half of this description (the conversation with the second daughter) is an example of the appearance of imaginary numbers in the real world.



I hope that "imaginary numbers are a useful tool to be used and put to good use" will become widespread.


However, since our country is so irregular in devising the "no trigonometric function needed" theory, I feel that it will not work for the next 100 years (or even 100 years from now).

―― いろいろ言っているけど、要するにお前ら、三角関数が嫌いなだけだろ……!



After repeated heavy use of my ChatGPT (free version), ChatGPT has finally stopped responding (at this point, I am not sure if this is the cause or not).


This is why I joined the paid version of ChagGPT ($20/month).


I got my wife to pass the budget by saying, 'I can't think of operations and graduation without the help of ChatGPT.


I am not confident writing English (columns and articles) without "Grammarly (paid version)," and I pay for AWS (lightsail) and a provider for kobore.net.


But without these, my daily life would not be possible.



We are acutely aware that the scope of exploitation by IT/AI is expanding every day.


Worse, the contribution of IT/AI to me is 'immense'.


Still, the above total monthly amount is less than the cost of one drink at the office.


In comparison, the contribution of paid IT/AI to me is no less than 100 times that of a drinking session.

例えば、飲み会で「PDゲームと保証ゲームの違いは何ですか?」に、スラスラと答えられる同僚 ―― あなたにはいますか?

For example, do you have a colleague at a drinking party who can slur my answers to "What's the difference between PD games and guarantee games?"


(Aside from the "Do you talk about game theory at a drinking party? )



The Day Ebata Lost to AI.


It is difficult to define "when" that is.


For now, I would like to define the day (yesterday) when I started paying $20/month to ChatGPT as its starting date.
